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Hagay Amit - Curriculum Vitae

Hagay Amit - Curriculum Vitae. Current position: Chargé de recherche 1 CNRS

Etude des mouvements à la surface du noyau terrestre: du 17ème

21 oct. 2004 ticuli`erement `a Hagay Amit Julien Aubert


3 avr. 2019 CURRICULUM VITAE. 1.2 Expériences professionnelles. 2000-2003 : Allocataire de recherche Université Paris 7

Appel à projets générique 2022 CE01 - Terre solide et enveloppes

Hagay AMIT. FACOM. Le destin des composés volatils dans les lunes galiléennes. Olivier MOUSIS. GaiaMoons. Unveiling a population of Asteroid Satellites.

(2 interlignes simples)

12 avr. 2012 Il y a bien sûr le nombre total de publications scientifiques nationales ... H. Amit F. Civet

Tests génétiques

Hagay SOBOL Cancérologie

Évaluation des entités de recherche

Publications du laboratoire (Janvier 2012 - Juin 2015). 100. Annexe VII : Liste des contrats "Earth Planets Space" Excellent reviewer – Hagay AMIT.

March 2020 Yaniv Roznai CURRICULUM VITAE Personal

1 mars 2020 Academic Employment. 2020 (March) Associate Professor (tenured) Harry Radzyner School of Law


20 août 2020 CV of Sharon Gannot. August 20 2020. 2004–2006. Lecturer at the School of Electrical Engineering


Prof. Sharon Gannot

August 20, 2020Personal Details

First Name:




Date of birth:

August 10, 1964

Place of birth:

Hadera, Israel




F acultyof Engineering,

Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, 5290002,



+972{3{531{7618 (oc e)
Fax: +972{3{738{4051 (oce)

Sharon.Gannot@biu .ac.il

PhD, 2000


Departmen tof Elec tricalEngineering-Systems,

Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University.

Supervisors:David Burshtein and Ehud Weinstein


Arra yPro cessingof Nonstationary S ignalswith Application to Sp eech

MSc, 1995


Departmen tof Electrical Engineering-Systems,

Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University.

Supervisor:Ehud Weinstein


Algorithms for single microphone sp eechenhanceme nt

Distinction:Cum Laude

BSc, 1986


F acultyof Engineering,

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.


Electrical Engineering.

Distinction:Summa Cum Laude.Academic Appointments


Professor (part-time) at the T echnicalF acultyof IT and Design Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology,

Aalborg University, Denmark.

F ullPr ofessorat the F acultyof Electrical Engineering,

Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.


Asso ciateProfessor at the F acultyof Electrical Engineering,

Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.


Senior Lecturer at the Sc hoolof Electrical Engineering,

Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.


CV of Sharon Gannot August 20, 2020


Lecturer at the Sc hoolof E lectricalEngineering,

Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.


Adjunct Lecturer at the F acultyof Electrical Engineering,

Technion - IIT, Haifa, Israel.


Researc hF ellowat the F acultyof Electrical Engineering,

Technion - IIT, Haifa, Israel.

P ost-Doctoralp ositionat the Departmen tof Electrical Engineering (ESA T),

Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium.


T eachingand researc hassistan tat the Departmen tof Electrical Engineering{Systems, Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel.Other Professional Experience


Consultan tto the Israeli Defence forces and the Israeli Ministry of Defense in the area of speech processing.


Israeli Defense F orces.Head of a Researc hand Dev elopmentsection in the area of Telecommunication, Signal Processing and Speech Processing. Retired with the rank of Major.Membership in Professional Societies 1. Senior Mem berof the IEEE Signal pro cessingso ciety. 2. Mem berof the In ternationalSp eechComm unicationAsso ciation(ISCA). 3. Mem berof the Europ eanAsso ciationfor Signal P rocessing(EURASIP). Research Interests

Statistical signal processing, array processing and machine learning for audio signal processing, specif-

ically speech enhancement, noise reduction, audio source separation and extraction, dereverberation, echo cancellation and sound source localization and tracking.

