[PDF] Final list of participants 28 jan. 2004 Dr Marta

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Final list of participants

28 jan. 2004 Dr Marta AYVAZYAN First Secretary

Rapport du CAE n° 39

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Ce document est le fruit dun long travail approuvé par le jury de

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Creed et au livre-disque Elpmas (Moondog) revisité/revisited aux éditions Super Loto. Bibliographie sélective. Nos guerres (scénario David Benito

Final list of participants

Final list of participants

States and European Community1)

Entities and intergovernmental organizations having received a Standing invitation from the United Nations General Assembly2)

United Nations Secretariat and Organs3)

United Nations Specialized Agencies4)

Associate Members of Regional Commissions5)

Other invited intergovernmental organizations6)

Non governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society organizations7)

Business Sector Entities8)




H.E. Mr Mohammad M. STANEKZAI, Ministre des Communications, Afghanistan, mission.afghanistan@bluewin.ch

H.E. Mr Shamsuzzakir KAZEMI, Ambassadeur, Representant permanent, Mission permanente de l'Afghanistan, mission.afghanistan@bluewin.ch

Mr Abdelouaheb LAKHAL, Representative, Delegation of Afghanistan

Mr Fawad Ahmad MUSLIM, Directeur de la technologie, Ministère des affaires étrangères, mission.afghanistan@bluewin.ch

Mr Mohammad H. PAYMAN, Président, Département de la planification, Ministère des communications, mission.afghanistan@bluewin.ch

Mr Ghulam Seddiq RASULI, Deuxième secrétaire, Mission permanente de l'Afghanistan, mission.afghanistan@bluewin.ch



Mr Vladimir THANATI, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Albania, mission.albania@ties.itu.int Ms Pranvera GOXHI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Albania, vgoxhi@hotmail.com Mr Lulzim ISA, Driver, Mission Permanente d'Albanie, mission.albania@ties.itu.int



H.E. Mr Amar TOU, Ministre, Ministère de la poste et des technologies de l'information et de la communication, mission.algerie@mission-


H.E. Mr Mohamed-Salah DEMBRI, Ambassadeur, Représent permanent, Délégation de l'Algérie, mission.algerie@mission-algerie.ch

Mr Noureddine BARDAD DAIDJ, Directeur des Affaires économiques et financières internationales, Ministère des affaires étrangères,


Mr Nor-Eddine BENFREHA, Conseiller, Mission permanente de l'Algérie, mission.algerie@mission-algerie.ch

Mr Mohamed CHAABANE, Conseiller, Mission permanente de l'Algérie, mission.algerie@mission-algerie.ch

Mr Mahieddine OUHADJ, Directeur, Ministère de la poste et des technologies de l'information et de la communication, mission.algerie@mission-


Mr Smail OULEBCIR, Directeur d'études, Minstère de la communication et de la culture, mission.algerie@mission-algerie.ch

Mr Lazhar SOUALEM, Ministre conseiller, Mission permanente de l'Algérie, mission.algerie@mission-algerie.ch

28 January 2004Page 1 of 205


H.E. Mr Marc FORNÉ, Chef de gouvernement de la Principauté, Principat d'Andorra, mission.andorra@ties.itu.int


H.E. Mr Francesc BONET, Ambassador, Delegation of Andorra, exteriors.gov@andorra.ad

Mr Daniel BASTIDA, Director, Department of the Information Society and Strategic Projects, Delegation of Andorra, exteriors.gov@andorra.ad

Ms Meritxell FONT-VILAGINÉS, Officer of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, exteriors.gov@andorra.ad

Mr Jordi GUILLAMET, Chief of Staff of the Head of Government, Delegation of Andorra, exteriors.gov@andorra.ad

H.E. Mr Juli MINOVES-TRIQUELL, Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, exteriors.gov@andorra.ad

Ms Cristina RICO, Officer, Department of the Information Society and Strategic Projects, Delegation of Andorra, exteriors.gov@andorra.ad

