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LOI-CADRE n° 14/004 du 11 Février 2014 DE LENSEIGNEMENT

07-Mar-2016 13. les privilèges accordés à l'enseignement technique et à la formation professionnelle ;. 14. la prise en compte dans l'enseignement national ...


01-Jan-2010 EXAMEN ANUAL (2014) EN EL MARCO DEL SEGUIMIENTO ... According to the AAFTU: The Government is interfering in trade union elections and the.


26-Feb-2014 et professionnelles qui sont imposés aux opérateurs ... 26 février 2014 relative à la passation de marchés par des entités.


The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this Since 2014 a reform of the regulation of health care professionals has been.

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24-Aug-2020 Aux termes des cinq arrêts du 19 février 2014 la Cour de cassation vient affirmer


01-Oct-2017 and an increase of 5.8 million from 2014. – 19% of the world's foreign-born population is estimated to live in global cities.

Draft minutes of the 323rd Sessionof the Governing Body of

27-Mar-2015 81) made by the delegates to the 103rd Session (2014) ... Employment (Geneva

374th Report of the Committee on Freedom of Association

20-Mar-2015 and the Syndicat des employées et employés professionels-les et de ... Committee in a communication dated 12 February 2014 in which it ...

Social Dialogue Report

30-Apr-2020 (De la Cueva 2014 408). 7 Collective agreement concluded between the International Transport Workers' Federation and the Joint Negotiating ...


01-Jan-2010 2014 AR: According to the Government: The revisions of the labour laws ... The Government is interfering in trade union elections and the.











Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

La liberté d'association et la

reconnaissance effective du droit de négociation collective La libertad de asociación y la libertad sindical y el reconocimiento efectivo del derecho de negociación colectiva


1. Afghanistan (C.87 & 98) 2. Barhain (C.87 & 98) 3. Brazil (C. 87) 4. Brunei Darussalam (C.87 & 98) 5. Canada (C.98) 6. China (C.87 & 98) 7. Guinea-Bissau (C.87) 8. India (C.87 & 98) 9. Iran, Islamic Republic of (C.87 & 98) 10. Iraq (C.87) 11. Jordan (C.87) 12. Kenya (C.87) 13. Korea, Republic of (C.87 & 98) 14. Lao People's Democratic republic (C.87 & 98) 15. Lebanon (C.87)

16. Malaysia (C.87) 17. Marshall Islands (C.87 & 98) 18. Mexico (C.98) 19. Morocco (C.87) 20. Myanmar (C.98) 21. Nepal (C.87) 22. New Zealand (C.87) 23. Oman (C.87 & 98) 24. Palau, Republic of (C.87 & 98) 25. Qatar (C.87 & 98) 26. Saudi Arabia (C.87 & 98) 27. Singapore (C.87) 28. Somalia (C.87 & 98) 29. South Sudan (C.87) 30. Sudan (C.87)

31. Thailand (C.87 & 98) 32. Tuvalu (C.87 & 98) 33. United Arab Emirates (C.87 & 98) 34. United States (C.87 & 98) 35. Uzbekistan (C.87) 36. Viet Nam (C.87 & 98)


REPORTING Fulfillment of Government's

reporting obligations YES, since the 2005 Annual Reviews, except for the 2011 AR.

Involvement of Employers'

and Workers' organizations

in the reporting process YES, according to the Government: Involvement of the Chamber of Commerce of Afghanistan (CCA) (except for the

2006 AR), the Chamber of Commerce of Kabul (CCK), the Afgha

nistan Chamber of Commerce and Indutstries (ACCI), the

All Afghanistan Federation of Trade Unions (AAFTU), the National Union of Afghanistan Employees (NUAE locally called

AMKA) through consultations or communication of the Government's reports.


THE SOCIAL PARTNERS Employers' organizations

2014 AR: Observations by the ACCI.

2013 AR: Observations by the CCA.

2009 AR: Observations by CCK.

2007 AR: Observations by the CCA.

Workers' organizations 2014 AR: Observations by NUAE (AMKA).

