[PDF] Basic long distance rates - international outbound

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Basic long distance rates - international outbound

International outbound service describes long distance calling to chart below for all calls other than customer-dialled

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1 févr. 2021 Rates and Services Schedule Interstate and International No. 9 ... CenturyLink provides direct dialed (1+) and inbound toll free (8xx) for ...

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11 juil. 2021 UPS® Standard Zone Chart (to Mexico). ... Hazardous Materials and International Dangerous Goods ... size per UPS® Simple Rate package.

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Programme Strategy: main development challenges and policy responses the first time in 20 years the global rate of extreme poverty was set to rise”.

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Basic long distance rates - international outbound

may differ from a landline rate. A non-discounted transaction charge applies in addition to the per-minute rates in the chart below for all calls other than.

Estimating Air Travel Demand Elasticities Final Report - IATA

28 déc. 2007 This indicates air travel increases at a higher rate than incomes. ... International Passenger Survey (UK outbound traffic).


Direct Dialed Interstate Long Distance Service – Basic Rates. 9.15 Outbound International Long Distance Service Rate Schedule.


Egypt Air reserves the right to change passenger seating at any time after booking in certain circumstances such as schedule irregularity

Basic long distance rates - international outbound International outbound service describes long distance calling to destinations other than in Canada and the United States. Calls placed are subject to service restrictions in effect at the terminating point. Some areas within the destinations lists may not be accessible by phone. Rating for calls terminating on a wireless device such as a mobile phone, a pager, etc. may differ from a landline rate. A non-discounted transaction charge applies in addition to the per-minute rates in the chart below for all calls, other than customer-dialled, for each call as follows:


a: Calling card $2.75 b: Credit card $2.75


a: Calling card $5.00 b: Sent paid $7.50 c: Third number $7.50


a: Calling card $9.50 b: Sent paid $9.50 c: Third number $9.50

Effective February 1, 2016

Country - English Country - French Rates

Afghanistan Afghanistan $16.60

Afghanistan Mobile Afghanistan-mobile $16.60

Albania Albanie $8.03

Albania Mobile Albanie-mobile $8.03

Algeria Algérie $4.18

Algeria Mobile Algérie-mobile $4.36

American Samoa Samoa américaines $6.38

American Samoa Mobile Samoa américaines-mobile $6.56

Andorra Andorre $4.01

Andorra Mobile Andorre-mobile $4.18

Angola Angola $8.03

Angola Mobile Angola-mobile $8.03

Anguilla Anguilla $6.03

Anguilla Mobile Anguilla-mobile $6.21

Antigua Antigua $5.51

Antigua Mobile Antigua-mobile $5.58

Argentina Argentine $6.80

Argentina Mobile Argentine-mobile $6.91

Armenia Arménie $7.50

Armenia Mobile Arménie-mobile $7.61

Aruba Aruba $3.76

Aruba Mobile Aruba-mobile $4.01

Ascension Ascension $7.08

Ascension Mobile Ascension-mobile $7.15

Australia Australie $2.71

Australia Mobile Australie-mobile $2.96

Austria Autriche $3.59

Austria Mobile Autriche-mobile $3.83

Azerbaijan Azerbaïdjan $7.85

Azerbaijan Mobile Azerbaïdjan-mobile $7.96

Bahamas Bahamas $3.13

Bahamas Mobile Bahamas-mobile $3.24

Bahrain Bahreïn $6.28

Bahrain Mobile Bahreïn-mobile $6.38

Bangladesh Bangladesh $5.23

Bangladesh Mobile Bangladesh-mobile $5.33

Barbados Barbade $4.63

Barbados Mobile Barbade-mobile $4.70

Belarus Bélarus $6.91

Belarus Mobile Bélarus-mobile $6.98

Belgium Belgique $4.01

Belgium Mobile Belgique-mobile $4.18

Belize Belize $5.68

Belize Mobile Belize-mobile $5.86

Benin Bénin $6.98

Benin Mobile Bénin-mobile $7.08

Bermuda Bermudes $3.59

Bermuda Mobile Bermudes-mobile $3.76

Bhutan Bhoutan $5.86

Bhutan Mobile Bhoutan-mobile $5.93

Bolivia Bolivie $5.68

Bolivia Mobile Bolivie-mobile $5.86

Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bosnie-Herzégovine, $5.86 Bosnia & Herzegovina, Mobile Bosnie-Herzégovine,-mobile $6.03