Mr Xavier TROTA-BOLLO, Third Secretary, Delegation of Andorra, exteriors.gov@andorra.ad Mr Esteve VIDAL, Chief of Cabinet, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, exteriors.gov@andorra.ad Mr Antoni ZAMORA-PUIGCERCÓS, Head of Protocol, Delegation of Andorra, exteriors.gov@andorra.ad



H.E. Mr Marcos RIBEIRO, Secretariado do Conselho de Ministros, Delegation of Angola

Mr Pedro Sebastião TETA, Vice-ministre de la Science et Technologie, Ministère de la Science et Technologie

Mr Avelino ALTINO CANJENGO, Technicien Specialiste du MCS, MCS, E-mail not provided

Mr Viera Francisco BEMBO, Directeur du Cabinet du Vice-ministre MCT, Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications, E-mail not provided

Dr António Pedro BENGE, Director do Gabinete de Intercambio Internacional, Delegation of Angola, -

Mr Mario MENDES BONGA, Premier Secrétaire à l'Ambassade, Mission Permanente de la République d'Angola à Genève, E-mail not provided

Mr Pedro MENDES DE CARVALHO, Chef du Département des Télécommunications DNT-MCT, Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications, E-

mail not provided

Mr Eduardo NETO SANGUEVE, Premier Secrétaire à l'Ambassade, Mission Permanente de la République d'Angola à Genève, E-mail not


Mr Joaquim PEDRO, Chef de la Section de Relations Publiques du MCT, Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications, E-mail not provided

Mr Joao António Silvestre POMBAL, Técnico Superior do Centro de Informática, Assembleia Nacional, Delagation of Angola, -

Mr António José RIBEIRO, Attaché de Presse à l'Ambassade, Mission Permanente de la République d'Angola à Genève, E-mail not provided

Mr Aristide SAFECA, Directeur National des Télécommunications, Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications, E-mail not provided

Mr José VENANCIO DA COSTA, Universidade Agostinho Neto, Chefe de Departamento, Delegation of Angola, -



H.E. Mr Daniel FILMUS, Ministro, Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int

H.E. Mr Alfredo Vicente CHIARADIA, Embajador, Representate Permanente, Misión Permanente de la República Argentina,


Mr Carlos ACHIARY, Director Nacional de la ONTI, Jefatura Gabinete de Ministros, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int

Mr Enrique AQUINO, Representante, Secretaría de Medios de Comunicación, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int

Mr Roberto BOSCH, Segundo Secretario, Misión Permanente de la República de Argentina, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int

Mr Roberto BRENNAN, Representante, Secretaría de Medios de Comunicación, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int

Mr Sergio CERDA, Ministro, Misión Permanente de la República de Argentina, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int

Mr Juan CHIESA, Representante, Instituto de Comunicación Social UCA, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int

Mr Agustín COLOMBO SIERRA, Representante, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto,


Ms Alicia DE HOZ, Ministro, Misión Permanente de la República de Argentina, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int

Ms Ileana DI GIOVAN BATTISTA, Embajadora, Directora del Grupo CMSI, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto,

mission.argentina@ties.itu.int Mr Sergio FERNÁNDEZ NOVOA, Coordinador General, COMFER, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int Mr Pablo FONTDEVILA, Diputado Nacional, Gobierno de Argentina, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int

Ms Marta GABRIELONI, Consejero, Misión Permanente de la República Argentina, mission.argentina@ties.int.int

Mr Luis Norberto IVANCICH, Subsecretario de la Gestión Pública, Jefatura Gabinete de Ministros, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int

Ms Norma NASCIMBENE DE DUMONT, Ministro, Representante Permanente Adjunto, Misión Permanente de la República Argentina,


Mr Gustavo PEYRANO, Jefe de Gabinete del Ministro, Ministerio de Educacion, Ciencia y Cultura, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int

Ms Andrea REPETTI, Primer Secretario, Misión Permanente de la República de Argentina, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int

Mr Pablo RODRÍGUEZ GAUNA, Representante, Secretaría de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores,

