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16 ???. 2019 ?. Stephen S. Moore University of Queensland

alumni magazine

1 ???. 2022 ?. Cornell Alumni Magazine (ISSN 1070-2733; USPS 006-902) is published six times a year ... Finally

Education policy and equal education opportunities

4 ???. 1997 ?. Timothy Murphy is a senior lecturer in education studies at Leeds ... tion system in Nepal dates back toward the end of the Rana Regime ...


Mr S Senthil C/O Hsbc Cru V N Rd Fort Mumbai Building 3Rd Floor Khetwadi Back Road Bombay ... Consulting M E LtdAbu Dhabi Islamic Bank.

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

in funding from 2013 to 2014 which is significant as there was also a 10% growth in “After an email and a phone call Rinaldo offered me a research ...

Annual Report to Donors

I do this because SHSU gave me the opportunity to play a game I love It is important to give back so the university can stay ahead of the game.


8 ??? 2021 ?. Firm closing date for all information is February 17 2021. ... holding


Said protest which is now before me for consideration

2022 Chlorinated Conference: Preliminary Program

25 ???. 2022 ?. lists all presentations scheduled as of February 18. It is ... K.M. Sullivan I. Baker

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6) Plaza Hotel is on the corner of ___ 59th Street and 5th Avenue. Answer: Peter told me to clean the black shoes. ... a) terminal and non-terminal;.



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-7., ~~~~~~IN


FRoM JANUARY 1, 1889, TO JuN:E 30, 1889.


Edited by S. V. PROU:DFIT.



188 9.


Page. Page-,

Adair, Joseph M- ............ 200 Bright et at. v. Elkhorn Mining Alabama and Chattanooga R. R. Co ------------------------ 122- Co -....-----.--.....---- 33 Brown, Jackson C -o------------ 587 Alderson, John W ------------- :517 Brown v. Central Pacific R. R Allen, Gerard B ----------- 140 Co-...- .............. 589 Allen et al. v. Merrill-et at I........ 207 Buettner, Ernst -185 Alta Mill Site ............ .. 195 Bollen, Joseph A -301 Amundson, Chicago, Milwaukee Burdick, AnnaR .-.230 and Sr. Paul Ry. Co. V---2---- 291 Burch, Nellie E ...........- ... 651 Anderson etkal. v. Byam et al ... 388 Burns, Iddings v -224,559 Anderson, Smith v .............. 46 Byam et al., Anderson et al. v 388 Anrys, Northern Pacific R. R. Caldwell v. Missouri, Kansas and Co. a-362 ~~~~~~~~~Texas By. Co. ct at-...... 5790 AntedinlvianLode andMill Site. 602 California, Central Pacific R. R.

Arkansas. State of .............. 387 Co. --79.

Armstrong v. Taylor et al ........ 598 C or c at., Wih ; .s. 24 Arnold, Dotson et al. v s---------- 439 California etate al. v. 24 Asher v. Holmes ---------------- 396 California a. United State s of ------------- 0.4 Atlantic and Pacific R. R. Co.. 165,307,373 Campbell, Mary- v. ... States --4331 Atterbery et al., United States v -- 173 Campbell, Samnel L................ Avery et al., Pratt v. (on review)- 457 Campbell a. Kelley -.75

Campbell, Payne vs ----- -------- 367

Ballew, Edward C ... 508 Capps, L. J ---------------- -406 Banks, Nathaniel (on review) ---- 532 Carberry, Barker v. 535 Barker v. Carberry --535 Carlson v. Kries (on review) -186 Barnes et al. Hoffman v .......... 608 Carter, Palmer ................ --544 Bartl v. West ------------- ------ 289 Central Pacific R. R. Co --------- 30 Beall v. Engle -470 Central Pacific R. R. Co.,Brown v. 589 Becker, Sorenson v .............. 357 Central Pacific R. R. Co. v. Cali- Bell, Harper v ........... 197 fornia ------------------...... 79 Bell, Padgett v a-------- 630 Central Pacific R. R. Co. v. Doll 355 Belliveaux v. Morrison ....... 605 CentralPacifioR. R. Co., Odgersv. 520 Bissell, Rice v .................. 606 Cleaveland, Johnson v .405

Blake, Martha- -.634 Chamberlin, T. L -- 421

Bois Blanc Island -------------- 308, 560 Chase, Lewis S -- -393 Boles, A. H- ....... ...... 155 Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Bondurant v. Conkling -558 R. R. Co ...................... 546 Bone v. Dickerson's heirs ........ 452 Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Bosch, Gottlieb ................ 45 Ry. Co. v. Amundson .......... 291 Bowman, James- ........ 408 Chitwood v. Hickok (on review). 448 Bradford, David Y -.........2.... °83 Choato, E. L ........-......... 162 Brassfieldv. Eshom -1 Colfer, Spalding v a------------- 615 Bregard et al., Napthaly v ........ 144 Conklinw, Bondurant v .......... 558 III


Page. Pagp.

