[PDF] Masters Thesis 12 juil. 2020 The ISO

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Masters Thesis

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Masters Thesis

Master"s Thesis

Techno-Economic Analysis of

catalytic hydroprocessing of

Fast Pyrolysis Bio-Oil to ma-

rine biofuel

J.R.M. SchürmannJ.R.M. Schürmann

Master"s Thesis

Techno-Economic Analysis of catalytic

hydroprocessing of Fast Pyrolysis Bio-Oil to marine biofuel by

J.R.M. Schürmann

Master Energy Science

Utrecht University.

Student number: 4117859

Submission date: 12 July 2020

Project duration: 21,5 weeks full-time (30 EC)

Thesis committee: Prof. dr. H.M. Junginger, Utrecht Univeristy, supervisor

Dr. M. Gazzani, Utrecht University

MSc. B. Hellings, GoodFuels


The global shipping industry is responsible for 2-3% of the worlds greenhouse gas emissions. The Interna-

tional Maritime Organization has set a target to reduce shipping emissions by 50% in 2050 compared to 2008

levels. Biofuels have the potential to reduce the emissions of the shipping sector. A potentially affordable and

scalable biofuel for the shipping sector is hydroprocessed Fast Pyrolysis Bio-Oil (FPBO), produced from lig-

nocellulosic biomass. To produce transportation fuels from lignocellulosic biomass two processing steps are

needed. The first step is fast pyrolysis, which is in the early commercial stage. The second step is hydropro-

cessing, which is still in the development stage. The Dutch company Biomass Technology Group (BTG) has

developed a multi-stage catalytic hydroprocessor to convert FPBO into marine fuel. The aim of this thesis is

to assess the techno-economic potential of an FPBO to marine fuel via multi-stage hydroprocessing. Also, a

first estimation of the emission factor of the fuel will be made.

BTG has provided a design for a demo and commercial plant. This design formed the basis for the devel-

opment of a chemical process simulation in Aspen Plus. The simulation led to four outcomes: mass balance,

energy balance, equipment costs and output product characterisation. These outcomes where combined

with the Standardized Cost Estimation of New Technologies methodology, to calculate the production costs

of both plants, the average emission factors and test whether the output products characteristics meet the

marine fuel requirements.

The marine fraction, which is the main output product of the process, complies with the technical re-

quirements of marine fuel. The total lifetime costs of the demo plant are slightly above the 22 Me. The MFSP

for the commercial plant was 29,50e/GJ, which is affected most by the PICULA catalyst lifetime and FPBO

costs. The average emission factor of the products of the demo and commercial plant is 22,01 kg CO2/GJ and

23,28 kg CO

2/GJ, respectively.

To conclude, the multi-stage hydroprocessing of FPBO shows potential from the technical, economic and

emission factor perspective. The results of this thesis can contribute to the decarbonisation of the shipping

sector. iii




In troduction1


Theoretical bac kground

3 2.1

M arine(bio)fuel

3 2.2

C etaneN umber

4 2.3

F astPyr olysisB io-Oil

5 2.4

C atalytichy droprocessing

6 2.5

Ch emicalpr ocessmodel ling

7 2.5.1

P roperties

7 2.5.2

S imulation

7 2.5.3

As penE conomicAn alyser

7 2.5.4

As penE nergyAn alyser

7 2.6

L inearpr ogramming

8 2.7 S tandardisedC ostEstima tionf orN ewT echnologies 8 2.8

M inimumF uelS ellingP rice

1 3 2.9

S ensitivitya nalysis

1 3 2.10

E missionfa ctoran alysis

1 3 3

Materials and metho ds

15 3.1

S ourceo fdat a

1 6 3.2

B TGdesign

1 6 3.2.1

P rocessdesign

1 6 3.2.2

I nputand o utputch aracterisation

1 9 3.2.3

C atalysts

2 0 3.3

L inearpr ogramming

2 1 3.3.1

D ecisionv ariables

2 1 3.3.2

Object ivef unction

2 1 3.3.3

C onstraints

2 2 3.4

Ch emicalpr ocesssimu lation

2 3 3.4.1

P roperties

2 3 3.4.2

S imulation

2 4 3.4.3

As penE conomicAn alyser

2 7 3.4.4

As penE nergyAn alyser

2 7 3.5

C etanen umber

3 0 3.6 S tandardisedC ostEstima tionf orN ewT echnologies 3 0 3.6.1

E quipmentC osts

3 0 3.6.2

U tilityc osts

3 0 3.6.3

R awm aterialcost s

3 1 3.7

M inimumF uelS ellingP rice& l ifetimecost s

3 2 3.8

E missionfa ctoran alysis

3 2 4

Results 35


T echnicalr esultso utputpr oducts

3 5 4.1.1

M arinef raction

3 6 4.1.2

Li ghtfr action

3 6 4.1.3

G asfr action

3 7 v

viContents4.2E conomicr esults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7