Comercio Internacional y Culto, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int

Mr Marcelo VALLE FONROUGE, Consejero, Misión Permanente de la República de Argentina, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int

Mr Eduardo VARELA, Consejero, Misión Permanente de la República de Argentina, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int

Ms Silvia BIDART, Representante, Misión Permanente de la República de Argentina, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int

Ms Sabine FARRA DE CERDA, Esposa, Misión Permanente de Argentina

28 January 2004Page 2 of 205

Mr Fernando SILVEIRA GALBAN, Representante, CERA. CABASE, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int Mr Luis María SOBRON, Representante, Delegación de Argentina

Ms María Teresa TERAMO, Representante, Instituto de Comunicación Social UCA, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int

Mr Xavier URTUBEY, Director, Fundación ERA DIGITAL, mission.argentina@ties.itu.int


H.E. Mr Robert KOCHARYAN, President, Republic of Armenia Ms Bela KOCHARYAN, First Lady, Republic of Armenia


H.E. Mr Karen CHSHMARITIAN, Minister, Ministry of Trade and Economic Development

H.E. Mr Andranik MANUKYAN, Minister, Ministry of Transportation and Communication, arm.mission@deckpoint.ch

H.E. Mr Vartan OSKANIAN, Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr Marta AYVAZYAN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Armenia, arm.mission@deckpoint.ch Mr Aram BARSEGHYAN, Protocol Officer, Permanent Mission of Armenia, arm.mission@deckpoint.ch Mr Armen GEVORKIAN, First Assistant to the President, Republic of Armenia Ms Nune MAGOYAN, Representative, Delegtion of Armenia, -

Mr Zohrab MNATSAKANIAN, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Armenia, arm.mission@deckpoint.ch

Mr Vahram NERCISSIANTZ, Chief Economic Advisor, Republic of Armenia Mr Armen PAPIKYAN, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Armenia, arm.mission@deckpoint.ch Mr Tigran SAMVELIAN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Armenia, arm.mission@deckpoint.ch Mr Vigen SARGSYAN, Assistant of the President, Republic of Armenia, arm.mission@deckpoint.ch Mr Mamikon TONOYAN, Head of the Protocol Department of President, Republic of Armenia Prof. Ashot CHILINGARIAN, Cosmic Ray Division, Yerevan Physics Inst., arm.mission@deckpoint.ch Mr Garegin CHUGASZYAN, IT Foundation, Exec. Director, Republic of Armenia, arm.mission@deckpoint.ch Mr Artashes DARBINYAN, Coordinator for UNDP, Armenia

Mr Armen GRIGORYAN, Executive Secretary, Information Technologies Development Support Council, arm.mission@deckpoint.ch

Mr Gagik GRIGORYAN, Head of Foreign Relations Department, Ministry oOf Transport and Communication

Mr Manuk HERGNYAN, Executive Director, Vem Radio

Mr Albert NALBANDIAN, Advisor, Permanent Mission of Armenia Mr Anna KHACHATRYAN, Coordinator, Patker Photo Agency, arm.mission@deckpoint.ch Mr Martin SHAHBAZYAN, Photographer of the President, Republic of Armenia



H.E. Mr Mike SMITH, Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Australian Permanent Mission to the United Nations

Mr John RIMMER, CEO, National Office of the Information Economy, john.rimmer@noie.gov.au Ms Julia FEENEY, First Secretary, Australian Permanent Mission to the United Nations

Ms Karen FLICK-NUROKINA, Manager, Indigenous Telecommunications, Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts,


Mr Peter HUTA, Manager, Community Connectivity, National Office of the Information Economy, peter.huta@noie.gov.au

Ms Anne-Marie LANSDOWN, General Manager, Access & International Branch, National Office of the Information Economy, anne-


Mr Murray PROCTOR, Assistant Director General, Office of Review and Evaluation, AusAID, Murray_Proctor@ausaid.gov.au

