[PDF] St. Xaviers College 24 Feb 2018 Education St.

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Danson Erotica Collection

spent the next forty years building a collection with the. College in mind. Based on the Dictionnaire d'amour of Jean François Dreaux du Radier.

Calendrier de Prières 2022

a insisté pour l'améliorer une fois de plus pour 2022. Puissent-elles connaître la profondeur de l'amour et la grâce de Dieu qui les entoure.


Zagreb: Leykam international 2013 [Bd. 1] und 2014 [Bd. 2]. diesen Gedanken des Offiziers wie folgt: „

IUCN Twelfth Technical Meeting Douzième Réunion Technique

National Appeal) Bombay. Authors: Paper (3): A la Recherche d'une Moralité Nouvelle. * Professor Théodore Monod (France): Member


MSS 1-183 with plates com prising a reprin t of M. R. James's 1921. Catalogue with Introduction and Additional Notes by Frank Taylor M.A.

St. Xaviers College (Autonomous)

The annual college magazine encompasses the spirit and diverse engagements on the campus. This edition is perhaps a reflection of 'The New Normal' an endeavor 

Accession No. Book Author Book Title Place of Publisher Name of

Asia Law House. 4318 Acharya Rajesh. Meditation a new dimension. Bombay Generals of Pakistan & Bangladesh ... D Van Nostrand Company

St. Xaviers College

24 Feb 2018 Education St.Xavier's College (Autonomous)


D'abord Baba éprouva de la colère ; mais voyant l'amour et la dévotion de ces femmes 3 - Shirdi est un petit village situé à l'est de Mumbai


malade passe par la vision de la place de l'homme dans l'Univers. La "L'ultime energie de l'Univers est une energie d'Amour" larn;a. David Bohm.

St. Xavier's College




5, Mahapalika Marg, Mumbai - 400 001, Maharashtra

Website : www.xaviers.edu Email : info@xaviers.edu

Dr Hoshang Master discussing his stamp collection

Harnidh Kaur at Ithaka Events

Dr. Aditi Sawant with cotton workers

Hindi Play at Antas

Fr. Stan on Refugees

Kavita Krishnan at Conclave

Dr. Agnelo Menezes pledging his entire body

Kanchan Daniel performing at Saumvedna 2018


Dr. Agnelo Menezes



Dr. Rashmi Lee George (Convenor)

Ms. S.P. Periyanayagi

Dr. Pearl Pastakia

Dr. Shiney Peter

Ms. Medha Taskar

Dr. Bhagwati P. Upadhyay

Ms. Alpana Palkhiwale

Dr. Aparna Talekar


Mrs. Emily Andrade (XDP)


Ms. Khyati Bohra

Knowledge Centre


Carmel Fernandes

BMM, 2016eDIToRIAl

The Story of Inclusion



From the Principal"s Desk


From the Oce of the Vice-Principal - Academics


“...(It) never forgot what it could do"


March on into the world of Hard Knocks!


College Scholarships 2016-2017


Extending Inclusion: A Prelude to the 150th Year

..............................19 e Jesuit Ethos ..............................21 Education “out of the box": A Compassionate Approach ..............................22

Yours Truly


Rebuilding Xavier"s Development Programme


In Conversations with Globalization

CIP Report

..............................29 HCAP ..............................31

Notre Dame



..............................32 Stuttgart ........................................................................ ..............................33



Campus Dynamism

Spirit Papers From Another World


Biowaves: Developmental Disabilities and Us


Conservation and Preservation of Material Culture


Avoidable Apocalyse

..............................37 e Blending of Neurology and Spirituality ..............................38

Jack and Jill


Saumvedna: 2018

..............................39 e Deutche



Stuttgart meets Mumbai


TIFR Beckons Physics


ECC Report


Social Involvement Programme

..............................44 e Social Service League ..............................45

Library Report

..............................46 Language Lab ........................................................................ ..............................47 Malhar ........................................................................ ..............................48

Radio Live


Fare Forward : Retirements ............................................................................................50

Our Alumni

Lest We Forget : Obituaries ............................................................................................64

Re?ections in English, Hindi, French, Marathi: Poems and Articles ...........................................................................69


Research Departments


Donors ..........................................................................................173



From the Principal's Desk

4 5




A big thank you to Dr. Gulshanara

Shaikh, the previous Vice-Principal

Academics who retired on 31

st July,

2017. She will be remembered for all

her eorts especially in connection with making the Honours Programme even more interdisciplinary by introducing the hub system. Her mentorship and guidance has helped countless students and young faculty. Likewise, much gratitude to Ms. Madhuri Raijada, the previous Vice-Principal Arts who retired at the end of December

