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1 mars 1976 Uruguay. (Signature apposée le. 21 février 1967.) To ug os la vie. (Signature apposée le. 8 aofft 1967.) 21 juin. 1971. 16 juillet. 1974 a.


1 juin 1976 20 décembre 1967. Chine. 28 février. 1974. CGte d"Ivoire. 14 janvier ... Great Britain and Northern Ireland had previously declared.


4 févr. 1976 Enregistré par la Finlande

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

Signed at Guatemala City on 27 February 1974 . Signed at Warsaw on 22 August 1967: ... Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of.


1 août 1976 Paraguay. 3 février. 1972. (Hith reservations in respect. Philippines. 7 juin. 1974 a of articles 19 (1) and (2). Pologne. 3 janvier.


1 févr. 1980 Beg is tey ed by the Unj-tçd Kingdom of Great Britain and ... (a) and 6t


5 mai 1976 Cane into force on 9 Hay 1974 by the exchange of the said ... of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Governaent of.


1 mars 1979 Entré en vigueur le 2 février 1979 dés notification par ... and Guarantee Agreements dated 15 Barch 1974). Signed at.


1 juil. 1976 Concluded at Sofia on 21 June 1974 ... Socialist Republics the united Kingdom of Great Britain and ... 4 février 1974 (L.H.B). Bcuador.


8 juil. 1975 Registered.by the United Kinqdpa of Great Britain and ... février. 1973 mai. 1974 septembre 1974 novembre avril. 1974.

Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traites

Trait~s et accords internationaux

enregistres ou classes et inscrits au rtpertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations * Nations Unies

New York, 1983

Treaties and international agreements registered

or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

VOLUME 987 1975 1. Nos. 14419-14444



Treaties and international agreements

registered from 14 November 1975 to 3 December 1975 Page

No. 14419. Switzerland and China:

Agreement relating to civil air transport (with annexes). Signed at Bern on

12 N ovem ber 1973 .................................................. 3

No. 14420. Switzerland and Burundi:

Agreement concerning scheduled air transport services (with annex). Signed at Bern on 10 January 1974 ............................................ 35

No. 14421. Switzerland and Rwanda:

Agreement concerning scheduled air transport services (with annex). Signed at Bern on 21 January 1974 ............................................ 51

No. 14422. Switzerland and Cuba:

Agreement concerning scheduled air transport services (with annex and protocol of signature). Signed at Havana on 14 February 1974 .................... 67

No. 14423. Switzerland and Guatemala:

Agreement concerning scheduled international air transport services (with annex). Signed at Guatemala City on 27 February 1974 ................... 89

No. 14424. Canada and Netherlands:

Air Transport Agreement (with annex). Signed at Ottawa on 17 June 1974 ...... 113

No. 14425. Sweden and German Democratic Republic:

Agreement relating to air services (with annex and exchanges of letters). Signed at Stockholm on 25 June 1975 .......................................... 143

No. 14426. Singapore and Iraq:

Agreement for air services between and beyond their respective territories (with annex). Signed at Cairo on 3 July 1975 ................................. 161

Vol. 987

Traifts et accords internationaux enregistris

ou classis et inscrits au ripertoire au Secrdtariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

VOLUME 987 1975 I. NOs 14419-14444



Traitds et accords internationaux

enregistrds du 14 novembre 1975 au 3 d6cembre 1975 Pages N o

14419. Suisse et Chine:

Accord relatif aux transports a6riens civils (avec annexes). Signd A Berne le 12 novem bre 1973 ..................................................... 3 N o

14420. Suisse et Burundi :

Accord relatif aux transports ariens r6guliers (avec annexe). Sign6 A Berne le

10 janvier 1974 ..................................................... 35


14421. Suisse et Rwanda :

Accord relatif aux transports a6riens r6guliers (avec annexe). Sign6 A Berne le

21 janvier 1974 ..................................................... 51


14422. Suisse et Cuba :

Accord relatif aux transports a6riens r6guliers (avec annexe et protocole de signature). Sign6 A La Havane le 14 fWvrier 1974 ......................... 67 N O

14423. Suisse et Guatemala :

Accord relatif aux transports a~riens r6guliers internationaux (avec annexe). Sign6 A Guatemala le 27 fWvrier 1974 ................................... 89 N O

