[PDF] Xcas reference card For example a:=x^2+

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新しい資本主義実現会議 有識者構成員 翁 百合 株式会社日本総合

翁 百合. 株式会社日本総合研究所理事長. 川邊 健太郎. LINE ヤフー株式会社代表取締役会長. 小林 健. 日本商工会議所会頭. 澤田 拓子.



Hazardous Air Pollutant List By CAS Number

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部局課名・官職名英訳名称一覧 Names of Government

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Common Military List of the European Union

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Xcas au lycée

Xcas au départ un logiciel de calcul formel

1 Premiers pas avec Xcas

Cette instruction est plus rapide que l'instruction := car elle économise le temps de copie de la liste. 2.4 Les expressions. 2.4.1 Définition. Une expression 

Calcul formel et Mathématiques avec Xcas

6 nov. 2013 1.7.5 Choix du mode de langage Xcas ou Maple ou MuPad ou. TI89 : maple_mode . ... 6.7.27 Reste chinois pour des listes d'entiers : chrem .

Démarrer en Xcas

Xcas est un logiciel libre de calcul formel. Il est téléchargeable à partir de Les crochets sont réservés aux listes et aux indices. Les.

Algorithmique et traduction pour Xcas

8 sept. 2019 C'est pourquoi quand la variable contient une liste avec Xcas

Démarrer en Xcas

8 nov. 2011 Xcas est un logiciel libre de calcul formel ... Les listes peuvent contenir des listes (c'est le cas des matrices)

Xcas reference card

A matrix is a list of lists with same length a sequence can't contains sequence. Ponctuation symbols . between the integer part and the decimal part.

Algorithmique en seconde avec Xcas

9.8 Séquences listes et chaines de caractères . La traduction d'un algorithme avec Xcas peut se faire de plusieurs manières

Algorithmique en seconde avec Xcas

9.8 Séquences listes et chaines de caractères . La traduction d'un algorithme avec Xcas peut se faire de plusieurs manières

[PDF] 1 Premiers pas avec Xcas

2 6 Listes séquences ensembles Xcas distingue plusieurs sortes de collections d'objets séparés par des virgules : • les listes (entre crochets)

[PDF] Xcas au lycée

Xcas au départ un logiciel de calcul formel permet aujourd'hui de faire de les séquences (123) (une matrice est une liste de listes de même longueur 

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2 6 Listes séquences ensembles Xcas distingue plusieurs sortes de collections d'objets séparés par des virgules : • les listes (entre crochets)

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Xcas est un logiciel multi-fonctions de mathématiques Il permet d'effectuer des calculs numériques du calcul formel (c'est-à-dire avec des lettres!) 

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ˆgeƒ distingue plusieurs sortes de collections d'objets séparés par des virgules : • les listes (entre crochets) • les séquences (entre parenthèses) • les 

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[PDF] Fiche Xcas linterface

Par exemple a:=x^2+2*x+1 définit une expression alors que b(x):=x^2+2*x+1 définit une fonction et on a b(0)=subst(ax=0)=1 Une matrice est une liste de listes 

[PDF] Commandes XCAS

expression 1==expression 2 : test l'égalité de deux choses • min(nombre 1 nombre 2 ) : donne le plus petit nombre de la liste • min( 

[PDF] Programmation avec Xcas ou Python

Listes Et avec une liste de listes – Xcas Écrire une fonction Euclide(ab) (a et b entiers naturels non nuls) renvoyant une liste T dont les éléments sont 

  • Comment dériver sur XCAS ?

    Pour dériver une fonction f, on peut appliquer diff à l'expression f(x), mais alors le résultat est une expression. Si on souhaite définir la fonction dérivée, il faut utiliser function_diff.
  • une ligne de commande, on y tape des commandes ou des programmes Xcas, et on valide en cliquant sur le bouton Ok ou en tapant Entree (si votre commande est sur plusieurs lignes, tapez Ctrl-Entree ou Entree sur une ligne vide). Pour forcer un passage à la ligne, tapez Shift-Entree au clavier ou utilisez le bouton \\n.

