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Collège Le Plantaurel Cazères

Gattaca est un film américain produit par les studios Sony Pictures (Columbia Plusieurs noms utilisés dans Gattaca ont une signification symbolique ...

DP Gattaca

Gattaca étant un film d'anticipation il paraît intéressant d'observer plus cause puis d'essayer de déterminer la signification que le réalisateur a ...

Bienvenue à Gattaca A.Niccol


Bienvenue à Gattaca de Andrew Niccol - Fiche élève

Niccol réalise Bienvenue à Gattaca son premier film. Il s'essaie ensuite au thriller politique avec Lord of War (2005)dont le trafic d'armes.

Bienvenue à Gattaca

Gattaca. Réalisation et scénario : Andrew Niccol. Interprètes : des films de science-fiction Gattaca ... signification à l'emploi des.

Projet interdisciplinaire « Gattaca »

En groupe classe travail sur la signification des noms des personnages : Jerome (Genome) Eugene (eugenics/gene) Morrow (Tomorrow).


And in this exposition Andrew Niccol's Gattaca (1997) and Peter Wier's “Truman Show” (1998) films have been analyzed in case study in order to uncover the 

6. Fiche citations

Niccol sont tirées de « Andrew Niccol - on making GATTACA » de Douglas Eby disponible sur le. 2 site Talent Development. Page sur. 1. 4. BIENVENUE À GATTACA — 

Bienvenue à Gattaca

Il ne lui a pourtant pas échappé que Vincent ne manquait jamais les lancements des fusées et elle comprend qu'ils renferment pour lui une signification intime.

The Postracial Imagination: Gattacas Imperfect Science

to provide a succinct and exact definition of race; instead they often Gattaca

[PDF] Bienvenue à GATTACA “There is no gene for the human spirit”

Plusieurs noms utilisés dans Gattaca ont une signification symbolique à commencer par celui de la base qui donne son titre au film L'origine du titre Le nom 

[PDF] Bienvenue à Gattaca — Fiche élève

« En un sens Bienvenue à Gattaca est une histoire classique sur le triomphe de l'esprit humain » Andrew Niccol ? Dystopie Bienvenue à Gattaca est une 

[PDF] Gattaca - Les Grignoux

Il s'agira d'abord de préciser les caractéristiques remarquables de l'élément en cause puis d'essayer de déterminer la signification que le réalisateur a voulu

[PDF] Bienvenue à Gattaca - Transmettre le cinéma

Dans le film au-delà de sa réalité concrète le gène symbolise ce qui fixe une fois pour toutes la personne aux yeux d'au- trui autrement dit ce qui renvoie 

[PDF] Bienvenue à Gattaca ANiccol 1998 - Normandie Images

Gattaca est un film d'anticipation qui se déroule dans un futur proche Tous les décors et accessoires ont donc dû être inventés ou choisis par le 

[PDF] Bienvenue à Gattaca

Gattaca Réalisation et scénario : Andrew Niccol Interprètes : Ethan Hawke (Vincent/Jérome) Uma Thurman (Irène) Jude Law (Jérome/Eugène)

[PDF] Bienvenue à Gattaca - Créer son blog

Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) est un enfant « invalidé » conçu naturellement et qui rêve de devenir astronaute à Gattaca un centre de formation et de 

[PDF] bienvenue à gattaca — andrew niccol (1997)

Histoire_des_Arts_Gattaca__2_ pdf Sauf mention contraire les citations d'A Niccol sont tirées de « Andrew Niccol - on making GATTACA » de Douglas Eby 

[PDF] Bienvenue à Gattaca - Plateforme Jeune Public - Véo Cinémas

1902 : découverte que les chromosomes sont supports de l'hérédité (Walter Sutton) ; première description d'une maladie humaine héréditaire 1909 : définition du 

[PDF] actuel) Bienvenue à Gattaca Film de science-fiction sorti en 1997

En 2014 la société Américaine GenePeeks propose de choisir et le sexe et les gènes de son futur enfant pour limiter les risques de maladie Analyse de l'œuvre

  • Quelle est la signification de Gattaca ?

    Le terme Gattaca fait référence aux quatre nucléotides : Guanine, Cytosine, Adénine, Thymine; un nucléotide étant l'élément de base de l'ADN ; d'autre part, la séquence GATTACA apparaît plusieurs fois dans le génome humain.
  • Quel est le thème principal de Bienvenue à Gattaca ?