14424. Canada et Pays-Bas :

Accord relatif aux transports a6riens (avec annexe). Sign6 A Ottawa le 17 juin

1974 .............................................................. 113


14425. Suede et Ripublique dimocratique allemande :

Accord relatif aux services ariens (avec annexe et 6changes de lettres). Sign6 A Stockholm le 25 juin 1975 ............................................ 143 N 0

14426. Singapour et Iraq :

Accord relatif aux services ariens entre leurs territoires respectifs et au-delA (avec annexe). Sign au Caire le 3 juillet 1975 ................................ 161

Vol. 987

IV United Nations -Treaty Series e Nations Unies -RecueUl des Traites 1975 Page No. 14427. United Nations (United Nations Capital Development Fund) and Chad: Grant Agreement -Financing of Small Enterprises (with annexes). Signed at N'Djamena on 14 November 1975 ..................................... 177

No. 14428. Finland and Italy:

Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal eva- sion with respect to taxes on income and on capital. Signed at Rome on 4 Au- gust 1967 .......................................................... 195 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending article 23 of the above- mentioned Convention. Rome, 7 May and 19 June 1971 .................. 195 No. 14429. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Mali: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning grain to be supplied by the Government of the United Kingdom to the Government of Mali within the framework of the Cereals Food Aid Programme of the European Economic Community. Dakar and Koulouba (Bamako), 20 March 1974 .... 247 No. 14430. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Mali: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning grain to be supplied by the Government of the United Kingdom to the Government of Mali within the framework of the Cereals Food Aid Programme of the European Economic Community. Dakar and Koulouba (Bamako), 21 February 1975.. 253 No. 14431. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and


Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the settlement of claims of certain British companies. Brasilia, 1 March 1975 ..................... 259 No. 14432. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and


Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning an interest-free develop- ment loan by the Government of the United Kingdom to the Government of Jordan. Amman, 8 and 10 March 1975 ................................ 267

No. 14433. Philippines and Indonesia:

Agreement on coconut and coconut products. Signed at Jakarta on 8 August

1974 .............................................................. 275

No. 14434. Philippines and Indonesia:

Basic Agreement on economic and technical cooperation. Signed at Jakarta on

8 A ugust 1974 ..................................................... 283

No. 14435. Philippines and Indonesia:

Agreement on technical and scientific cooperation. Signed at Jakarta on 8 August

1974 .............................................................. 289

No. 14436 Philippines and Indonesia:

Agreement on fisheries. Signed at Jakarta on 8 August 1974 .................. 297

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1975 United Nations -Treaty Series o Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitks V

Pages N O

14427. Organisation des Nations Unies (Fonds d' quipement des

Nations Unies) et Tchad :

Accord de don-Financement des petites entreprises (avec annexes). Sign6 A N'Djamena le 14 novembre 1975 ...................................... 177 N O

14428. Finlande et Italie :

Convention tendant A 6viter la double imposition et A pr6venir l'6vasion fiscale en mati~re d'imp6ts sur le revenu et d'imp6ts sur la fortune. Sign6e A Rome le

4 ao0t 1967 ........................................................ 195

tchange de notes constituant un accord amendant l'article 23 de la Convention susmentionn&c. Rome, 7 mai et 19 juin 1971 ............................ 195 N o

14429. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Mali:

I~change de notes constituant un accord concernant la fourniture de c6r~ales par le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni au Gouvernement malien dans le cadre du Programme d'aide alimentaire c~r6alire de la Communaut6 6conomique europtenne. Dakar et Koulouba (Bamako), 20 mars 1974 ................. 247 NO 14430. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Mali : lchange de notes constituant un accord concernant la fourniture de c6r~ales par le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni au Gouvernement malien dans le cadre du Programme d'aide alimentaire c~r~ali~re de la Communaut6 6conomique europenne. Dakar et Koulouba (Bamako), 21 frvrier 1975 ................ 253 N O

14431. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Br6sil:

Ichange de notes constituant un accord concernant le paiement d'indemnit6s r6clam6es par certaines soci6t~s britanniques. Brasilia, ler mars 1975 ........ 259 N O

14432. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et

Jordanie :

tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif A I'octroi par le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni au Gouvernement jordanien d'un pr~t de d~veloppement sans in- t6ret. Amman, 8 et 10 mars 1975 ...................................... 267 N 0

