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Alphabétisation conscientisante comme base dune éducation

ALPHABETISATION CONSCIENTISANTE COMME BASE D'UNE. EDUCATION PERMANENTE cylce de base de l'6ducation permanente correspond B l'enseignement primaire.


métiers dans la majeure partie des quartiers de Kigali. La commune échelon de base ... Comme pour le statut

Conjuguer Démocratie et Éducation : Perceptions et expériences de

Résumé : Le projet de recherche Démocratie alphabétisation politique et éducation transformatoire. (DAPET) s'inscrit dans le cadre plus large du projet 

1 Université de Montréal Pour un cinéma pédagogique et féministe

La création cinématographique comme outil d'apprentissage d'une littératie Enfin la dernière section présente l'exercice pédagogique à la base de la ...

Lutilisation de la pédagogie dexpression et de son outil

l'éducation sociale elle se présente plutôt comme une composante de la L'approche pédagogique basée sur l'expression a l'intention de développer le.

Canadian Journal of Environmental Education

Yi Chien Jade Ho draws upon critical feminist and place-based scholarship se méfient de l'idéologie sous-jacente à l'alphabétisation conscientisante. La.


Au Burkina Faso elle se présente aujourd'hui comme une dimension privilégiée pour l'affirmation identitaire

Lautonomisation de la culture afro-américaine dans les arts et

23 févr. 2018 dans ce travail utilisent les médias comme des lieux pour asseoir et étendre ... base des Cultural Studies et a initié une nouvelle manière ...


12 déc. 2017 dans ce travail utilisent les médias comme des lieux pour asseoir et étendre ... base des Cultural Studies et a initié une nouvelle manière ...


Telle qu'elle est pratiquee couramment l'alphabetisation ne peut constituer une base sare pour l'education permanente Mais con~ue de fa~on dynamique et integree dans une serie de structures d 'une education progressiste l' alphabetisation fonctionnelle et conscientisante peut etre un socle pour I'education permanente

Searches related to alphabétisation conscientisante comme base d +une jstor

une base sfire pour l'6ducation permanente Mais con~ue de fagon dynamique et int6gr6e dans une s6rie de structures d'une 6ducation progressiste l'alphab6tisation fonctionnelle et conscientisante peut &re un socle pour l'6ducation permanente Ces structures sont: des programmes solides de

Volume 23 (3), 2020The Canadian Journal of Environmental Education is a refereed journal. It seeks to further the study and practice of environmental educa-tion by providing a thoughtful forum for researchers, scholars, practitioners, and post-secondary students. The publication and distribution of articles and reviews should contribute to Canadian thought and practice in environmental education and/ or issues and practices of international importance to this fi eld of st udy. The views expressed in this journal are not necessarily those of the journal's editors, advisory editors, or supporters. The

Canadian Journal of Environmental


publishes material that may represent divergent ideas, judgments, and opinions.The production of Volume 23 (3) ha s been made possible through the ongoing support of the Canadian Wildlife Fede ration (CWF), Nipissing University, Tre nt University, the University of Calgary, and Lakehead University.

Cover Artwork ©

Plastic Ocean

by Mindi Lee Meadows. Printed in Canada with 100%post-consumer recycled paper. Copyright © Canadian Journal of Environmental Education

ISSN 1205-5352

Environmental EducationCanadian Journaloƒ


Pat Maher

, Nipissing University, Ontario

Blair Niblett,

Trent University, Ontario

Greg Lowan-Trudeau

, University of Calgary, Alberta

Editors Emeritus

Constance Russell,

Lakehead University, Ontario

Bob Jickling,

Lakehead University, Ontario


Julie Sutherland

, Kingston, Ontario

Layout & Design

Rusty Brown,

Niagara Falls, Ontario

Advisory Editors

Anne Bell

, Ontario Nature, Ontario

Sean Blenkinsop

, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia

Mary Breunig

, California State University - Sacramento, United States

Peter Cole

, University of British Columbia, British Columbia

Pamela Courtenay-Hall

, University of Prince Edward Island, PEI

Justin Dillon

, University of Exeter, United Kingdom

Janet Dyment

, Acadia University, Nova Scotia

Leesa Fawcett

, York University, Ontario

Jo-Anne Ferreira

, La Trobe University, Australia

Annette Gough

, RMIT University, Australia

David Greenwood

, Lakehead University, Ontario

Randy Haluza-Delay

, King's University College, Alberta

Paul Hart

, University of Regina, Saskatchewan

Richard Kahn

, Antioch University, United States

Lisa Korteweg

, Lakehead University, Ontario

Regula Kyburz-Graber

, University of Zurich, Switzerland

John Chi-Kin Lee

, Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Teresa Lloro-Bidart

, California State Polytechnic University Pomona, United States

Heila Lotz-Sisitka

, Rhodes University, South Africa

Milton McClaren

, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia

Marcia McKenzie

, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan

Sarah Pashagumskum

, Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute, Quebec

Christopher Reddy

, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Alan Reid

, Monash University, Australia

Joshua Russell

, Canisius College, United States

Lucie Sauvé

, Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec

Bonnie Shapiro

, University of Calgary, Alberta

Robert Stevenson

, James Cook University, Australia

Arjen Wals

, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

Dilafruz Williams

, Portland State University, United States



Greg Lowan-Trudeau, Pat Maher, & Blair Niblett


"It Will Startle You": Thoughts on a Pedagogical Conspiracy of Birds

David Jardine

L'intégration de l'éducation à l'environnement en alph abétisation des adultes: Points de vue de groupes d'éducation populaire au


Carine Villemagne, Justine Daniel, & Lucie Sauvé Can We Teach the Earth Charter Anymore? A Critical Examination of the Earth Charter's Role in Education Nicholas R.G. Stanger, Nick Engelfried, Sarah Clements, Ash Kunz, Rachael