Li fetimecost sdemo plan t

3 8 4.2.2 M FSP commer cialplant 3 8 4.2.3

S ensitivityanalysi son th ei nputf actors

3 9 4.2.4 S ensitivityanalysi son th ev alueof t heoutput p roducts 4 0 4.3

E missionf actor

4 1 4.3.1

S ensitivityo ntype of h ydrogen

4 2 5

Discussion 43


C omparisonwi thexist ingliter ature

4 4 5.1.1

O utputpr oductsc omparison

4 4 5.1.2

M FSPcomp arison

4 4 5.1.3

E missionf actorc omparison

4 5 5.2

Li mitationsa ndf uturer esearch

4 6 6

Conclusion 47



App endix55


C omponentsper R eactorof S olverM odel

5 5 A.2

Ov erallmolar balan cesimu lation

5 5 A.3

P seudoC omponentsin MT F

5 6 A.4

SCE NTc alculations

5 7


BTGBiomass Technology Group.

CAPEXCapital Expenditures.

CCComposite Curves.

CCSCarbon Capture and Storage.

ETSEmission Trading System.

FAMEFatty Acid Methyl Ester.

FCIFixed Capital Investment.

FPBOFast Pyrolysis Bio-Oil.

GCCGrand Composite Curves.

GHGGreenhouse Gas.

HENHeat Exchanger Network.

HVOHydrotreated Vegetable Oil.

ILUCIndirect Land Use Change.

IMOInternational Maritime Organization.

ISBLInside Battery Limits.

LCALife Cycle Assessment.

LHVLower Heating Value.

LPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas.

MFSPMinimum Fuel Selling Price.

MGOMarine Gas Oil.

MTFMix of Transportation Fuels.

NPVNet Present Value.

OPEXOperational Expenditures.

OSBLSOutside Battery Limits.

SCCShifted Composite Curves.

SCENTStandardized Cost Estimation for New Technologies.

SMRSteam Methane Reforming.

vii viiiAcronymsSPOStabilised Pyrolysis Oil.

TANTotal Acid Number.

TCITotal Capital Investment.

TDECTotal Delivered Equipment Costs.

TEATechno-Economic Analysis.

TPECTotal Purchased Equipment Costs.

UCOUsed Cooking Oil.

WHSVWeight Hourly Space Velocity.


The global shipping industry is responsible for 2-3% of the worlds

G reenhouseG as(GHG )

emissio ns[ 27
Over the last few years, there has been an increasing interest in this topic. The

I nternationalM aritimeOr -

ganization (IMO) has implement eda 0 ,5%S ulphurf uelcap a ndan nounceda G HG r eductiontar get.T his Sulphur cap decreases the allowed percentage of Sulphur in marine fuels from 3,5% to 0,5% [ 24
]. The G HG target aims to reduce the total annual GHG emissio nsb yat least 5 0%b y20 50compa redt o20 08lev els[ 24
Biofuels can help achieve both the cap and the target, however one of the challenges is supply.

Biofuels that are currently available and can be used in diesel engines are esters and hydroprocessed fatty

acids like

F attyA cidM ethylEster (F AME)

an d

H ydrotreatedV egetableO il(HV O)

. These fuels are produced from feedstocks such as palm oil, edible oil,

U sedC ookingO il(UC O)

an danimal fa t,which ar eu nsustain- able or limited in supply. Palm oil and edible oils often have low or even no G HG r eductiondu eto

I ndirect

Land Use Change (ILUC)

1.UC Oand an imalf atsar enot scalable as th ereis ju sta limited p roductionof t hese

feedstocks per capita

2.F AMEan dHV Ocan b ecat egorisedas distill atediesel f uelsa ndar ecomp atiblewith

road diesel engines. This means they are high in quality

3and therefore more expensive compared to most

fuels used in shipping engines. Ships have the ability to deploy lower quality fuels. This is because most of

the ocean going ships have the capability to heat up and purify the fuel to get it into an optimal form so it can

be used by the engines. This ability calls for the development of low cost marine biofuels that may be of lower


According to the World Bioenergy Association, lignocellulosic biomass is abundantly available and one of

the most promising feedstocks to contribute to the decarbonisation of the energy sector [ 17 ].Th isfeedst ock

would therefore be a scalable option to produce marine biofuels from. Before this feedstock can be used, it is

crucial to develop conversion routes to bridge the price gap between fossil fuels and current biofuels.