2013 AR: Observations by NUAE (AMKA).

2012 AR: Observations by NUAE (AMKA).

2010 AR: Observations by AAFTU.

Observations by NUAE (AMKA).

2009 AR: Observations by AAFTU.

Observations by NUAE (AMKA).

2008 AR: Observations by the AAFTU.

2007 AR: Observations by the AAFTU.


Country baselines under the ILO Declaration Annual Review are based on the following elements to the extent they are available: governments' reports, observations by employers' and

workers' organizations, case studies prepared under the auspices of the country and the ILO, and observations/recommendations by the ILO Declaration Expert-Advisers and by the ILO

Governing Body. For any further information on the realization of this principle and right in a given country, in relation with a ratified Convention or possible cases that have been submitted to

the ILO Committee on Freedom of Association, please see: http://webfusion.ilo.org/public/db/standards/normes/libsynd.



THE PRINCIPLE AND RIGHT Ratification Ratification status Afghanistan has ratified neither the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to

Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87) (C.87) nor the Right to Organise and Collective

Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98) (C.98).

Ratification intention YES, since 2005, for both C.87 and C.98.

2014 AR:

According to the Government: The revisions of the labour laws and regulations are at

their final stage. The Government aims to establish the first tripartite body in the country, the High

Labour Council, before the end of 2013. Following

the submission of the legal revisions to the Ministry of Justice and the establishment of the High Labour Council, prospects for ratification of C.87 and C.98 will improve and the Government will be enabled to move forward with the ratification process. According to the ACCI: Freedom of association and recognition of the right to collective bargaining are already provided for by the Constitution. The NUAE (AMKA) expressed its strong support for the ratification of C.87 and C.98, and underlined the crucial need for ILO technical cooperation to support the Government in moving ahead with the ratification process.

2013 AR:

According to the Government: Labour laws and regulations are currently being reviewed. ILO's assistance is essential to the ratification of C.87 and C.98. The CCA expressed its support for the ratification of C.87 and C.98, and indicated that the absence of political will is slowing down the ratification process. The NUAE (AMKA) indicated its support for the ratification of C.87 and C.98 by Afghanistan. However, the NUAE (AMKA) stated that before ratifying the two Conventions, the Government should ensure that the conditions for implementing the principle and right (PR) are met in


2012 AR:

According to the Government: ILO's assistance would be needed to ensure and support the ratification process for C.87 and C.98. The NUAE (AMKA) indicated their support for the ratification of all fundamental Conventions, particularly C.87 and C.98.

2010 AR: According to the Government: ILO's assistance would be needed to ensure and support

the ratification process for C.87 and C.98. The AAFTU and the AMKA Workers' Confederation indicated their support for the ratification of all fundamental Conventions, particularly C.87 and C.98.

2009 AR: According to the Government: The Council of Ministers has assigned a special

committee to review the issue of ratification of C.87 and C.98. This review is being undertaken. The CCK and the NUAE expressed their support for the ratification of C.87 and C.98 by


2008 AR: The Government indicated that ratification of C.87 and C.98 was currently under

evaluation by the Council of Ministers in consultation with employers' and workers' organizations and will be subsequently submitted to Parliament after approval by this Council.

2007 AR: According to the Government: Ratification of C.87 and C.98 will be submitted to the

newly established Parliament. The CCA supported ratification of C.87 and C.98 by Afghanistan. The AAFTU supported ratification of C.87 and C.98 by Afghanistan, and hoped that the

Government would accelerate this process.

2006 AR: According to the Government: C.87 and C.98 are in the process of ratification.

The AWA supported the ratification of C.87 and C.98 by Afghanistan and hoped that this would take place soon.

Recognition of the principle

and right (prospect(s), means of action, basic legal provisions) Constitution YES, according to the Government: The 2004 Constitution guarantees freedom of association to employers' and workers' organizations. Policy, legislation and/or regulations


A special Law on Freedom of Association that was adopted in 2004 relate to the principle and right (PR).

