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Review no. 108

Press Review. 16—31 January 2016. Table of Contents. Pages. African Union Who organised the attacks of January and November 2015 in Paris?

Press Coverage of the Refugee and Migrant Crisis in the EU: A

literature review across the EU attitudes towards asylum and immigration have country by country data for the case study week in April 2015.


n February 2015 the International Labour Organization held a Tripartite Figure 3 .16 The proportion of young men and women in wage employment and in ...

2015 Front page

22 juil. 2015 2014 Year in Review 16. A probable case of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. CA-MRSA cases in January 2015. Scarlet fever update (January ...

Review no. 105

4 déc. 2015 Press Review. 1—15 December 2015. Table of Contents. Pages. Terrorism in Africa. - 12 Myths About Terror in Sub-Saharan Africa.

EASO Country of Origin Information Report: Afghanistan - Security

France French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless persons (47) SCR

Review of the Method of the Valuation of the SDR--Initial

16 juil. 2015 periods with the current period expiring on December 31

Review of Maritime Transport 2021 - UNCTAD

20 nov. 2021 Sirimanne Director of the Division on Technology and Logistics of UNCTAD

World Health Statistics 2014

purchased from WHO Press World Health Organization

Communicable Diseases Watch

Communicable Diseases Watch (CDW) is an online bi-weekly on communicable diseases published by the Centre for Health Protection (CHP). The publication aims at providing healthcare professionals with up-to-date infectious disease news and knowledge relevant to Hong Kong. It is also an indication of CHP!s commitment to responsive risk communication in addressing the growing com- munity interest on infectious diseases.

Communicable Diseases Watch 2015 Compendium

© Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the People s Republic of China

Copyright 2016


Produced and published by

Communicable Disease Division

Surveillance and Epidemiology Branch

Centre for Health Protection

Department of Health

Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

147C Argyle Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Communicable Diseases Watch

2015 Editorial Board


Dr. SK Chuang


Dr. Liza To


Yonnie Lam

Dr. TY Wong

Dr. Cian Chow

Dr. Philip Wong

Dr. Paul Poon

Dr. ML Wong

Simon Wong

Sheree Chong

Dr. Shirley Tsang

Fanny Ho

Doris Choi

Production Assistants

Tracy Ho

Gigi W


Noel Chan

This publication is produced by the

Centre for Health Protection of the

Department of Health, Hong Kong

Special Administrative Region



Argyle Street, Kowloon

Hong Kong SAR

ISSN: 1818-4111

All rights reserved

Please send enquiries to


Content Highlights

Feature articles


Journal publication highlights

Disease summary statistics

CDW Website



Volume 12 Number 1 Weeks 52-1 (December 21, 2014 - January 3, 2015)

Updated Situation of Seasonal Influenza 1

Cases of New Delhi metallo!!!lactamase "NDM# Carbapenemase!producing

Enterobacteriaceae in Hong Kong in 2014 3

A confirmed case of necrotising fasciitis caused by Group A Streptococcus

Field Epidemiology Training Courses

CA!MRSA cases in December 2014

Laboratory surveillance on multi!antimicrobial resistant bacteria "November 2014
Volume 12 Number 2 Weeks 2-3 (January 4 - 17, 2015)

Review of human rabies in Hong Kong 6

Updated situation of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome 7 Inclusion of "invasive pneumococcal disease" as a notiÞable disease

A sporadic ca

se of human myiasis

Scarlet fever update

December 21, 2014

January 17, 2015

Volume 12 Number 3 Weeks 4-5 (January 18 - 31, 2015) Comparison of current winter inßuenza season with previous seasons from

2005 to 2014 in Hong Kong 11

Review of

Streptococcus suis

infections in Hong Kong, 2010 !2014 14

Laboratory surveillance on multi

antimicrobial resistant bacteria

December 2014#

Volume 12 Number 4 Weeks 6-7 (February 1 - 14, 2015)

2014 Year in Review 16

A probable case of sporadic Creutzfeldt!Jakob disease

CA!MRSA cases in January 2015

Scarlet fever update

January 18

February 14, 2015

Volume 12 Number 5 Weeks 8-9 (February 15 - 28, 2015) Update of leprosy in Hong Kong in the public sector 22

