[PDF] Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

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Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

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N ecueil des Trailtes Treaty Series

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Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traites

Trait s et accords internationaux

enregistrgs ou classgs et inscrits au repertoire au Secrdtariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies


Treaties and international agreements registered

or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

I. Nos. 1079-1099

VOLUME 82 1951 II. No. 251



Treaties and international agreements

registered from 6 March 1951 to 20 March 1951 Page

No. 1079. United States of America and Canada:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the settle- ment of certain claims and accounts arising out of wartime pro- curement of supplies and services. Washington, 14 March 1949 3 No. 1080. United States of America and Philippines: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to certain reciprocal rights of priority in the filing of patent applications under the respective patent laws. Washington, 12 February, 4 and 23 August 1948 .......... .................. 11

No. 1081. United States of America and Liberia:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to passport visas. Monrovia, 27 and 28 October 1947 .. ......... ... 23

No. 1082. United States of America and Iceland:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to passport visas. Reykjavik, 1 October and 9 December 1947 ... ...... 31

No. 1083. United States of America and Ireland:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to passport visa fees. Dublin, 1 August 1949 ... ............. ... 37

No. 1084. United States of America and Uruguay:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to passport visa fees. Montevideo, 3 and 8 November 1949 ... ....... 45

Traitgs et accords internationaux enregistris

ou classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secrtariat ae L'Organisation des Nations Unies

I. Nos 1079-1099

VOLUME 82 1951 iN25

11. No 251



Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistris du 6 mars 1951 au 20 mars 1951 Pages

No 1079. Etats-Unis d'Am6rique et Canada:

Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif au rglement de certains comptes et de certaines cr~ances de guerre. Washing- ton, 14 mars 1949 ...... ....................... 3

No 1080. Etats-Unis d'Amerique et Philippines:

Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif h certains droits de priorit6 en matire de d~p6t des demandes de brevets d'inven- tion. Washington, 12 ffvrier, 4 et 23 aofit 1948 .... ....... 11

No 1081. Etats-Unis d'Amirique et Liberia:

Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif aux visas de passe- ports. Monrovia,

27 et 28 octobre 1947.....


No 1082. Etats-Unis d'AmCrique et Islande:

Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif aux visas de passe- ports. Reykjavik, ler octobre et 9 d6cembre 1947 ...... ... 31

No 1083. Etats-Unis d'Amnrique et Irlande:

Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif aux droits de visa des passeports. Dublin, ler aofit 1949 .. ........... ... 37

No 1084. Etats-Unis d'Amrique et Uruguay:

Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif aux droits de visa des passeports. Montevideo, 3 et 8 novembre 1949 ... ...... 45

IV United Nations -Treaty Series 1951


No. 1085. United States of America and Canada:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the allo- cation of channels for frequency modulation broadcasting in the band of frequencies extending from 88 to 108 megacyles, with particular reference to those areas adjacent to the border of Canada and the United States. Washington, 8 January and

15 October 1947 ...... .................... ... 53

No. 1086. United States of America and Canada:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to engineering standards applicable to the allocation of standard broadcasting stations in the band of frequencies extending from 540 to 1,600 kilocycles. Washington, 24 December 1947 and 1 April 1948 99

No. 1087. United States of America and China:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the establishment of a Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction in China. Nanking, 5 August 1948 Exchange of notes extending and modifying the Agreement of 5 August 1948. Canton, 27June 1949 ..... ............ 109

No. 1088. United States of America and Pakistan:

Agreement for financing certain educational exchange programmes (with explanatory memorandum). Signed at Karachi, on 23

September 1950 ........ .................... 131

No. 1089. Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union and Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, acting in respect of Occupied Japan: Trade Agreement between the Belgian Monetary Area and OccupiedJapan. Signed at Tokyo, on 29 August 1950 ....147

No. 1090. Norway and Denmark:

Agreement (with Annexes) concerning mutual recognition of premiums paid for unemployment insurance. Signed at Oslo, on 18January 1951 ...... .................. ...153

1951 Nations Unies -Recueil des Traites V


No 1085. Etats-Unis d'Amrique et Canada:

Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif 'attribution de voies pour la radiodiffusion a fr~quences modules dans la bande de frdquences de 88 h 108 m~gacycles, notamment dans les regions contigues L la fronti~re du Canada et des Etats-Unis. Washington, 8janvier et 15 octobre 1947 .. ......... ... 53

No 1086. Etats-Unis d'Amerique et Canada:

Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif aux normes tech- niques applicables h l'attribution, dans la bande de fr~quences de 540 h 1.600 kilocycles, de stations de radiodiffusion ordinai- res. Washington, 24 dfcembre 1947 et ler avril 1948 ...... 99

No 1087. Etats-Unis d'Am6rique et Chine:

Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif A la creation d'une Commission mixte pour la reconstruction rurale en Chine.