Botswana Botswana $5.86

Botswana Mobile Botswana-mobile $6.10

Brazil Brésil $4.81

Brazil Mobile Brésil-mobile $4.98

Brunei Darus. Brunéi Darus. $4.18

Brunei Darus. Mobile Brunéi Darus.-mobile $4.29

Bulgaria Bulgarie $7.33

Bulgaria Mobile Bulgarie-mobile $7.43

Burkina Faso Burkina Faso $5.86

Burkina Faso Mobile Burkina Faso-mobile $5.93

Burundi Burundi $7.33

Burundi Mobile Burundi-mobile $7.33

C.I.S. (Commonwealth of Independent

States) C.E.I. (Communauté d'États indépendants) $6.63

C.I.S. (Commonwealth of Independent

States)-Mobile C.E.I. (Communauté d'États indépendants)-mobile $6.73

Cambodia Cambodge $7.85

Cambodia Mobile Cambodge-mobile $7.85

Cameroon Cameroun $5.33

Cameroon Mobile Cameroun-mobile $5.51

Cape Verde Cap Vert $6.45

Cape Verde Mobile Cap Vert-mobile $6.45

Cayman Islands Caïmans, îles $4.81

Cayman Islands Mobile Caïmans, îles-mobile $4.98 Central African Rep. Centrafricaine, République $6.91 Central African Rep. Mobile Centrafricaine, République-mobile $6.98

Chad Tchad $8.03

Chad Mobile Tchad-mobile $8.03

Chile Chili $4.81

Chile Mobile Chili-mobile $4.98

China Chine $7.15

China Mobile Chine-mobile $7.26

Colombia Colombie $6.21

Colombia Mobile Colombie-mobile $6.38

Congo Congo $6.91

Congo Mobile Congo-mobile $6.98

Cook Islands Cook, îles $6.91

Cook Islands Mobile Cook, îles-mobiles $6.98

Costa Rica Costa Rica $5.33

Costa Rica Mobile Costa Rica-mobile $5.51

Croatia Croatie $5.51

Croatia Mobile Croatie-mobile $5.68

Cuba Cuba $6.56

Cuba Mobile Cubap-mobile $6.63

Cuba - Guantanamo Bay Cuba - Guantanamo Bay $6.56

Cuba - Guantanamo Bay Mobile Cuba - Guantanamo Bay-mobile $6.63

Cyprus Chypre $5.86

Cyprus Mobile Chypre-mobile $6.03

Czech Republic Tcèhque, République $5.16

Czech Republic Mobile Tcèhque, République-mobile $5.40 Dem Rep Congo République démocratique du Congo $6.28 Dem Rep Congo Mobile République démocratique du Congo-mobile $6.28

