[PDF] 5Rhythms TaKeTiNa biodanza in the U.S. and

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5Rhythms TaKeTiNa biodanza

in the U.S. and Australia. www.taketina.com biodanza. >> Rolando Toro Araneda once said "i love

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mASSmODALITIES B iodanza is about encountering yourself and others through movement, dance, physical contact, and sharing. You will connect one-on-one, and with the entire group at once. Physical contact occurs gradually and participants learn how to set boundaries and respect each others' needs for contact and space. Music is a key component, usually organic with real instruments and voices rather than electronic. Some sections may be danced in silence. Biodanza is active and energizing, but by no means a hard-core aerobic workout. Quiet, gentle movements and partner and/or small group practices are common. Biodanza classes have strong spiritual and emotional components and facilitate the expres- appropriate for beginners. Biodanza classes are typically 15-30 people, but it can be done

with two or three participants up to several hundred. FIND IT: Over 2,500 people teach Biodanza worldwide, with huge popularity in Europe and South

America. Italy alone is home to 40 schools of Biodanza, and an estimated 100,000 people practice regu-

larly worldwide. In the U.S., look for Biodanza on the West Coast, Washington DC, and New York City. www.biodanza.us 5Rhythms >> Gabrielle Roth birthed an enduring metaphor at esalen in the 1970s. looking at life as a series of waves to be moved through is the heart of the practice that has become a model for countless others. Today

5 Rhythms continues to expand and evolve

as Roth's son Jonathan Horan carries the torch forward for new generations. A map that can be easily understood, yet explored for a lifetime, is the essence of opportunities to access highly emotional or spiritual states - most reliably - ecstatic dance. and complements the work done putting together the soundtrack. Dip a toe in the water or

FIND IT: 5Rhythms is proliferating extensively in the U.S. and around the world. Several hundred people

have completed the teacher training and classes are popular in Europe, the UK, South Africa, and Austra-

lia. Look for it at hot springs, retreat centers, and yoga studios. www.gabrielleroth.com


>> Reinhard Flatischler was a teenager hitchhiking through afghani- stan when he discovered the magic of entrainment while witnessing Sufi 's chanting. Forty years later he and his wife Cornelia continue to refi ne and expand their innovative rhythm process

TaKeTina as a tool for personal growth

and transformation. T meditation that is an incredibly powerful tool for left/right brain integration. It is conducted in a circle, with two facilitators in the center keeping a steady beat on a large bass drum, and a warbling drone from a berimbau, a single-stringed that begins with very simple repetitive steps. entrainment and chaos, and integrate the hemispheres of the brain in the process. It sounds like serious work, but in fact, playing with that edge leads to mirth and hilarity. pairs or small groups are formed for individual practice and sharing. Described as a process capable of activating human and musical practiced by people of any age or ability. It is also being documented in medical studies as a way to reduce pain and aid recovery. FIND IT: worldwide, and can be found not only at retreat centers and workshop venues, but also within the medical establishment, often with people with serious pain issues.The Flatischlers operate the International TaKeTiNa Institute in Austria, with sister locations in the U.S. and Australia. www.taketina.combiodanza >> Rolando Toro Araneda once said, "i love, therefore i am." Biodanza (Dance of life) was his brainchild, a practice he described a s the poetry of human encounter, and rightly so. it is a system designed to heighten the experience of being alive in the here and now. Photo: courtesy of Gabrielle roth / courtesy of bioDanza / courtesy of taKetina eNTrAINeD:



keeps a beat heard round the world. Practices. Protocols. approaches. Techniques. These are the words movement pioneers reach for when they are trying to describe what they do. Coining a term for a new method gives you the right to teach it your way. Persona. Panache. mojo. mystique. we use these terms to grasp at the essence of a mentor's soul. when enough people label a person remarkable, a reputation is earned. modalities - the catch-all word we use to describe the genre. Some are amorphous processes that

invite improvised facilitation, while others have specifi c moves or techniques that can be codifi ed,

memorized, and taught. we've highlighted ten of the largest and most infl uential that can be found internationally and in most major u.S. cities. we urge you to try them! user-friendly, accessible to most abilities, and non-competitive, these modes invite you into the safe container of community space that encourages movement with an intention towards greater awareness. Dive in! -


Photo: Photo:


>> Cynthia Winton-Henry and Phil Porter began their collaboration in the Body and

Soul dance company in 1979.