Counterman v. Missouri, Kansas Fitzgerald, Reed v .- -......... 159 and Texas Ry. Co ............ .237 Florida, State of .............. 65,369,380 Cowhiek, Neff v .111 Florida Ry. and Navigation Co., Creswell Mining Company v. Delbridge v ............ .... 410 Johnson -.----.--440,443 Forward, James A ------528 Cromwell, Oscar ......-... ..... .432 Frederick, Henry A --412 Crumpler v. Swett .584 Freeman v. Lind .-..... 163 Cunningham, MelissaJ J433 Fuller, Zelia J ............... ... 371 Custer et al., Smith v -269 Fullmer, Edward ...-. 614

Daly, Patrick ........-......... 471

Dakota Central R. R. Co. v. Gage v. t iemlex .... 139 Downey- -- --115 Gainer .Paazig ................ 346 Davis, Edward C --------------- 507 Galvin, Sparks v -534

Davis v. Davidson .417 Gardner, Sylvester .-.483

Dayton v. Dayton (on review)... 248 Gilbert, Philoman D 0..... 40 Delaney v. Watts et at 480 Gilchrist, I)avicb .. -48 Delbridgev. Florida Ry. and Navi- Gilford, Jacob A- -.- ..- .. 583 gation Co ---------- 410 Gill,vRehardos303 ............ 462 Dement, Helen E ............... 639 Givens, Ambrose W- 46 2. . Denver and Rio Grande R. R. Co. 41 GjCve, Northern Pacific R. R. Dickerson's heirs, Bone v .452 Co. a0 ................ 38

Disch, John B .31 Godfrey, Richard -186-

Doll, Central Pacific R. R. Co. v -355 Goforth, William.o .-.------- -80 Donovan, Michael ------------- 382 Goodman, John- et al. v. 428 Doolittle, Edwin .-... 403 Graham, Platt et at. a. (on re- Dorman, Nellie N-................. ... 519 .. view) ..- .482 Doson ,t at, a. Arnold ............ Ground Hog Lode v. Parole and Dow, Northern Pacific R. R Co. v. 389 MorningStar-430

Downey, Dakota Central R. R.

Co.a-115 Hagerman, J.J., etat 183

Drew, William --------------. 399 Hair, James .............-. ... 466 Dubuque and Sioux City R. R. Hall, Violette ....-.. ....... 96 Co., Mudgett t ..........-..._ 243 Hambleton v. Duhain et alt .326 Duhain et al., Hambleton v .... 326 Hardee r. United States .. 391 Dnnphy, Elijah M -------------- 102 Harper v. Bell .................. 197

Harris, Adam S .----.---. 45

Eaton, Benjamin H -.-.-. 344 Harris, E. W ....-... 77

Edwards, Edwin 429 Harrison, James A-. .98

Edwards, James .- -353 Hastie, Addison W -618

Elkhorn Mining Co., Bright et Hawblits, Smalley a -372 al. v 122 Heinsworth v. Holland (on re-

Emblen, Reeves v .444 view) .- .400

Engineer Mining and Developing Hewit, Frank W. (on review).-. 566

Company -361 Hickok, Chitwood v. (on review) 448

Engle, Beall v .470 Hoffman v. Barnes et al -608

Epley v. Trick .-.110 Holland, Hemsworth v. (on re-

Erskins. Willis A -514 view) -400

Eshom, Brassfield v 1 Holmes, Asher v. .396

Eveleth, Irwin .-.. .87 Howard, Prestina B .286

Everett, George B -296 Huck, Scotford v 60

Hughes, Parsons v ......5.. 593

Farmer v. Moreland et al .446

Flaherty, Northern Pacific R. R. Iddingsv. Burns .-.224,559

Co. v.. 542 Inglet, Naphtali -491


Page. Page.

Jackson, Preston B -.-.- .445 MoGurk et at., White v. (on re- Jamison, William -------------- 235 view) .... ..155 Jasmer et al. v. Molka ........... 241 McIntosh, Daniel RB -641

Jeardoe v. Shannon .3.. .38 McKay, John A -526

Jenks, James A -85 McMillan, Griffith W -478

Jennings, Nathan T -' 53 Meiszner, Frederick ...... .227 Johnson v. Cleaveland --405 Memphis and Little Rock R. R.

