[PDF] 2018. 14-Jul-2018 Vykintas Civas

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Poštovani sudionici, dragi gosti,Zagreb prvi put ugošćuje renomirani Svjetski kongres saksofonista.Domaćin ovogodišnjega 18. kongresa je naša Muzička akademija koja je u svijetu poznata po izvrsnosti svoje Zagrebačke saksofonističke škole koju je utemeljio profesor

Josip Nochta. Tijekom 5 dana, na više od 400 događanja, na brojnim mjestima u gradu će se predstaviti i susresti vrhunski glazbeni profesionalci, studenti i amateri. Bit će to, uvjeren sam, praznik glazbe, prigoda za promociju različitih stilova i izričaja te za razmjenu ideja.Svojom otvorenosti za publiku Kongres će obogatiti Zagrebačko kulturno ljeto te će doprinijeti boljem pozicioniranju Zagreba i Hrvatske na svjetskoj karti kulturnog

turizma.Zahvaljujem organizatorima na uspješnoj realizaciji Kongresa, osobito red. prof. art. Draganu Sremcu, umjetničkomu ravnatelju Kongresa i prodekanu za umjetnost i poslovanje Muzičke akademije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.Svim sudionicima Želim uspješno sudjelovanje i ugodan boravak u našem gradu!Gradonačelnik Grada Zagreba

Milan Bandić

gradonačelnik grada zagreba

Esteemed participants, dear guests,Zagreb is hosting the renowned World Saxophone Congress for the first time.The host of this 18th Congress is our Academy of Music, world-famous for the excellence of its Zagreb School of Saxophone, established by professor Josip Nochta. In the course of 5 days, in more than 400 events at various locations in the city, top music professionals, students and amateurs will present themselves and meet each other. I am sure that it will be a celebration of music, an opportunity to promote various styles and expressions and to exchange ideas.Since it is open to the public, the Congress will enrich the Zagreb Cultural Summer and contribute to better positioning of Zagreb and Croatia on the world map of cultural tourism.I would like to thank the organizers for successfully realizing this Congress, especially Prof. Art. Dragan Sremec, the Art Director of the Congress and Vice Dean for Art and Administration of the Academy of Music, with the University of Zagreb.I wish all the success to participants, as well as a pleasant stay

in our city!Mayor of the city of Zagreb

Milan Bandić

Major of the City of Zagreb

ministrica kulture republike hrvatske

Zagreb, 13. 6. 2018.

U ime Ministarstva kulture i u osobno ime upućujem srdačnu dobrodošlicu svim sudionicima 18. Svjetskoga kongresa saksofonista, prvoga koji se odrŽava u Republici Hrvatskoj. U ovoj prigodi ističem Muzičku akademiju Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, našu najstariju nacionalnu glazbenu ustanovu, kao domaćina koji je okupio veliku skupinu glazbenika najrazličitijih umjetničkih opredjeljenja. Nasljednica prve muzičke škole u Hrvatskoj otvorene još 1829. godine, Akademija je kroz gotovo dva stoljeća stvorila čvrste kulturne veze s međunarodnom zajednicom povezujući jedinstvenim dijalogom mnogolike prostore umjetničkog izraŽavanja. Upravo takva vrsta dijaloga simbol je cijeloga Kongresa. Narednih dana umjetnici i publika svjedočit će što glazba jest u svojim različitim formama, strukturama i arhitekturi oblikovanja te u interpretacijama, a posebno što predstavlja fenomen obitelji saksofonâ, glazbala panoramskih mogućnosti i prijateljskoga zvuka s kojim se identificiraju mnoge Žanrovske vrste, od kanonske simfonijske literature do jazza i repertoara amaterskih puhačkih ansambala. U ozračju Svjetskoga kongresa saksofonista svim sudionicima Želim puno uspjeha i puno zanimljivih koncertnih izazova.


