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Volume Information

ihre Befestigung. W. Stavenhagen. 872*. Cobb

Catalogue the Library

des extrait s d' E crivains O rientaux et d' Conjectures sur la Reunion de la L une a la ... BIBLIOTHEQUE Ancienne et Moderne par Jean le Clerc de.


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mes chez les anciens. La cité était l'association religieuse et politique des familles et des tribus; la ville était le lieu de réunion le domicile de 


stipulations anciennes relatives aux zones franches. La Cour a dit également qu'« il ne saurait être admis qu'entre la France et la Suisse ledit artide 

Integration in rome and in the roman World

The titles published in this series are listed at brill.com/imem

Impact of Empire

editorial Board of the series Impact of empire (= management Team of Impact of empire)

Angelos Chaniotis, Ségolène Demougin,

Olivier Hekster, Gerda de Kleijn, Luuk de Ligt,

Elio Lo Cascio, Bernhard Palme, Michael Peachin,

Christian Witschel and Greg Woolf

executive Secretariat of the Series and the network

Lukas de Blois, Olivier Hekster

Gerda de Kleijn and John Rich

radboud university of nijmegen, erasmusplein 1,

P.o. Box 9103, 6500 Hd nijmegen, The netherlands

Academic Board of the International network Impact of empire


Integration in rome and in the

roman World

Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop of the

International network Impact of empire

(Lille, June 23-25, 2011)

Edited by

Gerda de Kleijn and Stéphane Benoist

L eIden ᆕBoSTon Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Impact of Empire (Organization). Workshop (10th : 2011 : Lille, France) Integration in Rome and in the Roman world : proceedings of the Tenth Workshop of the

Stéphane Benoist.

pages cm. — (Impact of empire : volume 17)

English, French, and German.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-90-04-25598-2 (hardback : acid-free paper) — ISBN 978-90-04-25667-5 (e-book)

1.Cultural pluralism—Rome—History—Congresses. 2.Rome—History—Republic,

510-30 B.C.—Congresses. 3.Rome—History—Empire, 30 B.C.-476 A.D.—Congresses. 4.Group

de. II. Benoist, Stéphane. III. Title.

DG190.I47 2013



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List of Illustrations

.................. vii


........................................ ix

Stéphane Benoist & Gerda de Kleijn

List of contributors

................ xv


Ségolène Demougin

Pluralisme juridique et intégration de l"empire

Cli ford Ando

Gli equilibri della cittadinanza romana, fra sovranità e impatto sociale ........................................................................

Salvo Randazzo

The evolution of the So-called Provincial Law, or: cicero"s Letters of recommendation and Private International Law in the roman World ........................................................................

Hannah M. Cotton

claude de Lyon, Ancus marcius et l"âge royal : d"une intégration l"autre ........................................................................

Anne Daguet-Gagey

troesmis aus den Jahren 177-180 n. chr. .............................................. Š†

Werner Eck

Goths and romans in the leges visigothorum ........................................ ‹Œ

J.H.W.G. Liebeschuetz

masters and Freedmen: Junian Latins and the Struggle for citizenship ........................................................................

Egbert Koops

vi ?? ?? ?? migrant Quarters at rome?

Laurens E. Tacoma

roman citizenship and the Integration of Women into the

Local Towns of the Latin West .............................................................. ...ˆŠ

Emily A. Hemelrijk

du foyer au forum. La place des matrones équestres dans les activités économiques ........................................................................

Anthony Álvarez Melero

Integration or disintegration? The roman Army in the Third century ?.. ........................................................................

Lukas de Blois

di"ferentiated Integration Trajectories of the nomadic Population in roman north Africa (1st-3rd cent. ?..) ....................................... ...ŒŠ

Wouter Vanacker

Wie integriert man rom in die polis? der Kult des Senats in Kleinasien ........................................................................ Les marques civiques sur briques et tuiles, témoins de l"intégration

des cités dans le monde romain ........................................................... ‡ˆ‰

Monique Dondin-Payre

convergence and divergence: one empire, many cultures

Frederick G. Naerebout

Index nominum ........................................................................ Geographicus ........................................................................ rerum ........................................................................ Locorum ........................................................................



Tabelle 1.

ordnung innerhalb leges .......................................................... ‹‘


Table 1.

dimensions and degrees of clustering ................................. ...‰‡


Fig. 1.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 3.

Social status of women in civic roles in the Western Provinces ........................................................................