Johnson, Creswell Mining Com- Co- -427

panyv .............. 440,443 Merrill et al., Allen et al. v .... 207 Johnson v. Miller-.. -.-.-..------..- 477 Merryman, Eden- ... 406 Johnson v. Missouri, Kansas and Michigan, State of ------------- 308,560 Texas Ry. Co -------------- 588 Miller, Johnson v ............... 477

Miller v. Silva --480

Kelley, Campbellv a------------ 75 Mills v. Muhlatein -395

Kelley, Lydia .322 Mimbres Mining Company 457

Keen, JamesC .239 Minnesota, Lachance v .a...... 179 Kimberland v. Northern Pacific Minnesota v. Spence -64

R. R. Co -318 Minnesota., State of -32

Kistler, Frederick -132 Minnesota, Starr v -644

Knabe, Julius P -.- .-.74 Missouri, Kansas and Texas Ry. Knans, Benjamin P .-. 96 Co. et al., Caldwell v a--------- 570 Knight, Thomas M. et al. ------- 297 Missouri, Kansas and Texas Ry. Kries, Carlson v. (on review) ....- 186 Co., Counterman v ..... 237

Missouri, Kansas and Texas Ry.

Lachance v. State of Minnesota.. 179 Co., Johnson v -- -588 Laity v. Northern Pacific R. R. Mitchell, Joseph W. (on review) 268 Co .-.-.. ........... .378 Molka, Jasmer et al. v a--------- 241 Lamphere, A. T -134 Montana, Territory of ------ 55

Lawrence, Sampson va -511 Moore, Farmer -- -621

Lee, David ---------- 502 Moreland et al., Farmer v .-. 446 Lee, Mayfield v ..........a..- .. 461 Morrison, Belliveauxv ... .605 Lehman, Charles .-..-.......... 486 Mudgett v. Dabuque and Sioux Leinen, George ----------------- 233 City R. R. Co ................ 243 Lemieux, Gagev .......a-....... 139 Muhistein, Mills a -------- 395

Lewis et al., Sioux City and Pa-

cific R. R. Co. v -.292 Napthaly v. Bregard et al t 144 Lind, Freeman v 163 Neff v. Cowhick ................ 111 Logan, A. C. et al t------------- 2 Newman, E. S ------------------ 448 Lord v. Perrin .-. .............. 536 New Orleans and Pacific B. R.

Louisiana, State of -127 Co --------------- 25

Louisiana v. McDonogh et al. New Orleans and Pacific R. R. (on review) ---- --- 134 Co., Victorine v ............ -377

No Man's Land --613

Madigan, Thomas .............. 188 Northern Pacific R. R. Co ....... 13,359 Madison and Portage R. R. Co-. 428 Northern Pacific R. R. Co. v. Mahoney, Thrasher v ....... .... 626 Anrys .--- -362 Mason, George W ------------ 457 Northern Pacific R. R. Co. v. Dow 389 Mather, Daniel (on review)._. 505 Northern Pacific R. R. Co. v. Fla- Matthews, Vernon B ............ 79 herty ------------- 542 Mayfield v. Lee .4.............. .461 Northern Pacific R. R. Co. v.

McCabe, John 509 Gjuve --380

MeDonogh School Fund -463 Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Kim- McDonogh, John, and Co. et al. 254 berland v .....a... 318 McDonogh et al., State of Louis- Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lai- iana r. (on review) .134 ty v .....a- ..--.............. 378


Page. Page.

Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Par- Riehtarik, O'Brien va------- 192 ker v .------------ 324 Rico Lode ------------ 223 Northern Pacific R. R. Co. v. Er- Bobbins, David H -------- 409 quhart------------- 365 Roberts, OscarT --------- 423 Northern Pacific R. R. Co. v. Yan- Robinson, F. C ---------- 202 tis--------------- 58 Ross etetl., Schweitzer a -..... 70

Northwestern Lode and Mill Site hwagodogw------ 5

Co ---------------------- 437 Saint Paull, Minneapolis and Man- O'Brien a. Biebtarik ------- 192 itoba Ry. Co---------- 255 Odgers a. Central Pacific B. R. Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Man- Co-....... ..... 52 0 itoba Ry. Co. et at. v. Pederson. 21 Oklahoma Capital City and Sampson a. Lawrence------- 511. Towusite Co ---------- 425 Sargent, John ---------- 415 O'Neal, Patrick --------- 137 Satrom, Peter 0-......... 485 Oregon, State of --------- 72 Schweitzer a. Ross et alt-.... 70 Owen, West a ---------- 576 Schuiabelin, John--------- 474