2014 AR: According to the Government: Revisions of labour laws and regulations have been

undertaken in close collaboration with the ILO and the social partners to ensure inclusion of the

provisions of C.87 and C.98. The revision process is at its final stage and the draft amendments will

be submitted to the Ministry of Justice in a near future.

Basic legal provisions (i) Constitution, 2004; (ii) Law on Freedom of Association, 2004. Judicial decisions NIL. Exercise of the principle

and right At national level (enterprise, sector/ industry, national) For Employers

2005 AR: Prior government authorization is necessary to operate

employers' organizations. All categories of employers can set up their organizations. For Workers 2005 AR: Prior government authorization is necessary to operate workers' organizations. Freedom of association can be exercised by all workers in the public service; medical professionals; teachers; agricultural workers; workers in export processing zones (EPZs) or enterprises/industries with EPZ status, migrant workers, workers of all ages, and all categories of employers. However, workers engaged in domestic work or workers in the informal economy, cannot exercise it as the Labour Code does not cover them. Workers in the informal economy can exercise the right to collective bargaining.

Special attention

to particular situations 2014 AR: According to the ACCI: Special attention is given to large enterprises.

2005 AR:

According to the Government: Women. Information/

Data collection

and dissemination 2005 AR: According to the Government: There is a lack of information and data.

At international level 2005 AR: According to the Government: There are no particular restrictions for the international

affiliation of employers' and workers' organizations.

Involvement of the social

partners 2014 AR: According to the Government and NUAE (AMKA): Tripartite consultations are ongoing in close collaboration with

the ILO. The social partners have been involved in the revisions of the labour legislation; the draft amendments enjoy tripartite

support. Social dialogue has been strengthened over the last year and the relationship between the Government and the social

partners has improved. Furthermore, the Government has initiated the creation of the first tripartite body in Afghanistan, the

High Labour Council, which should institutionalise social dialogue. The High Labour Council, expected to be established

before the end of 2013, is set out to deal with all labour-related issues. One of its initial assignments will be to review and

provide guidance on ratification of C.87 and C.98.

2013 AR:

According to the Government: Tripartite partners are fully involved in the drafting of new labour Bills.

2007 AR: The CCA stated that it had participated in the May 2008 workshop and in the labour law review process.

Promotional activities 2014 AR: According to the Government and NUAE (AMKA): Tripartite workshops and training activities focusing on the PR

have been conducted at national and provincial levels. At provincial level, local populations and leaders were invited to

participate. Nation-wide awareness raising campaigns on the PR have been conducted with the support of the media. The

NUAE (AMKA) added that training of trainers had been conducted at national level and was planned to be provided to local

trainers. According to the ACCI: Training activities sensitizing employ ers on the PR have been conducted in collaboration with the

Government. The ACCI also conducts lobbying activities promoting ratification of C.87 and C.98 and the necessary legal


2013 AR:

According to the Government: Awareness raising campaigns were organized together with trade unions to promote

international labour standards (ILS), including the fundamental principles and rights at work (FPRW). Workshops and forums

were organized on the PR to help workers better understand the importance of C.87 and C.98.

The CCA indicated that more than 2, 500 delegations from all over the country had met to elect the governing board of the

Chamber of Commerce.

2012 AR: According to the Government and the NUAE (AMKA): A national tripartite workshop on ILS, including FPRW,

was organized in May 2011 in cooperation with the ILO. Other similar workshops on labour laws were organized in

cooperation with the Asian Foundation.

2010 AR: According to the Government: A Senior Officer of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled

participated in the ILO/Turin Course on International Labour Standards (ILS) during which issues concerning the Declaration

and its follow-up had been addressed, including those relating to C.87 and C.98. At national level, a tripartite workshop on

international labour standards and the 1998 ILO Declaration will be organized in cooperation with the ILO. In addition, the

tripartite partners have participated in a training session on social dialogue in India.

2009 AR: According to the Government: A tripartite workshop was organized in collaboration with the ILO in May 2008 on

ILS and the Declaration's Follow-up.