    « Bienvenue à Gattaca » est de cette veine. Fable sur l'eugénisme située dans une contre-utopie totalitaire, c'est aussi l'histoire d'un homme plus faible que les autres qui fera tout pour atteindre son rêve. Dans un futur pas si lointain, le monde se divise en deux : les « valides » et les « invalides ».
  • Pourquoi Gattaca se présente comme un monde parfait ?

    Mais qu'est donc Gattaca? Un centre de missions spatiales du futur, dont les candidats répondent à des critères génétiques bien précis. Un centre de formation où tout n'est que tranquille perfection, contrôlée par une techno-science toute-puissante.
  • Nous sommes donc en présence d'une dystopie, c'est- à-dire une utopie qui aurait mal tourné. L'élément fondamental de cette dystopie est la possibilité donnée aux parents de choisir les caractéristiques génétiques de leur enfant afin de leur offrir les meilleures chances dans la vie. A priori, l'intention est louable.




A Thesis Submitted to

the Graduate School of Engineering and Sciences of

Izmir Institute of Technology

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of


in Architecture by


January 2005

IZMIR ii iii


First of all, I have to thank to my advisor Assist.Prof. Emre Ergül for his patience, supports and belief that I could conclude this work. I have to express my thanks to Assist Prof. Dr. Önder Erkarslan, my co-advisor, for his advices. Prof.Dr. Ahmet Eyüce and Assist Prof. Dr. Can Özcan who have helped with their critics. I am grateful to my dear wife for her patience and for her great support. I am thankful to my friend and colleague Ebru Yılmaz, who is always so generous for sharing her time and knowledge with me. And finally, I express my gratitude to my mother and father for their beliefs. iv


This study aims to expose the transformation of meanings of architectural space in cinema films and the transformative impact of cinema. And in this exposition, Andrew Niccol"s Gattaca (1997) and Peter Wier"s "Truman Show" (1998) films have been analyzed in case study in order to uncover the meaning changes of architectural spaces that have taken place in film medium. Since the early 20th century, cinema has developed into an influential mass communication tool due to the advancements in technology. The cinematic and photographic tools have been designed basically as instruments for receiving and recording of images at the beginning but then addition to the functions of recording, they are used in the re-production of reality. In the past, architecture had been influenced from other image and visualization techniques in presentation and representation of space like pictorial perspective. And it is inevitable that it has been under the influences of cinema in the re-production and the representation of space It is essential for architects to be aware of the transformative impact and features of film medium in the representation of space. And In this dissertation the primary visions of the two disciplines on space, architectural space and cinematic space have been comparatively studied. Key words: architecture, cinema, space, representation, architectural space in films, transformation of space v ÖZ

Bu çalı

ma, sinema filmlerinde yer alan mimari mekanın geçirdii anlam Andrew Niccol"un "Gattaca" ve Peter Wier"ın "Truman Show" filmleri içinde yer alan mimari mekan ve binaların u incelenmi tir.

Sinema 20. yüzyılın ba

larından itibaren, teknolojinin geliimiyle etkili bir kitle ileti lardır, ancak zamanla gerçekli in yeniden üretiminde kullanılmılardır. Geçmite mimari mekanın, kaçı lı perspektif gibi temsiliyet biçimleri ve prezantasyon tekniklerinden etkilenmesi gibi, gerçekli in yeniden üretimini beyaz perdeye yansıtan sinemadan da etkilenmesi kaçınılmazdır. türücü


ması sinema ve mimarlık disiplinlerinin ortak noktası olan "mekan" üzerinedir. Sinemasal mekan ve mimari mekan, film ortamında kar

ılatırmalı olarak ele

alınmı tır.




LIST OF TABLES..................................................................................................ix

LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................x

Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................1

1.1. Aim of the Study and Definition of the Problem...............................3

1.2. Method of the Study..........................................................................6

1.3. Assumptions and Limitations............................................................7

Chapter 2. PERCEPTION OF SPACE IN THE CINEMA AGE...........................9

2.1. The Cinema Age and Space...............................................................9

2.1.1 Changes and Shifts in the Spatial Perception.............................11 The Rebirth of Pictorial Space..........................................11 Instrumental Space............................................................12

2.1.2. Notions of Time-Space and Speed.............................................13

2.2. Photo-montage and Engineering of Art...........................................14

2.3. Perception in the Cinema Age: Reception and Shock ....................16

2.3.1 .Perception of Space in Real Time and Reel Time.....................17 Stadium.............................................................................20 Punctum............................................................................20