Mr Mark SAWERS, First Secretary, Australian Permanent Mission to the United Nations Mr Brian STEWART, Manager, National Office of the Information Economy, noie@cyberhalides.com Mr Peter TRUSWELL, Second Secretary, Australian Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ms Suzanne CONNOLLY, Community Coordinator, Cape York Digital Network, sue.connolly@cydn.com.au Mr Greg HARPER, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Australian Research Council, greg.harper@arc.gov.au Dr Wal TAYLOR, Professor, Central Queensland University, w.taylor@cqu.edu.au Ms Margaret CALLAN, Director, AusAID, margaret_callan@ekit.com


H.E. Mr Wolfgang SCHÜSSEL, Federal Chancellor, Republic of Austria, genf-ov@bmaa.gv.at


H.E. Mr Franz MORAK, State Secretary (Ministerial level in Austria), Federal Chancellery

H.E. Mr Walther LICHEM, Ambassador, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Department for International Organisations

H.E. Mr Wolfgang PETRITSCH, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Austria, Geneva Ms Sirikit AMANN, Representative, Ars Electronica, sirikit.amann@oks.at Ms Elke ATZLER, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Austria, Geneva Ms Carina FELZMANN, Member, Parliament (National Council)

28 January 2004Page 3 of 205

Mr Gerald GRÜNBERGER, Counsellor, Federal Chancellery, Office of State Secretary Mr Heinz KLAUS, Attaché Adjoint, Mission permanente de l'Autriche Ms Friederike KLAUS-SALESIN, Counsellor, Mission permanente de l'Autriche Mr Christian RUPP, Federal Executive Secretary E-government, Federal Chancellery

Mr Helmut STEMMER, Head of Department Innovative Technologies, Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Cultural Affairs

Mr Matthias TRAIMER, Head of Department for Media Affairs, Federal Chancellery Prof. Peter BRUCK, Chairman of World Summit Award, International Center for New Media Ms Elisabeth ELLISON-KRAMER, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Austria, Geneva Ms Gabriele ESCHIG, Executive Secretary, Austrian UNESCO Commission, Vienna Mr Sixtus LANNER, Director, Institute for the Development of Rural Areas Prof. Kurt LUGER, Deputy Head, Institute for Communication Science, University of Salzburg Ms Elisabeth MARSCHANG, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Austria, Geneva

Mr Georg PLATZER, Consultant, Fabasoft

Mr Christoph RABER, Counsellor Department for Science and Technology, Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour

Ms Ina SABITZER, Counsellor, Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation And Technology

Mr Alexander SCHATTEN, University Assistant, Institute for Software Engineering, Vienna University of Technology

Mr Andreas SCHMALLEGGER, Student, Bundesgymnasium Stubenbastei Ms Katharina STOURZH, Advisor, Delegation of Austria Mr Laurent STRASKRABA, Consultant, Information Society Research Prof. A Min TJOA, Head of Department for Software Engineering, Vienna University of Technology

Mr Christoph WEINGARTNER, Counsellor, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Department for International Organisations

Mr Alexander WOJDA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Austria, Geneva Ms Ingrid FISCHER-SCHREIBER, Expert, Ars Electronica

Mr Andreas HIRSCH, Consultant, Electrolyte.Net

Mr Wilhelm KRAMER, Employé, Mission permanente de l'Autriche

Mr Pascal MARESCH, Expert, Ars Electronica

Ms Doris PEINBAUER, Expert, Ars Electronica

Mr Erwin REITBÖCK, Expert, Ars Electronica

Ms Christa SOMMERER, Associate Professor, IAMAS Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences

Mr Gerfried STOCKER, Expert, Ars Electronica

Ms Andrea STROHMEIER, Secrétaire, Mission permanente de l'Autriche Ms Helga THEIL, Secrétaire, Mission permanente de l'Autriche


H.E. Mr Ilham ALIYEV, President, Republic of Azerbaijan, az.mission.unog@iprolink.ch Ms Mehriban ALIYEVA, Spouse of the President, Republic of Azerbaijan, az.mission.unog@iprolink.ch


