[PDF] ii French Naval Sculpture under the Ancien Régime (1650-1789

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ii French Naval Sculpture under the Ancien Régime (1650-1789

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French Naval Sculpture under the Ancien Régime


Ronald Portanier

A Thesis

In the Department


Art History

Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy (Art History) at

Concordia University

Montreal, Québec, Canada

June 2018

© Ronald Portanier, 2018




This is to certify that the thesis prepared

By: Ronald Portanier

Entitled: French Naval Sculpture under the Ancien Régime: How its Artistic Practice was Governed by its Functional Purpose, its Stylistic Form and its Allotted Space as and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


complies with the regulations of the University and meets the accepted standards with respect to originality and quality.

Signed by the final examining committee:

______________________________________________ Chair

Dr Kathleen Vaughan

______________________________________________ External Examiner

Dr Stéphane Roy

______________________________________________ External to Program

Dr Govind Gopakumar

______________________________________________ Examiner

Dr Jean-Philippe Uzel

______________________________________________ Examiner

Dr Catherine Mackenzie

______________________________________________ Thesis Co-Supervisor

Dr Jean Bélisle

______________________________________________ Thesis-Co Supervisor

Dr Cynthia Hammond

Approved by: _______________________________________________________

Dr Kristina Huneault, Graduate Program Director

Monday, September 10, 2018 __________________________________________

Dr Rebecca Duclos, Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts



French Naval Sculpture under the Ancien Régime (1650-1789)

Ronald Portanier, Ph.D.

Concordia University, 2018

French naval sculpture under the ancien régime was a significant form of art and

architecture that has left almost no trace of its existence. It can however be understood, despite the

scarcity of extant objects, by exploring the agents and factors that animated its production, which were legion. These agents and factors in turn were contingent on the intended function of the sculpture, which was tied to: the type and purpose of the warship; the symbolic meaning attributed determined by the allotted sculptural space of the hull. Analysis of these criteria will permit greater understanding of what I am calling the production network that surrounded, inhibited, and advanced French naval sculpture as an art form, and how certain rules, which were instrumental in the design and execution of the sculptural composition, conformed to the policy of Versailles at the time. In this dissertation I accomplish this analysis and further this understanding of an important yet under-studied aspect of French art and architecture through careful assessment of the few artefacts on display in naval museums and archival documents. This made it possible to define the production network that governed the practice of naval sculpture and those internal and external agents whose instrumentality ensured its continuation for almost two centuries. iv


I am indebted to my program supervisors Professor Emeritus Jean Bélisle and Dr Cynthia Hammond and the valuable guidance they provided, as well as to Dr Catherine MacKenzie of Concordia University and Dr Jean-Philippe Uzel of the Université du Québec à Montréal as members of the supervisory panel. I also wish to thank Dr Martine Acerra who was my supervisor during my internship at the Université de Nantes and equally provided the valuable guidance I needed. I likewise wish to thank Colonel Antoine Boulant and Captain Benoit Lagarde who made available the archival documents of the Service historique de la Défense during my research in France. My appreciation also goes to Dr Kristina Huneault who as the Graduate Program Director in Art History supported my application for the doctoral program at Concordia University and to the Concordia University Faculty of Fine Arts for the 2016-

2017 Faculty of Fine Arts Fellowship Award.


Dedicated to Audrey von Restorff


Table of Contents

List of Tables & Flow CharPV (PNHGGHG LQ POH 7H[P"""""""BBBB......... viii ILVP RI HPMJHV $ŃŃRPSMQ\LQJ POH 7H[P"""""""""""""""B ix

1RPHQŃOMPXUH"""""""""""""""""""""""BBBBBBBBB xxiii

Prologue"""""""""""""""""""""""""""B xxvi

HQPURGXŃPLRQ""""""""""""""""""""""""."" 1

FOMSPHU 2QH 5HIOHŃPLRQ RQ POH 7OHPH RI POH 7RSLŃ""""""""""BB 32 Chapter Two: The Production Setup of French Naval Sculpture"""""BB 78 Chapter Four: The Evolution of the French Ship-of-the-Line"""""BBB" 195 Chapter Five: Factors that Directed the Composition of Naval 242