Journal Publication Highlights 23

A conÞrmed case of human myiasis

A sporadic ca

se of necrotising fasciitis caused by

Vibrio vulniÞcus

Updated measles situation in overseas

i Volume 12 Number 6 Weeks 10-11 (March 1 - 14, 2015) Update on HIV epidemiology and risk behaviours among men who have sex with men in Hong Kong 26

Vigilance against hepatitis A 27

Two probable cases of sporadic Creutzfeldt!Jakob disease

Scarlet fever update

February 15, 2015

March 14, 2015

CA!MRSA cases in February 2015

Laboratory surveillance on multi

antimicrobial resistant bacteria


Volume 12 Number 7 Weeks 12-13 (March 15 - 28, 2015)

Local update on pertussis infection 30

Updated situation of listeriosis in Hong Kong 31

Latest recommendations from SCEZD on management of close contacts of ca ses of human infection with avian inßuenza

A conÞrmed local case of human myiasis

Field Epidemiology Training Courses

Volume 12 Number 8 Weeks 14-15 (March 29 - April 11, 2015)

A case of yellow fever vaccine

associated viscerotropic disease 34

Update on hepatitis A 35

Three sporadic cases of acute Q fever

A conÞrmed case of necrotizing fasciitis caused by

Vibrio vulniÞcus

Scarlet fever update

March 15, 2015

!April 11, 2015#

Laboratory surveillance on multi

antimicrobial resistant bacteria March 2015
Volume 12 Number 9 Weeks 16-17 (April 12- 25, 2015)

Hand Hygiene Awareness Day 2015

Hand Hygiene is Your Entrance Door 38

Celebrating World Immunisation Week 2015: Working towards measles elimination 40 A probable case of sporadic Creutzfeldt!Jakob disease

A sporadic case of listeriosis

A conÞrmed local case of human myiasis

CA!MRSA cases in March 2015

Volume 12 Number 10 Weeks 18-19 (April 26 - May 9, 2015)

Epidemiology of Mumps in Hong Kong, 2011

May 9, 2015 43

Update on global malaria risk 2014 44

A confirmed case of tetanus

A domestic outbreak of pertussis A probable case of sporadic Creutzfeldt!Jakob disease

Scarlet fever update

April 12, 2015

May 9, 2015

CA!MRSA cases in April 2015

ii Volume 12 Number 11 Weeks 20-21 (May 10 - 23, 2015)

2015 Southern Hemisphere Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme 47

Review of food poisoning related to wild mushrooms, 2010!2015 "as of

April 30, 2015


A confirmed local case of human myiasis

A sporadic case of brucellosis

A sporadic case of Streptococcus suis infection

Volume 12 Number 12 Weeks 22-23 (May 24 - June 6, 2015)

Updated situation of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome "MERS# in Korea "as of 5pm on June 11, 2015# 51 Summary of the 2014/15 winter influenza season and the arrival of the summer influenza season 54 Five epidemiologically linked cases of measles infection A

sporadic local case of brucellosis

Field Epidemiology Training Courses

Symposium on Dengue Fever

Scarlet fever update

May 10

June 6, 2015

Volume 12 Number 13 Weeks 24-25 (June 7 - 20, 2015) Update on the investigation of local dengue case in Hong Kong, 2015 59 Review of food poisoning cases in Hong Kong, 2005!2015 "as of February 28, 2015
A probable case of sporadic Creutzfeldt!Jakob disease Two confirmed cases of necrotising fasciitis caused by Vibrio vulnificus Sharing Session from Hong Kong Experts of MERS WHO Joint Mission to Korea

CA!MRSA cases in May 2015

Laboratory surveillance on multi

antimicrobial resistant bacteria

May 2015

Volume 12 Number 14 Weeks 26 - 27 (June 21 - July 4, 2015) Review of LegionnairesÕ Disease in Hong Kong, 2012 !May 2015 64