Oneofthepotentialtechnologiestoconvertsolidlignocellulosicbiomassintoliquidfuelispyrolysis. This


(BTG) .The


,whichistheendproductoftheirconversionroute, canhowevernot directlybeusedasatransportationfuelasitisnotcompatiblewiththecurrentcombustionengines. Beforeit

can be used, the impurities (e.g. high oxygen content) need to be removed. It has been demonstrated on lab-

scale that this can be done by multi-stage catalytic hydroprocessing [ 65
].H ydroprocessed FPBO i sexpect ed to be relatively cheap (14-24 USD

2005/GJ) compared to other biofuel routes like oil plant based renewable

diesel (15-30 USD

2005/GJ) [9].1


o ccurswhen bio fuelsar ep roducedon exist ingag riculturall and.The dema ndf orf oodand f eedcr opsr emainsand may lead t o

the production of food and feed on other land. For example, forest may be changed into into agricultural land, leading to the release of

a substantial amount ofCO2emissions into the atmosphere [7].

2The RED-II has set a cap on these feedstocks to avoid the production of waste on purpose. Already most of theU COis i mportedfr om

outside Europe (e.g. China)[ 14

3The quality of a fuel in the shipping industry is related to the transparency, sulphur content, viscosity and density of the fuel [19]. A fuel

which is transparent, has no sulphur, is viscose at ambient temperature and has a density of around 780-850 kg/m

3is considered as a

high quality fuel. 1

21.I ntroductionGlobally multiple parties are investigating the catalytic hydroprocessing ofFPBO , but commercial im-

plementation has not yet been achieved [ 1 4 4 4 52
].S incet hehy droprocessingo f FPBO to ma rine fuel has not been commercialised, a

T echno-EconomicA nalysis( TEA)

i sr equiredto p rovidegui dancefor investments in this technology. Several TEA s have been conducted on the production of fuels from FPBO 8 1 8 2 2 2 9 3 0 4 8 ]. These T EA s are focused on the production of jet- and road biofuel, and not on the

production of marine biofuel. Because marine diesel may be of a lower quality than jet and road fuel, it is

easier to meet the marine requirements than the road or jet fuel requirements. For this reason it would be a

logical step to start focusing on the marine market during the early developments of this conversion route.

Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to assess the techno-economic potential of an FPBO t omar inefuel via

multi-stage hydroprocessing. Also, a first estimation of the emission factor of the fuel will be made.

The thesis is based on a Dutch case study from the company B TG .B TGhas dev elopeda plan tdesi gn for multi-stage hydroprocessing FPBO . Together with GoodFuels, a sustainable marine fuel pioneer, they are planning to build the world"s first refinery for an advanced marine biofuel [ 20 ]. It is planned that this demo will have an input capacity of 500 kg F PBO p erh oura ndsta rtswi thth ep roductionbef oret heend of 20 23.

After a hopefully successful demo, a commercial plant with an input capacity of 10 tonne per hour is planned

to be built. This case study provides technical information based on a real design, which reflects the actual

technological status of this conversion route. To investigate the techno-economic potential of this design the

following research questions are answered:

C ant hema inou tputp roductof t heF astPy rolysisB io-Oilm ulti-stagehy droprocessorcomp lyw itht he

technical requirements of a marine fuel? What ar et het otalli fetimecost sfor t hedemo plan t?

What i st heminimu mf uelsel lingp riceo fth eou tputp roductsof t hecommer cialp lant,and what fac -

tors influence this price the most? What is th eav erageemissi onfa ctorof t heoutp utpr oductsof t hedemo an dcommer cialplant ?

The answers of these research questions give up to date and realistic (as this thesis is based on a real de-

sign) information on the technological, economical and environmental potential ofquotesdbs_dbs28.pdfusesText_34
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