H.E. Mr Vilayat GULIYEV, Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, nicts@az.in-baku.com

Ms Maleyka ABBASZADE, Chairperson, National Coordinator of Nicts Project, State Students' Admission Commission, nicts@az.in-baku.com

Mr Nuru AHMADOV, General Director, Azeurotel Jv, nuri@azeurotel.com Mr Elchin ALIYEV, President, Sinam-Invest Company, elchin@sinam.net

Mr Ismail ASADOV, Third Secretary, Azerbaijan, Permanent Mission to Unog, az.mission.unog@iprolink.ch

Mr Gahangir ASGAROV, President, AZAL, az.mission.unog@iprolink.ch

Mr Elchin BAGIROV, Head of State Protocol Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, nicts@az.in-baku.com

Mr Emil HASANOV, Third Secretary, Azerbaijan, Permanent Mission to Unog, az.mission.unog@iprolink.ch

Mr Arzu HUSEYNOV, Head of Division, Office of the Business Management of the President, nicts@az.in-baku.com

Mr Jabir JOUMSHOUDOV, Director, Risk Company, jabirj@risk.az

Mr Tahir KARIMOV, Adviser of the Foreign Relations Department, Executive Office of the President, nicts@az.in-baku.com

Mr Araz MAMMADOV, Project Manager, Gateway Project, Azerbaijan Development Gateway, araz@azerinet.com

Mr Emin MAMMADOV, Attaché, Azerbaijan, Permanent Mission to Unog, az.mission.unog@iprolink.ch

Mr Novruz MAMMADOV, Head of Foreign Relations Department, Executive Office of the President, nicts@az.in-baku.com

Mr Qaya MAMMADOV, Attache, Republic of Azerbaijan, nicts@az.in-baku.com

Mr Ilham MURADOV, Senior Adviser, Office of Business Management of the President, nicts@az.in-baku.com

Mr Akif MURADVERDIYEV, Head, Office of the Business Management of the President, nicts@az.in-baku.com

Mr Murad NAJAFOV, Chargé d'affaires, Azerbaijan, Permanent Mission to Unog, az.mission.unog@iprolink.ch

Mr Eldar RZAYEV, Deputy Head of State Protocol Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, nicts@az.in-baku.com

Mr Huseynaga SADIKHOV, The Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Germany and Swiss Confederation, Republic of Azerbaijan,


Mr Ashraf SHIKHALIYEV, Head of the Global Economic Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ashikhaliyev@yahoo.com

Mr Iqor YAKOVENKO, President of Azel Jsv, Azel Company, iy@azel.net

Mr Akram ZEYNALLI, Ii Secretary of the State Protocol Department, Ministry of Justice, nicts@az.in-baku.com

Mr Sultan GADJIYEV, Senior Programme Advisor, Undp, sultan.gadjiyev@undp.org Mr Sabir SADIGOV, Accountant, Azerbaijan, Permanent Mission to Unog, az.mission.unog@iprolink.ch

Mr Islam AHMADOV, Chief of System Integration and Software Development Department, Sinam- Invest, islam@sinam.net

28 January 2004Page 4 of 205

Mr Rashid GAHRAMANOV, Engineer, IT and DT Department, Azeurotel JV, aet@azeurotel.com Mr Ilqar HASANOV, Head of International Accounting Department, Azeurotel JV, aet@azeurotel.com Mr Murad MAKSUDOV, Administrative Assistant, Republic of Azerbaijan, murad.maksudov@un-az.org Mr Nadir MIRZAYEV, Contract Department Officer, Azel, nm@azel.net Ms Veronika PANARINA, Marketing Specialist, Risk Company, veronikap@risk.az

Mr Ramin SALIMKHANOV, Office Administrator, Azerbaijan, Permanent Mission to Unog, az.mission.unog@iprolink.ch

Mr Kamran SHEYKHOV, Specialist, Republic of Azerbaijan, sheyhov@tqdk.gov.az Mr Vidadi YAGUBOV, Engineer of Subscribers Department, Azeurotel JV, aet@azeurotel.com