Xcasreference card

1 How to installXcas

Xcasis a free software (GPL), you can download it at : http ://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~parisse/giac.htmlCAS (Computer Algebra System) means exact, formal or symbolic calculus.

2 Interface


File Edit Cfg...is the main menu

session1.xwsoris the name of the current session or

Unnamedif the session has not been saved

?open the help command index

Savesave the session

Config : exact real...open the CAS configuration

STOPinterrupt a computation

Kbdshow/hide keyboard

Xclose the session

1|is a commandline

You can write your first command (click to have the cursor in the command- line) :1+1, then "Enter" (or "Return" depending on your keyboard). The result appears below in an expression editor, as well as a new commandline (numbered

2) for the next command.Xcashas different data types : integers (2), fractions

(3/2), float numbers (2.0,1.5), formal parameters (x,t), variables (a:=2), expressions (x^2-1), functions (f(x):=x^2-1), lists ([1,2,3]), sequences (1,2,3), strings ("na") and geometric objects. An expression is a combination beteween numbers and variables connected with operators. A function associates a variable to an expression. For example,a:=x^2+2*x+1defines an expressionabutb(x):=x^2+2*x+1 defines a functionbandb(0)=subst(a,x=0)=1. A matrix is a list of lists with same length, a sequence can't contains sequence.

Ponctuation symbols

.between the integer part and the decimal part ,between the terms of a list or of a sequence ;ends each instruction of a program :;ends an instruction whose answer will not be displayed !n! is the factorial ofn(4!=1·2·3·4 = 24) := a:=2affectation instruction that stocks2into the variablea []list delimitations (L:=[0,2,4]andL[1]returns2) ""string delimitations (C:="ba"andC[1]returns"a") 1

3 Configurations


Cfg?CAS configopen the CAS configuration

Cfg?graph configopen the default graphic configuration Cfg?general configurationopen the general configuration cfg(Graph)open the configuration of this graphic level

Config : ...open the CAS configuration

Sheet config: open the sheet configuration

You can change the aspect of the interface and save your changes for the next sessions using theCfgmenu.

4 Levels

Each session is composed of numbered levels which are : command line for cas commands, interactive geometry screen (2-d et 3-d), formal spreadsheet, turtle drawing, programm editor etc...


Alt+cnew comment

Alt+dnew turtle graphic

Alt+enew expression editor

Alt+gnew 2-d geometry figure

Alt+hnew 3-d geometry figure

Alt+nnew commandline

Alt+pnew program editor

Alt+tnew spreadsheet

5 Help

and several manuals with exercises inHelp?Manuals?...and examples in



Help?Indexopen the command index

Help?Manuals?...open one of manuals in your navigator ?open the command index ce ?open the command index atceil ce F1open the command index atceil ce?open the command index atceil ?ceilopen the browser detailled help forceil Cmds?Real?Base?ceilprintceilshort help inmsgopened with



Xcasreference card : basic CAS

- Type Enter to execute a commandline. - Numbers may be exact or approx. - Exact numbers are constants, integers, integer fractions and all expressions with integers and constants. - Approx numbers are written with the scientific standard notation : integer part followed by the decimal point and the fractional part, optionally fol- lowed byeand an exponent.