2.4. Cinematic Concepts in Constituting Space......................................21

2.4.1. Space in Cinema: Representation of Filmic Space....................22

2.4.2. Continuity..................................................................................24

2.4.3. Movement..................................................................................25

2.4.4. Dimension and Depth................................................................27

2.4.5. Perspective ................................................................................27

2.4.6. Time ..........................................................................................30


2.5. Cinematic Tools in Constructing Space...........................................32

2.5.1. Montage ....................................................................................32

2.5.2. Framing......................................................................................35

2.5.3. Camera Movements and Camera Angles ..................................37

2.5.4. Lighting and Color ....................................................................38

2.5.5. Shooting Techniques and Lenses ..............................................39

2.6. Experiencing Space Through a Cinematic Tool (Camera)..............39



3.1. Space asa a Symbolic and Metaphysical Notion in Cinema............44

3.2. Icons and Iconographic Space in Cinema .......................................47

3.2.1. Definition of Icon.......................................................................47

3.2.2. Iconography in Cinematic Narration.........................................47

3.2.3. Iconographic Instances in Genre Films.....................................48

3.3. Metaphor and Metonymy in Representation of Space in Cinema...50

3.3.1. Metaphor ...................................................................................50

3.3.2. Metonymy .................................................................................50

3.3.3. Metaphor and Metonymy in Cinema.........................................51

3.4. The Uses of Cinematic Space as an Ideological Apparatus ............53

3.4.1. The Concept of Genre in Cinema .............................................53

3.4.2. Genres and Narration.................................................................54

3.5. Myths...............................................................................................57

3.6. Ideology in Films.............................................................................58

3.6.1. Definitions.................................................................................58

3.6.2. Ideology and Meaning in Cinema..............................................59

3.6.3. Cinema as a Distributor of Thoughts.........................................64

3.6.4. The Relationship between Ideology and Cinema......................64

3.7. The Stylistic Parameters of Ideological Spaces ..............................66

3.8. Modern Architecture and Urban Metaphors in Tati"s Films...........68

Chapter 4. CASE STUDY: "GATTACA" and "TRUMAN SHOW"..................70

4.1.Gattaca: A Bureaucratic-Fascist Future in Minimalist Concrete

4.1.1. Film Analysis in Context of Cinematic Techniques..................77

viii Andrew Niccol"s Approach to Filmmaking and Space....77 Film Techniques...............................................................79 Elements of Space and Time............................................79 Furniture, Costumes and other Objects of Design............81 The film: Storyline in Gattaca..........................................82

4.1.2. Film Analysis in Context of Cinematic Architecture................84 Atmosphere of the Spaces and the Built Enviroment.......84 Architecture in"Gattaca....................................................88 Architecture of Frank Llyod Wright.....................88 Architecture of Antoine Predock..........................90 Codes of Space in Gattaca................................................92

4.2.Truman Show: A Closed Hype Society for an Ideal Life;

4.2.1. Film Analysis in Context of Cinema Techniques Peter Wier"s Approach to Filmmaking and Space .........105 Elements of Space ..........................................................107 Time................................................................................109 Furniture, Costumes and other Objects of Design..........109 The Film: Storyline in Truman Show.............................109

4.2.2. Film Analysis in Context of Space and Architecture..............112 New Urbanism and Truman Show..................................112 Codes of Space in Truman Show....................................118

Chapter 5. CONCLUSION..................................................................................124

BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR CASE STUDY.............................................................140 APPENDIX A FILMOGRAPHY OF THE DIRECTORS..................................142 APPENDIX B IDENTITY OF THE FILMS.......................................................144 ix


Table Page

Table 3.1. Filmic Narration ( source: Güçhan 1999)............................................58

Table 4.1. Locations and Spatial Scenes Diagram of Gattaca

(source: original)..................................................................................83

Table 4.2. Cinematic Spatial Organization Ananlyses in Gattaca

(source: original)................................................................................106

Table 4.3. Locations at Truman Show (source: original)...................................110 Table 4.4. Cinematic Spatial Organization Analysis in "Truman Show" (source: original)....................................................................126 x


Figure Page

Figure 1 Indoor Space and Galeria of Gattaca Center (source:personal archieve)................................................................88 Figure 2 Upper Floor Level of Gattaca Center-People in Black Suits (source:personal archieve).......................................................88