Applications range from a single device equipped with single- or multi-microphones, to a more complex

structures as ad hoc networks of multiple devices with audio capabilities, and binaural hearing aids and hearables. In my research I develop and apply methods from various mathematical disciplines: 1. Data-driv enme thods,e.g. manifold learning and deep learning, v ariationalauto-enco ders. 2. Ba yesian,e.g. v ariational-Bayes,Kalman and Wiener ltering, particle ltering, and non-Ba yesian. e.g. recursive and distributed expectation-maximization. 3. Distributed algorithms for wireless ad ho cmicrophon enet works. 4.

P erformanceb ounds.Teaching Experience


Array ProcessingGraduate;T echnicalUniv ersityAalb org,

Denmark; 2018

Array ProcessingGraduate;T echnicalUniv ersityLib erec,

The Czech Republic; 2018

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CV of Sharon Gannot August 20, 2020

Array ProcessingGraduate;F riedrich-Alexander-Universitat

Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany; 2017

Array ProcessingGraduate;Bar-Ilan Univ ersity;2011{ Speech ProcessingGraduate;Bar-Ilan Univ ersity;2009{ Statistical Signal Processing IUndergraduate;Bar-Ilan Univ ersity;2004{ Advanced Lab in Signal Proc.Undergraduate;Bar-Ilan Univ ersity;2005{ Digital Signal Processing IIUndergraduate;Bar-Ilan Univ ersity;2005{

Speech ProcessingMinistry of Defense; 2006

Signals and SystemsUndergraduate;Bar-Ilan Univ ersity;2004{2007 Linear SystemsUndergraduate;Bar-Ilan Univ ersity;2004 Introduction to Signal Proc.Undergraduate;T echnion-IIT;2002{2003 Advanced Stochastic Sig. Pro.Graduate;T echnion-IIT;2003 Introduction to Sig. AnalysisUndergraduate;T el-AvivUniv ersity;1999{2000

Teaching Assistant:

Introduction to Signal Proc.Undergraduate;T el-AvivUniv ersity;1994{1998 Intro. to Statistical Sig. Proc.Undergraduate;T el-AvivUniv ersity;1994{1998 Random ProcessesGraduate;T el-AvivUni versity;1994 Semiconductor DevicesUndergraduate;T echnion-IIT;1986 Awards


The Rector of Bar-Ilan Univ ersityResearc hInno vationa wardfor t hey ear2018.


Bar-Ilan Univ ersityOutstanding lecturer a wardfor the y ear2014. 2010
Bar-Ilan Univ ersityOutstanding lecturer a wardfor the y ear2010. 2001
T el-AvivUniv ersity,F acultyof Engin eering,Outstanding teac hera wardfor the y ear 2000.

As a Supervisor:

A. Adler, O. Sc hwartz,and S. Gannot, "A w eightedm ultichannelWiener lter and its decomposition to LCMV beamformer and post-lter for source separation and noise reduction," in International conference on the science of electrical engineering (ICSEE), Eilat, Israel, Dec. 2018,best paper award. 2017
O. Sh wartz,A. Plinge, E. Hab ets,and S. Gannot, \Blin dmicrophon egeometry calibration using one reverberant speech event," in IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), New Paltz, USA, Oct.,

2017,best paper award.

S. E. Chazan, S. Gannot, and J. Goldb erger,\A phoneme-based pr e-trainingap- proach for deep neural network with application to speech enhancement," in Inter- national Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), Xian, China, Sep.

2016,best student paper award.

D. Kounades-Bastian, L. Girin, X. Alameda-Pineda, S. Gannot, and R. P .Hor aud, \A variational EM algorithm for the separation of moving sound sources," in IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), New Paltz, USA, Oct. 2015,best student paper award. 2015
E.A.P .Hab ets,S. Gannot, and I. Cohen, \Late rev erberantsp ectralv ariancees- timation based on a statistical model," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 770-773, Sep. 2009.The 2014 Signal Processing Society - Signal

Processing Letters Best Paper Award.