Scotford a. Huck --------- 60

Paazig, Gainer a -.------- 346 Sbannon, Jeardoe va-------- 38 Padgett a. Bell---------- 630 Shannon, Tannehillv. (on review) 38 Palmer v. Carter-......... .4 Shineberger, Joseph .------- 231 Paonrs, Weuzel --------- 7 Short, Lovia A-......... 512 Parker, Edson 0 -........ 4 Shuniate, Warden a -....... 330 Parker, Willis a -......... 623 Silva, Miller a-----_---- 480 Parker v. Northern Pacilic R. B. Simpsont, Willis E., et at-..... 306 Co-............... 324 Sinirall, W illiam F-....... 581 Parole and Morning Star, Gr~und Sioux City and Pacific B. H. Ce. Hog Lode a-...... ... 430 a. Lewis et at---------- 292 Parsons v. Hughes._- ----- 53Sloan, Uriah ----------- 411 Paulson v. Richardson-..... 597 Smth Amos E .----------- 204 Payne r. Campbell ----... 367 Smith v. Anderson-........ 46 Pederson, Saint Paul, Minneapo- Smith v. Custer et at-....... 269 lis and Manitoba Ry. Co. et Smalley v. Hawblit's .......... 372 at. va............. 21 Sorenson a. Becker-------- 357 Pennell, Lewis H--------- 645 Southern Minnesota R. R. Co. et Perkins, Alfred GU-------- 282 at -------------- 472 Perrin, Lord va.......5.. 36 SouthbernPacific R.R. Co., Wierv. 282 Peterson, Lewis-......... 121 Spalding v. Colfer-........ 615 Pierce, Jay------------ 73 'Sparks v. Galvin-......... 534 Pierpoint v. Stalder -------- 9 Spence, State of Minnesota v ... 64 Pike v. Thomas ----'------ 9 Stalder, Pierpoint a -....... 595 Platt et at. v. Graham (on re- Starr v. State of Minnesota... 644 view) ------------- 482 State of Arkansas-........ 387 Pollard v. Rethke et at -..... 294 State of California-........ 307 Poizin, August-......... 84 State of California, Central Pa- Pratt a. Avery et at. (on review) 457 cific B. B. Co a-......... 79 Quigley, T. H ---------- 551 State of California et at., Wright etal. a ............ 24 Raff, St. John va......... 552 State of California, United Reedyv. Fitzgerald-........ 159 States v ------------ 4 Reeves v. Emblen-. ...... 444 State of Florida --------65, 369, 380 Rethke et at. Pollard va -..... 294 State of Louisiana-........ 126 Rhea, United States v.a -.... 578 State of Lonisiana v. MeDonogh - Rice v. Bissell-......... 606 et at. (on review)-....... 134 Richardson, Paulson va-..... 597 1State of Michigan-........308, 560


Page. Page.

State of Minnesota. ........ 32 Urquhart, Northern Pacific R. R. State of Minnesota, Lachance v. 179 Co. v -.-.-..-....--- 365

State of Minnesota v. Spence -- -- 64

State of Minnesota,, Starr v ...... 644 Vifito .R. Co New Orleans ad 377

State of Oregon

cific----------- 72 State of Wisconsin v. Wolf .55 Waite, Fred. G- -.- _.-- 638 Stearns, George F .............. 573 Wakefield, George M --..----.. 189 St. John v. Raff ................ 552 Ward, Gilbert M- -.....----. -156 Stone, William R ------------ 524 Warden v. Shumate ............ 330 Streib v. Zalondek .............. 601 Warren, Emma J ............... 113 Strohl, Matilda -0--------------- 62 Watts et al., Delaney v .480 Swett, Crumpler v .............. -584 Weed, Thurlow ................ 100

Weir v. Southern Pacific R. R.

Talbot, Thomas F -.495 Co ---------------------------. 282 Tannehill v. Shannon (on review) 38 Welo, Caroline -.-.-.- .612 Taylor et al., Armstrong v ....... 598 West, Bartl v .-2 .89 Taylor v. Yates et al t----------- 279 West v. Owen .................. 576 Texas Pacific grant -.... 530 White v. McGnrk et al. (on re- Thomas, Pike v- .----.. 493 view) -.----.....----------- 155 Thompson, William ......-...... 104 Wilds, Henry -394

Thompson, Sydney F -285 Willis v. Parker -623

Thrasher v. Mahoney -626 Winslow, Robert M ............. 191 Tilton, Daniel G ....-... .368 Wintamute, D. D ............... 636

Tingley, Henry C --205 Wisconsin v. Wolf -.555

Trick, Epley v .................. -110 Wolters, Charles .-.. 131

Wright et al. v. California et al 24

United States v. State of Cali- Wybrant, H. P., et al. 18 fornia ..-... .4 United States v. Atterbery et alt. 173 Yantis, Northern Pacific R. R.