H.E. Mr Saeed Mohamed AL-FAIHAINI, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Mission of the Kingdom of Bahrain,

bahrain.mission@bluewin.ch Mr Abdulla ALHAMED, Head of Marketing Ecommerce, Ministry of Commerce, alhamid@commerce.gov.bh Mr Ali AL-SISI, First Secretary, Mission of the Kingdom of Bahrain, bahrain.mission@bluewin.ch

Mr Mohamed Rashid AL-SOWAIDI, Third Secretary, Mission of the Kingdom of Bahrain, bahrain.mission@bluewin.ch

Mr Ali RADHI, Assistant Undersecretary, Ministry of Commerce, aliradhi@batelco.com.bh Mr Hisham SATER, Chief - I.t., Ministry of Works and Housing, saterhy@bahrain.gov.bh


H.E. Ms Begum Khaleda ZIA, Prime MInister, People's Republic of Bangladesh, mission.bangladesh@ties.itu.int


H.E. Mr Abdul Moyeen KHAN, Minister, Ministry of Science and ICT, amk_mp@proshikanet.com H.E. Mr Reaz RAHMAN, State Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, sm@mofabd.org

H.E. Mr Toufiq ALI, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh, mission.bangladesh@ties.itu.int

Mr Syed Farhad AHMED, Ec Member, ISP Association of Bangladesh, sfa@texasgroup.net Mr Syed Faruque AHMED, Member, Global Online Services Ltd., sfque@texasgroup.net Mr Shameem AHSAN, Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, cp@mofabd.org

Mr Md. AKTERUZZAMAN, Multimedia Consultant, Ministry of Science, Information and Communication Technology, akzaman@asia.com

Mr Muhummed AZAM, Senior Information Officer, Ministry of Science, Information and Communication Technology,


Mr Abdul Md. HAKIM, Secretary, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), secbtrc@yahoo.co.uk; trbproj@bttb.net.bd

Mr Akm Anzamul HAQUE, Representative, Delegation of Bangladesh, colsalam@btopenworld.com

Mr Khalid HASAN, Director, Grameen Phone

Mr Kazi Imtiaz HOSSAIN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh, mission.bangladesh@ties.itu.int Mr Shaheen IQBAL, Managing Director, ISN, iqbal@bangla.net

Mr Md. Faridul ISLAM, Protocol Officer to Hon'ble Prime Minister, Prime Minister's Office, protocol1@pmo.gov.bd

Mr Saiful ISLAM, Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, Prime Minister's Office, ps2topm@pmo.bd.org

Mr Tajul ISLAM, Press Secretary, Prime Minister's Office, presssecy@pmo.gov.bd Mr Golam Mostafa JAMAL, Social Worker, Prime Minister's Office, protocol1@pmo.gov.bd Mr Abdullah Hel KAFI, Managing Director, JAN Associates, jan@bangla.net Mr Habibullah KARIM, President, BASIS, karim@technohaven.com Mr Alamgir Hossein KHAN, Secretary, Delegation of Bangladesh, info@citynet-ap.org Mr Md. Sabur KHAN, President, Bangladesh Computer Samity (BCS), md@daffodil-bd.com

Dr Md. Saiful Amin KHAN, Director General, Ministry of Science, Information and Communication Technology, dgmea@mofabd.org

Mr Sadeque Hossain KHOKA, Mayor, Delegation of Bangladesh, updcc@agni.com, mayordcc@agni.com Mr Md. MAJID, Adc to Hon'ble Prime Minister, Prime Minister's Office, protocol1@pmo.gov.bd Mr Mohammed Abdul MALIQUE, Social Worker, Delegation of Bangladesh, ruhulq@dhaka.net

Mr Mohammad Abdul MATIN, Aps to Hon'ble Prime Minister, Prime Minister's Office, protocol1@pmo.gov.bd

Mr Syed Margub MORSHED, Chairman, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), trbproj@bttb.net.bd

