[PDF] Understanding Band Structures in Solids via solving Schrödinger

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Dirac Comb and Flavors of Fourier Transforms. Consider a periodic function that inverse Fourier transform of a Dirac delta function in frequency).

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Understanding Band Structures in Solids via solving Schrödinger

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6 Dirac Comb and Flavors of Fourier Transforms

Dirac Comb and Flavors of Fourier Transforms Consider a periodic function that comprises pulses of amplitude A and duration ? spaced a time T apart We can define it over one period as y(t)=A??/2?t??/2 =0elsewhere between?T/2 and T/2 (6-1) The Fourier Series for y(t) is defined as y(t)=c k exp ik2?t T k=?? ? ?(6-2) with c k= 1

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Dirac comb: for a periodic version of the Dirac delta function on can de ne the Dirac comb" by Z: ’!h Z;’i= X1 n=1 ’(n) This is the limiting value of the Dirichlet kernel (allow xto take values on all of R and rescale to get periodicity 1) lim N!1 D N(x) = lim N!1 XN n= N e2?inx= Z

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spaced one unit apart It is called the Dirac comb function or the shah function (the latter is named after the Russian letter ) Its transform is also a shah function (10) Properties of the 1D Fourier transform Once you know a few transform pairs like the ones I outlined above you can compute lots of FTs very

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Understanding Band Structures in

Solids via solving Schrodinger

equation for Dirac comb

Saravanan Rajendran (I-Ph.D., Physics DI 1505)

IIT Mandi

February 15, 2016

Abstract:The Understanding of the band structure of the solids begins with the solving of Schrodinger equation for the electron which is subjected to a series of potentials arised due to the presence of lattice sites. The periodicity is assumed to the potential series such that the mathematics looks even simpler! To understand the band structure of solids, we begin with solving of Schrodinger equation for a simplistic model i.e., Dirac barrier in 1-D and even with this simple model, we could realise band gaps in solids which are manifestation of translational invariance. Although, Dirac barrier admits only scattering states.Then, we inverted barrier to well i.e.,Dirac well, which admits both scattering and bound states and again we are able to see band gaps with bound state, hence closer to the real picture. Finally, we worked out the classic model for rectangular periodic potential in a solid i.e., K-P model and we showed in certain limit (i.e., when the barrier width is zero), it can be a reduced Dirac barrier.

1 Introduction

The free electron theory was successful in explaining the behaviour of valence electrons in the crystal structure but not the band gaps which are manifesta- tion of periodic potential in a crystalline solid. As a result of periodicity in a crystalline solids,our present understanding of crystalline solids is much more advanced than amorphous solids.To understand the origin of band gaps in 1 crystalline solids via Schrodinger equation, basic challenge is in the form of potential. The rst order approximation towards assuming form ofV(r) in crystalline solids begins with assuming a periodic potential with the period- icity of lattice parameter. In order to understand the origin of band gaps, we begin by assuming a simple form for periodic potential (i.e., Dirac Comb).As a realisation of potential in uence by the lattice sites, an one dimensional potential spike comb is considered. Of course, there going to be 10


tials to be solved which is going to be a diicult task. Hence, the solving of one spike and approximating it to N-th spike is done by assuming periodicity and the relation between the solution of spikes is given by Bloch's theorem. The solving of periodic potential spikes (Although, real case are wells!) leads us to a mathematical formulation that shows the arisal of energy band gaps in a solid. This paper is concerned in solving the Dirac comb with both cases barrier and well in 1D and the Kronig Penny potential so that the origin of band gaps in solids is realised.

2 General Formalism, Discussion of results

Case A.The electron is subjected to a Dirac comb potential given as,

V(x) =N1X


Whereis delta potential strength.

The Schrodinger equation is solved in the region 0< x < a, whereV(x) = 0(Figure 1), h22md 2 dx

2=E (1)

The solution for the dierential equation is,

(x) =Asin(kx) +Bcos(kx) (2) where 'k' is the wave vector given as, k=p2mEh2 2

Figure 1: Dirac comb

Using Bloch's theorem (discussed in details below), (x+a) =eiKa (x) where "K' is some constant to be found out later.

That leads to

(x) =eiKa[Asin(k(x+a)) +Bcos(k(x+a))] (3)

Using boundary conditions:-

1. (x) is continuous at x=0,

B=eiKa[Asin(ka) +Bcos(ka)] (4)

2.The derivative of (x) at is discontinuous whereV=1(x= 0), Discon-

tinuity is proportional to the strength of the delta function () kAeiKak[Acos(ka)Bsin(ka)] =2mh2B(5)

Equation (4) gives,


putting (6) in (4) gives, kB[eiKacos(ka)]eiKak[B(eiKacos(ka))cos(ka)+Bsin2(ka)] =2mh2Bsin(ka) (7) [eiKacos(ka)][1eiKacos(ka)] +eiKasin2(ka) =2mh2ksin(ka) 3

Figure 2: Kronig-Penny Model

simplies to, cos(Ka) = cos(ka) +mh2ksin(ka)


f(z) = cos(z) +sin(z)z (8) Case B.Then the actual case of attractive potentials (Dirac well) is solved,

