[PDF] Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations

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die ggf. auch schwer- oder unbelehrbare Personen zu 2015. 2025. Asbestv erbrauch (1000 t) neue B ... me beauftragte Hauptunter nehmer sah.

Verordnung (EU) 2015/995 der Kommission vom 8. Juni 2015 zur

8 juin 2015 Januar 2016 teilt jeder Mitgliedstaat den anderen Mitgliedstaaten und der ... (b) mit sonstigen Aufgaben im Zug beauftragte Personen (außer ...

Allgemeine Themen - Gefährdungsbeurteilung Gefährdungskatalog

Unterweisung bei neuen Erkenntnissen bezüglich Gefährdungen und Belastun- Nur geeignete ausgebildete und beauftragte Personen zum Führen der Trans-.

Merkblatt für die Feldpostversorgung (FpVers) DEU EinsKtgt

6 sept. 2022 bitte an das zuständige Personal in der Feldpostleitstelle PFUNGSTADT. Sonstige verantwortliche Person Gefahrgut (svPGG)/Beauftragte Person.

ITS Glossary Cover2.indd

Names Index filed under the name of the person seeking the fate or receipt of a transported prisoner or prisoners to new custody).

Richtlinie Bahnbetrieb Fahrdienstvorschrift Archivierte EVU-Regeln

20 oct. 2014 Neue Struktur der Richtlinie 408. Die folgende Abbildung zeigt die ab 13.12.2015 gültige Struktur: 2.1 Modulgruppe 408.01 - 06.

Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations

and information concerning the person or organization seeking the individual) receipt of a transported prisoner or prisoners to new custody).


Hamburgischen Beauftragten für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit. Klosterwall 6 (Block C) Die EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung – Neue Herausforderungen.

Umwelterklärung 2015

28 févr. 2016 4.1.5 Beauftragte Personen im Umweltschutz ... Fertigung nach Effizienzgesichtspunkten neu ... und Versendung von Gefahrgut überwachen.


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Glossary of

ITS Terms & Abbreviations is a work in progress intended to assist those working with the recently-opened records of the In ternational Tracing Service (ITS), incl uding those whose knowledge of t he G erman language m ay be only partial or e ven entirely lacking. For m ore i nformation on the I TS and i ts collections, p lease visit i ts website at w ww.its -arolsen.org and also the US Holocaust Memorial



TS information

w ebsite a t www.ushmm.org/its wh er e one may also submit free-of-charge research r equests online While this Glossary is by no means intended to serve as the only reference work necessary to understand all of the terms found in the ITS records, it is hoped that together with a good German-English dictionary, eve n someone with little or no knowledge of the Ger man language, in which most (though not all) of the ITS records are found, will still be able to make some headway towards understanding these materials.

In addition to

a ttempting to e xplain the c ommones t t erms, ab breviations, acr onyms, p hrases, euphemisms and sy mbols employed by the Nazis in t heir t erm s which are rarely found as such in standard d ictionaries, an at tempt h as also b een m ade to i nterpret m any o f t he specialized co dings and te rminologies used b y t he staffs of t he International T racing Service, its predecessor Search Bureau organizations a nd other a rchival or ganizations c harged over t he de cades w ith the i ndexing and processing of t he m assive c orpus of r ecords i ncluded in the I TS



is hoped that as a true work in progress, we can count on researchers and other friends to assist us in

filling the m any ga ps a nd correcting any errors or om issions t hat t hey m ay e ncounter i n this w ork. T he vast majority of this work can be attributed to William Connelly, who retired in December 2017 after almost

27 years with the Museum. Before the US Holocaust Memorial Museum received

the first delivery of the International Tracing Service documents, Bill traveled to ITS in Bad Arolsen, Germany to learn more about the collections. Collecting information from various sources there, he started to create what would become one of the most useful tools for anyone using ITS materials: the 360-page Glossary of ITS

Terms and

Ab breviations. This Glossary would not have been completed without his dedic ation to even the smallest detail. His attention to accuracy was only matched by his near-encyclopedic memory. Our most heartfelt thanks are naturally due to Herr Wol fgang Luckey of the International Tracing Service in Bad Arolsen, Germany who served as guide and mentor to the staff of the (then) Survivors Registry dur ing our department's July-August 2007 visit there, and who provided us with copie s of the many many in-hou se glossaries, ready reference sheets and other research tools prepared and used by the ITS staff over the decades. To say that this modest Glossary would n ot have been possible without the help of Herr Luckey, Herr Udo Jost, Frau Nicole Dominikus, Dr. Susanne Urban and all the othe r great folks at t he ITS in

Bad Arolsen is a simple statement of fact.