14433. Philippines et Indon6sie :

Accord relatif A ia noix de coco et aux produits d6riv~s de la noix de coco. Sign6 A Jakarta le 8 aofit 1974 ............................................... 275 N O

14434. Philippines et Indonksie :

Accord de base relatif A la cooperation 6conomique et technique. Sign6 A Jakarta le 8 aoft 1974 ...................................................... 283 N O

14435. Philippines et Indonksie :

Accord relatif A la coop6ration technique et scientifique. Sign6 A Jakarta le 8 aoflt

1974 .............................................................. 289


14436. Philippines et Indonksie :

Accord relatif 2L la peche. Sign6 A Jakarta le 8 aoflt 1974 ....................... 297

Vol. 987

VI United Nations -Treaty Series e Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitks 1975 Page

No. 14437. Philippines and Indonesia:

Agreement on forestry. Signed at Jakarta on 8 August 1974 ................... 303

No. 14438. Philippines and Indonesia:

Trade Agreement. Signed at Jakarta on 8 August 1974 ....................... 311 No. 14439. United Nations (United Nations Development Programme) and Burundi: Agreement concerning assistance by the United Nations Development Pro- gramme to the Government of Burundi. Signed at Bujumbura on 20 Novem- ber 1975 .......................................................... 319

No. 14440. Netherlands and Poland:

Long-term Agreement on the development of economic, industrial and technical co-operation (with annexes and exchange of letters). Signed at The Hague on

2 July 1974 .............................. 341

No. 14441. Multilateral:

Agreement establishing the Association of Iron Ore Exporting Countries. Con- cluded at Geneva on 3 April 1975 ...................................... 355 No. 14442. United Nations (United Nations Capital Development Fund) and Upper Volta: Grant Agreement -Refrigeration equipment for the Union voltaique des coopdratives agricoles et marachres (UvocAM) (with annexes). Signed at Ouagadougou on 28 October and 28 November 1975 .................... 373

No. 14443. Sweden and Finland:

Agreement concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf in the Gulf of Bothnia, the Bothnian Sea, the Aland Sea and the northernmost part of the Baltic Sea (with protocol and maps). Signed at Stockholm on 29 September

1972 .............................................................. 389

No. 14444. United Nations (United Nations Development Programme) and Fiji: Letter Agreement concerning the UNDP South Pacific Regional Office in Suva, Fiji. Signed at New York on 1 November 1975, and at Suva on 1 December

1975 .............................................................. 403

ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations No. 445. Protocol, signed at Lake Success, New York, on 4 May 1949, amending the Agreement for the Suppression of the Circula- tion of Obscene Publications, signed at Paris, on 4 May 1910: Acceptance by the German Democratic Republic ............................. 410

Vol. 987.

1975 United Nations -Treaty Series e Nations Unies -Recueil des Traits VII

Pages N O

14437. Philippines et Indonksie:

Accord relatif t la sylviculture. Sign6 A Jakarta le 8 ao(It 1974 .................. 303 N O

14438. Philippines et Indon6sie :

Accord commercial. Sign& A Jakarta le 8 aoQt 1974 ........................... 311 N O

14439. Organisation des Nations Unies (Programme des Nations Unies

pour le diveloppement) et Burundi : Accord relatif A une assistance du Programme des Nations Unies pour le d6velop- pement au Gouvernement du Burundi. Signt A Bujumbura le 20 novembre

1975 .............................................................. 3 19


14440. Pays-Bas et Pologne :

Accord A long terme sur le d6veloppement de Ia coop6ration 6conomique, industrielle et technique (avec annexes et tchange de lettres).-Signt A La Haye le 2 juillet 1974 ..................................................... 341 N O

14441. Multilatfral :

Accord portant creation de I'Association des pays exportateurs de minerai de fer. Conclu t Genive le 3 avril 1975 ....................................... 355 N o

14442. Organisation des Nations Unies (Fonds d'kquipement des

Nations Unies) et Haute-Volta :

Accord de don-tquipement de rdfrig6ration pour I'Union voltaique des coopdratives agricoles et marafchres (JvocAM) [avec annexes]. Sign6 A Ouagadougou les 28 octobre et 28 novembre 1975 ........................ 373 N O