Review and Conclusion"""""""""""""""""""""BB 279

Bibliography 5HIHUHQŃHG LQ POH 7H[P""""""""""""""""B 294

Appendix One: ³6HŃUpPMLUHV G

ePMP j OM 0MULQH VRXV O $QŃLHQ UpJLPHB´""." 306 Appendix Two: Wax Models of Naval Decoration from the Dockyards of La Marine""""""""""""""""""""""""."BB 308

1MYMOHV GX 5RLB´""""""""""""""""""""""""

Appendix Four: Naval Shipyard Master Sculptures and Master Painters from the 1690s to the 1790s""""""""""""""""""B"BB 311
Appendix Six: ³IHV FMIILHUL VŃXOSPHXUV HP IRQGHXUV ŃLVHOHXUVB´"""""" 319 vii Appendix Seven: Warships built during the Reign of Louis XIV"""""B 324 Warships built during the Reign of Louis XV"""".." 328 Warships built during the Reign of Louis XVI"""""BB 331 Appendix Eight: Classification of Canadian Built Warships""""""" 334 Appendix Nine: Composition of Sculptural Drawings for Warships Launched during the Ancien Régime"""""""""""""""."B 336
Appendix Ten: The Shipcarving Workshops of the Ports"""""".""B 347 Images Accompanying the Text""""""""""""""""."" 348 viii

List of Tables & Flow Charts Embedded in the Text

Title Page

No. IM\RXP RI POH 5HVHMUŃO )UMPHRRUN """"""""""""""""""". 25


The Production Network of Seventeenth & Eighteenth Century French Naval

6ŃXOSPXUH """""""""""""""""""""""""""""BB

Set-8S IRU POH 3URGXŃPLRQ RI 1MYMO 6ŃXOSPXUH """""B"BBB................................. 80 Step FOMQJHV LQ +XOO GHVLJQ 6OLIPV LQ 6P\OH """""""""B"""""B. 126 Naval Shipyard Organizational Structure According to the Decree of 1689BBB""" 139 Naval Shipyard 2UJMQL]MPLRQMO 6PUXŃPXUH $ŃŃRUGLQJ PR POH GHŃUHH RI 1776""."BB 141 The Three Streams of Evolution of Naval Sculpture...""""""BBBBBBBBBBBB............ 192 Hierarchy for doing the Sculptures of the Royal-Louis of 1668 MP 7RXORQ""""BB 215 Royal-Louis Builds by Configuration, Fire Power & Sculptural Decoration.............. 239 Survey of the Given Names of Warships Built during the Ancien Régime""""BB 255 Average Yearly Warship Construction from 1688 to 1793""""""""""BB 258 Analysis of the Signs & Symbols in the Sculptural CompositionsBBB"""BBBBBBBBBB..... 270 ix

List of Images Accompanying the Text



Refers to

Page No.



(b) ³5RPMQ JMUVOLSB´ HOOXVPUMPLRQB 0X]HR 0MULPPLPX 9LPPRULRVM 0MOPa. Ń ³9LNLQJ GUMNNMUB´ 5HGXŃHG VŃMOH PRGHOB 60 x 20 x 65 cm. Nain Hochwertige Schiffsmodelle. https://www.nain-schiffsmodelle.ch. (d) ³Tapisserie de BayeuxB´ Musée de la Tapisserie de Bayeux. Bayeux.




Naval Encyclopedia. https://www.naval-encyclopedia.com/medieval-ships.

5, 148

3. Hendrick Cornelisz Vroom (1566-16D0B ³7OH $UULYMO RI )UHGHULŃN 9 RI POH

Palts in May 1613´ 1623. Oil painting. Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem,


6, 121

4. Anonymous. Album de Colbert. Hubert Berti Ed. Nice: Omega, 1988. Plate

50. Plate 48.

7, 46, 83,


Chapter One:

5. Pierre Redon (worked 1530-62). ³Morion et écu de Charles IX. Fer

Louvre. Paris.


6. Giovanni Paolo Negroli (1513-69). ³Cuirasse. Acier, cuivre et cuirB´ 1540-45.

Musée du Louvre. Paris.