V(x) =N1X

j=0(xja) The delta function strength() is negative (for wells), f(z) = cos(z)sin(z)z (9) Case C.The Kronig Penny approximation to the potential is rectangular periodic pattern (as shown in gure 2),

V(x) =(

0;0< x < a


0; a < x < d

The similar treatment of boundary conditions to the rectangular potential gives a more complicated transcedental equation, cosKd= cosk1acosk2bk21+k222k1k2sink1asink2b(10) k



2.1 Bloch theorem: Derivation

Statement:The eigen states of the one-electron hamiltonian^H=h22m2+ U(r), whereU(~r) =U(~R+~r) for allRin a Bravais lattice, can be choosen to have the form of plane wave times a function with the periodicity of the

Bravais lattice.i.e.,

(x) =eiKxu(x) (x+a) =eiKa (x) Proof 1.Let 'D' be some transational operator such that,

D (x) = (x+a)

The Hamiltonian is periodic i.e.,

H(x+a) =H(x)

The commutation between D and H (Hamiltonian Operator), ^D;^H] = (^D^H^H^D) =E (x+a)E (x+a) = 0 ^D;^H] = 0 means ^Dand^Hcan have simultaneous eigenfunctions. D = with an eigenvalue.

In three dimensions,

D (r) = (r+R) = (r)

Where ^Dis an Unitary operator.




For such an operator the eigenvalue is complex with modulus 1 and of the form given as, 5 =e2()ixi wherexiis an integer.

R in a bravais lattice is equivalent to


whereK=x1^b1+x2^b2+x3^b3andbi:aj= 2ij

K:R= 2(integer)

=eiK:R (r+R) =eiK:R (r)

In one dimension,

(x+a) =eiKa (x)

Proof 2.By Statement,

(x) =eiKxu(x) whereu(x+a) =u(x) (x+a) =eiK(x+a)u(x+a) =eiKaeiKxu(x) =eiKa (x) (x+a) =eiKa (x)Proof 3.Expanding (x+a) as a series (x+a) =X n=0a n(ddx )n px=ihddx ddx =i^px=h (x+a) =X n=0a n(i^px=h)n 6 we get, (x+a) =eiPxa=h =^D

Dj i=ei^p:R=h=j i(12)

Projecting (12)injribasis,

hrj^Dj i=j i (r+R) = (r)

Projecting (12) injKi-basis,

hKj^Dj i=hKjei^p:R=hj i=hKjj i(13) hKjei^p:R=ei^p:RjKi = (1iK:R+::)jKi e iK:RhKjj i=hKjj i e i^K:RjKi=hKjei^K:R(14)

Putting equation (14) in (13),

=eiK:R(Or)hKjj i= 0 is not feasible.^ Dj i=eiK:Rj iDetermine of 'K' values from periodic boundary condition :

The edges of the solid (10

23-th site) will spoil the periodicity. hence, the

x-axis is assumed to be wrapped around as a circle.(i.e., Periodic boundary condition) 7

Such that the Nth spike appears atx=a

(x+Na) = (x) e iNKa (x) = (x) e iNKa= 1 =)2nNa =K wheren= 0;1;2:::

2.2 Results

To Understand the origin of band gaps,one need to understand solution of equation (9) qualitatively, for that we plotted equation (9) for dierent strength of potential, see gure(3, 4, 5)2.3 Summary

1. The treatment of one dimensional periodic potential in a crystalline

solid helps us to gure how exactly the band gaps arise in a crystalline solid.

2. The Dirac comb solution can be easily obtained from K-P model solu-

tion under certain criterion as: 8 (a) (b) Figure 3: Plot of equation (9) forN= 5 and= 5(a) and= 10(b) For higher, the bands exists even for larger 'z' (i.e) the strength of the delta function makes the band gaps arise.9 (a) (b) Figure 4: Plot of equation (9) forN= 10 and= 5(a) and= 10(b) 10 (a) (b) Figure 5: Plot of equation (9) forN= 1023and= 5(a) and= 10(b) For larger 'N' s even the solutions are quantised in terms of 'n' (is an integer) it forms a band which is continuous.11

Putting (10) in (9)

cosKd= cosk1acosk2b2mVh2+ 2k212k1k2sink1asink2b

Now,V=(x),b= 0 andk1=k2

cosKa= cosk1a+mh2k21sink1a Hence by applying limits we can get back to Dirac comb from the results of Kronig Penny model.

3. Though the bands are discrete ('n' is an integer) it has 'N' number of

solutions that makes the band forming a continuoum (For very large 'N').

4. For higher, the bands exists even for larger 'z' (i.e) the strength of

the delta function makes the band gaps arise.

5. For larger z, bands start vanishing.

3 Acknowledgement

Thanks to my guide Dr. Pradeep Kumar who has been there for useful discussions and for the directions. And IIT Mandi for providing Computer lab facility all time. Thanks to my friends Rishu and Priyamedha sharma for their support and guidance in Latex.


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