+addition -substraction *mutiplication /division ^power


piπ?3.14159265359 ee?2.71828182846 ii=⎷-1 infinity∞ +infinityorinf+∞ -infinityor-inf-∞ euler_gammaEuler's constant

Sequences, lists, vectors

S:=a,b,cS is a sequence of 3 elements

S:=[a,b,c]S is a list of 3 elements

S:=NULLS is an empty sequence

S:=[]S is an empty list

dim(S)returns the size of S

S[0]returns the first element of S

S[n]returns then+ 1-th element of S

S[dim(S)-1]returns the last element of S

S:=S,dappends the elementdat the tail of a sequence S S:=append(S,d)appends the elementdat the tail of a list S


S:="abc"Sis a string of 3 characters

S:=""S is a string of 0 character

dim(S)is the length ofS

S[0]returns the first character ofS

S[n]returns then+ 1-th character ofS

S[dim(S)-1]returns the last character ofS

S:=S+dappends the characterdat the tail of the stringS "ab"+"def"concats the two strings and returns "abdef"


propfracreturns integer part+fractional part numer getNumnumerator of the fraction after simplification denom getDenomdenominator of the fraction after simplification f2nd[numer, denom] of the fraction after simplification simp2simplifies a pair dfccontinued fraction expansion of a real dfc2fconverts a continued fraction expansion into a real 3

Usual functions

evalf(t,n)num. approx. oftwithndecimalssignsign (-1,0,+1) maxmaximumminminimum roundnearest integerfracfractional part rereal partimimaginary part absnorm or absolute valueargargument conjconjugateaffixaffix factorial !factorialbinomialbinomial coefficient expexponentialsqrtsquare root log10common logarithm (base 10)ln lognatural logarithm sin cossinus cosinecsc sec1/sinus 1/cosine tantangentcotcotangent asinarcsinusacosarccosine atanarctangentacotarccotangent sinhhyperbolic sinuscoshhyperbolic cosine asinhhyperbolic arcsineacoshhyperbolic arccosine tanhhyperbolic tangentatanhhyperbolic arctangent

Arithmetic on integers

a%pamodp powmod(a,n,p)anmodp iremeuclidean remainder iquoeuclidean quotient iquorem[quotient,remainder] ifactorfactorization into prime factors ifactorslist of prime factors idivislist of divisors gcdgreatest common divisor lcmlowest common multiple iegcdextended greatest common divisor iabcuvreturns[u,v]such asau+bv=c ichinremchinese remainders for integers is_primetest ifnis prime nextprimenext pseudoprime integer previousprimeprevious pseudoprime integer


simplifysimplifiestsimplifysimplifies (less powerful) normalnormal formratnormalnormal form (less powerful) expandexpandspartfracpartial fraction expansion factorfactorizesconvertconverts into a specified format

Transformations and trigonometry

tlinlinearizetcollectlinearizes and collects texpandexpandsexp,lnand trigtrig2exptrig toexp hyp2exphyperbolic toexpexp2trigexpto trig 4

Xcasreference card : statistics and



comb(n,k)(nk) =Ckn binomial(n,k,[p])returns comb(n,k)?pk(1-p)n-korcomb(n,k) perm(n,p)Apn factorial(n), n!n! rand(p,q)random realtsuch thatt?[p,q] randnorm(mu,sigmarandom realtaccordingN(μ,σ)

1-d statistics

meanmean of a list medianmedian of a list boxwhiskerwhisker boxes of a statistical series variancevariance of a list stddevstandard deviation of a list histogramhistogram of its argument