United States, Hardee v a- 391 Co. v a-- -----58

United States v. Rhea .......... .578 Yates et al., Taylor v ............ 279

Union River Logging Railroad

Co .- .. 374 Zalondek, Streib v ............... 601


[The abbreviation "L. D." refers to this publication; "B. L. P." refers to Brainerd's Legal Prece--- dents; "lC. L.L.,"toCopp's Public Land Laws. Ed.1875; "20.L.L.," to Copp's Pblic Land Laws, Ed. 1882; " C. L. O.," to Copp's Land Owner; "C. M. D.," to Copp's Mining Decisions; "C. M. L.," to Copp's Mineral Lands; " Lester," to Lester's Land Laws and Decisions; "Rep.," to the Reporter; "S. M. D.," to Sickles' Mining Laws and Decisions; and "C. CMs.," to the Court of


Page. Page.

Aiken v. Ferry; 6 Saw., 79 ............... 277 Blanc v. Lafayette; 11 Row., 104 ......... 83 Alabama and Chattanooga R. R. Co.; 8 L. Blenlner v. Sloggy; 2 L. D, 267 .. .535 D., 33 .................. 592 Blodgett v. California and Oregon R. R. Alabama and Chattanooga R. R. Co. v. Co.; 6 C. L. O., 37 .............. .... 22 Tennessee and Alabama R. R. Co.; 5 L. Blodgett v. Central Pacific R. R. Co.; 6 L.

D., 582 .... ...... 33 D., 309 .......... 322

Allen, Adelphi; 6 L. D., 420............. 58,613 Blunt, Ess; S L. D., 617.. .... 46@ Allen v. Baird; 6 L. D., 98 ............... 98 Boal, Albert D.; 7 L. D., 50 .............. 480 Allen v. Leot; 6 L. D., 669 ...... ........ 454 Bodie Tunnel and Mining Co. v. Bechtel Allman v. Thulon; 1 C. L. L., 690 ........176,419 Consolidated M'g Co. et ai.; 1 L. Athertonv. Fowler; 96U. S., 513 .451 D., 584 ............ 125 Atkins v. Disintegrating Co.; 18 Wall., 272 95 Boeing, Wilhelm; 6 L. D., 262 .89 Atlantic and Pacific R. R. Co.; 6 L. D., 84 Bolster v. Barlow; 6 L. D., 825 .554 and 91 ..-.......-.... ....-.... 238, 356, 428 Boones v. Chiles; 10 Pet., 177 ............ 278 Atlantic and Pacifice R. R. Co. v. Buck- Booth v. Lee (unreported) .178 man; 3L. D., 277 ............ .......... 391 Bosch, Gottlieb; 8 L. D., 45 .... 569 Atlantic and PacificI R. R. Co. v For- Bowers v. Keesecker; 14 la., 307 .419 rester; I L. D., 475 ...............1..... 391 Bradford, David Y.; 8 L. D., 283 .......... 528 Atlantic and Pacific R. R. Co. v. McCabe; Brady v. Southern PacificeR. R. Co.; 5 L.

4 L. D., 94 .............................. 373 D., 407 ...5........ 391

Austin v. Norin; 4 L. D., 461 ............. 97, 201 Brake v. Ballou; 19 Kans., 42 ..176

Branagan et al. v. Dulaney; 2 L. D., 744 .125

Bailey, John W. et al.; 5 L. D., 216 500 Branagan et ca. v. Dulaney; 13 C. L; O., Bailey, John W. et al.; 3 L. D., 386..... 460 1 90 .362 Ball v. Graham; 6 L. D., 407 ...... ....... 567 Brassfield v. Eshom; 8 L. D., 1 ...... ..... 569 Baker v. Hurst; 7 L. D., 457 ............. 111 Bray v. Colby; 2 L. D., 88 ............... 629 Baldwin v. Stark; 107 U. S., 463 ....... ... 277 Bright et cl. v. Elkhorn Mining Co.; 8 L. Ballance v. Forsythe et cl.; 21 How., 389. 214 D., 122 ................................ 440 Banks, Nathaniel; 7 L. D., 512 .---------- 532 Bright v. Northern Pac. R. R. Co.; 6 L. D., Barnard v. Ashley's heirs; 18 How., 46 540 613 ................................. 292, 572 Barnes, Julius A.; 6 L. D., 522 ........ 89,410,572 Brittin, James; 4 L. D., 441 .............. 567 Barney v. Winona and St. Peter R. R. Co.; Brown, Hannah M.; 4 L. D., 9 .530