14443. Suede et Finlande :

Accord relatif A la dMlimitation du plateau continental dans le golfe de Botnie, la mer de Botnie, la mer d'Aland et la partie septentrionale de la mer Baltique (avec protocole et cartes). Sign6 A Stockholm le 29 septembre 1972 ........... 389 N o

14444. Organisation des Nations Unies (Programme des Nations Unies

pour le diveloppement) et Fidji : Accord par lettre relatif au bureau r6gional du PNUD pour le Pacifique Sud

A Suva (Fidji). Sign6 A New York le I

r novembre 1975, et A Suva le Ier d6cem bre 1975 ................................................... 403
ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhdsions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traitds et accords internationaux enregistrds au Secredtariat de i'Organisation des Nations Unies N o

445. Protocole, signk A Lake Success (New York) le 4 mai 1949, amen-

dant I'Arrangement relatif A la rkpression de In circulation des publications obscnes, signk A Paris, le 4 mai 1910 : Acceptation de la Rpublique d~mocratique allemande ........................ 410

Vol. 987.

VIII United Nations -Treaty Series a Nations Unies -Recueil des Traites 1975 Page No. 709. Protocol to amend the Convention for the suppression of the cir- culation of and traffic in obscene publications, concluded at Geneva on 12 September 1923. Signed at Lake Success, New

York, on 12 November 1947:

Acceptance by the German Democratic Republic ............................. 411 No. 710. International Convention for the suppression of the circulation of and traffic in obscene publications, concluded at Geneva on

12 September 1923, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake

Success, New York, on 12 November 1947:

Succession by Lesotho ................................................... 412 Participation by the German Democratic Republic in the above-mentioned Convention, as amended ............................................. 412 No. 728. Agreement for the suppression of the circulation of obscene publications, signed at Paris on 4 May 1910, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success, New York, on 4 May 1949: Succession by Lesotho ................................................... 413 Participation by the German Democratic Republic in the above-mentioned Agreement, as amended ............................................. 413 No. 1021. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United

Nations on 9 December 1948:

Objection by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the reservation in respect of article IX made upon accession by Rwanda and by the German Democratic Republic ..................................... 414 No. 4214. Convention on the Inter-governmental Maritime Consultative

Organization. Done at Geneva on 6 March 1948:

A cceptance by G uinea ................................................... 416 No. 6518. Agreement between the United Nations, the International Labour Organisation, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the International Civil Aviation Organization, the World Health Organization, the International Telecommunication Union, the World Meteor- ological Organization, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Universal Postal Union and the Government of the Kingdom of Burundi concerning technical assistance.

Signed at Usumbura on 5 February 1963:

T erm ination ........................................................... 417 No. 6861. Customs Convention on the temporary importation of pack- ings. Done at Brussels on 6 October 1960:

Vol. 987

1975 United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitks IX

Pages N o

709. Protocole amendant la Convention pour la repression de Ia circula-

tion et du trafic des publications obscknes conclue .4 Geneve le

12 septembre 1923. Signe A Lake Success, New York, le 12 no-

vembre 1947 : Acceptation de la R~publique d~mocratique allemande ........................ 411 N O

710. Convention internationale pour la repression de la circulation et du

trafic des publications obsc~nes conclue A Geneve le 12 sep- tembre 1923, amende par le Protocole signe A Lake Success,

New York, le 12 novembre 1947 :

Succession du Lesotho ................................................... 412 Participation de la R~publique d~mocratique allemande A la Convention susmentionn6e, telle qu'amend6e ...................................... 412 N O

728. Arrangement relatif A la ripression de la circulation des publica-

tions obscines, signi A Paris le 4 mai 1910, modifii par le Pro- tocole sign6 A Lake Success (New York) le 4 mai 1949 : Succession du Lesotho ................................................... 413 Participation de la R~publique dmocratique allemande A 'Accord susmentionn6, tel qu'am end& ...................................................... 413 N 0

1021. Convention pour la prevention et la repression du crime de

genocide. Adoptee par I'Assemble ginkrale des Nations Unies le 9 dkcembre 1948 : Objection du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord A la reserve A l'gard de I'article IX formul6e lors de l'adh6sion par le Rwanda et par la R6publique d6mocratique allemande ................................... 415 N 0

4214. Convention relative A la creation d'une Organisation maritime

consultative intergouvernementale. Faite A Geneve le 6 mars

1948 :