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CV of Sharon Gannot August 20, 2020

Y. Dorfan, G. Hazan, an dS. Gannot, \Multi pleacoustic s ourceslo calizationus- ing distributed Expectation-Maximization algorithm," in The 4th Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays (HSCMA), Nancy,

France, May 2014,best student paper award.

Mark ovich-Golan,S. Gannot, and I. Cohen, \A w eightedm ultichannelWiener l- ter for multiple sources scenarios," in The IEEE 27th Convention of IEEE Israel (IEEEI), Eilat, Israel, Nov. 2012,best student paper award. 2010
L. Ehren berg,S. Gannot, A. Leshem, and E. Zeha vi,"Sensitivit yanalysis of MVDR and MPDR beamformers," in The 26th Convention of IEEE Israel (IEEEI), Eilat, Israel, Nov. 2010, pp. 416-420, best student paper award. 2010
S. Mark ovich-Golan,S. Gannot, and I. Cohen, "A reduced bandwidth binaural MVDR beamformer," in The International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Tel-Aviv, Israel, Aug. 2010,best student paper award. 2003
T. Dv orkindand S. Gannot, \Sp eakerlo calizationexploiting spatial-temp oralin- formation," in The International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 2003, pp. 295{298,distinguished paper.

As a Student:

S. Gannot and M. Mo onen,\On the application of the un scentedKalman lter to speech processing," in The International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 2003, pp. 8{11,distinguished paper. 1999
Excellency sc holarshipof the studen tsDe anin T el-AvivUniv ersity,in memory of

Okrein Eliezer and Marko Shaul.


1997-8 In tel-Deana wardfor Excellency .


W olfprize and s cholarshipfor PhD studen ts.


Presiden tof the T echnionann uala wardfor Excellency (3 times).

As an Industrial Researcher:

The Israeli Defense F orces(IDF), Ge neralSta, Head of In telligenceBranc h, Creativity award in memory of Col. Uzi Yairi.Research Grants

1.Audio-visual referring expressions,Bar-Ilan University, Data Science Institute, Mar. 2020,

Jointly with Gal Chechik, 86,000 ILS.

2.Audio processing algorithms in adverse conditions,\Magneton" - Israel Innovation Au-

thority, with CEVA Ltd., May, 2020. 1st year: 344,491 ILS.

3.Socially Pertinent Robots in Gerontological Healthcare - SPRING,H2020 consortium,

2020-2023. Total amount 8.4Mefor 8 groups, 1.04Mefor BIU.https://spring-h2020.eu/

4.Combined Neural Interface and Deep Learning Methods for Multi-Microphone As-

sisted Listening and Selective Attention Devices,Ministry of Science, 2020-2022, Jointly with Elana Zion-Golumbic Jacob Goldberger. Total amount 1,798,000 ILS, 600,000 to S. Gannot.

5.Environment-Aware Data-Driven Acoustic Signal Processing,\Kamin" - Israel Inno-

vation Authority, Dec., 2017. 1st year: Total amount 641,840 ILS (BIU 321,840 ILS); 2nd year:

Total amount 659,040 ILS (BIU 329,040 ILS).

6.Institutional Equipment,Israeli Science Foundation (ISF), 2018. Jointly with Gal Chechik

and Yoav Goldberg, BIU, 924,000 ILS. 4 / 41

CV of Sharon Gannot August 20, 2020

7.Audio processing algorithms for human-machine interface in mobile and stationary

devices,\Magneton" - Israel Innovation Authority, with CEVA Ltd., Aug., 2017. 1st year:

361,400 ILS; 2nd: 365,600 ILS.

8.Single- and Multi-microphone Deep Learning Methods for Improved Speech En-

hancement,Intelgrant, Dec., 2016. Jointly with Jacob Goldberger, BIU. Amount: 50,000USD.