7. Anonymous. ³Plastron de cuirasse. Acier, or et argent.´ 1580-85. Musée du

Louvre. Paris


8. Anonymous. ³Armure offerte au roi Louis XIV après la conquête de

FlandresB´ About 1670. Image of wrought metal decorated with engraving. 35

9. Attributed to Charles Le Brun (1619-90) ³Louis XIV, roi de France et de

Navarre (1638-1715)B´ About 1662. Oil on canvas. 68 x 57 cm. Château de



10. Maurice Quentin de La Tour (1704-88) ³Portrait de Louis XV de France

(1710-74). Pastel sur papier gris-bleu collé en plein sur une toile tendue sur châssisB´ 1748. 60 × 54 cm. Musée du Louvre. Paris. 35

11. Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659-1743). ³Louis XIVB´ 1701. Oil on canvas. 277 × 194

cm. Château de Versailles.

36, 114,


12. Louis-Michel Van Loo (1707-71). ³Louis XVB´ 1750. Oil on canvas. 198.3 ×

142.5 cm. Château de Versailles.

36, 114,


13. Antoine-François Callet (1741-1823). ³Louis XVIB´ 1779. Oil on canvas. 278

× 196 cm. Château de Versailles.

36, 114,

Peinture et de SculptureB´ 1663. Oil on canvas. 1.41 × 1.85 m. Châteaux de


36, 134,

187, 268

15. Jacques Dumont le Romain (1701-81). ³Allégorie en l'honneur de la

canvas. 330 × 430 cm. Musée Carnavalet. Paris.

36, 134

16. Pierre Puget (1620-94). ³Le SceptreB´ 17th century. Drawing. 35 x 49 cm.

Musée des Beaux-Arts, Angers.

42, 83.

122, 207

17. Pierre Puget (1620-E4B ³GHVLJQ IRU POH GHŃRUMPLRQ RI M wMUVOLSB´ 17th

century. Drawing. 52.7 x 63.2 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/339657. 42

18. Anonymous ³Vaisseau le Soleil Royal, 1669B´ Service historique de la

Défense. Vincennes. D1 67, fo 1.

58, 83

19. François-Charles Caffieri (1667-1729). ³Foudroyant, 1724B´ Service

historique de la Défense. Vincennes. D1 69, fo 39.

58, 101


20. Anonymous. ³Royal-Louis.´ About 1670. Università di Bologna. Jean

Boudriot Les Vaisseaux de 74 à 120 canons. Nice: A.N.C.R.E., 1995, p. 308.

63, 101,

127, 128,

206, 210,


21. Commissaire de la Marine Hayet. Description du vaisseau le Royal-Louis.

Marseille: Brebion. 1677. Bibliothèque nationale de France. p.V 370.

63, 127,

128, 204,

206, 210,

222, 223

22. Sieur Bellevüe-Dumain. ³La Reine, 1670B´ Jean Boudriot. Les Vaisseaux de

74 à 120 canons. Nice: A.N.C.R.E., 1995, p. 310.


23. Willem Van de Velde (1633-1707). ³La Reine, 1673B´ Van de Velde

Drawings: Cambridge: National Maritime Museum University Press, 1958.

Figure 418.

64, 127,


24. Claude Buirette. (1639-94). ³Le Victorieux, 1678B´ Rochefort. Jean Boudriot.

Le vaisseaux de 74 à 120 canons. Nice: A.N.C.R.E., 1995, p. 317. 66
Rochefort. 32 x 37 cm. Service historique de la Défense. Vincennes. D1 69, fo 87.

26. François-Charles Caffieri (1667-1729). ³Foudroyant, 1724B´ Service

historique de la Défense. Vincennes. D1 69, fo 39. Detail from Figure 19. 67

27. Willem van de Velde (1633-1707). ³Jupiter, 1666B´ Van de Velde Drawings.

Cambridge: National Maritime Museum, 1958. Figure 277.

67, 121

Chapter Two :

28. P. Chaillé. ³Frégate de 40 pièces de canons, 1686B´ Jean Boudriot. La

frégate: Marine de France. Nice : A.N.C.R.E., 1992, pp. 26-27. 83

29. Possibly Jean Bérain (1640-1711). ³Le Dauphin-Royal, 1667-1670B´ Jean

Boudriot. Les vaisseaux de 74 à 120 canons. Nice : A.N.C.R.E., 1995, p. 311.