dr.sc. Nina Obuljen KorŽinek the minister of culture of the republic of croatia

Zagreb, June 13th, 2018

In the name of the Ministry of Culture and my own, I would like to wish a warm welcome to all participants of the 18th World Saxophone Congress, the first one held in the Republic of Croatia. On this occasion, I must mention the Academy of Music, University of Zagreb, our oldest national music institution, as a host which gathered a large group of musicians of various musical styles. The successor of the first music school in Croatia, opened as early as 1829, the Academy created, over more than two centuries, strong cultural connections with the international community, connecting through unique dialogue various spheres of musical expression. This type of dialogue, precisely, is the symbol of the whole


In the following days, artists and the audience will witness what music is in its various forms, structures and creative architecture and in its interpretations, especially what the phenomenon of saxophone family represents, an instrument of vast possibilities and friendly sound, which many genres identify with, from canonical symphonic literature to jazz and a repertoire of amateur wind ensembles. In the atmosphere of the World Saxophone Congress, I wish all participants a lot of success and a lot of interesting concert challenges


Nina Obuljen KorŽinek, Ph.D.

Iznimno sam ponosan što je Sveučilište u Zagrebu, naše najstarije i najveće Sveučilište koje 2018./2019. akademske godine slavi 350. godišnjicu postojanja, dio 18. Svjetskoga kongresa saksofonista i što Muzička akademija ima priliku biti domaćinom susreta vrhunskih glazbenih profesionalaca, studenata i amatera svih stilova i glazbenih izričaja. Muzička akademija naša je najveća i najstarija glazbena ustanova s visokom razinom izvrsnosti i kvalitete, a organizacijom Svjetskoga kongresa predstavit će hrvatsku kulturu i umjetnost u svijetu, a poloŽaj grada Zagreba dodatno učvrstiti na međunarodnoj kulturnoj mapi. želim svima dobrodošlicu na naše Sveučilište i uspjeh u ovome hvalevrijednom projektu!Vaš rektor,

prof. dr. sc. Damir Boras rektor sveučilišta u zagrebu

I am very proud that the University of Zagreb, our oldest and greatest university, which is celebrating its 350th anniversary in the academic year of 2018/2019, is a part of the 18th World Saxophone Congress and that the Academy of Music has an opportunity to host the gathering of top music professionals, students and amateurs of all styles and musical expressions. The Academy of Music is our greatest and oldest music institution boasting high levels of excellence and quality, and by organizing the World Congress it will present Croatian culture and art to the world and rea?rm Zagreb's position on the international cultural map. I welcome everyone to our University and wish you success in this laudable project!Rector of the University of Zagreb

Prof. Damir Boras, Ph.D.

rector of the University of Zagreb

Dekan muzičke akademije u zagrebu

Svjetski sax kongres svojim je značajem i brojnošću sudionika jedan od najvećih događaja u povijesti MA Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Nakon kongresa AEC-a u studenom 2017. gdje smo ugostili preko 300 dekana i rektora uglavnom europskih umjetničkih i glazbenih akademija, sada nam u goste nam stize

1500 saksofonista iz cijelog svijeta koji su odabrali Zagreb za

svoje godišnje okupljanje. Iako je saksofon jedna od najmlađih disciplina na našoj akademiji, zahvaljujući kvalitetnom i predanom radu prof. Dragana Sremca postao je prepoznatljivi brend naše institucije što je nakon međunarodnog sax natjecanja "Josip Nochta" u konačnici rezultiralo ovom velikom svjetskom smotrom saksofona u Zagrebu. Uz podršku Grada Zagreba, Ministarstva kulture, Ministarstva obrane i Sveučilišta u Zagrebu koji su prepoznali vrijednost i vaŽnost ovog kongresa, saksofonističkoj eliti predstavit ćemo najeminentnije hrvatske institucije i najbolje orkestre kako bi umjetnički program kongresa bio na najvišem nivou. Svim gostima Želim ugodan boravak u Zagrebu i uspješan kongres!