9.Advanced Deep Learning Methods for Improved Speech Enhancement,Starkey Hear-

ing Aidsgrant, Oct., 2016. Jointly with Jacob Goldberger, BIU. Amount: 60,000USD.

10.Acoustic environment detection,MAFAATgrant (Israel Ministry of Defense), May, 2016.

Jointly with Ronen Talmon, Technion. Amount: 100,000ILS.

11.Single microphone speech enhancement using deep neural networks,MAFAATgrant

(Israel Ministry of Defense), Feb., 2016. Jointly with Jacob Goldberger, BIU. Amount: 1st year

100,000ILS; 2nd year 100,000ILS.

12.Distributed speaker localization and separation,MAFAATgrant (Israel Ministry of De-

fense), Feb., 2016-2017. Amount: 1st year 100,000ILS; 2nd year 100,000ILS.

13.Acoustic Scene Aware Speech Enhancement for Binaural Hearing Aids (ATHENA),

Joint Lower-Saxony Israeliresearch grant, 2015-2018. Amount: 298,200EURO (124,900EURO for BIU).

14.Distributed Microphone Arrays for Personal Devices,Intelresearch grant, 2014-2017.

Amount: 350,000USD.

15.Supervised Speaker Tracking Using Diusion Kernel Combined with Extended Par-

ticle Filter,Ministry of Scienceresearch grant for women is science, 2014. Amount: 20,000ILS.

16.Distributed Microphone Arrays,MAFAATresearch grant, 2014. Amount: 150,000ILS for

rst year, 175,000ILS for second year.

17.3-D Audio Rendering,Orbitresearch grant, 2014. Amount: 48,000ILS.

18.Two Microphone Noise Reduction in Adverse Conditions,Cardoresearch grant, 2013.

Amount: 225,000ILS.

19.Binaural Speech Dereverberation,German-Israeli Foundation (GIF), 2013-2015, Jointly

with E.A.P. Habets and S. Doclo. Amount: 198,500e.

20.Keyboard Noise Reduction,Wavesresearch grant, 2012. Amount: 165,000ILS.

21.Robust ASR in Reverberant Environment,Samsungresearch grant, 2012-2013. Amount:


22.Robust ASR in Car Environment,General Motorsresearch grant, 2012-2013. Amount:


23.Beamforming Using Flat Microphones,MAFAATgrant (Israel Ministry of Defense) 2011-

2013. Amount: 62,500ILS for rst year, 62,500ILS for second year .

24.Dierential Microphone Arrays,Rubidiumgrant for undergraduate project, 2011. Amount:


25.Hearing Aids,Qualcommresearch grant, 2011. Amount: 140,000$.

26.Speech Separation Using Single- and Multi-Microphone processing,Magnetongrant,

Aug., 2010, together withNice Systems Ltd.Amount: 473,000ILS for rst year. 409,000ILS for second year. 5 / 41

CV of Sharon Gannot August 20, 2020

27.Speech processing using Micro

owns,MAFAATgrant (Israel Ministry of Defense), Feb.,

2010. Amount: 250,000ILS for rst year, 220,000ILS for second year, 150,000ILS for third year.

28.Echo Cancellation for Improving Speech Recognizers,Magnetongrant, Aug. 2008,

together withNice Systems. Amount: 500,000ILS for rst year. 500,000ILS for second year.

29.Speaker Localization in Noisy and Reverberant Environment,MAFAATgrant (Israel

Ministry of Defense), Jul., 2008. Together with Israel Cohen. Amount: 280,000ILS for rst year.

150,000ILS for second year. 150,000ILS for third year.

30.Acoustic Array Signal Processing in Adverse Environments, the state-of-IsraelHigher-

Education Council post-doctoralgrant for Emanuel A.P. Habets (host laboratory). 31.
F undedundergraduate pro ject(Hanan Ash wegaand Nir Russo), Speech Source Localization in Noisy and Reverberant Environment using the Particle Filter, 2007. Amount:


F undedundergraduate pro ject(Arieh Jeric hoverand Ariel Bierendorf ),Residual Echo Can- cellation, 2007. Amount: 30,000ILS.