117 U. S., 228 ........................... 231 37 Brown, Joseph; 5 L. D., 316 ............. 104

Barnett v. Crow; 5 L. D., 372 ........ 420 Brown v. Central PacificI R. R. Co.; 6 L. Barnum, Henry E.; 5 L. D., 583 .......... 241 D., 151 .. ................... 364, 523 Bartch v. Kennedy; 3 L. D., 437 ... 535 Brown v. United States; 113 U. S., 568.- 17, 94, 281 Beckner, Tobias: 6 L. D., 134 ............ 288, 440 Buena Vista Lode; 6 L. D., 646 .460 Beecher v. Wetherby; 95 U. S., 517 .... 311 Bunnell, Louis W.; 7 L. D., 231 .568, 653 Belk v. Meagher; 104 U. 5.,22 ... 389 iBurgel, Joseph .......... .422 Benschoter v. Williams; 3 L. D., 419 242 Butts v. Northern PacificI R. It. Co.; 119 U. Bertand, Madam; 6 L. D., 487 .......... 393 S., 55 ..s.... .. ............ ......... 311 Bishop, Francis M.; 5 L. D., 42 .107 Buxton v. Traver; 130 U. S., 232 .541 Bishop, George S.; 1 L. D., 69 ............ 533 Byer v. Burrill; 6 L. D., 521 .176

Bickford, Perry; 7 L. D., 374 ........ .... 50

Bladen v. Southern Pacific I. R. Co.; 9 C. Cain, James A.; 7 L. D., 482 .411 L. O., 119. 206 California v. Townsend; 2 C. L. L., 1117 540 IX


Page. Page.

California and Oregon R. R. Co. v. Califor- Dungan v. Griffen's heirs; 1 C. L. L., 254. 289 nia; 41.1D., 142 ........................ 78 Elddyv. England; 6 L.D.,530 ............ 553,581 Cameron, John; 7 L. D., 436 .............. 369 Edwards' Lessee v. Darby; 12 Wheat., Campbell, John; 6 L. D., 317 ............. 415 206 ----.*---.-----.------.93 Campbell v. Kelley; 8 L. D., 75 .......... 606 Eldred v. Sexton; 19 Wall., 189 89, 422 Campbell v. Middleton; 7 L. D., 400 ...... 139 Elk v. Wilkins; 112 'U. S., 94 .57 Candido v. Fargo; 7 L. D., 75 ............ 400, 535 Elliott v. Lee; 4 L. D., 30 .578,586 Capprise v. White; 4 L. D., 176 .......... .414 Elliott v. Ryan; 7 L. D., 322 .111 Capps, L. J.; 8 L. D., 406 ................. 414 Ellis v. Moore; 6 L. D., 630 .............. 52 Carpenter, Channcey; 7 L. D., 236 ------- 236 Elmer v. Bowed; 4 L. D., 337 ............. 419,504 Carroll v. Safford; 3 How., 441 ............ 278 Elsori, William C.; 6 L. D., 797 ........... 206 Caste, Nancy Ann; 3 L.D., 174 ....... 300,452, 533 Elwell v. Northern Pacific R, R. Co.; 5 L. Caviness v. Harrah; 4 L. D., 174 ........... 602 D., 566 ................................. 322 Caward, J. J.; 3 L D., 505 .----------3--- 97 Emmert, David B.; 3 L. D., 55 ...... ..... 415 Cedar Rapids R. R. Co. a:Herring; 110 U. Engen v. Sustad; 11 C. L.O., 215 ......... 567, 613 S., 27 ............ 23 English v. Noteboom; 71. D., 335 ....... 478 Central Pacific R. R. Co. v. Benity; 5 Saw., Ervine, Thomas; 4 L. D., 420 .446

118 ................................ 117 Esler v. Townsite of Cooke; 4 L. D., 212 560

Central Pacific R. R. Co. v. Dyer; 1 Saw.,

641 ................................ .117 Fagan v. Jiran; 4 L. D., 141 .578

Central Pacific R. R. Co. v. Wolford; 3 L. Faleoner v. Hunt et al.; 6 L. D., 516... .46,194,451,

D., 264 ...3.... .364, 523

Chaffin v. Taylor; 116 U. S., 567 .......... 264 Farnsworth v. Hudson; 5 L. D., 315 ...... 553 Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Ry. Co. Farnsworth v. Minnesota and Pacific R. v. Amundseon ; 8 L. D., 291 ............. 572 R. Co.; 92 U.S., 49 ..... ............... 592 Choate, John R.; 7 L. D., 281 ............ 606 Featherspil, John C.; 4 L. D., 570 .------- 416 Chotard v. Pope; 12 Wheat., 588 .... 9.... go Ferguson v. Hoff; 4 L. D., 491 ...... ..... 479