2017 but continued to be of service

to the institution till the end of the academic year. Her motherly approach and organizational ability will be remembered by all. I would also like to say a big word of thanks to Dr. Radiya

Pacha Gupta for her leadership at the

Council of International Programmes

for the last ve years and for taking it to a new level. Welcome Dr. Rashmi


e Oce of the Vice-Principal

Academics has been packed with

schedules, meetings, seminars, tough decisions, happy moments and above all much cherished support from the faculty and students of St. Xavier"s

College! A big word of thanks to the

support and eorts of the Academic

Council, Principal Dr. Agnelo Menezes,

Vice-Principal (Science) Dr. Hrishikesh

Samant, Vice-Principal (Arts) Ms. S.

Annapurna (from 2


January, 2018)

and Vice-Principal (Junior College)

Ms. Vaishali Mohoni.

A total of approximately seventy

students received their Honours

Certicates at their Graduation

Ceremony held faculty wise. e

departments oered a variety of activities that included lecture series, workshops, research projects, review of research articles, literature survey, book reviews, Summer School and even Khandala seminars where papers were presented. e objective of involvement in the subject beyond the regular curriculum was denitely met.

A big thank you to all the Honours

Coordinators from the various

Departments, Mr. Subhash Kumar for

the soware work, layouts and printing of certicates assisted by Mr. Dominic

D"souza. e Honours Programme has

been in existence for the last thirty-three years or more here at Xavier"s.

More recently, aer Xavier"s got

Autonomy many of the courses oered

in the Honours Programme moved to mainstream classes. is took the overall academics of the College to a higher level. However, there is always that segment of students who can handle bigger challenges. Hence, the

Honours Programme continued to

be oered by a few faculty stalwarts.

I am grateful to the faculty for their

work in the Honours Programme and their service as DQAC Coordinators of their respective departments (see table). On 18 th and 19 th

April 2018,

visits were made by a special team to all the Departments to inspect the documentation work done for the

DQAC. anks Geeta Kotian, Saju

George and Lydia Fernandes. A number

of faculty were sent for IQAC seminars organized by dierent colleges during the academic year. As part of improving systems and quality on campus and bringing in new ideas, the IQAC

Director held a number of meetings

with faculty, alumni and students to plan for the 150 years celebrations as well as to garner resources through the






















PUBLIC POLICYVijaya LoboAbhilasha Jain Manasi KanugaSangeeta ChavanK. VedasankariPushpa SinkarPiyali UnnikrishnanManali PawarRadha KumarPearl PastakiaAlpana PalkhiwalePranoti ChirmuleyAkshara JadhavPritesh ArteLydia Fernandes Fr. Prashant OlalekarPrin. Agnelo MenezesJoan DiasMedha TaskarBhaskar Saha-Vijaya LoboDionysia CoutinhoRadhika TendulkarKaruna GokarnRohan JadhavSmita KrishnanSaju GeorgeRahul MenonAnita KotharePrasita MukherjeeAlpana PalkhiwalePranoti ChirmuleyPeriyanayagi S.Soni GeorgeLydia Fernandes -----Awanish Kumar


Xavier"s Development Programme. A

separate report appears elsewhere in this magazine. e Teacher Assessment Questionnaire (TAQ) was instituted at Xavier"s in 1969 before it became mandatory for an educational institution. e teaching assessment of 27 unconrmed Arts and

Science Faculty was conducted in the

odd semester and 197 Arts faculty was done in the even semester including the self nancing courses of Management and Mass Media Studies. A big thank you to Pushpa Sinkar (for her meticulous work all these years) and the Committee for their painstaking work - Dionysia Coutino, Sangeeta

Chavan, Saju George, Kevin D"Cruz

and all the senior faculty who pitched in, Miriam Stewart, Madhuri Raijada,

Pearl Pastakia, Raju Shinde, Ruby

Pavri, Roy omas, Smita Krishnan,

Ayesha Dias, Karuna Gokarn, Nandita

Mangalore and Fr Roy.

e IQAC organized a “Visioning

Consultation," on 3


February, 2018

as a preparation for the 150 years of the College for senior faculty and the governing body of the College and the

Higher Education Commission of the

Bombay Jesuit Province. e resource

persons were Professor Errol D"Souza,

Director, IIM, Ahemdabad, Vice

Chancellor Dr. (Fr.) Felix Raj, S.J. , St.