Dekan Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu

prof.art. Dalibor Cikojević

World Saxophone Congress is one of the largest events in the history of the Music Academy, University of Zagreb, in terms of its significance and the number of participants. After the AEC Congress in November 2017, when we hosted over 300 deans and rectors of mostly European art and music academies, now, we will be hosting 1500 saxophonists from all over the world, who chose Zagreb for their annual gathering. Although saxophone is one of the youngest disciplines at our Academy, owing to the quality and dedication of Prof. Dragan Sremec's work, it became a recognizable brand of our institution, which, following the international sax competition "Josip Nochta", finally resulted in this great world saxophone convention in Zagreb. With the support of the City of Zagreb, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Defence and the University of Zagreb, which recognized the value and importance of this Congress, we are going to present the sax elite with the preeminent Croatian institutions and the best orchestras, so the artistic programme of the Congress is of the highest grade.We wish all the guests a pleasant stay in Zagreb and a successful Congress! Dean of the Music Academy in Zagreb

prof.art. Dalibor Cikojević

Dean of the Music academy in Zagreb

Umjetnički ravnatelj XVIII. Svjetskog kongresa saksofonista

Dobrodošli u Zagreb!

Ponosan sam što su Zagreb i Muzička akademija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, dobivši domaćinstvo XVIII. Svjetskog kongresa saksofonista, postali vaŽnim dijelom svjetske saksofonističke povijesti. Ovaj je kongres jedan od najvećih kulturnih događaja u Hrvatskoj, na kojem će u pet dana u raznim prostorima oko

1300 saksofonista i drugih glazbenika odrŽati više od 400

programa i izvesti gotovo 1000 kompozicija, od kojih veliki broj praizvedbi. Zastupljeni su svi smjerovi i stilovi, klasika, jazz, etno, rock, elektronska glazba, performansi i edukacijski programi. OdrŽavanje tako velikog projekta ne bi bilo moguće bez potpore Grada Zagreba, Ministarstva kulture RH, Ministarstva obrane RH, Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Turističke zajednice Grada Zagreba koji su prepoznali vrijednost i vaŽnost projekta. Zahvaljujući tome na Kongresu sudjeluje niz institucija kao što su Hrvatsko narodno kazalište, Muzej za umjetnost i obrt, Studentski centar Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Koncertna dvorana Vatroslava Lisinskog, Zagrebačka filharmonija, Simfonijski orkestar HRT i Jazz orkestar HRT, Orkestar Hrvatske vojske, Ansambl za suvremenu glazbu Cantus i Zagrebački solisti. Zahvaljujemo dosadašnjim organizatorima kongresa, u Ljubljani, Minneapolisu, St. Andrewsu i Strassbourgu, na dragocjenim informacijama i savjetima. Njihova iskustva pomogla su nam da se na najbolji način predstavimo kao domaćini XVIII. Svjetskog kongresa saksofonista. Umjetnički ravnatelj XVIII. Svjetskog kongresa saksofonista

Dragan Sremec

Artistic Director of the XVIII World Saxophone Congress

Welcome to Zagreb!

I am proud that Zagreb and University of Zagreb Academy of Music, by being elected to host XVIII World Saxophone Congress, became an important part of saxophone world history. This congress is one of the biggest cultural events in Croatia, where, in the course of five days, in various venues, around 1300 saxophonists and other musicians will present more than 400 programmes and perform almost 1000 compositions, a lot of them premieres. All styles and types of music are represented, from classical, jazz, etno to rock and electronic music, as well as performances and educational programmes. Organizing such a great project would not be possible without the support of the City of Zagreb, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, Ministry of Defense of the RC, University of Zagreb and Zagreb Tourist Board, who recognized the value and the importance of the project. Thanks to that a series of institutions will participate in the Congress, for instance Croatian National Theatre, Museum of Arts and Crafts, the University of Zagreb Student Centre, Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, Croatian Radiotelevision Symphony Orchestra and Croatian Radiotelevision Jazz Orchestra, Croatian Army Orchestra, The Cantus Ensemble for

Contemporary Music and Zagreb Soloists.

