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Sigma notation

(?1)k 1 k . Key Point. To write a sum in sigma notation try to find a formula involving a variable k where the first.

1 Convergence Tests

Root Test and Ratio Test. The root test is used only if powers are involved. Root Test. ? k2. 2k converges: (ak). 1/k. = 

The sum of an infinite series

Above the sigma we write the value of k for the last term in the sum which in this case is 10. So in this case we would have. 10. ? k=1. 2k +1=3+5+7+ .


The symbol ? (capital sigma) is often used as shorthand notation to indicate k=1 xk. Solution: x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5. We also use sigma notation in the ...

University of Plymouth

12 févr. 2006 b) P(k) ? P(k + 1) for all natural numbers k . The standard analogy to this involves a row of dominoes: if it is shown.

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Thus (1) holds for n = k + 1

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k and the bounded sequence bk = (?1)k. Notice that the sequence akbk = 1 k k=2. 1 k(ln k)p converges if and only if p > 1 by using the integral test.


n=1 an converges to a sum S ? R if the sequence (Sn) of partial sums. Sn = n. ? k=1 ak converges to S as n ? ?. Otherwise the series diverges.


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1 Somme simple Le symbole ? (sigma) s'utilise pour désigner de manière générale la somme de plusieurs termes Ce symbole est généralement accompagné d'un 

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Exercice 14 Etudier la nature des séries de terme général et calculer leur somme : 1 ( ) 2

  • Comment calculer ? ?

    ? [terme général d'une suite arithmétique] = [nombre de termes] × [premier terme] + [dernier terme] 2 .
  • Comment calculer la somme Sigma ?

    Somme simple
    Le symbole ? (sigma) s'utilise pour désigner de manière générale la somme de plusieurs termes. Ce symbole est généralement accompagné d'un indice que l'on fait varier de façon à englober tous les termes qui doivent être considérés dans la somme.
  • Comment calculer la somme de K ?

    k = n (n + 1) 2 . La variable k est appelée indice de la somme; on utilise aussi fréquemment la lettre i comme variable d'indice.
  • Deux séries sont dites de même nature lorsqu'elles sont toutes les deux convergentes ou toutes les deux divergentes. Déterminer la nature d'une série c'est déterminer si elle converge ou si elle diverge. vn converge.
Sigma notation

Sigma notation

mc-TY-sigma-2009-1 Sigma notation is a method used to write out a long sum in a concise way. In this unit we look at ways of using sigma notation, and establish some useful rules. In order to master the techniques explained here it is vital that you undertake plenty of practice exercises so that they become second nature. After reading this text, and/or viewing the video tutorial on this topic, you should be able to: •expand a sum given in sigma notation into an explicit sum; •write an explicit sum in sigma notation where there is an obvious pattern to the individual terms; •use rules to manipulate sums expressed in sigma notation.



2.Some examples3

3.Writing a long sum in sigma notation 5

4.Rules for use with sigma notation6

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1. IntroductionSigma notation is a concise and convenient way to represent long sums. For example, we often

wish to sum a number of terms such as

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5


1 + 4 + 9 + 16 + 25 + 36

where there is an obvious pattern to the numbers involved. The first of these is the sum of the first five whole numbers, and the second is the sum of the first six square numbers. More generally, if we take a sequence of numbersu1,u2,u3,...,unthen we can write the sum of these numbers as u


A shorter way of writing this is to leturrepresent the general term of the sequence and put n r=1u r. Here, the symbolΣis the Greek capital letterSigmacorresponding to our letter 'S", and refers to the initial letter of the word 'Sum". So this expression means the sum of all the termsur wherertakes the values from 1 ton. We can also write b r=au r to mean the sum of all the termsurwherertakes the values fromatob. In such a sum,ais called the lower limit andbthe upper limit.

Key Point

The sumu1+u2+u3+...+unis written in sigma notation as n r=1u r. www.mathcentre.ac.uk 2c?mathcentre 2009

Exercises1. Write out what is meant by

(a) 5? n=1n


n=13 n(c)4? r=1(-1)rr2(d)4? k=1(-1)k+1 2k+ 1 (e) N? i=1x 2 i(f)N? i=1f ixi

2. Evaluate

4? k=1k 2.

2. Some examples



4? r=1r 3.


This is the sum of all ther3terms fromr= 1tor= 4. So we take each value ofr, work out r

3in each case, and add the results. Therefore

4 r=1r

3= 13+ 23+ 33+ 43

= 1 + 8 + 27 + 64 = 100.



5? n=2n 2.


In this example we have used the letternto represent the variable in the sum, rather thanr. Any letter can be used, and we find the answer in the same way as before: 5 n=2n

2= 22+ 32+ 42+ 52

= 4 + 9 + 16 + 25 = 54.



5? k=02 k. www.mathcentre.ac.uk 3c?mathcentre 2009 SolutionNotice that, in this example, there are 6 terms in the sum, because we havek= 0for the first term: 5 k=02 k= 20+ 21+ 22+ 23+ 24+ 25 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 = 63.



6? r=11

2r(r+ 1).


You might recognise that each number


2r(r+ 1)is atriangular number, and so this example

asks for the sum of the first six triangular numbers. We get 6 r=11

2r(r+ 1) =?12×1×2?+?12×2×3?+?12×3×4?+?12×4×5?



= 1 + 3 + 6 + 10 + 15 + 21 = 56.

What would we do if we were asked to evaluate

n? k=12 k? Now we know what this expression means, because it is the sum of all the terms2kwherek takes the values from 1 ton, and so it is n k=12 k= 21+ 22+ 23+ 24+...+ 2n. But we cannot give a numerical answer, as we do not know the value of the upper limitn.





Here, we need to remember that(-1)2= +1,(-1)3=-1, and so on. So 4 r=1(-1)r= (-1)1+ (-1)2+ (-1)3+ (-1)4 = (-1) + 1 + (-1) + 1 = 0. www.mathcentre.ac.uk 4c?mathcentre 2009


k=1? -1 k? 2quotesdbs_dbs2.pdfusesText_2
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