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Republic of Georgia

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????????? ??????? BOOK OF ABSTRACTS

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19 janv. 2018 Uxbridge UK (now Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Enseignement des ... between the Arabian and Eurasian plate that is triggered by the ...

March (2016) Fungal diversity notes 253–366: taxonomic and

Cyanoboletus hymenoglutinosus D. Chakr. K. Das

Regmi Research Series

Ql' sull:::: till) GutILi ~ ;Hl nl.1unt it sh<'J.I be n[.l!)rr-.tl.!d by tlie 111.Jj

RC(jni Rcs(;U):"ch (Priv2tC) I.t;ii

l(-:1tl"uolundu: DocQluber 1, 1')77 .

RCQmi s(;riL;S

O::.nru12ltivc Inde.'< far 1977


1. Dc."Ic10pm..mt in IL::pal

2. On Disciplm:try M'lU.::J:""s

3. King Prithvi HaroYil1"l Sho.h

:;;. SClcct ... >d. toCUffio:1tS of Ma.C)h 1887

6. sclo::t..o. l))cumcnts of Ma.gh-F2..lgm


7.' H

8. R"tgul.:l.tions for the o..,raundi-Killl

Rcgion .

9. ,; Journey to Cr ..... >at china

1 (,. The DlIsnuhs of Jhinj lu

11. On Sati

l?. GhYilllg 13. Rilj


.enclowmc..nt in SitnI)ailu,

11. Shrine of Baudl1.:iI1ath

10 ;\Pr:ointmmt of the .Chiniya Lar,lil 16.

Cllthi Limt;ls of sri Bc.udhonoth

17. Rq)air of sri BaUdhannth Shrinc

lU. Cllth1 GhyE:1st N0. 1


The I.ia.ttatrC¥a fobnnstury in


20.. Misqcl:J.:oncOUs rocu,m.:.:nts of 1887


Fe:udaJ.1sm 1rt NUlPUl

... 1-tl, 1.",_21,

61_64, 7,1_80,

87-92, 99_10S,

lCB_l1:'!. 12:)-.13( .. • •• 5.

7-11, 28-31,

42-4,1, 52-57,



15 •

22 •

2 !:t •

)2 • 1,

58 •

65 •

70 •


72 •


73 •

74 •

' •• 01. 05. .. . 93-96, 173-176 • 97.

Contd •••

2;')\ . _. 23'

RituOll Purity ;"(On9 COnTIlUn.:ll Group::::


Ro::ru1bn.:nt of TrOOP!:: and .-\UXili:lrio:;

durlnt] th(; \'I'r _ •• j :;: 5.' Rc.venue Receipt::; Cif th..., (bv.;rn:ncnt ! of during th..:

1 c..:ntury

1 of }(.)tw20.: Regulations fur r>r(j::.:.-cticn of

1 crops in 1'1 ;,:;p.J.l

2 JudlciiJ.l Rcgul=\tions

in Barn, porSQ, and R.:lut.:l.h:l.t

J2 • \ N....,pal' s Land Rcfcrln

3. I Nanuksh..'1.hi I-!_'n.:lstsics


J·1 • ; sal t Trade in D;:m:l

\ Jut,lir Lon:i AsSigunJ"lts I

36.1p.:J.tuwuris nnd Jisnld.)Cs

:01strlct in to the .'\nny in funk.:!

37 \J.{lPOfnbnlIlt of Run;) JUn!) p:mdc

IUS Mukhtiynr-K '3(; .IQJnp.)...,u,.;:r Fo.ctori.;:s **** ................ ,.t-••

106 •


126 ..

1 37.



1'15. 153.



Rcgni Rcsc.:trch (private) Ltd

L.:JzilUj"I:!.t. K.o.thTKt!ldu, U .... V.:Jl


lOO_lSJ. by R<:s.::Cl.Lch (E'rivu.tc) Ltd for privutc study rr.lSc'lrch. Not for public sal"" distrib.ltiun, t .. ll: disPlay.