The CCK and the NUAE stated that they had participated in the May 2008 National Workshop on ILS and the Declaration's


2008 AR: According to the Government, a tripartite workshop was organized in collaboration with the ILO in May 2007 on

ILS and the Declaration's Follow-up.

2007 AR: According to the Government: A national tripartite workshop on international labour standards, the Declaration and

social dialogue was also organized in 2006 in cooperation with the ILO. The CCA stated that it had participated in this workshop and in the labour law review process.

The AAFTU mentioned that it had participated in this workshop, and that it was also working for the improvement of workers'


2006 AR: According to the Government: A national tripartite seminar on ILS, including ILO fundamental Conventions was

organized in Kabul in May 2005 with ILO technical assistance.

Special initiatives/Progress 2007 AR: According to the Government: The Ministry of Martyrs, Disabled and Social Affairs drafted a new Labour Law in

2006, in cooperation with the social partners, and the ILO, the comments of which have been integrated in the final text. A new

employers' organization have been esta blished in 2005: the Chamber of Commerce of Afghanistan. Several sectorial*

organizations (teachers, engineers, shop keepers, journalists, writers, doctors, lawyers, etc.) and additional national workers'

organizations exist now in the country. The Government organized separate consultations with sectorial organizations that are

not federated. The AAFTU mentioned that it was working to improve worker s' rights in Afghanistan, and its major objective was the realization of the fundamental principles and rights at work (FPRW) in the country.

2006 AR: According to the Government: Following the adoptions of the Law on Freedom of Association in 2004, some

170 associations have been registered, including employers' and workers' organizations and cooperatives.

2005 AR: According to the Government: In the public sector, workers that have been laid off as a result of structural

adjustment have obtained good allowances a nd/or retirement benefits following a national demonstration that puts pressure on the Government during negotiations.


THE PRINCIPLE AND RIGHT According to the social partners Employers' organizations 2014 AR: According to the ACCI: Challenges are related to: (i) insecurity; (ii) lack of political will;

and (iii) lack of labour inspection and monitoring.

2013 AR:

According to the CCA: The main challenges encountered in the realization of the PR are: (i) corruption; (ii) the informal economy; (iii) insecurity; (iv) lack of legal transparency; (v)

unemployment; (vi) lack of good governance; (vii) lack of political will; and (viii) lack of tripartite


2009 AR: The CCK stated that following its request together with the NUAE, the Law on Freedom

of Association, 2004, was in the process of being amended by Parliament so as to extend the freedom of employers' and workers' organizations to organize and bargain collectively.


organizations 2014 AR: The NUAE (AMKA) indicated that the trade union movement needs to be strengthened

and modernised.

2013 AR: The AAFTU indicated the following challenges: (i) corruption; (ii) lack of capacity of

responsible government institutions; (iii) lack of tripartite capacities; (iv) lack of social dialogue;

and (v) lack of willingness by the Government to involve workers' organizations in international training seminars and conferences.

2012 AR: According to NUAE (AMKA): The main challenges are war, corruption, poverty,

trafficking and lack of transparency.

2010 AR: According to the AAFTU and AMKA Workers' Confederation: The main difficulties

encountered in the realization of the PR are: (i) socio-economic stability; (ii) understanding of ILS

by the tripartite partners; and (iii) lack of capacity of employers' and workers' organizations.

2009 AR: The NUAE confirmed the information given by the CCK concerning the process of

amendment by the Parliament of the Law on Freedom of Association, 2004, so as to extend the freedom of employers' and workers' organizations to organize and bargain collectively. According to the AAFTU: The Government is interfering in trade union elections and the designation of workers' representatives.

2008 AR: The AAFTU indicated the following challenges: (i) unemployment; (ii) illiteracy; (iii) a

lack of capacity; (iv) lack of professional staff, vocational training and health centres;

(v) insecurity; (vi) a lack of rule of law, of compliance with the international conventions, of respect

to workers' rights and of the opportunities for the workers' rights defenders; and (vii) poverty and lack of educational centres.

