[PDF] The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019

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The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019

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The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019

Our association has had a busy 2019. We have

embarked upon an ambitious expansion of our

Advocacy and Support program which will better

serve our members and their families. Our website is being updated and our high calibre newsletter continues to serve as a valued vehicle to keep our members informed. We had successful meetings in

Moncton and Fredericton and plans are being

finalized for our spring meeting in Sussex, next May.

With the festive season soon upon us and twenty-

twenty lurking just around the corner, I wish you all

Merry Christmas, safe and happy holidays and good

health and good fortune in the new year. Notre association a eu une année 2019 bien remplie.

Nous avons entrepris une ambitieuse expansion de

notre programme de défense des droits et de soutien qui servira mieux nos membres et leurs familles. Notre site Web est en cours de mise à jour et notre bulletin de haut calibre continue d'être un outil précieux pour tenir nos membres informés. Nous avons eu des réunions fructueuses à Moncton et à Fredericton et nous sommes en train de finaliser nos plans pour notre réunion du printemps à Sussex en mai prochain. Alors que la période des fêtes approche à grands pas et que l'année deux mille vingt s'annonce, je voudrais souhaiter à tous un joyeux Noël, de joyeuses fêtes en toute sécurité et une bonne santé et bonne chance pour la nouvelle année. The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019

The past and future of this

blessed land mingle here at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month.

Lest we forget. -William Bedford

Source: https://canadafreepress.com/remembrance-poems.htm

A Canadian Moment

The plaintive wail of the pipes

and the soft beat of the muffled echo in the morning mist.

The maple leaf snaps in the wind

above the bowed heads of the mourners while the words of john Mcrae's immortal poem: "In Flanders Field" are read.

As the bugler sounds the last post

the youngsters fidget, and look forward to playtime.

The oldsters shuffle, cough

and look backward to wartime. The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019

A NEW NAME and LOOK in 2020

The executive has decided on CONNEXION as the new

name for our quarterly newsletter. We would like to thank everyone for their suggestions and comments.


Nous voudrions remercier tout le monde pour leurs

suggestions et commentaires. ǯ a choisi

CONNEXION comme nouveau nom de notre bulletin

ǯ trimestriel.

The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019

Carolyn Gasser, Deputy Director, Veterans Services, Dominion Command, Royal Canadian Legion. Ms. Gasser

ǯrs can provide to members and veterans of the RCMP. There is no

cost for their services, and you do not have to be a Legion member to get assistance. The Service Officers can assist

with applications for disability benefits through Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC). A list of the services provided can be

found on https://www.legion.ca/support-for-veterans . In addition to the more common disabilities (i.e. hearing loss,

PTSD, depression), Ms. Gasser spoke about Osteoarthritis as a disability caused by service in the Force. She advised

the wearing of the heavy gun belts as a possible cause, but it has to be diagnosed by a doctor. In addition, weight-

ǯher possible cause. Ms. Gasser advised that she is available to assist or answer any questions our Advocates may have.

Sgt. Kim Hendricken Ȃ RCMP liaison officer to VAC. Kim gave an excellent presentation on making application for

a disability pension to VAC. Kim emphasized the following:

Diagnosis Ȃ the diagnosis of the condition must be clearly diagnosed, not probably or believed to be.

Service Ȃ ǯervice in the Force cause, aggravate or contribute to the disability.

Questionnaires Ȃ Medical questionnaires must be completed by the doctor(s) and sent to VAC in a timely

manner. Always get a copy for your records.

VAC 520 Ȃ Third party consent form. When completing the form, include names of doctors who can attest

to the condition as well as spouse so that they can speak on your behalf.

Application Ȃ To make a claim, call VAC and advise them you wish to make an application for a disability

pension. They will forward necessary forms. If your application is successful, your pension starts from the

date of that first call to VAC.

Addition Resources Ȃ VAC has just added a 20-person unit in Montreal dedicated to adjudication of RCMP

claims. My VAC Account Ȃ It is suggested that members open a VAC account, so they can track applications, download forms and receive messages from VAC.

to consider an application for a disability pension, i.e. hearing loss. Google VAC, hearing loss to get information on

this subject. Sgt. Hendriken advised that in urgent cases, (i.e. a veteran is going to lose medical benefits, going into

discussed reassessments. A veteran receiving a disability pension can ask for a reassessment every two years or

sooner if the condition has worsened. Veteran Rollie MacNeil represented the NB Division of the RCMP

ǯorkshop in

Regina (Depot Div.) on Sep 9 & 10, 2019 as our Division Advocate, in place of Tim Hoban, who was unable to attend. There were approximately 30 Advocates from across Canada in attendance, as well as, Sandra Conlin, the National Vice President and Ralph Mahar, the outgoing Executive Officer of the Association. The workshop was organized by the ǯǡ

Burns, from the Prince Edward Island Division.

The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019

Ralph Mahar, the outgoing Executive Officer of the Association spoke about the Critical Incident Fund, which is a

work in progress. He also spoke on the ǯ, which replaces the Maintain le droit

fund, and the RCMP Benefit Trust Fund. A motion was passed at the Quebec AGM in 2015 to establish the Critical

Incident Fund and the fund will be funded by public donations. The Bank of Montreal will be the financial partner.

There are many challenges which are being worked on to get the fund operational.

The Foundation has six purposes:

Relieve poverty

Assist members with disabilities, i.e. provide a walker

Brief support, i.e. pay power bill, rent

Establish/maintain memorials, graves

Create Public Bursaries for under-represented communities Maintain the fund to donate to qualified recipients

Mr. Mahar also outlined the purpose of the Benefit Trust Fund. It was started in 1988 with a $50,000 grant from the

RCMP. The fund was established to assist Veterans and their families in time of financial hardship. At the present

time, three surviving spouses of members are receiving financial support from the fund. The fund also provides

monies for flowers/charitable donations when a Veteran passes away.