Luftverkehr ; deutsch-englisch, englisch-deutsch (Landsberg am Lech: Ecomed, c2001), whos e many expert suggestions for corrections and additions have helped make this Glossary mo re closely resemble the collaborative scholarly effort we had hoped for, and also to Mr. Raymund Schütz, whose glossary in his 2011 paper concerning wartime records of the Netherlands Red Cro ss,

Vermoedelijk op transport, helped cast light on dozens of Dutch abbreviations which had hitherto been

ut terly inscrutable to us here. 2 (Sütterlin Script )

Beispiele Examples

Victor chases twelve boxers right over the dike of Sylt. Bei jedem klugen Wort von Sokrates rief Xanthippe zynisch: "Quatsch!" With every wise word of Socrates, Xanthippe called out cynically, "Nonsense!"

*Please note: in some variations of Sütterlin Script, the final “s" of a word appears in the following form:

AA A (i.e. Anfrage or Anfragekarte) ITS tracing request card (i.e. placed into the Central Name Index whenever a tracing request is received, these cards typically contain information regarding the person sought, the case file or “T/D" number and information concerning the person or organization seeking the individual) A.(i.e. Arbeitshaus)work house (i.e. prison or camp factory or labor reformatory) A (i.e. année) year (e.g. “DATE DE NAISSANCE, J_ M_ A_" means “Date of birth,

D[ay]_ M[onth]_ Y[ear]_") [French]

A (i.e. Aussehen) appearance, look (i.e. seen in some laboratory records)

A (e.g. ‘A ™, i.e. Aschersleben) Aschersleben Concentration Camp (i.e. subcamp of Buchenwald where

forced labor was employed by the

Junkers Flugzeug- und

Motorenwerke AG (JFM) [= Junkers Aircraft and Motor Works]; e.g. may be seen handwritten as “A" or “AL" on Buchenwald Individual


Arbeitskarten [= labor cards] in the section labeled “KDO.", indicating transfer to this subcamp as the prisoner"s labor assignment) See also entries for: “Arbeitskarte" and “AL"

A (i.e. auf der Flucht erschossen) shot while trying to escape (i.e. code used following death date to

indicate reported cause of death in lists of deceased Buchenwald prisoners compiled in the postwar period as Listen von verstorbenen folders 457-463)

See also entry for: “a (i.e. Bruch)"

a.(i.e. aus)out of, from (e.g. “letzte Nachricht a.Auschwitz" means “last news from Auschwitz") a (i.e. Bruch) fracture, break (i.e. code used following death date to indicate reported cause of death in lists of deceased Buchenwald prisoners compiled in nationality], current ITS Archives designation:, folders 457- 463)
See also entry for: “A (i.e. auf der Flucht erschossen)" a.A. (i.e. auf Anordnung)by order of a.A. (i.e. aus Amersfoort)out of [or 'sent from'] Amersfoort (i.e. Polizeiliches Durchgangslager

Amersfoort [= Amersfoort Police Transit Camp])

See also entries for: "a.A" and "P.D.L. Amersfoort" A.A. (or "AA™, i.e. Arbeitsamt) employment office AAL (i.e. Außenarbeitslager) outlying labor camp (i.e. of a concentration camp or ghetto) A.& K.Mü (i.e. Apelbom-Kossoy, München) Apelbom-Kossoy Law & Notarial Offices [in] Munich (i.e. this organization, with offices in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Munich, assisted many Holocaust restitution claimants; frequently noted as a case's enquirer in the lower left hand corner of Anfragekarten [= research request cards] of the Central Name Index)

Aantekeningen comments, remarks, notes [Dutch]

a.a.O. (i.e. an angegebene Orte)at the indicated or specified location

AA Warschau (i.e. Arbeitsamt Warschau) Warsaw Labor Office (i.e. refers to lists of the Employment Office

Warsaw on Polish forced laborers in Germany collection, current ITS

Archives designation:

Aaw. H. (i.e. Ausantwortungshaft) held in detention by one duly-authorized authority at the request of

another authority a. B. (i.e. auf Befehl)by order of

A.B. (

i.e. Apeldoornse Bos) Apeldoornse Bos [also referred to as "Apeldoornsche Bosch"] (i.e. Dutch Jewish psychiatric institution located in the forests near Apeldoorn where Jews had been treated for psychiatric disorders using modern methods since 1909. The horrific "evacuation" of the patients of this hospital to Westerbork concentration camp occurred on January

21, 1943. This "A.B." notation for residents of this institution is

sometimes seen at upper right of cards of the

Dutch Wartime Card File

of Jews, current ITS Archives designation: [Dutch]

See also entries for: "Apeldoorn" and "Opgen."