We would like to thank previous Congress organizers from Ljubljana, Minneapolis, St. Andrews and Strasbourg for valuable information and advice. Their experiences will help Zagreb to be a reputable host of the XVIII World Saxophone Congress. Artistic Director of the XVIII World Saxophone Congress

Dragan Sremec

Svjetski kongres saksofonista utemeljen je u Chicagu prije četrdeset i devet godina. Činjenica da sada slavimo 18. izdanje ovog iznimnog događaja je izuzetna i uzbudljiva. Pozivam vas da zastanete i promislite o povijesti ovog instrumenta. Pomislite na trenutak koliko je u današnje vrijeme repertoar opseŽan i bogat, a koliko je bio ograničen u doba kada je Marcel Mule počeo podučavati na Pariškom konzervatoriju 1942. Mule je imao jako malo djela na raspolaganju, pošto se instrument treba čuti u izvedbi kako bi kompozitor postao svjestan njegovog velikog potencijala kao medija muzičke ekspresije. Često prije nastupa komentiram glazbu i instrument. Nije neobično da netko iz publike pita zašto Brahms nije pisao za saksofon. Uostalom, Brahms, koji je umro 1897. godine, bio je suvremenik Adolphea Saxa. Odgovor je jednostavno taj da Brahms nije nikada uŽivo čuo saksofon. Mozartov koncert K622 napisan je 1791. godine, otprilike stoljeće nakon izuma klarineta te je napisan zato sto je Mozart čuo Antona Stadlera kako ga vješto svira. Dva velika koncerta za naš instrument - Glazunovljev iz 1934. godine i Ibertov iz 1935. godine, napisani su oko sto godina nakon izuma Adolphea Saxa, zahvaljujući umijeću i posvećenosti Marcela Mulea i Sigurda Raschera. Sa Žaljenjem ne mogu biti s vama, ali sa zadovoljstvom vas pozivam da uŽivate u svim bogatstvima koje XVIII. Svjetski kongres saksofonista ima za ponuditi. Vive le saxophone!Počasni predsjednik XVIII svjetskog kongresa saksofonista

Eugene Rousseau

Počasni predsjednik XVIII svjetskog kongresa saksofonista

It was in Chicago forty-nine years ago that the World Saxophone Congress was established. That we are now celebrating the 18th convention of this marvelous event is both remarkable and exciting. I urge you to pause to reflect on the brief history of our instrument. Think for a moment of how extensive and how rich our repertory is today, and how limited it was when Marcel Mule began teaching at the Paris Conservatory in 1942. Mule had very few works at his disposal, as the instrument must be heard in performance for composers to become aware of its great potential as a medium of musical expression. Often, prior to a recital, I make comments about the music and the instrument. It is not unusual for an audience member to ask why Brahms did not write for the saxophone. After all, Brahms, who died in 1897, was a contemporary of Adolphe Sax. The answer is simply that Brahms had never heard the saxophone played in concert. Mozart's Concerto, K622, was written in 1791, about a century after the clarinet was invented, and was created because Mozart heard the instrument played artistically by Anton Stadler. Two great early concertos for our instrument - Glazunov, 1934, and Ibert, 1935, were written about a century after the creation of Adolphe Sax, thanks to the artistry and devotion of Marcel Mule and Sigurd Rascher. It is with regret that I cannot be with you, but it with pleasure that I urge you to enjoy all the riches that World Saxophone Congress XVIII has to o?er. Vive le saxophone!Honorary President of the XVIII World Saxophone Congress