Nankin, 5 aofit 1948

Echange de notes prorogeant et modifiant I'Accord du 5 aofit 1948. Canton, 27juin 1949 ..... .................. ...109

No 1088. Etats-Unis d'Amerique et Pakistan:

Accord relatif au financement de certains programmes d'6change dans le domaine de 1'6ducation (avec memorandum explicatif) Sign6 Karachi, le 23 septembre 1950 .. .......... ... 131 No 1089. Union Cconomique belgo-luxembourgeoise et Comman- dant supreme des Puissances allies, agissant au nom du Japon occup6: Accord commercial entre la zone mon~taire belge et le Japon occup6. Sign6 ii Tokio, le 29 aofit 1950 ............... 147

No 1090. Norv~ge et Danemark:

Accord (avec annexes) concernant, la prise en compte r~ciproque des primes (cotisations) d'assurance-ch6mage. Sign6 Oslo, le 18janvier 1951 ..... ................... ....153

VI United Nations -Treaty Series 1951

Page No. 1091. United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Civil Aviation

Organization, International Labour Organisation,

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, World Health Organization and France: Basic Agreement for the provision of technical assistance. Signed at

Paris, on 20 March 1951

Supplementary Agreement No. I to the Basic Agreement. Signed at Paris, on 20 March 1951 ..... ................ ... 172 No. 1092. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Ethiopia: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the descrip- tion of the Kenya-Ethiopia boundary. Addis Ababa, 29 Sep- tember 1947 ......... ..................... 191 No. 1093. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Portugal: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement regarding the appointment of doctors to hospitals. Lisbon, 11 and 16 Octo- ber1947 .. ........................... .203 No.1094. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire- land and Chile: Agreement concerning military service. Signed at Santiago, on 27

October 1947 ........ ..................... 209

No. 1095. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Sweden: Agreement (with exchange of letters) supplementary to the Mone- tary Agreement of 6 March 1945. Signed at London, on 24

November 1947

Agreement (with exchange of letters) further amending the above- mentioned Monetary Agreement of 6 March 1945. Signed at London, on 29 April 1949 .... ................ ...219 No. 1096. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire- land, United States of America, France and Italy: Protocol relating to the restitution to Italy of monetary gold looted by Germany. Signed at London, on 16 December 1947. ...237

1951 Nations Unies -Recuei des Traitis VII

Pages No 1091. Organisation des Nations Unies, Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et ragriculture, Organisation de laviation civile internationale, Or- ganisation internationale du Travail, Organisation des Nations Unies pour 1l6ducation, la science et la culture, Organisation mondiale de la sant6 et France: Accord de base au sujet de la fourniture d'une assistance technique.

Sign6 h Paris, le 20 mars 1951

Premier Accord complkmentaire de l'Accord de base. Sign6 h Paris, le 20 mars 1951 ...... .................. ... 173 No 1092. Royaune-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Ethiopie: Echange de notes constituant un accord portant modification du trac6 de la fronti~re entre le K~nya et 'Ethiopie. Addis-Abfba,

29 septembre 1947 ...... ................... ....191

No 1093. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Portugal: Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif h la designation de mfdecins d'h6pitaux. Lisbonne, 11 et 16 octobre 1947 ...203 No 1094. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Chili: Accord relatif au service militaire. Sign6 Santiago, le 27 octobre

1947 ............ ......................... 209

No 1095. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Suede: Accord (avec 6change de lettres) compltant l'accord mon~taire du