2-d statistics

polygonplotpolygonal line scatterplotscattered points polygonscatterplotpolygonal pointed line covariancecovariance of 2 lists correlationcorrelation of 2 lists exponential_regression(m,b)for exponential fity=bemx exponential_regression_plotgraph of the exponential fity=bemx linear_regression(a,b)for linear fity=ax+b linear_regression_plotgraph of the linear fity=ax+b logarithmic_regression(m,b)for logarithmic fity=mln(x) +b logarithmic_regression_plotgraph of the logarithmic fity=mln(x) +b polynomial_regression(an,..a0)for polynomial fity=anxn+..a0 polynomial_regression_plotgraph of the polynomial fity=anxn+..a0 power_regression(m,b)for power fity=bxm power_regression_plotgraph of the power fity=bxm The easiest way is however to open a spreadsheet enter data there, select the data with the mouse, open the spreadheetMathsmenu and fill the dialog boxes. 5 The Xcas spreadsheetis a symbolic spreadsheet (in addition to numeric values and formula (beginning with=), cells may contain exact value, complex numbers, expressions, ...) where Xcas commands and user-defined functions may be used. Note that litteral entries must be quoted as strings, for example "Result", otherwise they will be parsed as identifiers or may generate errors. The Xcas spreadsheet uses standard conventions (columns are refered with letters starting atA, rows with numbers starting at 0, references are relative except if the column or row number is prefixed with$). Note that : - theTable, Edit, Mathsmenumaybeobtainedbyaright-clickmouse - theeval val 2-d 3-dbuttons (reeval the spreadsheet, show the value instead of formula, show 2-d or 3-d graph displaying cells with a graphic object value in a window) - the "goto" input-value (top-left) let you go to a cell or select a cell rangeif you fill it in. It is filled if you make a mouse event - the commandline to input cells values or formulas - the configuration button : shows the current config, click to change the sheet configuration : you may select to view all 2-d graphic objects of the spread- sheet below or right to the sheet (Landscape mode) Example : extended gcd, givenaandbfinduandvsuch thatau+bv=gcd(a,b) - Enter the value ofaandbinA0andA1for example 78 and 56 - We will fill columnAwith remaindersrn, setA2to=irem(A0,A1)and copy down (Ctrl-d). - ColumnEwillcontainthequotients,setE2=iquo(A0,A1)andcopydown - ColumnsBandCwill contain values ofunandvnsuch thataun+bvn=rn, enter 1 and 0 forB0,C0, 0 and 1 forB1andC1,=B0-E2*B1forB2, copy down=C0-E2*C1forC2, copy down - ColumnDisaun+bvn, hence should be identical to columnA, setD0to =B0 *$A$0+B1*$A$1and copy down - ColumnFwill contain the answer or 0, setF0to : =if A0==0 then [B0,C0,D0] else 0 fiand copy down. One can check in a standard commandline withiegcd(78,56): Fich Edit Cfg Aide CAS Expression Cmds Prg Graphic Geo Tableur Phys Scolaire Tortue Sheet config: * Spreadsheet B R40C10 auto down fill

















evalvalinit2-d3-dSave B.tabTable Edit Maths


iegcd(78,56) -5 7 2, ,M 1 2 ?SauverConfig : exact real RAD 12 xcas 14.969M STOPKbdX



Xcasreference card : Algebra


normalnormal form (expanded and reduced) expandexpanded form ptaylTaylor polynomial peval hornerevaluation using Horner's method genpolypolynomial defined by its value at a point canonical_formcanonical form of a second degree polynomial coeffcoefficient or list of coefficients poly2symblist polynomial to symbolic polynomial symb2polysymbolic polynomial to list polynomial pcoeffpolynomial from it's roots degreedegree lcoeffcoefficient of the monomial of highest degree valuationdegree of the monomial of lowest degree tcoeffcoefficient of the monomial of lowest degree factorfactorizes a polynomial cfactorfactorizes a polynomial onC factorslist of irreducible factors and multiplicities divislist of divisors collectfactorization on the coefficients field frootroots with their multiplicities prootapprox. values of roots sturmabnumber of roots in an interval getNumnumerator of a rational fraction (unsimplified) getDenomdenominator of a rational fraction (unsimplified) propfracreturns polynomial integer part + fractional part partfracpartial fraction expansion quoeuclidean quotient remeuclidean remainder gcdgreatest common divisor lcmlowest common multiple egcdextended greatest common divisor chinremchinese remainder randpolyrandom polynomial cyclotomiccyclotomic polynomial lagrangeLagrange polynomial hermiteHermite polynomial laguerreLaguerre polynomial tchebyshev1Tchebyshev polynomial (1st type) tchebyshev2Tchebyshev polynomial (2nd type) 7