Álvarez Melero

Table 1.

datation et localisation des manifestations évergétiques ........................................................................

Table 2.

edi•˜ces •˜nancés par des matrones équestres ................... ...‘Š

Table 3.

montants et justi•˜cation de donations e"fectuées par des matrones équestres ..................................................... ...‘Œ

Table 4.

matrones équestres légataires de leurs proches ............... ...Š...

Table 5.

matrones équestres propriétaires de domaines fonciers ........................................................................

Table 6.

Activités évergétiques des matrones équestres ................. ...‹ˆ

De Blois

Table 1.

careers in several regions ........................................................ ...Œ‡

Abb. 1.

Ae Smyrna: Synkletos und Livia; Tiberius in Tempel ..... ‡‡‡

Abb. 2.

Ae Smyrna: Synkletos ................................................................ ‡‡‘

Abb. 3.

Ae Perperene: Büste der Synkletos mit mauerkrone; demeter ........................................................................

Abb. 4.

Ae Alabanda: demos, Synkletos thronend ......................... ‡‰Ž


die Statuenprozession des Vibius Salutaris in ephesos ... ‡ˆ...


Table 1.

Les marques civiques sur céramique .................................... ‡ˆ†


Stéphane Benoist & Gerda de Kleijn

The Tenth Workshop of the International network “Impact of empire (roman empire, 200 ??-? 476)" has taken place at the university of Lille-nord de France, on June 23-25, 2011. It was the •˜rst time the network was received in France for a workshop, after a decision of the Administration and Scienti•˜c Boards at durham in April 2009 to select Lille, new York and rome for the 10th, 11th, and 12th conferences. nothing would have been possible without the generous •˜nancial support of the radboud university nijmegen and of di"ferent French institutions: the research laboratory HALmA-IPeL (Histoire, Archéologie, Littérature des mondes Anciens-Institut de Papyrologie et d"Égyptologie de Lille, umr

8164, cnrS, Lille 3, ministère de la culture et de la communication), the

Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of the cnrS whose 32nd sec tion of its national committee has granted the colloquium at the First rank (in october 2010), and the county council of nord-Pas de calais. We wish to thank them for their help in various steps of the preparation and the unfolding of the colloquium, which was the 10th Impact of empire meeting as well as the xxxVth international colloquium of the scienti•˜c research team Halma-Ipel. We would like to thank the participants of the colloquium in Lille, either contributors or chairs of the sessions: Anthony Álvarez melero, cli"ford Ando, Stéphane Benoist, Lukas de Blois, Fabienne Burkhalter, Hannah m. cotton, Anne daguet-Gagey, Ségolène demougin, monique dondin-Payre, olivier Hekster, emily A. Hemelrijk, christine Hoët- van cauwenberghe, Gerda de Kleijn, egbert Koops, Wolf Liebeschuetz, Slootjes, Laurens Tacoma and Wouter Vanacker. Werner eck, who was not able to participate, kindly sent us his contribution about the new lex municipalis he had recently edited. The di"ferent sessions of the colloquium took place at the auditorium of the museum of Fine Arts in Lille and the research House of the university of Lille 3 at Villeneuve d"Ascq, and we were friendly received at the town- house of Lille. The organizers of the conference are also grateful for the assistance during the preparation of the workshop of christine Aubry, x ????? Jocelyne casène and marie-Pierre Fuch. Finally, we are indebted to Brill, and especially caroline van erp, editor classical Studies and Ancient Philosophy, and Tessel Jonquière, Production editor, for their help in pub lishing this volume. The International network Impact of empire (roman empire 200 ??-