Denmark Danemark $2.96

Denmark Mobile Danemark-mobile $3.24

Diego Garcia Diego Garcia $8.73

Diego Garcia Mobile Diego Garcia-mobile $8.73

Djibouti Djibouti $7.85

Djibouti Mobile Djibouti-mobile $7.85

Dominica Dominique $5.16

Dominica Mobile Dominique-mobile $5.33

Dominican Rep Dominicaine, République $4.01

Dominican Rep Mobile Dominicaine, République-mobile $4.18

East Timor Timor oriental $8.73

East Timor Mobile Timor oriental-mobile $8.73

Easter Island Pâques, île de $4.81

Easter Island Mobile Pâques, île de-mobile $4.98

Ecuador Équateur $6.80

Ecuador Mobile Équateur-mobile $6.91

Egypt Égypte $5.86

Egypt Mobile Égypte-mobile $5.93

El Salvador

El Salvador


El Salvador Mobile El Salvador-mobile $5.86

Equatorial Guinea Guinée équatoriale $6.98

Equatorial Guinea Mobile Guinée équatoriale-mobile $6.98

Eritrea Érythrée $7.50

Eritrea Mobile Érythrée-mobile $7.50

Estonia Estonie $4.46

Estonia Mobile Estonie-mobile $4.70

Ethiopia Éthiopie $6.98

Ethiopia Mobile Éthiopie-mobile $6.98

Falkland Islands Falkland, îles $6.03

Falkland Islands Mobile Falkland, îles-mobile $6.10

Faroe Islands Féroé, îles $2.96

Faroe Islands Mobile Féroé, îles-mobile $3.24

Fiji Fidji $5.51

Fiji Mobile Fidji-mobile $5.58

Finland Finlande $3.59

Finland Mobile Finlande-mobile $3.76

France France $2.26

France Mobile France-mobile $2.43

French Guiana Guyane française $5.86

French Guiana Mobile Guyane française-mobile $5.93

French Polynesia Polynésie française $7.50

French Polynesia Mobile Polynésie française-mobile $7.50

Gabon Gabon $4.63

Gabon Mobile Gabon-mobile $4.88

Gambia Gambie $5.33

Gambia Mobile Gambie-mobile $5.40

Georgia Géorgie $7.85

Georgia Mobile Géorgie-mobile $7.96

Germany Allemagne $2.71

Germany Mobile Allemagne-mobile $3.06

Ghana Ghana $5.33

Ghana Mobile Ghana-mobile $5.58

Gibraltar Gibraltar $5.51

Gibraltar Mobile Gibraltar-mobile $5.75

Greece Grèce $4.46

Greece Mobile Grèce-mobile $4.70

Greenland Groenland $4.18

Greenland Mobile Groenland-mobile $4.36

Grenada Grenade $5.16

Grenada Mobile Grenade-mobile $5.33

Guadeloupe Guadeloupe $3.76

Guadeloupe Mobile Guadeloupe-mobile $4.11

Guam Guam $4.18

Guam Mobile Mobile Guam-mobile $4.18

Guatemala Guatemala $5.51

Guatemala Mobile Guatemala-mobile $5.68

Guinea Guinée $5.68

Guinea Mobile Guinée-mobile $5.75

Guinea-Bissau Guinée-Bissau $8.90

Guinea-Bissau Mobile Guinée-Bissau-mobile $8.90

Guyana Guyane $4.63

Guyana Mobile Guyane-mobile $4.70

Haiti Haïti $4.01

Haiti Mobile Haïti-mobile $4.11

Honduras Honduras $4.46

Honduras Mobile Honduras-mobile $4.70

Hong Kong Hong Kong $2.43

Hong Kong Mobile Hong Kong-mobile $2.43

Hungary Hongrie $4.01

Hungary Mobile Hongrie-mobile $4.18

Iceland Islande $4.18

Iceland Mobile Islande-mobile $4.36

India Inde $4.18

India Mobile Inde-mobile $4.29

Indonesia Indonésie $5.51

Indonesia Mobile Indonésie-mobile $5.68

Iran Iran $8.03

Iran Mobile Iran-mobile $8.13

Iraq Iraq $7.50

Iraq Mobile Iraq-mobile $7.50

Ireland Irlande $2.96

Ireland Mobile Irlande-mobile $3.24

Israel Israël $5.51

Israel Mobile Israël-mobile $5.68

Italy Italie $3.59

Italy Mobile Italie-mobile $3.83

Ivory Coast Côte D'Ivoire $8.38

Ivory Coast Mobile Côte D'Ivoire-mobile $8.38

Jamaica Jamaïque $4.01

Jamaica Mobile Jamaïque-mobile $4.18

Japan Japon $3.59

Japan Mobile Japon-mobile $3.83

Jordan Jordanie $4.81

Jordan Mobile Jordanie-mobile $4.98

Kenya Kenya $6.38

Kenya Mobile Kenya-mobile $6.56

Kiribati Kiribati $8.20

Kiribati Mobile Kiribati-mobile $8.20

Korea, North Corée du Nord $8.38

Korea, North Mobile Corée du Nord-mobile $8.38

Korea, South Corée du Sud $4.81

Korea, South Mobile Corée du Sud-mobile $4.98

Kuwait Koweit $5.68

Kuwait Mobile Koweit-mobile $5.86

Kyrgygstan Kirghizistan $6.63

Kyrgygstan Mobile Kirghizistan-mobile $6.63

Laos, Laos, $8.38

Laos, Mobile Laos, -mobile $8.38

Latvia Lettonie $8.03