2007 AR: According to the AAFTU: (i) AAFTU is the national representative workers'

organization of Afghanistan; (ii) AAFTU is not aware of the existence of any organization called "Afghanistan Workers' Association" (AWA); (iii) the Government did not consult with AAFTU in

the labour law review process; and (iv) there are practical problems in the registration procedure in

Afghanistan, and organizations may not be physically able to do so before the Ministry of Justice - therefore, the Ministry of Social Affairs, and the ILO should help solve this problem.

According to the Government 2014 AR: According to the Government: Obstacles in the ratification process of C.87 and C.98 have been identified through

the improved social dialogue and the labour law revision process.

2013 AR:

According to the Government: Multiple unions with different requests make it difficult to conduct social dialogue.

2009 AR: In response to the AAFTU's observations, the Government indicated that it did not consider AAFTU as a trade

union as it had no legal recognition.

2008 AR: The Government had to face multiple unions with very different requests, which make it difficult for social


2005 AR: Main difficulties encountered in realizing the PR: (i) lack of public awareness or support; (ii) lack of information

and data; (iii) social values and cultural tradition; (iv) social and economic circumstances; (v) lack of capacity of responsible

government institutions; (vi) lack of capacity of employers' and workers' organizations; (vii) lack of social dialogue on the PR.

TECHNICAL COOPERATION Request 2014 AR: The Government reiterated the request it made under the 2008-2013 ARs to carry out a national case study on

freedom of association and the Declarati on's Follow-up, and to organize workshops to support the Government to better implement the FPRW.

According to the ACCI: ILO technical cooperation is crucial in enabling the Government to move forward in the ratification

process of C.87 and C.98.

The NUAE (AMKA): ILO's technical cooperation is needed in the following areas: (i) training of responsible government

institutions; and (ii) capacity building for trade unions, including training of trainers and participation in courses held by the

International Training Centre (ITC). ILO technical cooperation is indispensable in strengthening the capacity of the trade

unions, which are attempting to undergo a process of modernisation to improve the conditions for realization of the PR in


2013 AR:

The Government requested, as in the 2008 AR, that a national case study on freedom of association and the

Declaration's Follow-up would be conducted, along with the development of workshops to help Afghanistan better implement

the FPRW.

According to the CCA: ILO's technical cooperation is needed in the following areas: (i) training; (ii) strengthening tripartite

capacities; (iii) legal reform; (iv) awareness raising campaigns to help the stakeholders better understand ILS; (v)

unemployment reduction policies; and (vi) fighting mafia in the informal economy.

According to the NAUE (AMKA): ILO's technical assistance is needed in the following areas: (i) training of responsible

government institutions; (ii) strengthening capacity of workers' and employers' organizations; (iii) anti-corruption programme;

(iv) strengthen social dialogue; (v) training programme for tripartite partners to better understand ILS; and (vi) equal treatment

by the Government concerning tripartite partners' access to training.

2012 AR: The Government reiterated the request made under the 2008 AR to carry out a national case study on freedom of

association along with the organization of additional workshops on the 1998 ILO Declaration and its follow-up.

According to NAUE (AMKA): ILO should develop programmes that enhance union capacities and promote awareness raising

on labour rights (nationally and internationally).

2010 AR:

The Government reiterated the request it made under the 2008 AR.

According to the AAFTU and the AMKA Workers' Confederation: ILO's technical cooperation is needed in the following

areas: (i) training of officials dealing with labour law enfor cement administrative; (ii) strengthening capacity of workers' and

employers' organizations; (iii) legal reform (labour law and other relevant legislations); (iv) awareness-raising campaign to

help the stakeholders to better understand the ILS; (v) assistance to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in the

implementation of the core Conventions.

2009 AR: The Government reiterated the request it made under the 2008 AR to carry out a national case study on freedom of

association and the Declaration's Follow-up along with the organization of additional workshops on the 1998 ILO Declaration

and its follow-up.

The CCK and the NUAE supported the Government's request and further requested the ILO's support for capacity building on


2008 AR: The Government requested that a national case study on freedom of association and the Declaration's Follow-up be

conducted, along with the elaboration of workshops.