Chrisinger, R. M4.; 4 L. D., 347 ........ 335, 525, 653 Filkins, Charles W.; 5 L. D., 49 ....... .466

Churchill v. Seeley; 4 L. D., 589 .......... 478, 596 Fitzsimmons v. Meder; 6 L. D., 93 ....... 600 Clark, Daniel; 1 C. L. L., 494 ............ 455 Flint, A. E.; 6 L. D., 668 .0................. 87

Clark, George T.; 6 L. D., 157 ....... ..... 532, 584 Foote, George B.; 2 L. D., 773 ...... ..... 104

Clarke, Judith M.; 7 L. D., 485 .--------- 204, 411 Forgeot, Margaret; 7 L. D., 280 ...... ... 436 Cleghorn v. Bird; 4 L. D., 478 .----------- 442 Foster, David; 2 C. L. L., 1125 ...... ..... 540 Clement v. Heney; 6 L. D., 641 ........... 581, 596 Foster v. McLean; 2 L. D., 175 ........... 176 Clements v. Warner; 24 How., 394 ....... 168 Flank, Samuel -M.; 2 L. D., 628 .......... 419,503

Cleveland v. Dunlevy; 4 L. D., 121 ....... 500, 600 Fraser v. Ringgold; 3 L. D., 69 ........... 52, 371

Cole, Harlan; 6 L. D., 290 ... ........... 97 French, William (an review); 2 L. D., 238. 235 Coleman v. Winfield; 6 L. D., 826 ...542 Friese v. Hobson; 4 L. D., 580.- I ..... 463,581,596 Collar v. Collar; 4 L. D., 26 ....... ....... 201 Friend, William; 5 L. D., 38 ........ .... 414 Colorado Coal Co. v. United States; 123 Frisbie v. Whitney; 9 Wall., 157 ... 275,301 U. S., 314 ..........................- 50 Frohne v. Sanborn; 6 L. D., 491 .--------- 536 Cooper v. Roberts; 18 How., 173 ......... 311, 565 Frue, W. B. et cal. (Topsy Mine); 7 C. L. O., Cornell, Lode; 6 L. D., 717 .......... ..... 460 20.... 224 Cotton v. Struthers; 6 1 D., 288 ......... 567 Frauit, Henry D.; 6 L. D., 138 .510

Crooks v. Hadsell; 3 L. D., 258 ........... 161

Crosby v. Dall; 13 C. L. O., 210 ....... .... 578, 586 Gage v. Lemi eux; 8 L. D., 139 .576 Cull, Frances M.; 5 L. D., 348 ............ 653 Gaines v. Thompson; 7 Wall., 347 .277

Galloway v. Winston; 1 L.D., 142 .554

Davidson v. Kokojan; 7 L. D., 436 ....... 504 Garrett, Riley; 7 L. D., 79 432 Dayton v. Dayton; 6 L. D., 164 .......... 248 Gates v. Gates; 7 L. D., 35 ............... 618, 628 Deffeback v. Hawke; 115 U. S., 392 ......5 41, 604 Geer v. Farrington; 4 L. D., 410 .......... 450 Denny v. Taylor's heirs; 2 L. D., 227..... 456 Gelpoke v. Dubuque; 1 Wall., 175 ........ 109, 263 Devoe, Lizzie A.; 5 L. D., 4 ....... ....... 107 Gilbert v. Spearing; 4 L. D., 463 ......... 226 Disch, John B.; 8 L. D., 31 ............... 32 Gilfillan, R. E.; 6 L. D., 353 .............. 241 Doe v. Larmore; 116 U. S., 198 ...... ..... 36 Goforth, William; 8 L. D., 80 ............. 393 Dole, David B.; 3 L. D., 214 .............. 108 Going v. Orns; 8 Kansas, 87 .............. 504 Downey, Owen D.; 6 L. D., 23 ....51,114,432,451 Goist v. Bottum; 5 L. D., 643 ............. 99 Downey, S. W.; 7 C. L. O., 26 ............. 108 Good, Maria; 5 L. D., 196 ................ .612 Douglas v. County of Pike; 101 U. S., 677. 93 Gotthelf v. Swinson; 5 L. D., 657 ......... 139,243 Doyle, Edward J.; 7 L. D., 3 .......5...... 42 Good Return Placer Mine; 4 L. D., 221 .. 505 Drew, William L.; 8 L. D., 399 ...... ..... 535 Graves v. Keith; 3 L. D., 308 ............ 243 Dubuque and Sioux City R. R. Co.; 2 L. Greenwood v. Peters; 4L.D., 237 ...... 54,568,654 D., 542 ................................. 473 Grinnell v. Railroad Co.; 103 U. S., 739 ... 23 Durand v. Martin; 120 U.S., 366 ......... 9 Grisar v. McDowell; 6 Wall., 381 ........ 414 Dnrbize, John; 6 L. D., 536 ........ ...... 108 Grove v. Crooks; 7 L. D., 140 ....... ..... 529