Mr Alhaj Mohammad MOSADDAK ALI, Political Secretary to Hon'ble Prime Minister, Prime Minister's Office, protocol1@pmo.gov.bd

Mr Md. Ruhul QUDDUS, Representative, Delegation of Bangladesh, ruhul70@yahoo.com Mr Atique RABBANI, Director, Dhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industries, arabbani@agni.com Ms Khaleda RABBANI, Personal Assistant, Prime Minister's Office, most@bangla.net

Mr Hafizur RAHMAN, General Manager, T&T Board, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, hafiz@bttb.net.bd

Mr Mahidur RAHMAN, Social Worker, Delegation of Bangladesh Mr Md. Ashabur RAHMAN, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Science & ICT, asahabur@yahoo.com Mr Md. Sufiur RAHMAN, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, mission.bangladesh@ties.itu.int Mr K.M. Ali REZA, Assistant Chief, Ministry of Science & ICT, kazisham@yahoo.com Mr Mohammed SALAM, Vice President, ISP Association of Bangladesh, salam@agni.com Mr Mohd Abdus SALAM, Govt. Service, Delegation of Bangladesh, colsalam@btopenworld.com Mr A.K.M. SHAHIDUZZAMAN, Deputy Director, BTRC, trbproj@bttb.org.bd

28 January 2004Page 5 of 205

Dr Kamal U. SIDDIQUI, Principal Secretary to the Hon'ble Prime Minister, Prime Minister's Office, psecretary@pmobd.org

Mr Muhammad Abdul Wahed TOMAL, Ict Journalist, Ministry of Science, Information and Communication Technology, aw-tomal@yahoo.com

Mr Mohammad UDDIN, Colonel, Prime Minister's Office, pp@pmobd.org Mr Sharif UDDIN, Brigadier General, Prime Minister's Office, sharifsr@hotmail.com Mr Md. Akhtaruz ZAMAN, President, ISP Association of Bangladesh Ms Rabab FATIMA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh, mission.bangladesh@ties.itu.int Mr Badrul HASAN, Economic Minister, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh, mission.bangladesh@ties.itu.int

Mr Daniul, Md ISLAM, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh, mission.bangladesh@ties.itu.int

Ms Sharifa KHAN, Officer, M/O Commerce, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh, mission.bangladesh@ties.itu.int

Mr Taufiqur RAHMAN, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh, mission.bangladesh@ties.itu.int

Mr Muniruzzaman,a.k.m CHOUDHURY, Administrative Officer, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh, mission.bangladesh@ties.itu.int

Mr Abu Taher CHOWDHURY, Stenotypist, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh, mission.bangladesh@ties.itu.int

Mr Rafiqul HAQUE, Personal Officer, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh, mission.bangladesh@ties.itu.int Mr Firoz KHAN, Personal Officer, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh, mission.bangladesh@ties.itu.int Mr Abu Bakr MOLLA, Translator, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh, mission.bangladesh@ties.itu.int

Mr Warisur RAHMAN, Assistant Consular Officer, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh, mission.bangladesh@ties.itu.int



H.E. Ms Lynette EASTMOND, Minister, Ministry of Commerce, Consumer Affairs and Business Development

H.E. Mr Trevor CLARKE, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Barbados, mission.barbados@ties.itu.int

Ms Natalie BURKE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Barbados, nburke@foreign.gov.bb Mr Lennox CHANDLER, Director, National Council for Science and Technology Ms Nicole CLARKE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Barbados, nclarke@foreign.gov.bb Ms Gayle FRANCIS-VAUGHAN, Senior Foreign Service Officer, Permanent Mission of Barbados

Mr Phillip GODDARD, Special Envoy for Telecommunications, Investment and Trade, Permanent Mission of Barbados

Ms Simone RUDDER, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Barbados, srudder@foreign.gov.bb

Mr Matthew WILSON, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Barbados, mwilson@foreign.gov.bb Mr Orville D' ALMEIDA, Driver, Permanent Mission of Barbados, nburke@foreign.gov.bb