2007 AR: According to the Government: ILO technical cooperation should be sustained to help Afghanistan better implement

the new labour law and realize the FPRW. Labour Inspection and employers' and workers' organizations need ILO support for

training and capacity building. A case study on the FPRW is needed in the country.

According to the CCA: (i) ILO technical cooperation for training and capacity building of employers' organizations will

facilitate the realization of the FPRW in Afghanistan; and (ii) the CCA supports the Government's request for a case study on

the FPRW in Afghanistan.

According to the AAFTU: (i) The AAFTU strongly needs ILO support for capacity building and training among its affiliates

d b d (ii) it l t th G t' t f t d th FPRW i Af h i t

2006 AR: The Government wished to organize a special workshop on the Declaration, with ILO technical assistance, so as to

facilitate the design of a national Declaration programme that will promote all FPRW and social dialogue, and focus on

implementation. It also reiterated its request for technical cooperation projects to facilitate the realization of the PR in

Afghanistan in the following areas, in order of priority: (1) promotion of women's right; legal reform, strengthening data

collection and analysis, strengthening tripartite social dialogue, strengthening capacity of employers' and workers'

organizations; (2) training of other officials; sharing experience across countries; assessment of the difficulties identified and

their implications for realizing the PR.

2005 AR: According to the Government: Needs for technical cooperation to facilitate the realization of the PR in Afghanistan

exist in the following areas, in order of priority: (1) promotion of Women's right; legal reform; strengthening data collection

and analysis; strengthening tripartite social dialogue; strengthening capacity of employers' and workers' organizations;

(2) training of other officials; sharing experience across countries; assessment of the difficulties identified and their implication

for realizing the PR.

The Government would most appreciate the design of a national declaration program that will promote all FPRW and social

dialogue. Offer ILO, the Asian Foundation.



RECOMMENDATIONS 2008 AR: The ILO Declaration Expert-Advisers (IDEAs) encouraged the Government of Afghanistan (and few other governments) to initiate the necessary

labour law reform to remove the obstacles to the ratification of C.87 and C.98. They acknowledged the high number of promotional activities concerning the PR

in Afghanistan (and some other countries), and encouraged the Office to maintain its efforts to support these activities. However, the IDEAs noted that restrictions

on the rights of certain categories of workers in Afghanistan (and some other countries), such as workers in the informal economy, to organize, were not

compatible with the realization of this principle and right (cf. paragraphs 32, 35 and 38 of the 2008 AR Introduction - ILO: GB.301/3).

2007 AR:

The IDEAs listed Afghanistan among the countries that have been indicating their intention to ratify C.87 and C.98 for several years, with no indication

that progress has been made (cf. paragraph 33 of the 2007 AR Introduction - ILO: GB.298/3).

2005 AR: The ILO Declaration Expert-Advisers noted with particular interest the reporting from Afghanistan in spite of the serious difficulties that this country

has to face (cf. paragraph 8 of the 2005 Annual Review Introduction - ILO: GB.292/4). GOVERNING BODY OBSERVATIONS/

RECOMMENDATIONS 2013 AR: At its November 2012 Session, the Governing Body requested the Director-General to take full account of the ILO Plan of Action on Fundamental

Principles and Rights at Work (2012-2016) and allocate the necessary resources for its implementation. This plan of action is anchored in the universal nature of

the fundamental principles and rights at work (FPRW), their inseparable, interrelated and mutually reinforcing qualities and the reaffirmation of their particular

importance, both as human rights and enabling conditions. It reflects an integrated approach, which addresses both the linkages among the categories of FPRW

and between them, and the other ILO strategic objectives in order to enhance their synergy, efficiency and impact. In this regard, freedom of association and the

effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining are particularly emphasized as enabling rights for the achievement of all these strategic objectives.

2011 AR:

At its March 2010 Session, the Governing Body decided that the recurrent item on the agenda of the 101


Session (2012) of the International Labour

Conference should address the ILO strategic objective of promoting and realizing fundamental principles and rights.

2009 AR: During its March 2009 Session, the Governing Body included the review of the follow-up to the 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and

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