Grasso, & E. Smokey Brine

Making Sense of Place: Place Anchors and Educational Potentials

Yi Chien Jade Ho

Body as Prism: Somatic Pedagogy in the Development of

Embodied Ecological Awareness

Cassandra Witteman

Digging at the Root of the Tree: Conceptualizing Relational

Ecological Identity

timothy martin Implementation of the Bondar Report: A Reflection on the State of

Environmental Education in Ontario

Michal J. Bardecki & Lynda H. McCarthy

A Collective Case Study into the Use of Social Media as a Tool for Developing Sustainable Living Habits in Urban Families

Michel T. Léger & Shawn Martin

Eco-Activism Contributions to Social Learning: Drawing from the

Turcot Public Debate

Laurence Brière

5 7 12 31

Plastic Ocean

Mindi Lee Meadows


Guidelines for Contributors


5Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 23 (3), 2020


Open Issue 2020: 23(3)

This open issue of the

Canadian Journal of Environmental Education

(CJEE) brings together a strong collection of papers that engage with a range of salient issues in our field. In "‘It Will Startle You': Thoughts on a Pedagogical Conspiracy of Birds,"

David Jardine

reflects on the connections he perceives between birds, pedagogy, and the scholarship of Hans-Georg Gadamer, among several other theorists. He

provides insights into and observations of his own relevant experiences. Through interviews with literacy educators, Carine Villemagne,

Justine Daniel, and Lucie Sauvé explore the relationships between, and potential integra-tion of, adult literacy and environmental education in their paper, " L'intégration de l'éducation à l'environnement en alphabétisation des adultes:

Points de vue

de groupes d'éducation populaire au Québec.

In "Can W

e Teach the Earth Charter Anymore? A Critical Examination of the Earth Charter's Role in Education,"

Nick Stanger, Nick Engelfried, Sarah

Clement, Ash Kunz, Rachael Grasso,


Smokey Brine

ponder the contem porary relevance of the Earth Charter to environmental education through an intersectional critical discourse analysis informed by scholarship on indigeneity and gender, among other socio-critical approaches to research. They conclude with suggestions for an updated charter grounded in environmental justice and culturally relevant pedagogy.

Yi Chien Jade Ho

draws upon critical feminist and place-based scholarship to narrate and explore her lived experiences in a variety of socio-cultural and geographical contexts in "Making Sense of Place: Place Anchors and Educational


" Ho discusses the intriguing notion of place anchors as a promising concept for reflexively exploring relationships with our cultural and environ mental surroundings that might be considered by other educators and scholars.

Cassandra Witteman

engages with the work of

Rm and other poets, phi-

losophers, and theorists in their piece, "Body as Prism: Somatic Pedagogy in the Development of Embodied Ecological Awareness." Witteman explores how grounding educational practices within the body, which is both situated in and disconnected from the natural world, can make our subjective processes of dis covery more meaningful and personal. In "Digging at the Root of the Tree: Conceptualizing Relational Ecological


tim martin also engages in a consideration of physicality in envi- ronmental education. He shares findings from a study of the experiences of staff and participants of Operation Wild, a program for people with disabili ties in Hamilton, Ontario. Through a critical consideration of place, (dis)ability


scholarship, and Western and Indigenous ways of knowing, martin proposes a relational ecological identity theory that both critiques and extends Thom ashow's foundational work.

Michal J. Bardecki


Linda H. McCarthy

also present considerations for environmental education in Ontario in their paper, "Implementation of the Bondar Report: A Reflection on the State of Environmental Education in Ontario." They provide a methodical reflection on environmental education policy, prac tice, and teacher education since the 2007 release of the Bondar report, titled

Shaping Our Schools, Shaping our Future

. They also offer a range of associated recommendations for K-12, post-secondary, and government contexts. In their paper, "A Collective Case Study into the Use of Social Media as a Tool for Developing Sustainable Living Habits in Urban Families,"


T. Léger

and Shawn Martin compare the impacts of email and social media engagement on families' environmental habits in Moncton, New Brunswick and Montreal, Quebec. This study provides intriguing insights into environmental education research and practice as they relate to familial dynamics, technology, and regional influences on environmental awareness.

Laurence Brière

considers social movement learning in the context of an urban transportation consultation process in her paper, "Eco-Activism Contribu tions to Social Learning: Drawing from the Turcot Public Debate." Brière situates this interesting case study more broadly in the sphere of environmentally related civic education and provides a consideration of future research and practice.


Mindi Lee Meadows introduces and positions her cover artwork, "Plastic Ocean," using a critical socio-cultural, political, and environmental lens. Meadows notes that "Plastic Ocean" gestures toward the myriad threats faced by polar bears as representative icons of lived experiences in the Canadian Arctic.

Greg Lowan-Trudeau, Pat Maher, & Blair Niblett

7Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 23 (3), 2020

"It Will Startle You": Thoughts on a Pedagogical Conspiracy of Birds

David Jardine, University of Calgary, Canada

Seeing the frailty of your life through seeing the breath is the meditation on the recollection of death. Just realizing this fact - that if the breath goes in but does not go out again, or goes out but does not come in again, your life is over - is enough to change the mind. It will startle you into being aware. (Chah, 2001, p. 44) I I mentioned during a gathering of teachers seeing a Downey Woodpecker having at the stump in our backyard a few days earlier, how, over and over again, I could not quite resolve the bright yellow patch on the back of its head. I did my best to imagine that it might be an immature boy, and all this work was bent on maintaining myself in its presence and asking, repeatedly, that it yield itself upquotesdbs_dbs22.pdfusesText_28
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