85, 122

30. Anonymous. ³Plan en gabarit sur les proportions du Royal-Louis, 1692B´ Jean

Boudriot. Les vaisseaux de 74 à 120 canons. Nice : A.N.C.R.E., 1995, pp. 26- 27.
xii historique de la Défense, Toulon. 1L 4433, no 29.

83, 84

32. Gaspard Doumet ³Dessin de sculpture du vaisseau le Tonnant, 1740B´ 145 x

46 cm. Service historique de la Défense, Vincennes. IL 4433, fo26. Details.


33. Possibly Dominique Soeur (1797-1857) from Yves-Etienne Collet (1761-

1843). ³Figures de proue. Les cires teintées de BrestB´ Late 18th to early 19th

century. Musée national de la Marine du Château du Brest. Brest. Photos

Arthur Molle.


34. Anonymous. ³Atelier de sculpture des Arsenaux, 18e siècleB´ Musée national

de la Marine, Châteaux de Brest. Brest. 90

35. (a) Sébastien Cupin (1715-75). ³Maquette de bateau Artésien, vaisseau de 64

marine/app/collection/record/8954. (b) Anonymous. ³Maquette de bateau Océan, vaisseau de 118 canons, 1790B´ marine/app/collection/record/8952.

92, 93

36. Jean Boudriot. Les vaisseaux de 74 à 120 canons. Nice: A.N.C.R.E., 1995.

³Royal-Louis, 1692B´ ³Thésée, 1758B´ ³Annibal, 1780,´ pp. 25, 63, 89.

94, 201

37. Jean Boudriot. Les vaisseaux de 74 à 128 canons. Nice: A.N.C.R.E., 1995.

³Royal-Louis, 1692B´ ³Soleil Royal, 1754B´ ³Invincible, 1778,´ pp. 26, 118, 143.

94, 201

38. Jean Boudriot. ³De la genèse du vaisseau de haut bordB´ Deux siècles des

constructions et chantiers navals: milieu XVIIe-milieu XIXe siècle. Paris: Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2002, pp. 18-19.

95, 175

39. Jean Boudriot. Les vaisseaux de 74 à 120 canons. Nice: A.N.C.R.E., 1995.

³Ambitieux, 1692,´ ³Pompeux, 1708,´ ³Eclatant, 1721,´ ³Alcide, 1741,´ ³Courageux, 1751,´ ³Royal-Louis, 1779,´ pp. 321, 326, 327, 337, 338, 365.

96, 201,

271, 274


40. Jean Boudriot. Les vaisseaux de 74 à 120 canons. Nice: A.N.C.R.E., 1995.

³Victorieux, 1678,´ ³Magnifique, 1685,´ ³Saint-Philippe, 1694,´ ³Foudroyant, 1724,´ ³Royal-Louis, 1759,´ ³Royal-Louis, 1779,´ pp. 317,

319, 323, 329, 343, 365.

96, 201,


41. Yves-Etienne Collet (1761-1843). ³0MUV 7HUPH GH SRXSH GµXQ YMLVVHMX QRQ

identifié. XVIIIe siècleB´ Wood sculpture. Approximately 185 × 45 × 45 cm. Musée national de la Marine du Château du Brest. Brest. Yves-Etienne Collet. ³0LQHUYHB 7HUPH GH SRXSH GµXQ YMLVVHMX QRQ LGHQPLILpB ;9HHHH siècleB´ Wood sculpture. Approximately 200 × 45 × 90 cm. Musée national de la Marine du Château du Brest. Brest. 97
XVIIIe siècle. Décor de poupe en haut-reliefB´ Wood sculpture. 191 × 167 ×

35 cm. Musée national de la Marine du Château du Brest. Brest.

97, 175

43. Antoine Gibert (1716-after 1789). ³Cariatide en forme de sirène´ 1779.

Wood sculpture. 169 × 99 × 76 cm. Musée national de la Marine, Toulon. 97

44. Jean Elshoecht (b. 1762), Benjamin Tellier (b. 1766). ³Figure de Proue de la

PoursuivanteB´ Dunkerque, 1796. Wood sculpture. 220 × 92 × 110 cm.