Eugene Rousseau

Honorary President of the XVIII World Saxophone Congress

Honorary president

Eugene Rousseau

Artistic Director of the

XVIII th World Saxophone Congress

Dragan Sremec

Honorary board

Damir Boras, rector, University of Zagreb

Mladen Janjanin, vicerector, University of Zagreb

Dalibor Cikojević, dean

Marina Novak, vicedean

Ljerka Očić, vicedean

Krešimir Seletković, vicedean

Artistic board

Dragan Sremec

Saša Nestorović

Goran Merčep

Tomislav žuŽak

Gordan Tudor

Goran Jurković

Nikola Fabijanić

Production team

Margit Antauer

Gabriela ParadŽik

Ida Szekeres

Vesna RoŽić

Rosanda Bonačić

Petra Mitrović

Ema Gross

Marija Cestarić

Valentina Badanjak Pintarić

Nikša Gašpardi

Public relations

Dunja Pavešić

Music for XVIIIth World

Saxophone Congress Video

Gordan Tudor

Special thanks to:

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia

dr. sc. Nina Obuljen KorŽinek, Minister dr. sc. Iva Hraste Sočo, Assistant Minister

City of Zagreb - City o?ce for culture

dr. sc. Ana Lederer, Head of O?ce

Tedi Lušetić

Zagreb Tourist Board

Zlatan Muftić

Martina Csy?ary

University of Zagreb

dr. sc. Damir Boras, Rector

Mladen Janjanin, Vice-rector

Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia

Croatian National Theatre

Dubravka Vrgoč, General manager

Museum of Arts and Crafts

Miroslav Gašparović, director

The University of Zagreb Student Centre

Nataša Rajković

Davorka Begović

Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall

DraŽen Sirišćević, General manager

Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra

Mirko Boch, Managing director

Croatian Radiotelevision Symphony Orchestra

Croatian Radiotelevision Jazz Orchestra

Ivana Kocelj

The Symphonic Wind Orchestra of the Croatian Armed Forces

Lieutenant Colonel Miroslav Vukovojac-Dugan

Slovenian Armed Forces Band

Maša Bertok Duh

The Cantus Ensemble for Contemporary Music

Berislav Šipuš

The Zagreb Soloists

Krunoslav Marić

St. Mark's Parish in the Upper Town of Zagreb

reverend Vladimir Magić

Eric Nestler

Richard Ingham

MatjaŽ Drevenšek

Dejan Prešiček

Mathilde Jenn

Members of the International

Saxophone Commitee

Kenneth Tse, president

Claude Delangle

Philippe Geiss

Barry Cockcroft

Javier Valerio

Lev Pupis

Dragan Sremec (2018 WSC Director)

CONTENTSpecial projects - exhibitions 19

Tuesday / 10/7 31

Wednesday / 11/7 63

Thursday / 12/7 109

Friday / 13/7 157

Saturday / 14/7 205

Biographies 245

projects utorakspecialprojects special projects - exhibitions


French Pavilion


"Entartete Musik"

Curator: Albrecht Dümling, Berlin

On 24 May 1938, eighty years ago,

the propaganda show "Entartete

Musik" (Degenerate Music) opened in

Düsseldorf. With respective glances

towards the Twenties it condemned any music that did not fit into the

Third Reich's racial, cultural and

political agenda. 'Entartet' covered music perceived as subversive, atonal and left-wing, including operettas and jazz. A black saxophone player with the Star of David in the buttonhole was presented as a symbol of a "degenerate" racial mixture. Indeed the saxophone was seen by many

Nazis as an "un-German" and even

dangerous instrument.

Today the pseudo-Darwinian

word "Entartung", a term of Nazi propaganda, has long since vanished from the vocabulary of political- cultural debate. The idea of making music dependent upon a norm - especially a racial norm - is clearly, in our era of international music-making, an absurdity. The historical example of so-called "Degenerate Music" should serve both as a warning against any attempt to prescribe norms, and as a plea for cultural pluralism, for tolerance and dialogue in the arts.