6 mars 1945. Signs Londres, le 24 novembre 1947

Accord (avec 6change de lettres) modifiant h nouveau l'accord mon6taire ci-dessus mentionn6 du 6 mars 1945. Sign6 h Londres, le 29 avril 1949 ....... .................... ...219 No 1096. Royaurme-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord,

Etats-Unis d'Amxrique, France et Italie:

Protocole relatif h la restitution A l'Italie d'Or mon~taire pillk par l'Allemagne. Sign6 h Londres, le 16 dfcembre 1947 .. ..... 237

VIII United Nations -Treaty Series 1951

Page No. 1097. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire- land and Italy: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement for the mutual abolition of visas, London, 6 December 1947 .......... ...243 No.1098. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire- land and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Exchange of notes constituting a payments agreement. Moscow,

27 December 1947 ..... ................... ...251

No. 1099. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire- land and Netherlands: Cultural Convention (with exchange of notes). Signed at The Hague, on 7July 1948 ..... ................. ...259

Treaties and international agreements

filed and recorded from 13 February 1951 to 20 March 1951 No.251. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,

United States of America, France, Union of Soviet

Socialist Republics:

Agreement for the prosecution and punishment of the major war criminals of the European Axis. Signed at London, on 8

August 1945 ....... ..................... ...279

ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the United


No. 62. Monetary Agreement between the Government of the

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire-

land and the Government of the Czechoslovak Repub- lic. Signed at London, on 1 November 1945: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement further prolonging the above-mentioned Agreement. London, 31 December 1948 and 3January 1949 ...... .................. ...314 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement further prolonging the Agreement of 1 November 1945. London, 28 February and

2 March 1949 ...... ..................... ...316

1951 Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitis IX

Pages No 1097. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Italie: Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif A la suppression r~ciproque des visas. Londres, 6 d~cembre 1947 .......... 243 No 1098. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Union des RCpubliques socialistes soviftiques: Echange de notes constituant un accord de paiements. Moscou, 27 ddcembre 1947 ........ .................... 251 No 1099. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Pays-Bas: Convention culturelle (avec 6change de notes). Sign~e ? La Haye, le

7juillet 1948 ....... ..................... ...259


Traitis et accords internationaux

classis et inscrits au ripertoire du 13fivrier 1951 au 20 mars 1951 No 251. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord,

Etats-Unis d'Am6rique, France, Union des R6pu-

bliques socialistes sovi6tiques: Accord concernant la poursuite et le cha~timent des grands criminels de guerre des Puissances europennes de l'Axe. Sign6 Londres, le 8 aofit 1945 ...... ..................... ...279 ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhisions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traitis et accords internationaux enregistris au Secritariat de I' Organisation des

Nations Unies

No 62. Accord monktaire entre le Gouvernement du Royaume-

Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et le

Gouvernement de la RCpublique tch6choslovaque.

Sign6 & Londres, le ler novembre 1945:

Echange de notes constituant un accord prorogeant hL nouveau 'Accord mentionn6 ci-dessus. Londres, 31 dfcembre 1948 et

3janvier 1949 ...... ..................... ...315

Echange de notes constituant un accord prorogeant nouveau l'Accord du 1er novembre 1945. Londres, 28 ffvrier et 2 mars

1949 ...................... ......... ...317

X United Nations -Treaty Series 1951

Page Exchange of notes constituting an agreement further prolonging the Agreement of 1 November 1945. London, 27 and 30 April

1949 ....... ......................... ... 320

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement further prolonging the Agreement of 1 November 1945. London, 4July 1949. ..322 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement further prolonging the Agreement of 1 November 1945. London, 4 August 1949 ...324 No. 150. Agreement relating to the issue of a travel document to refugees who are the concern of the Intergovern- mental Committee on Refugees. Signed at London, on

15 October 1946:

Signatures by India, Italy, China, Union of South Africa, Norway,

Liberia and Denmark ....... ................. 328

No. 324 (a). Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance.

Signed at Rio de Janeiro, on 2 September 1947:

Signature by Ecuador, and ratifications by Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador ...... ................... ...330 No. 691. Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Repub- lic of the Philippines on military assistance to the

Philippines. Signed at Manila, on 21 March 1947:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement supplementing and extending for the purpose of mutual defense, the above-men-quotesdbs_dbs18.pdfusesText_24
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