Ab (e.g. '™, i.e. Altenburg) Altenburg Concentration Camp (i.e. subcamp of Buchenwald located at

the Altenburg branch munitions factory of Hugo Schneider AG [HASAG]; sometimes seen as the handwritten ligature shown here, with elements that might also be interpreted as the letters "A, l, T, and b or G", at in the lower right of some documents found in the Buchenwald Individual Documents sections, current ITS Archives designation: 1.1.5.x, indicating transfer to this subcamp as the prisoner's labor assignment)

See also entries for: "Alt" and "HASAG"

A.B.A. (i.e. Armeebekleidungsamt) arm y uniform post, army clothing depot

A.B.C. (i.e. Afwikkelingsbureau Concentratiekampen) Concentration Camp Settlement Bureau (i.e. Dutch tracing and

concentration camp information center that existed on the site of the liberated former Vught Concentration Camp, near the town of 's-Hertogenbosch, from November 26, 1944 to December 18, 1946; first known as the Afwikkelingsbureau Concentratiekamp Vught [= Settlement Bureau [at] Vught], it was later absorbed and succeeded by the Informatiebureau van het Nederlandse Rode Kruis [= Information Office of the Dutch Red Cross], which was also commonly known as the

Nationaal Opsporingsbureau [= National

Tracing Bureau]) [Dutch]

Abendappell evening assembly or roll call (of prisoners) abg. (i.e. abgemeldet) de-registered (i.e. from a specific location or residence), official notice of departure given signature line on obverse of Effektenkarten [= personal effects cards])


e.g. 'Abgang')departure (i.e. may also mean "disbursement" or "withdrawal" in the context of payments such as those recorded on Geldverwahrungskarten [= money [account] cards], which are often seen in the Individual

Documents sections of concentration camp records)

See also entry for: "Geldverwahrungskarte"

Abgang am [date] departure on [date]

Abgang d. Flucht (i.e. Abgang durch Flucht) escaped (literally: "departure through flight")

Abgang d.Tod (i.e. "Abgang durch Tod") "departure through death" (i.e. euphemistic term often seen in

concentration camp

Ab- und Zugangslisten [= Arrivals and Departures


See also entries for: "abgesetzt" and "Abtragung"

Abgang durch Tod

(or, 'Abgang durch Tod!') "departure through death" (i.e. euphemistic term often seen in concentration camp

Ab- und Zugangslisten [= Arrivals and Departures


See also entries for: "abgesetzt" and "Abtragung"

Abg. d. Fl. (i.e. Abgang durch Flucht) escaped (literally: "departure through flight") abgegeben am [date] surrendered on [date], given up on [date] abgelegt discarded abgemeldet deregistered (i.e. from a specific location or residence), official notice of departure given

See also entry for: "Abmeldung"

abger. (i.e. abgereist) departed, traveled away (i.e. may indicate "deported") abgereist (or "Abgereist:™) departed, traveled away (i.e. may indicate "deported") abgesandt am [date] sent on [date] abgesetzt (or 'Abgesetzt') removed or discharged (i.e. released from service or imprisonment; may be a used euphemistically; e.g. "gestorben am 21. Feb. 44, abgesetzt am 22. Feb. 44" means "died on 21 February 1944, discharged [from duty] 22 February 1944") See also entries for:"Abgang durch Tod" and "Abtragung"

abgestr. (e.g. '™, i.e. abgestrichen) struck from, wiped off, removed (i.e. may indicate a prisoner removed

from a certain labor assignment or other roster; e.g. " 116
abgestr. 25fl in full: fi16 Januar abgestrichen 25fl] indicates that on January 16 th the prisoner was removed from the rolls of

Arbeitskommando 25 [= Labor

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