The present exhibition is a critical

reconstruction of the Nazi show with commentary. The 44 panels of the

English version, created for the Los

Angeles Philharmonic Association,

already travelled to New York,

Boston, Chicago, Miami, Barcelona

and Tel Aviv. When it was shown at the Royal Festival Hall in London,

Yehudi Menuhin commented: "This

exhibit must lead not to criticism of others and condemnation of others but to criticism of ourselves and to a keener awareness of our own responsibilities."

This exhibition (plus catalogue and

documentation of sound) should belong to the intellectual luggage of everyone, who today is dealing with music of these times and wants to be watchful, that "Entartung" will remain a term that belongs to the past. (Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich)




Kurator: Albrecht Dümling

24. svibnja 1938., prije osamdeset

godina, u Düsseldorfu je otvorena izloŽba "Entartete Musik" (Izopačena umjetnost). Retrospektivno se osvrćući na dvadesete godine, osudila je svu glazbu koja se nije uklapala u rasni, kulturni i politički program Trećeg Reicha. Termin 'Entartet' obuhvaćao je glazbu koju se smatrala subverzivnom, atonalnom i ljevičarskom, uključujući operete i jazz. Crni saksofonist s

Davidovom zvijezdom u zapučku

10 - 14 July

special projects - exhibitions 20

10 - 14 July


French Pavilionspecial projects - exhibitions




Dragan Sremec, Vice Dean University

of Zagreb Academy of Music, Artistic director of the WSC

Thomas E. Schultze, Ambassador of

the Federal Republic of Germany in the Republic of Croatia

Dr. Albrecht Dümling, Musicologist

and Curator of the Exhibition


Paul Hindemith (1895-1963):

Konzertstück for two alto


Detlef Bensmann, saxophone

Tianhong Wu, saxophonepredstavljen je kao simbol "izopačene" rasne mješavine. Zapravo, saksofon je većina nacista smatrala

"nenjemačkim", pa čak i opasnim instrumentom.Danas je pseudodarvinistička riječ "Entartung", kao termin nacističke propagande, odavno nestala iz rječnika političko-kulturne debate. Ideja stvaranja glazbe koja ovisi o normi, a posebno rasnoj normi, očito je u naše doba međunarodnog stvaranja glazbe, apsurd. Povijesni primjer takozvane "Izopačene glazbe" trebao bi posluŽiti kao upozorenje protiv svakog pokušaja propisivanja normi, i kao zagovor kulturnog pluralizma, za toleranciju i dijalog u umjetnosti.Ova izloŽba kritička je rekonstrukcija nacističke predstave s komentarima. 44 panela verzije na engleskom izrađena za udrugu Los Angeles Philharmonic Association, već su obišla New York, Boston, Chicago, Miami, Barcelonu i Tel Aviv. Prilikom posjeta izloŽbe Royal Festival Hallu u Londonu, Yehudi Menuhin komentirao je: "Ova izloŽba ne smije rezultirati kritikom i osudom drugih, nego kritikom nas samih te nas snaŽno osvijestiti o vlastitim odgovornostima."Ova izloŽba (zajedno s katalogom i zvučnim zapisima) trebala bi biti dio intelektualne prtljage svih koji se danas bave glazbom tog vremena i Žele se pobrinuti da "Entartung" ostane pojam koji pripada prošlosti. (Süddeutsche Zeitung, München)

Detlef Bensmann

tuesday 10/7/ special projects - exhibitions 22
STUDENT CENTER French PavilionSTUDENT CENTER MM CenterLecture-Recital by Frank Lunte (45 Min) wednesday 11/7/13:30


Guided tour by Dr. Albrecht Dümling

Erwin Schulhoff and his "Hot-



Erwin Schulhoff (1894-1942):

Hot-Sonata (1930) for alto

saxophone and piano

Frank Lunte, alto saxophone

Holger Groschopp, piano

special projects - exhibitions 23
special projects - exhibitions 24


MM Hall

Lecture-Recital by Detlef Bensmann (45 Min)