Three decades of improvisation

later they continue to translate the body's wisdom through practice, play, and performance. I nterPlay's founders are ambassadors to the body's innate wisdom. In Porter's simply showing up and engaging with the moment at hand. Interplay is both a for playing with movement, stories, and voice. Most of the forms involve interaction with at least one or a few other people, and encourage improvisation and interper- of InterPlay is that through experiencing ourselves and the outer world with the light-hearted wonder of a child, we can re-align our hearts, minds, wisdom, and bod- ies as integrated adults, thereby discovering new and valuable ways to work within ourselves and with others. FIND IT: Over 1,000 graduates of the Life Practice Program lead ongoing classes, special events,

"untensive" retreats, life practice programs, and leader trainings in locations across the U.S. and in

50 countries including Australia, Brazil, India, and The Netherlands. www.interplay.org

conscious dancer | FaLL 2010

Tamalpa Life/Art Process

>> Anna Halprin's life and art became one when, as a cancer survivor, she embraced her dance practice as a healing art. Forty years later her daughter Daria and protégée Taira Reistar carry forward the creative movement philosophy born from her transformation. T amalpa Institute and its signature process exist to further and evolve the ner. Using the tools of movement and art to release blockages and foster well-being,


www.tamalpa.org conscious dancer

FaLL 2010


>> Emilie Conrad revealed the fluid nature of human potential when she founded Continuum in 1967. Her work continues to resonate throughout the worlds of movement. W deeply fascinated by the wave- provided the crucial connection linking organism years she explored this motion and developed lymph system, the net of membranes, and the swirl of viscera and brain - function as funda sound, movement, and sensation. Rather than exercises that maintain patterned structure with out release, the modality's explorations delve into theater of life becomes the source of continuous live more vibrant lives. FIND IT: Continuum events, classes,and workshops can be found throughout the United States, as well as in 12 other major countries from Brazil to Estonia. www.continuummovement.com T H e TeRRiToRy BeTween minD anD BoDy is an inviting frontier - a place to explore beyond media and technology. Body-centered modalities invite us to encounter nature on its most basic terms, inside ourselves and together with others. m any ene R gie S

ConTRiBuTe to the field, from modern dance

greats - the Grahams and the Cunninghams - to ecstatic dance, which has become a catch-all term with roots in the ancient past. The backdrop of popular forms pouring from the TV is leading to a huge surge of interest in everything dance related. Dance is in the media as never before, and today creatives can push back with their best ideas and the results are instant - flash mobs anyone? new moDaliTieS emeRge from the ever-evolving landscape of culture, and often it is dancers who innovate. Modes are like in dividual impressions on a universal birthright. There is movement in everyones family tree somewhere, and the forms are as varied as the human race. Each generation has the chance to blend the past with the present, to create what the future will build upon. i T'S a laBoR oF loVe for all involved, and passion is the driver. There's a surge towards movement on the wave of consciousness - the leaders on the crest are inviting us to join the rising tide. F lu ID INT ell I ge N ce:

Emilie Conrad activates

the emerging form. froth on the wave of evolution

Photos: inter

P lay: carley rosin / courtesy of continuum a career track with heart - and a wealth of opportunities

When Lora Wilson-Mau was researching grad

uate schools offering choreography degrees, she came across a dance therapy program and felt as if she'd been struck by lightning. "On a purely intuitive level," she says, "I knew this was my path. Even though I didn't know what dance therapy looked like, I knew that dance has always been my therapy."

