[PDF] ASEAN Guiding Principles for Quality Assurance and Recognition of

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ASEAN Guiding Principles for Quality Assurance and Recognition of

This ASEAN Guiding Principles aims to provide the basis for developing trust and understanding of national frameworks and competency certification systems of 

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ASEAN Guiding Principles for Quality Assurance and Recognition of

ASEAN Guiding Principles

for Quality Assurance and Recognition of

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established on 8 August 1967. The Member States are Brunei Darussalam,

Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. The ASEAN Secretariat is based in

Jakarta, Indonesia.

For inquiries, contact:

The ASEAN Secretariat

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Catalogue-in-Publication Data

Jakarta, ASEAN Secretariat, August 2016


ASEAN - Standard - Human Resource

ISBN 978-602-6392-03-9

ASEAN: A Community of Opportunities

The text of this publication may be freely quoted or reprinted, provided proper acknowledgement is given and a copy containing the reprinted

material is sent to the Community Relations Division (CRD) of the ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta. General information on ASEAN appears online at the ASEAN Website: www.asean.org Copyright Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 2016.

All rights reserved.


a project planned in the ASEAN Labour Ministers' Work Programme 2010-2015 and developed by the ASEAN

Authority (BNSP) and Ministry of Manpower of Indonesia in collaboration with the International Organisation for

Migration (IOM) and the ASEAN Secretariat. This ASEAN Guiding Principles was adopted by the 24th ASEAN

Labour Ministers Meeting (ALMM) held on 15 May 2016 in Vientiane, Lao PDR.

This ASEAN Guiding Principles aims to provide the basis for developing trust and understanding of national

Reference Framework (AQRF) was taken into consideration in the production of this ASEAN Guiding Principles

as it is expected to complement the AQRF. The use of this ASEAN Guiding Principles in the future would be

voluntary by ASEAN Member States that would be ready to do cross-referencing of their skills standards for

certain occupations.

knowledge sharing and support throughout the drafting and review process of this ASEAN Guiding Principles.

Appreciation also goes to the Government of Japan for its continued support through the Japan-ASEAN

Integration Fund (JAIF) to the development of this ASEAN Guiding Principles. Last but not least, sincere thanks

to the consultant, Ms. Andrea Bateman, and project coordinator, Mr. Bonardo Aldo Tobing, for the technical


Table of Content

List of tables ....................................................................... Acronyms ....................................................................... .2 Glossary of key terms ....................................................................... Introduction .......................................................................

Section 1:10

Section 2:16

Section 3: Key Aspects of Quality Assurance ..............................................................


Section 4: Guiding Principles and Protocols for Quality Assurance .........................................................36

Section 5:

among ASEAN Member States ....................................................

Section 6: Participating in National Referencing Activities .......................................................................46

Appendix: International Quality Assurance Frameworks ...................................................

......................49 References ....................................................................... 52

ASEAN Member States Competent Bodies .......................................................................


ſ 1

List of tables

Table 1: NQF summary .....................................................................................

..................10 Table 2: Summary of NQF structure .............................................. .....................................11

Table 3:17

Table 4: Skills levels .........................................................

Table 5:18

Table 6:20

Table 7: Quality indicators, EAS TVET QAF ...................................................................


2 ſ


ALMMASEAN Labour Ministers Meeting

AMSASEAN Member States

AQRF BNSP EAS TVET QAFEast Asia Summit Technical and Vocational Education and Training Quality Assurance Framework

HRDHuman Resource Development

INQAAHEThe International Network for Quality Assurance

Agencies in Higher Education

MOUMemorandum of Understanding


TVETTechnical Vocational Education and Training

ſ 3

Glossary of key terms

The following key terms are those agreed by the ASEAN Members States. The terms marked with





agency* Accrediting agencies are those competent bodies (such as national or other nationally approved bodies or agencies with the responsibility to under national legislation. Accrediting agencies function within a quality assurance system.


standards rules to follow in a given context or the results to be achieved. A distinction can be made between competency, educational, occupational Competency standard refers to the knowledge, skills and/or competencies linked to practising a job Educational standard refers to statements of learning objectives, content of curricula, entry requirements and resources required to meet learning objectives Assessment standard refers to statements of learning outcomes to be assessed and methodology used Occupational standard refers to statements of activities and tasks related ASEAN



across ASEAN member states. formally attesting that a set of learning outcomes (knowledge, know-how, skills and/or competences) acquired by an individual have been assessed schemes 1 1

Cedefop (2011), p. 109.


Cedefop (2011), p. 16


Adapted from ISO/IEC 17024:2012

2 3

4 ſ

Certifying and/

or awarding body* recognising the achievement of learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and/ or competences) of an individual, following an assessment and validation procedure. Competence*Competence is an ability that extends beyond the possession of knowledge and skills. It includes: Cognitive competence involving the use of theory and concepts, as well as informal tacit knowledge gained experientially Functional competence (skills or know-how), those things that a person should be able to do when they work in a given area Personal competence involving knowing how to conduct oneself in a Ethical competence involving the possession of certain personal and professional values.


standard* rules to follow in a given context or the results to be achieved. Competency standard refers to the knowledge, skills and/or competencies linked to practising a job.


standard* rules to follow in a given context or the results to be achieved. Occupational standard refers to statements of activities and tasks related to Provider*An organisation that plans and delivers education/training and assessment that an individual has been assessed as achieving learning outcomes or market and in further education and training. framework* national or sectoral level) according to a set of criteria (e.g. using descript ors) 4 5 6 7 8 9 4

Cedefop (2011), p. 10 & 11


Coles & Werquin (2006), p. 23


Cedefop (2011), p. 109


Cedefop (2011), p. 109


Coles & Werquin (2006) p. 21 & 22


Cedefop (2011), p. 82

ſ 5

systems* the recognition of learning. These systems include the means of developing arrangements, quality assurance processes, assessment and awarding processes, skills recognition and other mechanisms that link education and


assurance* Quality assurance is a component of quality management and is ‘focused on In relation to education and training services, quality assurance refers to Quality assurance ensures stakeholders" interests and investment in any accredited program are protected.


assurance framework* A set of principles, guidelines, tools and standards that act as a reference for guiding the consistent application of quality assurance activities.


indicators* quality performance.


principles* Overall intentions and direction of a quality framework or an organisation with regard to quality assurance.


standards* consensus and approved by an organisation recognised at regional, national or international levels. The purpose of quality standards is optimisation of input and/or output of learning.


assurance system* Quality assurance system includes all aspects of a country"s activity related to assuring the quality of education and training. These systems include the following elements: Clear and measurable objectives and standards, guidelines for implementation, including stakeholder involvement

Appropriate resources

Consistent evaluation methods, associating self-assessment and external review Feedback mechanisms and procedures for improvement, and

Widely accessible evaluation results

10 11 12 13 10

Coles & Werquin (2006), p. 22

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