Regliu (Private) Ltd

Kathmalldu; Jonuary 1., 1 c:n7

Yef,l-9, No, • .:t.,

E:.1itwl by

1 • of"" thu Prczullt "Ji"iduntrial

" Pas:l.t:1r.a\."" 1St N'epa'l

3. King ?rithvi S"IQ.h"

-,1. Cuthi wgis1'nti;m; 1£:'23

5. h

RCgrll Ra:;carch (P),·1vo.te) Ltl

Iazirupnt, KctluuG..du, HU;,12J"

l' 5 7· II l5 Ccmpllud"by Regmi Research (Pr1vnte) Lt<.l f0r priw.tc study mid research. for ·)ublic \)r djspLty. . banking-and credit )o'stitu'tiohS", ·o.f ir'd',stri • . of .pro.tec;tlve and regulatQry·.'legislation It not wholly surprising. t.hcrefore :that. 1 s 2.1 experience has been cl1a.racter:ised by and !mptituGie.E., wit!h num..::!r,ous.-failur:es and. many existing indust.ics now irt •.•. .• ;. ... II ([?raft Five Year

Plan, p •. 54)". ,'" ;" ,'.' .... -"

The physical has not

been laid Nepal.-Nor has the soclal: and _EConomi:c been cl.)nducivc, to', tl)e development" of, an .adequate Limited markets, 'both in Size and in the purcl!asing the consumer, great difficulties and of commun between different und lli;!io., S.llOl'tClgU -fuel al.d loc:al raw 'l:"'l.t.l::rials, of ilwestlllcut cap: Ulld its 3h)l111;;':;S a:ll those··h2.w "\ilout bad

011 the -i'ldustri;fl:.p('sitiNl-'.}f:·" ' cuW·:tI';i(. (cr.

a:;d Blatt<':'lI.ai---,Rep'ort' on Small S9.;1e: '311<1 CottngfJ . It may'be appropriate here to ind1cIn, the first place, it is u-fact that of, the

units ar? uneconomic in their scale 'of 'This has. been the of inadequate capital, and more' the lack of mnrkets. for. easy disposal of the prOdue:ts. -The' Biratnagar Jute .M;1.11,S Ltd .. , i.or'instClllce, hason1y 358 10""1$, while the RaghuP'i·1 Jute Mills Ltd has only 63 . probably the srnhl est jute mill in " toe. world. The capacit.Ji of the MOrang'sugar Mills Ltd 1s_ onl y 200 tons 'per annum, and even then it is camp-::!lled to eXport 45 percent of its products .. · •. by the o.f Indian lndustries,. these' :units will appear j.nsigni size. This fact has led to high' costs of ,production with -adverse results on the economic wo,rl<;i" . of the industries.' , ' ., 'l'h1fi :fact will ass\.tne' larger realized, that ,all Nepali industries ·to' the full brunt of the corrpetition frem even ,in Nepal. i-markets " Therc are no restrictions on tl1e free iRpC?rts of· Indian manuf&Ctures into Nepali· 1 :eJ:'ritOr and this has seriOUSly handicapped loc,al 'For -, instance" invasion of IndiCK'l matches, into the tarai- ''' .. marlcets_ eap,E!!=1ally has •. probl(:ms , . for match ',-"': • "f.- 4. Mo'st" of the inportant lrdustries wore established during tre war and lrrmedlate post 'War 'years" when new_ lI1.:lChinery was-to procure. N?oordingl,y,-most of 'them are "e:(ulpped W'lth secc:nd hand machinery. In

8ub8iEfluent years, -lack' of proper and d.lfficulty

in·the'"replacemeut parts has l;>een to 'full productivity. A ooUI"lttee constituted enrly in by the shareholders of the r-t:>tang cotton HUlS'Ltd fer an . investigation of the'afh.irs of the mills reve.aled substantial defects 1n the maintenance of the machinery and Plant, which had been procured hand. In 195') "tllC fall 1n the production in the Jute M,ills I.td was by the workers' union to the: use.of second hand and obsolete ma chinery.' Altrough 'it ls qlff1cult'to ascertain the truth of this statement, the cxintence of the prOblem cannot be denied.. . ., . banking' ·the lack 'of • ..,of credit 1'!ave ·led locai industries to--oopend rigid sources of-finance like ehaJ:es and Ba well as loans. This has not only obliged the mills to the burden of the interest charges throughOut the though the money may have been lying idle for appreciable periods of time, but also has, involved exorbitant rates 6f interest; It has heen mentioned elsewhere that the Blratnagar J ute Mllls Ltd ·has to pay an .. estimated 70 percent of on its of rcw liute. -This has given rise tc conpara_ tively, l:c:w of on s)\are cap'ital € .. ':".'" _ .:I.no9rtant than any other factor i'lj,jthat degree of' in at. .is the ' resu! t of -haphazard growth. There has boen 00;. pl armed or . systematic development of industries in NGpal. These arc for the moSt part, a byProduct of tJ:wa. c;:reated'_ . by the second world War. Inevitably in these'cases, we cl::I not find Correlated tQ . ad.vantllges Within tlla. The C!8t,abl1shnent of sugar .c:ottC?D' textiles ,can perhaps l)ave }\O altemative explanatiOn! of the actual possi_quotesdbs_dbs26.pdfusesText_32

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