The late period of Berlin composer

Dietrich Erdmann


Dietrich Erdmann (1917-2009):

Fantasia colorata

for tenor saxophone solo

Dialog for alto saxophone and tenor


Resonanzen for Saxophone Quartet

III Allegro con fuoco

Detlef Bensmann, Saxophones

Frank Lunte, Saxophone





MM Hall

guided tour by Dr. Albrecht Dümling


French Pavilion


&TD Theatre thursday 12/7/


11:30 Guided tour by Dr. Albrecht DümlingLecture-Recital by Detlef Bensmann (45 Min) and Darius Milhaud

From late-romantic to jazz-influenced

idioms in the 1930-ies


Quintet (1935) for two alto

saxophones, tenor Saxophone, baritone saxophone and piano

Sigfrid Karg-Elert (1877-1933):

Giga and Cubana

(1929) for Soprano

Saxophone solo

Darius Milhaud (1892-1974):


(1937) for Alto

Saxophone and Piano

Detlef Bensmann, saxophones

Tianhong Wu, alto saxophone

Bensmann Saxophon Quartett-Berlin

Holger Groschopp, piano

special projects - exhibitions 25
15:00 16:30 17:30


MM Hall

guided tour by Dr. Albrecht Dümling


MM Hall

Lecture-Recital by frank lunte (45 Min)

German-American composer Ursula


Her life and her composition "Rück-



Ursula Mamlok (1923-2016):

Rückblick - In Memoriam

Reichspogromnacht 9th November

for alto saxophone and piano

Frank Lunte, alto saxophone

Holger Groschopp, piano


French Pavilion

Holger Groschopp



French Pavilion

saturday 14/7/ 15:30 lecture by Tina Tepper (30min)

Ingrid Larssen - A Female

Saxophonist in the Nazi Era


MM Hall

friday13/7/ 19:00

Lecture-Recital by Johannes Ernst (45 Min)

What happened at the Musikhoch-

schule and Stern'sche Konservatori- um during the Nazi dictatorship.


Gustav Bumcke


Fantasie über Das polnische Lied

op. 50/3

Gott zu Dir

op. 50/2 for saxophone orchestra

Saxophone Octet Berlin and guests

Adrien Liebermann, Taixiang Wang,

Johannes Ernst, soprano saxophone

Anna C. Eckhardt, Shiqi Zhang, Frank

Lunte, Tianhong Wu, alto Saxophone

Chen Cheng, Tina Tepper, tenor


Sebastian Lange, Xi Chen, baritone


Johannes Ernst, Musical director

special projects - exhibitions 27
[PDF] CATALOGUE DES FORMATIONS COMPETENCES COMMERCE VENTE DISTRIBUTION. Actions de formation financées par le Conseil Régional d Ile de France



[PDF] Catalogue Formation PNL Marseille 2014-15


[PDF] Catastrophes naturelles. Prévention. assurance. M i s s i o n R i s q u e s N a t u r e l s

[PDF] CATEGORIE A. Chef de la section législative et réglementaire et des distinctions honorifiques (Attaché principal ou confirmé)

[PDF] Cayenne, le 2 mars 2009 RECTORAT


[PDF] CCF CAP SCIENCES PHYSIQUES CHIMIQUES. Lycée Bertène Juminer SESSION 2013 Séquence 1. Prévoir une suralimention électrique

[PDF] CCIFER Executive Master Management. En partenariat avec ESCP Europe


[PDF] Ce concours est ouvert aux jeunes âgés de 14 à 18 ans (dans l'année). Les mineurs devront envoyer une autorisation parentale avec leur photo.

[PDF] Ce contrat sera transmis au GRD au moins 28 jours avant le début de la fourniture avec les attestations de changement de fournisseur.

[PDF] Ce document présente les travaux d un groupe de travail réuni par l Inserm à la demande de la Caisse nationale d assurance maladie des travailleurs