Acceptation de la Guin~e ................................................. 416 N O

6518. Accord d'assistance technique entre r'Organisation des Nations

Unies, I'Organisation internationale du Travail, 'Organisation des Nations Unies pour 'alimentation et 'agriculture, ]'Organi- sation des Nations Unies pour I'education, la science et la cul- ture, 'Organisation de 'aviation civile internationale, rOrgani- sation mondiale de la sante, l'Union internationale des telecom- munications, 'Organisation mkt~orologique mondiale, I'Agen- ce internationale de I'energie atomique et rUnion postale uni- verselle et le Gouvernement du Royaume du Burundi. Sign6 A

Usumbura le 5 fevrier 1963 :

A brogation ............................................................ 417

6861. Convention douanire relative A limportation temporaire des em-

ballages. Faite A Bruxelles le 6 octobre 1960 :

Vol. 987.

X United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traites 1975 Page No. 6863. Customs Convention concerning facilities for the importation of goods for display or use at exhibitions, fairs, meetings or similar events. Done at Brussels on 8 June 1961: Accessions by the Republic of Korea ....................................... 418 No. 6864. Customs Convention on the A.T.A. carnet for the temporary admission of goods (A.T.A. Convention). Done at Brussels on 6 December 1961: A ccession by G reece ..................................................... 419 No. 6903. Agreement between the United Nations Special Fund and the Government of the Kingdom of Burundi concerning assistance from the Special Fund. Signed at Usumbura on 22 August 1963:
Term ination ........................................................... 420 No. 7247. International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Pro- ducers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations. Done at Rome on 26 October 1961: Accession by Luxembourg ............................................... 421 No. 7310. Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Done at Vienna on 18 April 1961: A ccession by China ..................................................... 423 No. 7515. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961. Done at New York on 30 March 1961: Accession by the German Democratic Republic .............................. 425 Declaration by the German Democratic Republic relating to the declaration made upon ratification by the Federal Republic of Germany concerning ap- plication to Berlin (W est) ............................................. 427 No. 8012. Customs Convention concerning welfare material for seafarers.

Done at Brussels on 1 December 1964:

Accession by the Republic of Korea ....................................... 429 No. 8940. European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of

Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR). Done at Geneva on

30 September 1957:

Entry into force of amendments to annex B of the above-mentioned Agreement .. 435 No. 9262. International Coffee Agreement, 1968. Open for signature at

New York from 18 to 31 March 1968:

Ratification by Panama of the Protocol of 26 September 1974 for the continua- tion in force of the above-mentioned Agreement, as extended ............. 440 Accession by the Dominican Republic to the Protocol of 26 September 1974 for the continuation in force of the above-mentioned Agreement, as extended... 440 Accession by Burundi to the Protocol of 26 September 1974 for the continuation in force of the above-mentioned Agreement, as extended ................. 440 Ratification by Colombia of the Protocol of 26 September 1974 for the continua- tion in force of the above-mentioned Agreement, as extended ............. 440

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1975 United Nations -Treaty Series e Nations Unies -Recueil des Trait~s XI

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6863. Convention douanire relative aux facilites accordees pour l'im-

portation des marchandises destinees A tre prisentkes ou utilisees A une exposition, une foire, un congr~s ou une mani- festation similaire. Faite A Bruxelles le 8 juin 1961 : Adhesions de la R~publique de Core ...................................... 418 N O

6864. Convention douaniire sur le carnet A.T.A. pour I'admission

temporaire de marchandises (Convention A.T.A.). Faite a

Bruxelles le 6 decembre 1961 :

A dhesion de la G race .................................................... 419 N O

6903. Accord entre le Fonds special des Nations Unies et le Gouverne-

ment du Royaume du Burundi relatif A one assistance du Fonds special. Signk A Usumbura le 22 aofit 1963 : A brogation ............................................................ 420 N O

7247. Convention internationale sur Ia protection des artistes inter-

pretes ou executants, des producteurs de phonogrammes et des organismes de radiodiffusion. Faite A Rome le 26 octobre 1961 : Adhesion du Luxembourg ............................................... 422 N O

7310. Convention de Vienne sur les relations diplomatiques. Faite A

Vienne le 18 avril 1961 :

A dhesion de la Chine ................................................... 423 N O

7515. Convention unique sur les stupefiants de 1961. Faite A New York

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