33.Blind Speaker separation in Adverse Conditions,MAFAATgrant (Israel Ministry of

Defense), Dec., 2005, together with Israel Cohen. Amount: 275,000ILS for rst year, 285,000ILS for second year, 295,000ILS for third year.

34.Optical Realization of Viterbi Decoding Algorithm and Trellis Diagrams via All-

Optical Solid Free Space Switches,Bar-Ilangrant for research with industrial potential, Sep., 2004. together with Zeev Zalevsky. Amount: 55,000$.

35.Multi-Input-Multi-Output (MIMO) Communication Systems: Channel Models, Equal-

izers and Noise Suppression,MAGNET Consortium, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, State of Israel, 2004, together with Ephraim Zehavi and Amir Leshem. Amount: 160,000ILS for rst year; 300,000ILS for second year; 300,000ILS for third year; 200,000ILS for fourth year,

225,000ILS for fth year, 150,000ILS for sixth year.

36.Philipsgrant forpost-doctoral positionin K.U.Leuven, Belgium for the year 2001. Prin-

cipal investigators: Prof. Marc Moonen, Sharon Gannot and Dr. Koen Eneman. Amount:

25,000Euro.Professional Activities

Conference Chairing:

1. General Co-Chair, the 29th IEEE Israel conference - International Symposium on Speech and Audio Processing, Nov. 2016, Eilat, Israel. 2. General Co-Chair, the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, NY, October 2013. 3. General Co-Chair, the International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Aug.-Sep. 2010, Tel Aviv, Israel. 4. Chair, the International workshop LVA/ICA - Audio Day, Bar-Ilan University, Mar. 2012.
5. Co-c hair,the Bar-Ilan Workshop on Signal Processing, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, Jan., 2011.
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Conference Organization:

1. Sp ecialsession co-c hair,the In ternationalW orkshopon Acoustic Signal Enhancemen t(IW AENC),

Bamberg, Germany, Aug. 2020.

2. Sp ecialsession co-c hair,the Europ eanSignal Pro cessingConference (EUSIPCO), Amsterdam,

The Netherlands, Aug. 2020.

3. Area c hair,the IEEE W orkshopon Appl icationsof Signal Pro cessingto Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), New-Paltz, NY, USA, Oct. 2019. 4. T echnicalCo-Chair, the international conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Sig- nal Separation, LVA/ICA, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, July 2018. 5. Area c hair,the Europ eanSignal Pro cessingConference (EUSIPCO), Nice, F rance,Aug. 2015. 6. T echnicalcommittee mem ber,Reverb Challenge, organized by IEEE Signal Processing Soci- ety,Audio and Acoustics Signal Processing Technical committee, May, 2014. 7. Area c hair,the Europ eanSignal Pro cessingConference (EUSIPCO), M arrakech,Moro cco,Sep. 2013.
8. Mem berof the T echnicalcommittee and co ordinatorof the b eststuden tpap era ward,the 25th,

26th, 27th, 28th 29th IEEE Israel conference, 2008{2016, Eilat, Israel.

9. Mem berof the T echnicalcommittee of the 3rd European DSP Education and Research

Symposium (EDERS), Jun. 2008, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Special Sessions:

1. Organizer (together with Eman uelA.P .Hab ets),Acoustic Signal Processing Using Ma- chine Learning, IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, Sep. 2020. 2. Organizer (together with W alterKellermann), Signal Processing and Machine Learning Methods for Acoustic Sensor Networks, IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Guadeloupe, West Indies, Dec. 2019.
3. Organizer (together with He rbertBuc hner),Acoustic scene analysis and tracking for time- varying reverberant environments, IEEE International Conference on Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton, UK, May 2019. 4. Organizer (together with P eterWillett), Speaker localization in dynamic real-life envi- ronments, IEEE International Conference on Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing (ICASSP),

New-Orleans, LA, USA, Mar. 2017.