Latvia Mobile Lettonie-mobile $8.13

Lebanon Liban $6.91

Lebanon Mobile Liban-mobile $7.08

Lesotho Lesotho $5.51

Lesotho Mobile Lesotho-mobile $5.68

Liberia Libéria $4.18

Liberia Mobile Libéria-mobile $4.18

Libya Libye $4.18

Libya Mobile Libye-mobile $4.29

Liechtenstein Liechtenstein $2.26

Liechtenstein Mobile Liechtenstein-mobile $2.54

Lithuania Lithuanie $5.68

Lithuania Mobile Lithuanie-mobile $5.86

Luxembourg Luxembourg $4.81

Luxembourg Mobile Luxembourg-mobile $4.98

Macau Macao $6.21

Macau Mobile Macao-mobile $6.28

Macedonia Macédoine $6.21

Macedonia Mobile Macédoine-mobile $6.38

Madagascar Madagascar $9.08

Madagascar Mobile Madagascar-mobile $9.18

Malawi Malawi $4.18

Malawi Mobile Malawi-mobile $4.29

Malaysia Malaisie $5.86

Malaysia Mobile Malaisie-mobile $6.03

Maldives Maldives $6.91

Maldives Mobile Maldives-mobile $6.98

Mali Mali $8.38

Mali Mobile Mali-mobile $8.38

Malta Malte $6.28

Malta Mobile Malte-mobile $6.38

Mariana Islands Mariannes, îles $8.38

Mariana Islands Mobile Mariannes, îles-mobile $8.38

Marshall Islands Marshall, îles $9.78

Marshall Islands Mobile Marshall, îles-mobile $9.78

Martinique Martinique $3.76

Martinique Mobile Martinique-mobile $4.11

Mauritania Mauritanie $6.38

Mauritania Mobile Mauritanie-mobile $6.45

Mauritius Mauritius $6.45

Mauritius Mobile Mauritius-mobile $6.45

Mayotte Mayotte $5.86

Mayotte Mobile Mayotte-mobile $5.93

Mexico Mexique $4.63

Mexico Mobile Mexique-mobile $4.70

Micronesia Micronésie $6.28

Micronesia Mobile Micronésie-mobile $6.28

Moldova Moldavie $5.86

Moldova Mobile Moldavie-mobile $5.93

Monaco Monaco $2.96

Monaco Mobile Monaco-mobile $3.24

Mongolia Mongolie $9.43

Mongolia Mobile Mongolie-mobile $9.43

Montenegro Monténégro $5.16

Montenegro Mobile Monténégro - Mobile $5.40

Montserrat Montserrat $5.16

Montserrat Mobile Montserrat-mobile $5.23

Morocco Maroc $5.51

Morocco Mobile Maroc-mobile $5.75

Mozambique Mozambique $8.38

Mozambique Mobile Mozambique-mobile $8.38

Myanmar Myanmar $10.48

Myanmar Mobile Myanmar-mobile $10.48

Namibia Namibie $5.86

Namibia Mobile Namibie-mobile $5.93

Nauru Nauru $7.33

Nauru Mobile Nauru-mobile $7.33

Nepal Népal $6.28

Nepal Mobile Népal-mobile $6.28

Netherlands Pays-Bas $2.71

Netherlands Mobile Pays-Bas-mobile $3.06

Netherlands Antilles Antilles néerlandaises $4.01 Netherlands Antilles Mobile Antilles néerlandaises-mobile $4.11

New Caledonia Nouvelle-Calédonie $7.50

New Caledonia Mobile Nouvelle-Calédonie-mobile $7.50

New Zealand Nouvelle-Zélande $3.13

New Zealand Mobile Nouvelle-Zélande-mobile $3.41

Nicaragua Nicaragua $5.86

Nicaragua Mobile Nicaragua-mobile $6.10

Niger Niger $5.86

Niger Mobile Niger-mobile $5.93

Nigeria Nigeria $5.51

Nigeria Mobile Nigeria-mobile $5.68

Niue Niue $7.50

Niue Mobile Niue-mobile $7.50

Norfolk Islands Norfolk, île $3.76

Norfolk Islands Mobile Norfolk, île-mobile $3.83

Norway Norvège $3.13

Norway Mobile Norvège-mobile $3.41

Oman Oman $9.95

Oman Mobile Oman-mobile $9.95

Pakistan Pakistan $6.21

Pakistan Mobile Pakistan-mobile $6.38

Palau Palau $8.38

Palau Mobile Palau-mobile $8.38

Palestine Palestine $5.51

Palestine Mobile Palestine-mobile $5.58

Panama Panama $4.18

Panama Mobile Panama-mobile $4.36

Papua New Guinea Papouaise-Nouvelle-Guinée $4.18 Papua New Guinea Mobile Papouaise-Nouvelle-Guinée-mobile $4.18

Paraguay Paraguay $4.18

Paraguay Mobile Paraguay-mobile $4.29

Peru Pérou $5.68

Peru Mobile Pérou-mobile $5.93

Philippines Philippines $4.18

Philippines Mobile Philippines-mobile $4.29

Pitcairn Island Pitcairn, île $6.10

Pitcairn Island Mobile Pitcairn, île-mobile $6.10

Poland Pologne $4.01

Poland Mobile Pologne-mobile $4.29

Portugal Portugal $4.01

Portugal Mobile Portugal-mobile $4.18

Puerto Rico Porto Rico $3.59

Puerto Rico Mobile Porto Rico-mobile $3.66

Qatar Qatar $5.33

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