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Dirac Comb and Flavors of Fourier Transforms. Consider a periodic function that inverse Fourier transform of a Dirac delta function in frequency).

Bloch wave scattering on impurity in 1D Dirac comb model

Nov 15 2015 This paper presents calculation of electron-impurity scattering coefficient of Bloch waves for one dimensional Dirac comb potential. The ...

Lecture 6

Periodic potential: We consider one-dimensional Dirac comb. Such potential consist of evenly spaced delta-function spikes (for simplicity we let delta-functions 

Understanding Band Structures in Solids via solving Schrödinger

equation for Dirac comb. Saravanan Rajendran (I-Ph.D. Physics DI 1505). IIT Mandi. February 15

Structure of the transmission peaks in bands generated by attractive

Keywords: Dirac comb; Transmission; Band structure; Bound states; Resonance. 1. Introduction. The study of transmission across a chain of delta potentials 

Structure of the transmission peaks in bands generated by attractive

Keywords: Dirac comb; Transmission; Band structure; Bound states; Resonance. 1. Introduction. The study of transmission across a chain of delta potentials 

The Poisson summation formula the sampling theorem


6 Dirac Comb and Flavors of Fourier Transforms

Dirac Comb and Flavors of Fourier Transforms Consider a periodic function that comprises pulses of amplitude A and duration ? spaced a time T apart We can define it over one period as y(t)=A??/2?t??/2 =0elsewhere between?T/2 and T/2 (6-1) The Fourier Series for y(t) is defined as y(t)=c k exp ik2?t T k=?? ? ?(6-2) with c k= 1

Notes on Distributions - Columbia University

Dirac comb: for a periodic version of the Dirac delta function on can de ne the Dirac comb" by Z: ’!h Z;’i= X1 n=1 ’(n) This is the limiting value of the Dirichlet kernel (allow xto take values on all of R and rescale to get periodicity 1) lim N!1 D N(x) = lim N!1 XN n= N e2?inx= Z

Dirac delta functions: a summary by Dr Colton

Dirac delta functions: a summary by Dr Colton Definitions 1 Definition as limit The Dirac delta function can be thought of as a rectangular pulse that grows narrower and narrower while simultaneously growing larger and larger rect(x b) = height = 1/b (so total area = 1) width = b (infinitely high infinitely narrow)

The 1D Fourier Transform - Yale University

spaced one unit apart It is called the Dirac comb function or the shah function (the latter is named after the Russian letter ) Its transform is also a shah function (10) Properties of the 1D Fourier transform Once you know a few transform pairs like the ones I outlined above you can compute lots of FTs very

Fraunhofer Diffraction - University of Oxford Department of

convolution of a Dirac comb function (an infinite periodic array of delta functions) and a single slit The Fourier transform of the Dirac comb function of period d is also a Dirac comb function of period 2?/d The maximum is thus given by the equation mth mth d kx m 2? = from which we find the condition for the maximum dsin?=m? (22)

Searches related to dirac comb filetype:pdf

The quantum vacuum energy for a hybrid comb of Dirac - 0potentials is com-puted by using the energy of the single - 0potential over the real line that makes up the comb The zeta function of a comb periodic potential is the continuous sum of zeta functions over the dual primitive cell of Bloch quasi-momenta The result

? ? =0,elsewhere between-T/2 and T/2 (6-1) The Fourier Series for y(t) is defined as yt =c k exp ik2πt T k=-∞ (6-2) with c k 1 T yt exp -ik2πt T dt -T/2 T/2 (6-3) Evaluating this integral gives c k 1 T Aexp -ik2πt T dt -τ/2


A T T -ik2π exp -ik2πt T -τ/2


A T T kπ sin kπτ T Aτ T sin kπτ T kπτ T Aτ T sinc kπτ T

(6-4) where we have used the relationship exp(iy) = cos(y) + i sin(y) to evaluate the integral with the cosine terms cancelling because of symmetry. The Fourier Series coefficients for a pulse train is given by a sinc function.

ESS 522 2014 6-2 The largest amplitude terms in the Fourier series have k < T/τ. Also if T = τ then the time series has a constant amplitude and all the coefficients except c0 are equal to zero (the equivalent of the inverse Fourier transform of a Dirac delta function in frequency). Now if we allow each pulse to become a delta function which can be written mathematically by letting τ → 0 with A = 1/τ which yields a simple result c

k 1 T ,limτ→0,A=1/τ

(6-5) A row of delta functions in the time domain spaced apart by time T is represented by a row of delta functions in the frequency domain scaled by 1/T and spaced apart in frequency by 1/T (remember f = k/T). Our row of equally spaced pulses is known as a Dirac comb. If we a define a Dirac comb in the time domain with the notation C(t,T) such that C(t,T)=δt-kT

k=-∞ , (6-6) then its Fourier transform is another Dirac comb function. FTC(t,T) 1 T Cf, 1 T =g 0 (t)*C(t,T) (6-8) Convolution in the time domain is multiplication in the frequency domain so we can write Gf =G 0 f .FTCt;T =G 0 f 1 T Cf; 1 T

(6-9) The spectrum of the periodic function (Figure 1) is just a sampled version of the continuous spectrum of g0(t) with the samples scaled by a constant 1/T. A periodic continuous function time has a discrete frequency spectrum. Sampling Operator. If we take our function g0(t) and multiply it by a Dirac comb C(t,Δt) we obtain a sampled version g0(t) which we denote by gs(t) (Figure 2). g

s t =g 0 t .Ct;Δt (6-10) Multiplication in the time domain is convolution in the frequency domain so we can write G s f =G 0 f *FTCt,Δt 1 Δt G 0 f *Cf, 1 Δt (6-11)

ESS 522 2014 6-3 The frequency spectrum of Gs(f) is scaled by 1/Δt and replicated at intervals of 1/Δt (Figure 1). A discrete continuous function of time has a periodic frequency spectrum. As we discussed in the lecture 5, we see again that sampling a time series removes our ability to discriminate between frequencies spaced at intervals of 1/Δt. If we know our time series is limited to a maximum frequency f

max 1




(6-12) then there is no ambiguity in the frequency domain since the replicated spectra do not overlap. However is fmax > fNyquist then the replicated spectra do overlap additively and we cannot discriminate between them in the frequency domain. Recovery of a continuous time signal from a sampled time series We have seen that if we sample at a frequency that is not at least twice the maximum frequency of the signal then we loose information. An interesting corollary of this is that if we sample a continuous signal that is band limited below the Nyqyist frequency then we can unambiguously recover the continuous signal from the sampled signal. This is known as Shannon's sampling theorem. To show this, consider a repetitive spectrum that is obtained from a sampled time series and multiply it by a boxcar function of height Δt and width 1/ Δt. Provided the frequency content of the original signal is band-limited below the Nyquist frequency this gives us G0(f). G

0 f =G S f .B c f, -1





(6-13) where Bc (f,a,b) is a boxcar which has value of 1 for a < f < b and 0 elsewhere. In the time domain we can write g

0 t =FT -1 G 0 f =g 0 t


k=-∞ *Δtexpi2πft df 1




(6-14) Now we can evaluate the integral Δtexpi2πft df 1




Δt i2πf expi2πft 1




Δt i2πf


πt Δt sin πt Δt πt Δt =sinc πt Δt (6-15) Equation (6-14) becomes g 0 t =FT -1 G 0 f =g 0 t


k=-∞ *sinc πt Δt (6-16) Convolution is defined by the following

ESS 522 2014 6-4 at

*bt =aτ bt-τ dτ (6-17) So we can write g 0quotesdbs_dbs31.pdfusesText_37
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