476) has a dual objective. on the one hand, it aims to explore the

dynamics of the roman empire in the mediterranean and beyond for a long stretch of time. on the other hand, the network seeks to create conditions for beginning researchers to meet more advanced scholars, and turn the exchange of ideas to their good advantage. Both objectives applied to the tenth workshop held in Lille, the results of which are pre sented in this volume. The main theme of the workshop was “Integration at rome and in the roman world". The organizers, Ségolène demougin, Stéphane Benoist, and olivier Hekster, have chosen to look at the integration-process in a broad sense in hopes that this would lead to suggestions about the way in which roman integration was linked to wider dynamics in the roman empire. Advanced and beginning scholars from the countries that par gious, and political aspects of the process of inclusion in an empire under the political control of the city of rome, her princeps, and the di"ferent authorities in the provinces and cities. The idea was that it would become possible to consider e.g. changes in the relationships between romans (however conceived) and non-romans by looking at developments over a longer period of time. notions of personal and collective identities might be linked to relevant roman realia, so that various contents of Romanitas would be de•˜ned through contextualization. Integration is made up of multifaceted processes taking place at various levels in society and at di"ferent places, over a long period of time. In this volume, di"ferent perspectives underlie the analyses of these processes. Juridical, political, social and religious points of view are articulated, elab orating on epigraphic, literary, juridical and numismatic evidence. The introduction by Ségolène demougin infra will give some interpre- tation clues for the essential integration patterns in roman social history. roman citizenship, based on civic and political statutes with juridical statements from the •˜rst centuries of the republic, o"fered a civic model to the Imperium Romanum, which would, in approximately half a mil- lennium (from the 2nd century ?? to the 3rd century ?), concern the ????? xi great majority of free men living within the limits of the Imperial territory, though not the population as a whole. Two decisive steps in this process of ongoing distribution of citizenship have mainly been studied in the past: the municipalization of Italy at the beginning of the 1st century ??, and the Constitutio Antoniniana of ? 212. This was done through analysis of a wide spectrum of aspects, i.e. the juridical, social, political, cultural and religious ones, or through discussion about what has been named (with some objections) ›romanization". The •˜rst part is devoted to juridical approaches of the subject. cli"ford Ando investigates the meanings of the jurisdictional pluralism and inquires into the centrifugal and centripetal powers a"fecting integra tion processes. Anne daguet-Gagey tries to discover how the emperor claudius integrated the history of the origins of rome into the roman empire of his own days. This is shown among other things by the sto ries about the fourth etruscan King, Ancus marcius, which serve as his exempla in the debate about the enrolment of provincial nobles in the Senate. Salvo randazzo, who is a historian of roman Law, presents a wide survey of evidence and historiography about ciuitas and its relation to the concept of Imperium Romanum. Hannah cotton o"fers a reappraisal of her previous inquiry about cicero"s recommendation letters and studies the concept of the so-called Private International Law. Legal cases in the provinces reveal how imperial and local law systems operated in contrast and in coexistence. Her paper complements Ando"s in that way. The second part is concentrated on the adoption of roman Law in spe ci•˜c areas and periods of time. Werner eck presents a new example of a lex municipalis from Troesmis in moesia inferior, dating from the reign of marcus Aurelius. It provided for institutional, political, social and religious municipal laws from Baetica. It must be assumed that the roman concep tion of ciuitas was di"fused even at the border of the roman empire in the turbulent times of the 2nd century ?. Wolf Liebeschuetz raises the the two peoples, the old rulers and the new ruling people, managed to coexist, and discusses the Leges Visigothorum, the best source to approach personal statutes about romans and Goths up to the 7th century ?. roman perspectives on various aspects of social organization are brought up in part three. This part addresses di"ferent integration steps by discussing a series of dynamic alternatives: free-slave, roman-non roman, male and female. egbert Koops examines the personal statute of Junian Latins and other manumitted slaves. He discusses the access to roman xii ????? citizenship in the process of enfranchisement as an integration factor. residential segregation and social, economic, and/or ethnic clustering are important factors in modern integration debates. Going into discus sions about migrant quarters in rome, rens Tacoma makes use of con cepts borrowed from these modern debates. emily Hemelrijk enters into the issue of the integration of women in roman civic life in the western provinces. She inquires what stimulated or impeded this integration, by using two criteria: the adoption of roman culture such as dress, customs and values, and participation in activities like civic muni•˜cence, priest hoods and patronage. Antony Álvarez melero also engages in civic roles of women in the western part of the empire. Focussing on women, moth ers and daughters of equites Romani, he discusses the evidence for their economic activities and euergetism. integration within the army, in cities and in territories belonging to the roman empire. Lukas de Blois explores whether replenishments of the legions in the empire"s border regions in the third century ? resulted in disintegration, threatening the unity of the only truly “Imperial" commu nity, the roman army. Wouter Vanacker has chosen an anthropological approach to study the relations between nomadic tribes, semi-nomadic groups and sedentary populations in mauretania Tingitana. The overall picture is not unambiguous. each group tried to bene•˜t from agreements and used force if they saw •˜t. The procedures and activities to shape roman institutions in poleis in Asia minor are investigated by Güntherquotesdbs_dbs27.pdfusesText_33
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