Update on hepatitis A in Hong Kong 65

Three sporadic cases of

Streptococcus suis infection

A case of listeriosis

A case of human myiasis

Scarlet fever update

June 7

July 4, 2015

Volume 12 Number 15 Weeks 28 - 29 (July 5 - 18, 2015)

Syphilis in Hong Kong 69

Update on the overseas outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease "EVD# 71

A cluster of three local cases of spotted fever

A sporadic confirmed case of Streptococcus suis infection

A case of human myiasis

Three sporadic cases of necrotising fasciitis caused by

Vibrio vulnificus

Two sporadic cases of listeriosis

CA!MRSA cases in June 2015

iii Volume 12 Number 16 Weeks 30 - 31 (July 19 - August 1, 2015)

Tuberculosis among high risk populations 77

Summary of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome


Outbreak in

K orea 78

Two sporadic cases of listeriosis

A domestic cluster of pertussis

Scarlet fever update

July 5

August 1, 2015#

Volume 12 Number 17 Weeks 32 - 33 (August 2 - 15, 2015) ScientiÞc CommitteeÕs recommendations on inßuenza vaccination for 2015/16 season 83 F ood poisoning clusters related to consumption of the same Taiwan brand sandwiches 84 Two sporadic cases of necrotizing fasciitis caused by

Vibrio vulniÞcus

T wo sporadic cases of leptospirosis A possible case of sporadic Creutzfeldt!Jakob disease

CA!MRSA cases in July 2015

Volume 12 Number 18 Weeks 34 - 35 (August 16 - 29, 2015)

Be vigilant against scrub typhus 88

Review of leptospirosis in Hong Kong, 2011

2015 89

Two sporadic cases of necrotising fasciitis caused by

Vibrio vulniÞcus

Scarlet fe

ver update

August 2

August 29, 2015#

Volume 12 Number 19 Weeks 36 - 37 (August 30 - September 12, 2015) Summary of the summer inßuenza season in 2015 92 Global and local update on meningococcal disease 94 Two probable cases of sporadic Creutzfeldt!Jakob disease

Two sporadic cases of

Streptococcus suis


A domestic cluster of pertussis

A sporadic case of necrotizing fasciitis caused by

Vibrio vulniÞcus

CA!MRSA cases in August 2015

Laboratory surveillance on multi

antimicrobial resistant bacteria


Volume 12 Number 20 Weeks 38 - 39 (September 13 - 26, 2015)

Update on hand, foot and mouth disease 98

Update on typhoid fever 100

Workshop on Endoscope Disinfection & Sterilization and Infections Control Re lated to Ventilator!Associated Pneumonia "VAP# Scarlet fever update "August 30 $ September 26, 2015# iv Volume 12 Number 21 Weeks 40 - 41 (September 27 - October 10, 2015) Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programmes 2015/2016 103

Review of Scarlet Fever Cases, 2014!2015 104

A case of necrotizing fasciitis caused by Vibrio vulnificus A probable case of sporadic Creutzfeldt!Jakob disease

CA!MRSA cases in September 2015

Volume 12 Number 22 Weeks 42 - 43 (October 11 - 24, 2015) Sexually transmitted infections in adolescents 107 A ten years review of brucellosis cases in Hong Kong, January 2005 to September

2015 108

Two confirmed sporadic cases of necrotizing fasciitis caused by Vibrio vulnificus

Two sporadic imported cases of psittacosis

A sporadic local case of human myiasis in a residential care home for the elderly "RCHE#

A sporadic case of listeriosis

Scarlet fe

ver update

September 27

October 24, 2015

Volume 12 Number 23 Weeks 44 - 45 (October 25 - November 7, 2015)

The first World Health Organization ÒWorld Antibiotic Awareness Week!Antibiotics: Handle with CareÓ112 Review of community!associated methicillin!resistant Staphylococcus aureus "CA!MRSA# infection in Hong Kong, 2012!2015 114

Four local cases of listeriosis

Volume 12 Number 24 Weeks 46 - 47 (November 8 - 21, 2015) Review of Japanese Encephalitis in Hong Kong, 2005!2015 "as of October 31, 2015# 118 Exercise "Sapphire" Tests Government Response to Outbreak of Norovirus