M:=[[a,b,c],[f,g,h]]M is a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns dim(M)returns dimensions as a list [nrows, ncols]

M[0]returns the first line of M

M[n]returns then+ 1-th line of M

row(M,n)returns then+ 1-th line of M col(M,n)returns then+ 1-th column of M

M[dim(M)[0]-1]returns the last line of M

M[n..p]returns the sub-matrice of M with lines in[n..p] append(M,[d,k,l])appends the line[d,k,l]at the end of M M[dim(M)[0]]:=[d,k,l]appends the line[d,k,l]at the end ofM border(M,[d,k])appends the column[d,k]at the end ofM

Operators on vectors and matrix

v*wscalar product cross(v,w)dot product

A*Bmatrix product

A .*Bterm by term product


trantransposes a matrix rankrank detdeterminant kerkernel basis imageimage basis idnidentity matrix ranmmatrix with random coefficients

Linear systems

linsolvelinear system solver rrefGauss-Jordan reduction rankrank detdeterminant of a system

Matrix reduction

jordaneigenvalue/characteristic vectors (Jordan reduction) pcarcharacteristic polynomial pminminimal polynomial eigenvalseigenvalues eigenvectseigenvectors 8

Xcasreference card : Calculus


diff(E)orE'expression derivative of an expressionEwith respect tox diff(E,t)or(E,t)'expression derivative of an expressionEwith respect tot diff(f)orf'function derivative of the functionf diff(E,x$n,y$m)expression partial derivative∂E∂xn∂ymof an expressionE gradgradient divergencedivergence curlrotationnal laplacianlaplacian hessianhessian matrix

Limits and series expansion

limit(E,x,a)limit of an expressionEatx=a limit(E,x,a,1)limit of an expressionEatx=a+ limit(E,x,a,-1)limit of an expressionEatx=a- series(E,x=a,n)series expansion ofEatawith relative order=n taylor(E,a)series expansion ofEatx=awith relative order=5


int(E,x)antiderivative of an expressionE int(f)antiderivative function of a functionf int(E,x,a,b)integration of an expressionEfromx=atox=b romberg(E,x,a,b)approximate value ofint(E,x,a,b)


solve(eq,x)exactR-solution of a polynomial equation solve([eq1,eq2],[x,y])exactR-solution of a list of polynomial equations csolve(eq,x)exactC-solution of a list of polynomial equations csolve(eq1,eq2],[x,y])exactC-solution of a list of polynomial equations fsolve(eq,x=x0)approx solution of an equation (x0=xguess) fsolve([eq],[var],[val])approx solution of a list of equations(val=xguess) newtonNewton's method linsolvelinear system solver prootapprox roots of a polynomial

Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE)

desolveexact solution of an ODE odesolveapprox solution of an ODE plotodeplot the approx solution of an ODE plotfieldplot the field of an ODE interactive_plotodeplot an ODE field and solutions through mouse clicks 9


plotplots a 1-d expression tangentdraws the tangent lines to a curve slopeslope of a line plotfuncplots a 1-d or 2-d expression ...,color=...)chooses the color of a plot areaplotdisplays the area below a curve plotparamplot a parametric curve plotpolarplot a polar curve plotimplicit(f(x,y),x,y)implicit plot off(x,y) = 0 ExampleDefine the functionfoverR- {-1,0,1,2}by :f(x) =ln(|2-x|)ln(|x|). We will show thatfcan be extended to a continuous function onR- {-1,2}, draw the graph off, and the tangents atx=-1/2,x= 0andx= 1. We will give an approximate value of the area betweenx= 3,x= 5,y= 0and the curve, using the trapezoid rule with 4 subdivisions.