Musée national de la Marine, Rochefort.

décor des vaisseaux de guerre français. Musée national de la Marine. siecle. 99

46. Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825). ³Combat de Mars contre Minerve´ 1771.

Oil on canvas. 146 x 181 cm. Musée du Louvre, Paris. 99

47. Joseph Benoît Suvée (1743-1807). ³Le combat de Minerve et de Mars,´

1771. Palais des beaux-arts de Lille.

99, 171


MSUqV *LUMUGRQ 1628-171DB´ Mid-19th

century. Bronze and marble. 43 x 12 cm. http://www.fligny-haute- epoque.com/fr/mars-et-minerve-en-bronze. 100

49. Philippe Caffieri (1634-1716). ³Dessin de sculpture du vaisseau le

François,´ 1688. 29 x 44 cm. Service historique de la Défense. Vincennes.

G1 87, f o 86 Vo 7.


50. Anonymous. ³Vaisseau le Soleil Royal, 1669B´ 38 x 60 cm. Service

historique de la Défense. Vincennes. D1 67, f o 1. 100

51. Charles-Philippe Caffieri (1695-1766). ³Vaisseau le Triton, 1724B´ 98 x 39

cm. Service historique de la Défense. Vincennes. D1 67, f o 2 Cl 7368-7369. 100
de la Défense. Vincennes. D1 67, f o 6. 100

53. Anonymous ³Dessin du Trident, 1696B´ Jean Boudriot. Les vaisseaux de 50 à

64 canons. Nice: A.N.C.R.E., 1995, p. 74.


54. Jean Bérain (1640-1711). ³Poupe de vaisseau le Prudent troisième rang,

1698B´ Service historique de la Défense. Vincennes. D1 69, f o 8 67-68.


55. Philippe Caffieri (1634-1716). ³Aurore, 1687B´ Havre. 29 x 44 cm. Service

historique de la Défense. Vincennes. G1 87, Vo 29. 101

56. Charles-Philippe Caffieri (1695-1766). ³La Licorne, 1755B´ Brest. 93 x 37

cm. Service historique de la Défense. Vincennes. D1 68, f o 4. 101

57. Anonymous. ³La Calypso, 1785´ Brest. 108 x 38 cm. Service historique de la

Défense. Vincennes. D1 68, f o 8.


58. Attributed to Yves-Etienne Collet (1761-1843). ³NeptuneB´ ³AmphitriteB´

Early 19th century. Wood sculptures. Musée national de la Marine du Château du Brest. Brest. 102

59. Anonymous. Sketch. No date. Service historique de la Défense. Vincennes.

D1 69 f o 110a.

Paris: Edition des musées nationaux, 1976, p. 124. 106
xv XVIIIe siècle. Décor de poupe en haut-reliefB´ Wood. 191 × 167 × 35 cm. Musée national de la Marine du Château du Brest. Brest. Lower half. 106

63 Anonymous. ³Une sirène en figure de proue. Petite Venise, Versailles : Avant

de canot de promenade de la reine Marie-Antoinette, avec une sirène en figure de proue´ 1777. Wood, painted and gilded. Musée national de la

Marine, Paris.

and gilded,´ 1732. National Maritime Museum. Greenwich, England. 108


480 BC. British Museum. Museum no.1843, 1103.31.


66. Anonymous. ³Le Paris, 1667B´ Jean Boudriot. Les Vaisseaux de 74 à 120

canons. Nice: A.N.C.R.E., 1995, p. 314. Right half. 109

67. Collégiale de Candes Saint-Martin: ³Sirène sculptéé du portail XIIIe siècleB´

Saint-Martin de Candes-Saint-Martin, Indre-et-Loire. 109
Naturalis historia. Frankfurt. 1565 : Libri rari Deutsches Museum München,



69. Anonymous. ³Une sirène en figure de proue. Petite Venise, Versailles : Avant

de canot de promenade de la reine Marie-Antoinette, avec une sirène en figure de proue´ 1777. Wood, painted and gilded. Musée national de la Marine, Paris. Three-quarters front view of Figure 63. 110
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