Wilson-Mau went on to get her MA in

Dance as Healing and Therapy from the

u niversity of California, l os a ngeles . She completed in-depth training at



Rochester, NY, which qualified her for certifi

cation in dance/movement therapy, and she now teaches n onverbal Communication and m indBody i nteraction at

California State

u niversity, l ong Beach

With a growing number of dance and

somatic therapy programs available, many dancers are being called to these body- centered modes. The work typically involves psychotherapy or counseling (both individual and in families or groups) that uses move ment to address people's emotional, social, cognitive, and physical needs. It is effective for clients of diverse ages, backgrounds, cognitive levels, and physical abilities. Dance

therapists and somatic practitioners are often dance enthusiasts with an interest in well-being and mind-body awareness, and a desire to help and support others.

With the strength of the

a merican Dance


a ssociation ( a

DTa) behind them,

students are graduating with viable degrees that HMOs are backing with regularity.

Dance/movement therapy is being practiced

in mental health, rehabilitation, medical, and educational settings, and in nursing homes, day care centers, disease prevention, and health promotion programs.

Wilson-Mau views the ADTA as an important

force supporting dance therapists. "Dance has always been inherently healing," she says, "but the ADTA has organized our profession with strict educational and training standards so that we could begin to gain the respect our profession deserves in the workplace, in edu cational institutions, and through legislation."

Donna Newman-Bluestein teaches dance

therapy at l esley u niversity , which offers an MA in e xpressive Therapies: Dance


. "Enrollment in our dance therapy program has nearly doubled in the last year," she observes. "I believe the field is experi encing rapid growth across the board."

Other types of somatic/healing degrees available include body-centered psychotherapy, registered somatic movement educator (RSME) and registered somatic movement therapist (RSMT). All are practices requiring subtlety and sensitivity; each of these methods tunes into people's needs, emotions, and abilities. They are also surefire ways of making a good living doing what you love, while enriching lives with improved well-being and higher consciousness.

P R o F e SS ional Su PP o RT a

DTa American Dance Therapy Association


ATI Alexander Technique International

www.ati-net.com BM c A

Body-Mind Centering Association


IDeA IDEA Health & Fitness Association


IeATA International Expressive Arts Therapy

Association www.ieata.org


International Feldenkrais Federation

www.feldenkrais-method.org ISM e TA

International Somatic Movement

Education and Therapy Association

www.ismeta.org u S a BP

United States Association for Body

Psychotherapy www.usabp.org

The A rTIST IS IN: "I found a process which enabled me to access my creativity through dance."

Photo: courtesy hal

P rin archives conscious dancer | WinTer 2010 P hotos-: courtesy of jazzercise / courtesy of zumba / www.nicanrobinson.com P hoto: courtesy of nianow.com conscious dancer

FaLL 2010


>> Judi Sheppard Missett surprised her students in 1969 and asked them to turn away from the mirror. Her "just-for-fun" take on jazz dance became a fitness phenomonon from its humble beginnings in Chicago. J bining cardio, strength, and stretching for a total body workout. years, the organization has acted upon Judi's philosophy of giving back to the community.

FIND IT Jazzercise is an international franchise with over 7,800 licensed instructors worldwide teaching



>> Toni Bergins jumped into the role of facilitator as a natural choice. years of learning the finer points of yoga, shamanic practice, and Kripalu

DansKinetics led to the founding of

her own mode in 1997. J ourneyDance springs from the philosophy of the founder, which described as a live-wire, and her signature bration on a foundation of music to match.

Bergins often teams up and travels with DJ

her trainees to collaborate with DJs as well. ten beginning by tuning the chakras, guided as well as exercises that foster interaction the entire waveform of human experience and is in alignment with personal growth and development, relationship building, and consciousness expansion. JourneyDance weekend workshops, or week-long retreats.

FIND IT Classes, retreats, and teacher trainings

throughout the U.S., especially on the East Coast, but spreading westward. Bergins is a regular at

Kripalu, Omega, and Esalen, and more than 200

www.journeydance.com Z Umb A >> Beto Perez played a latin dance tape one day in the '90s at his fitness class in Columbia. He called the resulting madness Rumbacise until he arrived in m iami and met a lbert a longhi and the business-mindedquotesdbs_dbs25.pdfusesText_31
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