[PDF] PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT ACT To regulate financial management in

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évolution du management public

- Management public in : Le Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l'administration publique. Québec : ENAP 2012. Page 4. ENA – Centre de documentation – Bibliographie 


To regulate financial management in the national government and provincial governments; to ensure that all revenue expenditure

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What are the best books on new public management?

Bezes, Ph., “Le renouveau du contrôle des bureaucraties – L’impact du New Public Management”, Informations sociales,no. 126, 2005, pp. 26-37. 3. Bishop, P., Connors, C., Sampford, C. J. G., Management, organization and ethics in the public sector, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2003, p. 113. 4. Boin, A., James, O., “Lodge, M.,


NO. 1 OF 1999

[ASSENTED TO 2 MARCH, 1999] [DATE OF COMMENCEMENT: 1 APRIL, 2000] (Unless otherwise indicated) (English text signed by the President)


This Act has been updated to Government Gazette 33059 dated 1 April, 2010. as amended by

Public Finance Management Amendment Act,

No. 29 of 1999

Local Government: Municipal Systems Act,

No. 32 of 2000

Judicial Officers (Amendment of Conditions of Service) Act,

No. 28 of 2003

[with effect from 1 November, 2003]

Public Audit Act, No. 25 of 2004

Broadband Infraco Act,

No. 33 of 2007

South African Express Act,

No. 34 of 2007

Public Service Amendment Act,

No. 30 of 2007

[with effect from 1 April, 2008]

South African Airways Act, No. 5 of 2007

[with effect from 13 July, 2009] Financial Management of Parliament Act, No. 10 of 2009 ACT To regulate financial management in the national government and provincial governments; to ensure that all revenue, expenditure, assets and liabilities of those governments are managed efficiently and effectively; to provide for the responsibilities of persons entrusted with financial management in those governments; and to provide for matters connected therewith. [Long title substituted by s. 47 of Act No. 29 of 1999.]


[Arrangement of sections amended by s. 48 of Act No. 29 of 1999.]



1. Definitions

2. Object of this Act

3. Institutions to which this Act applies

4. Amendments to this Act



Part 1: National Treasury

5. Establishment

6. Functions and powers

7. Banking, cash management and investment framework

8. Annual consolidated financial statements

9. Financial statistics and aggregations

10. Delegations by National Treasury

Part 2: National Revenue Fund

11. Control of National Revenue Fund

12. Deposits and withdrawals by South African Revenue Services in Revenue


13. Deposits into National Revenue Fund

14. Withdrawal of exclusions

15. Withdrawals and investments from National Revenue Fund

16. Use of funds in emergency situations



Part 1: Provincial Treasuries

17. Establishment

18. Functions and powers

19. Annual consolidated financial statements

20. Delegations by provincial treasuries

Part 2: Provincial Revenue Funds

21. Control of Provincial Revenue Fund

22. Deposits by provincial departments into Provincial Revenue Fund

23. Withdrawal of exclusions from Provincial Revenue Funds

24. Withdrawals from Provincial Revenue Funds

25. Use of funds in emergency situations



26. Annual appropriations

27. National annual budgets

28. Multi-year budget projections

29. Expenditure before annual budget is passed

30. National adjustments budgets

31. Provincial adjustments budgets

32. Publishing of reports on state of budget

33. Withholding of appropriated funds

34. Unauthorised expenditure

35. Unfunded mandates



Part 1: Appointment of Accounting Officers

36. Accounting officers

37. Acting accounting officers

Part 2: Responsibilities of Accounting Officers

38. General responsibilities of accounting officers

39. Accounting officers" responsibilities relating to budgetary control

40. Accounting officers" reporting responsibilities

41. Information to be submitted by accounting officers

42. Accounting officers" responsibilities when assets and liabilities are


43. Virement between main divisions within votes

Part 3: Other Officials of Departments and Constitutional Institutions

44. Assignment of powers and duties by accounting officers

45. Responsibilities of other officials



Part 1: Application of this Chapter

46. Application

47. Unlisted public entities

48. Classification of public entities

Part 2: Accounting Authorities for Public Entities

49. Accounting authorities

50. Fiduciary duties of accounting authorities

51. General responsibilities of accounting authorities

52. Annual budget and corporate plan by Schedule 2 public entities and

government business enterprises

53. Annual budgets by non-business Schedule 3 public entities

54. Information to be submitted by accounting authorities

55. Annual report and financial statements

Part 3: Other Officials of Public Entities

56. Assignment of powers and duties by accounting authorities

57. Responsibilities of other officials

Part 4: External Auditors

58. . . . . . .