Katie Holtzhauer is the manager of family programs which is a new program within the RCMP. A couple of

objectives of the program are to support the families of fallen members and assist spouses of members find employment when the member is transferred.

A handbook for survivors is being prepared. Since the program is new and is a work in progress, not a lot of

information was given. More information will be forthcoming in the coming months.

Other guest speakers included: Jan and Vic Gorman from the Nova Scotia Division gave an overview of their

Support and Advocacy Committee, Mr. Greg Murphy, a lawyer from Regina, gave a presentation on Wills, Power

of Attorney and Health Care Directives and Mr. Craig Daltǡǯǡ

reports to the Minister of Veterans Affairs and as such, RCMP Members and Veterans do not fall within his mandate

as we come under the Minister of Public Safety. We briefly discussed whether the RCMP should have their own

Ombudsman with direct access to the Minister.

The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019

Association Chief Advocate

Ruby Burns

Phone: 902-894-4693

Cell: 902-330-5950

Email: rubyburns@eastlink.ca

Veterans Affairs Canada RCMP Liaison


Sgt. Kim Kendricken

Phone: 902-370-4908

Cell: 902-393-8388

Email: Kim.hendricken@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

NB Association Advocate & Support:

Rollie MacNeil


roland.macneil@gmail.com The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019

Christmas Groaners to Share with the Grandkids

What do you call an old snowman?


Why does Santa Claus like to work in the garden?

Because he likes to hoe, hoe, hoe!

What kind of candle burns longer, a red candle or a green candle?

Neither, candles always burn shorter

What do you get if you cross Santa with a detective?

Santa Clues!

The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 One day, while living in an isolated community in Newfoundland with his uncle/dad and family, a 14-year-old boy is talking with his uncle/dad. The uncle/dad mentions that his nephew would be a good fit for the RCMP. Vet. Wally Collett was that 14-year-old boy. After this conversation with his uncle or becoming a member. He received correspondence back - he was too young, but he could get in touch with them again when he was 17 years old. Along with the letter, he also received a booklet, A Career in Scarlet. Fast forward a few years, Wally, now seventeen, is walking down the street in Corner Brook, Newfoundland and he passes by the RCMP detachment. On the spur of the moment, he decides to go in and inquire about joining - he ends up writing the entrance exam two weeks later. He didn't tell anyone at the time he A month or so later the RCMP contact him and ask him if he is interested in

Newfoundland, Wally was sworn in along with two other applicants. The three young men took a train to Porter Basque

and then travelled on to Ottawa where they did the first part of their training as Troop 30. Their training continued as 'E'

said, E-dirty Troop.͟

Wally had wanted to come back to the Maritimes after graduation, but his first posting was the Regina Detachment. He

would later get his wish and was posted to New Brunswick where he would spend the rest of his 22 years of service in

various locations around the province. During his service, he went back to Ottawa for fingerprint training but when he

returned to New Brunswick after the training, he was assigned to general duties and never would use this training.

joined the RCMP. But in those days, RCMP applicants were required to be single. In addition, a new member needed five years service before getting married. There was, however, an exception to this policy known as the to move to a municipal post, could get married before the 5 years. Wally and Iris wanted to get married, so he submitted the application to get heard anything. When he did receive word, he learned that his application

would have sufficient funds in his bank account. They were married on December 3, 1960 in Miramichi, N.B. and shortly

after their marriage, he was posted to the Campbellton City Detachment.

Editorial note: The Mountie

featured on the cover of the booklet was Robert Camm ʹ years later, Wally would find himself working in Fredericton at the same time. Bob was in charge of the Highway Patrol while Wally was posted to the Detachment.

For more information visit:

https://www.facebook.com/RCMPVets/p osts/who-was-that-handsome-mountie- ottawa-on-june-15-2016-sixty-five-years- ago-in-195/1100648473329861/

Iris and Wally at the

The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019

For the next 25 years, Wally served in several Anglican parishes, predominately in the Saint John and Charlotte County

areas, serving even in a parish where he had previously seerved as an RCMP member. After retiring from full-time

ministry, he continued to work for a good number of years, filling in when parishes needed him, retiring for good in May

meetings due to his work commitments. When his work finally permitted him to attend a luncheon meeting, he found himself being asked if he was willing to organize the monthly luncheon meetings. Since then, Wally has been the Director of Monthly Luncheons for the RCMP Veterans in the Saint John & surrounding area. They meet monthly at a local restaurant, but the

December meeting is always special.

Wally may have retired from his paid positions at the age of 80, but he continued to volunteer challenges and an old injury from Depot made getting around more difficult. For almost 20

outside the province, offering his encouragement and support. Reflecting over his years in this position, Wally felt

honored to be given the privilege to minister to Veterans and their families during a crisis, illness and or the loss of a loved

On December 3rd, Iris and Wally will celebrate 59 years of marriage. They have six 6 children, 14 grandchildren and 4 great-


Rev. Wally Collett

holding the stole he received approximately

20 years ago during his

induction at an annual conference in Saint

John, NB when he took

over the Chaplaincy from fellow Vet. Rev.

Ron Rippin.

An Editorial note: In April, an article entitled, A Family Lost And Found, appeared in a Newfoundland publication,

The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019 Vet. The Vets Review N.B. Division Fall 2019

The next quarterly newsletter goes out at the

end of February 2020 and you are invited to submit information concerning:

Upcoming regional meetings


Work-related or interesting

experience(s) you would like to share with the membership (Fireside Chat)

Community outreach projects - do you


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