XI Page. Page. Habersbam, F. B.; 4 L. D., 282 ............ 161 Kelley v. Grameng; 5 L. D., 611 ......... 580 Hagland, Gustavns; 1 L. D., 593 ...... ... 438 Kenosha v. Lamson; 9 Wall., 477 -------- 263 Hair, James; 8 L. D., 467 ---------------- 535 Killiun .Snydam; 6 L. D., 324 ........... 551 Hardee, D. C.; 7 L. D., 1 ........... ...... 393 Keiser v. Keech; 7 L. D., 25 ........ ..... 597 Hardin County; 5 L. D., 236 .............. 556 Knight v. Haucke; 2 L. D., 188 ---------- 500, 626 Harkness v. Underhill; I Black, 316 --.. 276 Knippenberg, L. and B.; 4 L. D., 477. .654 Harris, Ariel C.; 6 L. D., 122 ........ ..... 596 Kortsch v. State of Minnesota; 7 L. D., Harris, Adam S.; 8 L. D., 45 .. 451 313 ------------------------------------- 182

Harris, Henry H.; 6 L. D., 154 ----------- 635, 646 Krichbaum v. Perry; 5 L. D., 403 ........ 97, 201

Harrison, James A.; 8 L. D., 98 .......... 587 Krichbbanm v. Perry; 4 L. D., 517 ........ 139 Hartzell, Thomas B.; 5 L. D., 124 ........ 281 aurtz v. Summers; 7 L. D., 46---------- 139

Hastings and Dakota Ry. Co.; 2 L. D.,

527 ......................

473 Lachance v. State of Minnesota; 4 L. D.,

Hastings and Dakota Ry. Co.; 6 L.D., 479


716 .................................

473 Lalley, Robert et al.; 10 Ct. O., 55 ...... 299

Hatch v. Van Doren; 4 L. D., 358 ......... 504 Lambert v. Fairchild; 5 L. D., 675 ........ 566 Hatfield Smith et al.; 6 L. D., 561 .. --236 Landgren, Olof; 2 B. L. P., 323 ...... .... 63 Hanson v. Howe; 2 L. D., 220 ............ 243 Larriviere v. Madegan; 1 Dillon, 455... 220 Healey, Andrew J. ; LtD., 80 .......... 653 Larson v. Weisbecker; 1 L. D., 409 ...... 247 Heirs of Isham Floyd; 5 L. D., 531 ...... 281 Laura, the; 114 U. S.,;441 ................ 94 Heitliamp v. Halverson; 3 L. D., 530 ..... 373 Lea, J. C.; 11 C. L. O., 45 ................ 107, 232 Hemsworthav. Holland; 7 L.D., 76 ...... 400 Lee v. Johnson; 116 U. S., 48 ...... ...... 276 Herrell, Noah; 6 L. D., 573 ................ 568 Ltinen, George; 8 L. D., 233 431 feydenfeldt v. Daney Gold Co.; 93 U. S., Love, James S.; 5 L. D., 642 107

634 .................................

95 Lowe, Robert; 5 L. D., 541 .. -........... 409

Hogan v. Page; 2 Wall., 605 .-............ 455 Lundy v. Hoebel; 7 L. D., 49 ---- ....... 139 Holland, William H.; 6 L. D., 38 ........ 51,114 Lynch, James; 7 L. D., 580 ------- ...... 308 Hollants v. Sullivan; 5 L. D., 115 ........ 404 ytle v. Arkansas; 22 How., 193 -........ 176

Holmes, Lewis; 6 L. D., 762 ....... ....... 480

Holmes v. Northern Pacific R. R. Co.; 5 Magalia Gold Mining Co. v. Ferguson; 6 L. D., 333 ..........................-_ 8364, 385 L. D., 218 ...... : 490 Holston, Frank V.; 7 L D., 218 ......... 89,644 Makinson, R. W.; 4 L. D., 165 ........... 107 Holz v. Fox; 2 L.D., 162 ............-.... 640 Malone v. Union Pacific, Ry. Co., 7 L. D., Hooper, Henry; 6 L. D., 624 ............. 191, 536 ....13-.............-.. ............... 294 Hotaling, Charles; 3 L. D, 17 .... ....... 202 Mann v. flk; 3 L. D., 452 ............... 541 Hotaling v. Currier; 5 L. D., 368 ......... 121, 600 Manning, Patrick; 7 L. D., 144 ------- 3534quotesdbs_dbs28.pdfusesText_34
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