Figure 3 F.L. Wright"s Marin County Civic Center

(source:personal archieve)................................................................89 Figure 4 Vincent at Gattaca Corridors (source:personal archieve) ................89 Figure 5 Vincent at Galeria of Gattaca Center- in a Sepia Tone (source:Gattaca x-Teaser) ................................................................89 Figure 6 Shuttles Roaming up the sky seen through the skylight (source:personal archieve) ...............................................................90 Figure 7 A. Predock"s California Polytechnic Labs and Administration Buildings (source: Andrew Niccols"s Gattaca, the film)..............................................................................97 Figure 8 A. Predock"s Cal. Poly. Lab Building: Jerome"s Apartment entrance floor- car parks (source: Andrew Niccols"s Gattaca, the film)..............................................................98 Figure 9 Jerome"s Apartment Building- huge space entrance (source: Andrew Niccols"s Gattaca, the film)................................98 Figure 10 Jerome"s Apartment, minimal indoor space galeriawith the spiral stairs (source: Andrew Niccols"s Gattaca, the Figure 11 Jerome"s Apartment, Jerome ande spiral stairs are shot on the same frame(source: Andrew Niccols"s Gattaca, the xi Figure 12 Gattaca Center DNA Identification turns (source: Andrew Niccols"s Gattaca, the film)............................................................100 Figure 13 Gattaca Center, Gymnasium Hall (source: Andrew Niccols"s Gattaca, the film)............................................................101 Figure 14 Gattaca Center Computer Simulation Room (source: Andrew Niccols"s Gattaca, the film)..............................................102 Figure 15 Irene"s House (source: Andrew Niccols"s Gattaca, the Figure 16 Site Plan of Seaside (Source: Peter Weir"s Truman Show,

the film)...........................................................................................118

Figure 17 General view and Architectural Language of New Urbanism in Seaside Settlement (source: Urban Debates Exploring New Urbanism)..............................................................119 Figure 18 Neighborhood at Seaside (source: Seaside House Tour)................120 Figure 19 Beach andcoastal view of Seaside (source: Seaside House

Tour) ..............................................................................................120

Figure 20 Street pattern of Seaside (source: Seaside House Tour).................120 Figure 21 Housing variations and neighborhood (source: Seaside House Tour)....................................................................................120



Since the early 20th century, cinema has developed into an influential communication instrument due to the advancements in technology. It has become the leading entertainment medium for mass culture in the very first half of the 20 th century. According to Denzin, A new type of social formation called "Cinematic society" that knows itself through the cinematic apparatus, has born (Denzin, 1995). Referring to Denzin"s definition of cinematic society, Gülseren Günçhan frames the conditions and circumstances that brings about this social formation and claims about the importance of cinema for the brand new metropolitan citizens getting used to urban life style at the beginning of the twentieth century: "By the end of the 19th century due to the industrial revolution, the life style and consuming habits of masses that live in cities had changed. Communication tools have been in charge of connecting the people who had no experiences and conventions in common at all. It is the new invention, cinematography, at the heart of the entertainment world in spending their spare time, filling the gap in their lives, and bringing the experiences of those of others. In a way, in respect to the newly industrialized city life, cinema has matched with the changing structure of the newly shaped society" (Güçhan, 1999)
Adoption of cinematographic and photographic reception by masses has started the age that Benjamin has depicted as the reproduction of artwork in the mechanical age. This age points a vanishing atmosphere (aura) of the classical work of art and the generation of a new atmosphere which continuously regenerates itself. Cinema and photograph dwells at the heart of this newly established atmosphere. In addition to this, we can assert the manipulative impact of cinema and photography on other fields of art and cultural products. Benjamin has stated about the significant role of cinema in the age of "mechanical reproduction of work of art" as in the following way: 2 "One might subsume the eliminated element in the term "aura" and go on to say: that which withers in the age of mechanical reproduction is the aura of work of art. This is symptomatic process whose significance points beyond the realm of art. One might generalize by saying: the technique of reproduction detaches the reproduced object from the domain of tradition. By making many reproductions it substitutes a plurality of copies for a unique existence. And in permitting the reproduction to meet the beholder or listener in his own particular situation, it reactivates the object reproduced. These two processes lead to a tremendous shattering of tradition which is the observe of the contemporary crisis and renewal of mankind. Both processes are intimately connected with the contemporary mass movements. Their most powerful agent is the film. Its social significance, particularly in its most positive form, is inconceivable without its destructive, cathartic aspect, that is, the liquidation of the traditional value of the cultural heritage". (Benjamin 1968) The significant point that Benjamin quotes is that what cinema has brought up in means of newly invented perception, has had influences on other fields of art. Art forms influence and they transform each other through concepts. In parallel, concepts belonging to one are transformed into another. They even return to their source of generation in a transformed meaning, and influence their origin. Architecture, being certainly in interaction with other forms of art, has also been influenced by cinema in circumstances of production of space. Therefore, "space" can be considered as the most influential concept in the existence of the relation between architecture andquotesdbs_dbs28.pdfusesText_34
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