H.E. Mr Alexander LUKASHENKO, President of the Republic of Belarus, Administration of the President


H.E. Mr Sergei MARTYNOV, Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr Vadim POPOV, Chairman of the Chamber of Representatives, National Assembly of Belarus H.E. Mr Vladimir KOROLEV, Ambassador, Embassy of Belarus in Switzerland H.E. Mr Sergei ALEINIK, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Belarus Mr Sergei GULEVICH, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Belarus Mr Aleksandr KULINKOVICH, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Belarus Mr Ural LATYPOV, Head of the Administration, Administration of the President of Belarus Mr Igor LESHCHENYA, Assistant to the President, Administration of the President of Belarus Mr Uladzimir MAKEI, Assistant to the President, Administration of the President of Belarus Mr Vladimir MALEVICH, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Belarus Dr Mikhail MYASNIKOVICH, President, National Academy of Sciences Ms Natalya PETKEVICH, Press Secretary of the President, Administration of the President of Belarus Mr Anatoly RUSETSKY, Chairman, Committee for Science and Technology Mr Valery TSEPKALO, Assistant to the President, Administration of the President of Belarus Mr Dmitry ZORIN, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Belarus, mission.belarus@ties.itu.int Mr Victor ALEXANDROV, Deputy Chief of State Protocol Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr Aliaksandr GANEVICH, Counsellor, Embassy of Belarus in Switzerland Mr Ivan GRINEVICH, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Belarus Ms Alena KUPCHYNA, Chief of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr Pavel LEGKY, Head of the Press-service, Administration of the President of Belarus Prof. Mikhail MAKHANIOK, Representative, National Academy of Sciences Mr Vasil MARKOVICH, Chief of State Protocol Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr Andrei MOLCHAN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Belarus Mr Yury SLUKA, First Secretary, Embassy of Belarus in Switzerland Dr Gajane VALCHEVSKAYA, Representative, National Academy of Sciences Ms Ina VASILEUSKAYA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Belarus Mr Eduard YURCHIK, First Secretary, Embassy of Belarus in Switzerland Mr Sergei SHINGARYOV, Chief of Department, Administration of the President of Belarus Mr Dmitry YARMOLYUK, Interpreter, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Ms Joséphine Rebecca MOERMAN, Minister, Ministère fédéral de l'économie, de l'énergie, du commerce extérieur et de la politique scientifique

H.E. Mr Michel ADAM, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Belgium, geneva.ambassador@diplobel.be

Mr Karim BENSEGHIR, Deputy Advisor, Federal Public Service Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy, karim.benseghir@mineco.fgov.be

Ms Danielle COOSEMANS, Project Manager, Federal Science Policy Office, coos@belspo.be Mr Olivier DAVID, Projects Manager, Permanent Mission of Belgium, olivier.david@p-o.be Ms Martine DE CLERCK, Chief Operating Officer, Child Focus, martine.declerck@childfocus.org

Mr Marien FAURE, Chef de pupitre Nations Unies, Espace International Wallonie-Bruxelles, m.faure@cgri.cfwb.be

Ms Bénédicte FRANKINET, Ministre Plénipotentiaire, Permanent Mission of Belgium

Mr Shungu MAHUNGU, Deputy Advisor, SPF Economie, PME, Classes moyennes et energie, mahungu.shungu@mineco.fgov.be

Mr Philippe NAYER, Délégué de la communauté Française de Belgique et de la région Wallonne, Permanent Mission of Belgium,


Mr Manuel ARENAS, Representative, Délégation permanente de la Belgique auprès de l'Office des NU

Mr David BAERVOETS, Joint Adviser, Permanent Mission of Belgium, david.baervoets@mineco.fgov.be Mr Steven DEWAELE, Collaborator, Permanent Mission of Belgium Ms Caroline JANSEN, Collaborator, Permanent Mission of Belgium Mr Thomas LAMBERT, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Belgium, geneva.comm3@diplobel.bequotesdbs_dbs28.pdfusesText_34
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