Input :f(x) :=ln(abs(x-2))/ln(abs(x))

Hence we can extendfatx= 1and the slope of the tangent at (1,-1) is -1 andlimit(f(x)/x,x,0,-1)answer+(infinity). Hence we can extend fatx= 0and the tangent at (0,0) is they-axis limit(f(x),x,-1)answerinfinity, sox=-1is an asymptote. limit(f(x),x,2)answer-infinity, sox= 2is an asymptote. that the liney= 1is an asymptote to the curve. To extendfto a continuous function defined onR- {-1,2}, input : g :=when(x==0,0,when(x==1,-1,f(x))) To get the graph, input :G :=plotfunc(g(x),x=-5..8,color=red);, areaplot(g(x),x=3..5,4,trapezoid)


y -4-202468 -2 -1 0 1 2 In order to approximate the area with 4 trapezoids, type :

Digits :=3;0.5*(f(3)/2+f(3.5)+f(4)+f(4.5)+f(5)/2)

it will return 0.887. (an acceleration of the trapezoid method); 3 digits are displayed. For more digits, enterromberg(g(x),x,3,5),itreturns0.903226168665ifDigits :=12;. 10

Xcasreference card : geometry

2-d geometry

pointpoint given by its coordinates or its affix ...,display=...)attributs for a graphic object (last argument) legend="..."set the legend of a graphic object segmentreturns the segment given by 2 points line(A,B)returns the lineAB line(a*x+b*y+c=0)returns the lineax+by+c= 0 triangle(A,B,C)returns the triangleABC bissector(A,B,C)returns the bissector of?BAC angle(A,B,C)returns the angle measure (in rad or deg) of?BAC median\_line(A,B,C)draws the median-line throughAof the triangleABC altitude(A,B,C)draws the altitude throughAof the triangleABC perpen\_bisector(A,B)draws the perpendicular bisector ofAB square(A,B)draws the direct square of sideAB circle(A,r)draws the circle with centerAand radiusr cercle(A,B)draws the circle with diameterAB radius(c)gives the radius of the circlec center(c)gives the center of the circlec distance(A,B)returns the distance fromAtoB(point or curve) inter(G1,G2)returns the list of points inG1∩G2 inter_unique(G1,G2)returns one of the points inG1∩G2 assumeadd a symbolic parameter (or an hypothesis) elementadd a numeric parameter polygondraws a polygon open\_polygondraws an open polygon coordinatescoordinates of a point equationcartesian equation parameqparametric equation homothety(A,k,M)image ofMby the homothety of centerAand coefficientk translation(B-A,M)image ofMby the translation--→AB rotation(A,t,M)image ofMby the rotation of centerAand of anglet similarity(A,k,t,M)image ofMby the similarity of centerA, coefficient kand anglet reflection(A,M)image ofMby the reflection (w.r.t. point or lineA) You can either type a geometric command with the keyboard, or select it in the Geomenu. Additionnally, inside a figure, you can select a geometric object shape inMode, and click with the mouse to construct it. Clicks will by default build geometric objects with approx coordinates unless you uncheck≂ . If you choose


, the graphic screen will be larger and the commandlines will be below the figure. If you modify one commandline and press Enter, all the following commandlines will be re-evaluated and the figure will be synchronized. 11 Example, draw a triangleABC, the perpendicular bissector toABand the cir- cumcircle toABC. - ChooseMode?Polygon?triangle. Click at the desired position for the pointA, move the mouse (a segment joining to the first point is dis- played) and click at the desired second point position, move the mouse (a triangle following the mouse is displayed) and click again at the desired po- sition forC. The triangle is now constructed and a few commandlines appear at the left of the figure (A:=point(...), ...). - ChooseMode?Line?perpen_bisector. Click onA, move the mouse toB(a perpendicular bisector will follow the move), click, the perpendicular bissector toABis constructed and the corresponding commandline is added at the left of the figure


- ChooseMode?Circle?circumcircle, click onA, move, click onB, move (a circle follows the mouse move) and click onC, the circumcircle is constructed and the corresponding commandline is added at the left of the figure


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