[PDF] Educational Opportunities in Integrative Medicine

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Educational Opportunities in Integrative Medicine

12 Licensed Degrees including Natural and Allopathic Medicine Body and Mind Body-Mind Centering ... France and Italy took the top two spots; the.

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16 Cook Susan C. Talking Machines and Moving Bodies: Marketing Dance Music before 80 Schenk

Educational Opportunities in

The A-to-Z Healing Arts Guide and Professional Resource Directory nA GUIDE



12 Licensed Degrees including Natural and Allopathic Medicine, Body and Mind ?erapies

50 Holistic Disciplines including Ayurveda, Biofeedback, Herbal Medicine,

Midwifery, and Yoga Training

Networking Resources including Conferences and Retreat Centers

Douglas "Las" Wengell


With Nathen Gabriel

, ND

Foreword by

Adam Perlman

, MD, MPH Executive Director, Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine



A "must-have" desk resource for careerseekers, students, and holistic-minded healers of all types.


Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Allopathic Holistic Medicine Chiropractic Medicine Clinical Psychology Holistic Nursing Massage ?erapy Naturopathic Medicine

Osteopathic Medicine Psychotherapy Social WorkLearn more and join the KYS Practitioner Social Network

at www.knowyoursource.comCONTAINS THE LATEST INFORMATION ON:

Modality History &


Techniques & Methods

Training & Licensure

Earning PotentialDegree Programs

Where Practiced

Residency Programs




Non-degree Holistic Programs

Online Resources

Conferences & Retreat Centers

Social Networks & Interest Groups

Research InstitutesEducational Opportunities in Integrative Medicine


"?is one-of-a-kind book performs an immense service by providing a panoramic view of integrative medicine. Anyone contemplating entering this area will ?nd this book a treasure." Larry Dossey, MD, Author of Healing Words and Reinventing Medicine "Useful, useful, useful!!! Remarkable in its full and helpful descriptions. A necessary tool for anyone in any healing profession and ever so valuable for anyone taking charge of their own health."James Fadiman, PhD, Author of Unlimit Your Life, co-editor of

Healing for the Whole Person

"?is book is jam-packed with useful and well-researched information...

invaluable when choosing a career or practitioner in integrative medicine."Christiane Northrup, MD, Author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom$24.95 US / $27.50 Canada

Educational Opportunities in

The A to Z Healing Arts Guide and Professional Resource Directory

Douglas "Las" Wengell, MBA

With Nathen Gabriel, ND

A know your source GUIDE

© 2008 by Douglas “Las" Wengell

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form except in the

case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

Cover design by Alison Scheel

Interior design by The Roberts Group

Manufactured in the United States of America

10 9 8 7 6 1 2 3 4 5

Publisher"s Cataloging-in-Publication

(Provided by Quality Books, Inc.)

Wengell, Douglas A.

Educational opportunities in integrative medicine : the A to Z healing arts guide and professional resource directory / Douglas “Las" Wengell ; with Nathen Gabriel. p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

LCCN 2008928503

ISBN-13: 9780977655243

ISBN-10: 0977655245

1. Integrative medicine--Vocational guidance.

2. Alternative medicine--Vocational guidance.

3. Integrative medicine--Study and teaching--Directories.

4. Alternative medicine--Study and teaching--

Directories. I. Gabriel, Nathen. II. Title.

R735.W46 2008 610.7


Please send updates and new resources for future editions to updates@thehunterpress.com.

In Loving Memory of

David Wengell (1976-2008)

An iron-willed ghter with a heart of gold





viii I ntroduction x The S pectrum of Healing Modalities xiii

A Bird"s Eye View of Science, Spirituality

and the H ealing Arts xiv

Health Care Designations



I : Licensed Professions 1

Chiropractic M edicine (DC) 3

2 O steopathic M edicine (DO) 15 3

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese

M edicine (LAC) 27

Allopathic Medicine (MD) 45

5 M ental H ealth (MFT) (PhD) (PsyD) 65
6 S ocial Work (MSW) 99
7 M assage Therapy (MT) 105
8 N atur opathic Medicine (ND) 119
9 H olistic N ursing (RN) 131



Nondegree Programs

Alexander Technique

A pplied Kinesiology 147
Ar omatherapy 149
Ar t Therapy 151
Ayur vedic Medicine 153
B ioenergetic Analysis 163
B iofeedback 164


ind Centering 165


Cor e Energetics 168
C raniosacral Therapy 170
D ance Therapy 172
E nergy Medicine 174

Essential M

otion 176
E ye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing 177
F eldenkrais Method 179

Flower Essences and Bach Flower Remedies

F ocusing 183
G uided Imagery 185
H akomi 186
H erbal Medicine 188
H olotropic Breathwork 193
H omeopathy 196
H ospice Worker 201
H ypnotherapy 205
I ridology 209
J ungian Psychology 211
M idwifery 215
M indfulness-Based Stress Reduction 218
M usic Therapy 220
P ilates 222
P oetry Therapy 225
P olarity Therapy 227
P sychodrama and Drama Therapy 228
K elley-Radix Work 231
R olng (Structural Integration) 233
R ubenfeld Synergy Method 236
S omatic Movement Therapy 238
Y oga Therapy 238
Z ero Balancing 253


II I : Practitioner Resources

Continuing Education, Retreat and


ence Centers 257
G eneral and International Resources 261
G eographical Index 267

Alphabetical I

ndex 274
A cknowledgments 289
A bout the Authors 292
viiiviii F


Adam Perlman, MD, MPH, FACP

T hat health care in the United States is in crisis is no surprise to patients or providers. Millions of people are under- or uninsured.quotesdbs_dbs26.pdfusesText_32
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