Xavier"s University, Kolkatta, Dr. (Fr.)

Victor Lobo, S.J., Principal, St. Joseph"s

Bengaluru and Dr. Sybil omas, ASC, Mumbai University. Principal"s and Management from Mumbai colleges were also present.

A sincere appreciation to all the faculty

who participated in the seminars organized as part of human resource development of IQAC. We conducted two New Teachers" Seminars during the academic year. On 7 th

September 2017,

the topics were

Ignatian Pedagogical

Paradigm by Fr. John Cyriac, S.J. ,

Teaching at Xavier's

by Vice-Principal

Ms. Madhuri Raijada (Arts) and

Teaching Methodology by Vice Principal

(Science) Dr. Hrishikesh Samant. On 14 th

March 2018, the topic was


of teaching and learning in the classroom animated by Ms. Madhuri Raijada and

Dr. Geeta Kotian.

ree faculty seminars for all were conducted. On 12 th

July, 2017, the

topic was

Gender Sensitization at the

workplace by Dr. (Fr.) Keith D"souza,

S.J. e second seminar was organized

by Madhuri Hambarde, Praveen

Henriques, Prashant Ratnaparkhi,

Alpana Palkhiwale, Pratibha Naithani

and Binoj Kutty with the support of

IQAC on 22


December 2017 on

CAS, API Score-keeping and Service

Conditions by Ms. Yogini Ghare,

Deputy Registrar, CONCOL Section,

University of Mumbai. A big ank

You to all the CAS committee for their

tireless work during the year. e third seminar was once again presented by Dr. (Fr.) Keith D"souza, S.J. (Rector-Designate) on the topic Visioning for St.

Xavier's College

In June 2018, the h autonomous

batch was treated to a grand Graduation

Ceremony spread over three days i.e.

st , 22 nd and 23 rd of June 2018. We had our very own teacher from Jr. College,

Dr. Smita Gaurea receiving her Ph.D.

from the College. A big word of thanks to Ms. Norine D"Souza, Dr. Geeta Kotian and Dr. Ashma Aggarwal who played a stellar role in the organization. anks to the dedication, time and hard work put in by the Faculty on the respective days, the Head of Departments, the

Scholarship committee, Bipin, Anand,

Shiny, Shefali, and the General Oce,

Controller of Exams Marazban Kotwal,

Hoshang Master, Fiona, Lennox and the

Exam Committee, Dr. (Fr.) Pesso and

the Treasurer"s Oce, Kamal, Adrian,

Shemaine, Sunita, the Karmacharis,

Das, Dinesh and Mr. Kevin D"Cruz,

Swapnil, Yogi, Rajesh and Sanjay for the

sound and live screening, Periyanayagi

S., Bobby Matthew and Conrad Cabral.

and many others who all ensured a smooth functioning of the event and made it a memorable day for the students and parents.

We are grateful to God for the 150

years of the College and look forward to incubating the future, Xavier"s 2050!!

Dr. (Fr.) Roy Pereira S.J.

Provost/Vice-Principal (Academics)












MATHEMATICS----------Jyoti SinghRadhika RaniNorine D"souzaSuvaiba PiraniBhagwati UpadhyayKaizeen JehangirPratibha NaithaniKaren AlmeidaBobby MathewAshok Bingi

7 I T) NE V


Good evening. ank you for inviting

me. It is a privilege to be here this evening, and it is a very great pleasure to be back to a place I called home for ve years. at was a very long time ago,

35 years almost to the day. I can only

hope I return here not as the proverbial

Prodigal son, and that I will have the

opportunity to return more oen.

I wonder: does our canteen still make

that incredible curry rice and that bizarre red jelly with cream? Perhaps next time.

Back in those days we didn"t have

a commerce stream in St Xavier"s. ey were talking about it, but it was still some distance away. Of the eight subjects you have, and you"ve graduated in one or more of these, I had courses in four. I wanted to do them all, but things were more rigidly conned in those days.

We have not much time, so about my

years in Xavier"s I"ll only say this: what

Xavier"s gave me, and I do believe this

is the most invaluable instruction of all, was the condence and skills to teach myself. at means being unafraid of not knowing, of ignorance, and of committing yourself to being a lifelong student. It"s certainly true in my chosen profession, but I think it"s just as true everywhere, whatever you choose to do and wherever life takes you. Your marks and exam results will soon become meaningless. What will survive, and what you will carry with you, is justquotesdbs_dbs26.pdfusesText_32
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