5. Organizer (together with An toineDeleforge), special session on Learning-based Sound Source Localization and Spatial Information Retrieval, IEEE International Conference on Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing (ICASSP), Shanghai, China, Mar. 2016. 6. Organizer (together with Zb ynekKoldo vky),special session on Estimation and Modeling of Relative Transfer Functions between Microphones in Noisy Environments, the European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Nice, France, Aug. 2015. 7. Organizer (together with Afsaneh Asaei ), special session on Sparse and Low-rank Mod- elling for Acoustic Signal Processing, LVA-ICA Workshop, Liberec, The Czech Republic,

Aug. 2015.

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CV of Sharon Gannot August 20, 2020

8. Organizer, special session on Advances in Multi-Microphone Speech Separation and Noise Reduction, the European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Marrakech, Mo- rocco, Sep. 2013. 9. Organizer and Chair, special session on microphone array processing, the 27th IEEE

Israel conference, Dec., 2012.

10. Organizer and Chair special session on speech enhancement, the 25th IEEE Israel confer- ence, Dec., 2012.

Technical Committees:

1. IEEE Signal Pro cessingSo ciety,mem berof Education Board Committee, since 1.1.2020. 2. Laten tV ariableAnal ysisand Signal Separation (L VA/ICA),mem berof the Steering Com- mittee, since Oct. 2019. 3. IEEE Signal Pro cessingSo ciety,mem berof Data Science Initiative, since 1.5.2019. 4. IEEE Signal Pro cessingSo ciety,mem berof Conference Board Committee, since 1.1.2019; member of theConferences Board Executive Subcommittee, since 1.1.2020. 5. IEEE Signal Pro cessingSo ciety,Audio and Acoustics Signal Processing Technical Com- mittee: Member 2010-2015; Chair of EDICS subcommittee 2011-2013; Vice-Chair 2016; Chair

2017-2018; Past Chair 2019.

6. Europ eanAcoustics Asso ciation(EAA), mem berof the Audio Signal ProcessingTechnical

Committee, since 1.1.2018.

7. EURASIP ,mem berof Audio, Speech and Music (ASMSP) Special Area Team (SAT),

2016-2021,organizer of new member and chair elections, 2017 and 2018.

8. Mem berof the T echnicaland Steering committee, the International Workshop on Acoustic

Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), since 2005.

Associate Editor:

1. Mo derator,Arxiv, Electrical Engineering and Systems Science - Audio and Speech

Processing, 2016{

2. Senior area c hair,IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing,


3. Asso ciateeditor IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2009{ 2013.
4. Asso ciateeditor EURASIP journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2004{2012. 5. Asso ciateeditor, Springer Handbook of Speech Processing and Speech Communica- tion, 2006.

Guest Editor of Special Issues in Journals:

1. Sharon Gannot, W alterKellermann, P eterWillett and Martin Haardt, Sp ecialIssue on \Acoustic source localization and tracking in dynamic real-life scenes," Journal of Selected Topics in Signal

Processing, Mar. 2019.

2. Keisuk eKinoshita, Sharon Gannot ,Armin Sehr, Eman uelHab ets,W alterKellermann, and Reinhold Haeb-Umbach, Special Issue on \Silencing the echoes { Processing of Reverberant Speech," EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Dec., 2015. 8 / 41

CV of Sharon Gannot August 20, 2020

3. Herv eBourlard, Afsaneh Asaei, T araN. Sainath and Sharon Gannot, Sp ecialIss ueon \Ad- vances in Sparse Modeling and Low-rank Modeling for Speech Processing," ELSEVIER Speech

Communication, Dec., 2015.

4. Alexander Bertrand ,Simon Do clo,Sharon Gannot, Nobutak aOno, T oonv anW aterschoot,quotesdbs_dbs12.pdfusesText_18
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