Gastroenteritis 119

Four cases of listeriosis


MRSA cases in October 2015

Scarlet fever update

October 25

November 21, 2015

Laboratory surveillance on multi!antimicrobial resistant bacteria "October 2015# Volume 12 Number 25 Weeks 48 - 49 (November 22 - December 5, 2015)

Updated Situation of Avian Influenza 122

Review of Tetanus in Hong Kong, 2004 to December 2015 124

Five sporadic cases of listeriosis

A n imported case of leptospirosis Two sporadic cases of Streptococcus suis infection

A sporadic case of psittacosis

Volume 12 Number 26 Weeks 50 - 51 (December 6 - 19, 2015)

Vigilance against Zika virus infection 128

2015 Southern Hemisphere Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme

A confirmed case of necrotizing fasciitis caused by Vibrio vulnificus

A confirmed local case of listeriosis

CA!MRSA cases in November 2015

Scarlet fever update "November 22 $ December 19, 2015# Laboratory surveillance on multi!antimicrobial resistant bacteria "November 2015# v

Author Index

Au, Albert

Updated Situation of Avian Influenza

December 2015 Vol 12 No 25 p.122

Chan, CK

Tuberculosis among high risk populations

August 2015 Vol 12 No 16 p. 77

Chan, Joe

Exercise "Sapphire" Tests Government Response to Outbreak of Norovirus Gastroenteritis

November 2015 Vol 12 No 24 p. 119

Chan, William

Updated situation of listeriosis in Hong Kong

April 2015 Vol 12 No 7 p. 31

Update on global malaria risk 2014

May 2015 Vol 12 No 10 p. 44

Chong, Sheree

Cases of New Delhi metallo-!-lactamase (NDM) Carbapenemase-producingEnterobacteriaceae in Hong Kong in 2014

January 2015 Vol 12 No 1 p. 3

Review of Streptococcus suis infections in Hong Kong, 2010 Ð 2014

February 2015 Vol 12 No 3 p. 14

A ten years review of brucellosis cases in Hong Kong, January 2005 toSeptember 2015October 2015 Vol 12 No 22 p. 108

Chor, Josette

2015 Southern Hemisphere Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme

May 2015 Vol 12 No 11 p. 47

Chow, Vera

Updated Situation of Seasonal Influenza

January 2015 Vol 12 No 1 p. 1

Comparison of current winter influenza season with previous seasons from 2005 to 2014 in Hong Kong

February 2015 Vol 12 No 3 p. 11

Summary of the summer influenza season in 2015September 2015 Vol 12 No 19 p. 92

Ho, Billy

Review of human rabies in Hong Kong

January 2015 Vol 12 No 2 p. 6

Vigilance against hepatitis A

March 2015 Vol 12 No 6 p. 27

Update on hepatitis AApril 2015 Vol 12 No 8 p. 35

Update on hepatitis A in Hong KongJuly 2015 Vol 12 No 14 p. 65

Ho, Ching-kong

Update of leprosy in Hong Kong in the public sector

March 2015 Vol 12 No 5 p. 22

Ho, Fanny

Local update on pertussis infection

April 2015 Vol 12 No 7 p. 30

Celebrating World Immunisation Week 2015: Working towards measles elimination April 2015 Vol 12 No 9 p. 40

Review of Tetanus in Hong Kong, 2004 to December 2015December 2015 Vol 12 No 25 p.124 vi

Ho, King-man Update of leprosy in Hong Kong in the public sector March 2015 V ol 12 No 5 p. 22

Sexually transmitted infections in adolescents October 2015 V ol 12 No 22 p. 107 Syphilis in Hong Kong July 2015 V ol 12 No 15 p. 69 Kong, W ai-chi Update on hand, foot and mouth disease

September 2015 Vol 12 No 20 p. 98

Lam, Terence Be vigilant against scrub typhus September 2015 V ol 12 No 18 p. 88 Update on typhoid fever September 2015 V ol 12 No 20 p. 100quotesdbs_dbs27.pdfusesText_33
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