59. . . . . . .

60. . . . . . .

61. . . . . . .

62. . . . . . .



63. Financial responsibilities of executive authorities

64. Executive directives having financial implications

65. Tabling in legislatures



Part 1: General Principles

66. Restrictions on borrowing, guarantees and other commitments

67. No provincial foreign commitments

68. Consequences of unauthorised transactions

69. Regulations on borrowing by public entities

70. Guarantees, indemnities and securities by Cabinet members

Part 2: Loans by National Government

71. Purposes for which Minister may borrow money

72. Signing of loan agreements

73. Interest and repayments of loans to be direct charges

74. Repayment, conversion and consolidation of loans

75. Obligations from lien over securities



76. Treasury regulations and instructions

77. Audit committees

78. Publishing of draft treasury regulations for public comment

79. Departures from treasury regulations, instructions or conditions

80. Determination of interest rates for debt owing to state



Part 1: Disciplinary Proceedings

81. Financial misconduct by officials in departments and constitutional


82. Financial misconduct by treasury officials

83. Financial misconduct by accounting authorities and officials of public


84. Applicable legal regime for disciplinary proceedings

85. Regulations on financial misconduct procedures

Part 2: Criminal Proceedings

86. Offences and penalties



87. Establishment

88. Composition

89. Functions of Board

90. Powers of Board

91. Regulations on accounting standards of Board



92. Exemptions

93. Transitional provisions

94. Repeal of legislation

95. Short title and commencement

Schedule 1. Constitutional institutions

Schedule 2. Major public entities

Schedule 3. Other public entities

Schedule 4. Exclusions from revenue funds

Schedule 5. Direct charges against national revenue fund

Schedule 6. Repeal of legislation



1. Definitions.-In this Act, unless the context otherwise indicates-

"accounting officer" means a person mentioned in section 36; "accounting authority" means a body or person mentioned in section 49; "Accounting Standards Board" means the board established in terms of section 87; "annual Division of Revenue Act" means the Act of Parliament which must annually be enacted in terms of section 214 (1) of the Constitution; "constitutional institution" means an institution listed in

Schedule 1;

"department" means a national or provincial department or a national or provincial government component; [Definition of " department" substituted by s. 1 (a) of Act No. 29 of 1999 and by s. 43 of Act No.

30 of 2007.]

"executive authority"- (a) in relation to a national department, means the Cabinet member who is accountable to

Parliament for that department;

(b) in relation to a provincial department, means the member of the Executive Council of a province who is accountable to the provincial legislature for that department; (c) in relation to a national public entity, means the Cabinet member who is accountable to Parliament for that public entity or in whose portfolio it falls; and (d) in relation to a provincial public entity, means the member of the provincial Executive Council who is accountable to the provincial legislature for that public entity or in whose portfolio it falls; [Definition of "executive authority" substituted by s. 1 (b) of Act No. 29 of 1999.] "financial year"- (a) means a year ending 31 March; or (b) in relation to a public entity that existed when this Act took effect and that has a different financial year in terms of other legislation, means that financial year, provided the National Treasury has approved that other financial year; Para. (b) amended by s. 1 (c) of Act No. 29 of 1999.] "financial statements" means statements consisting of at least- (a) a balance sheet; (b) an income statement; (c) a cash-flow statement; (d) any other statements that may be prescribed; and (e) any notes to these statements; "fruitless and wasteful expenditure" means expenditure which was made in vain and would have been avoided had reasonable care been exercised; "generally recognised accounting practice" means an accounting practice complying in material respects with standards issued by the Accounting Standards Board; "irregular expenditure" means expenditure, other than unauthorised expenditure, incurred in

contravention of or that is not in accordance with a requirement of any applicable legislation,

including- (a) this Act; or (b) the State Tender Board Act, 1968 (

Act No. 86 of 1968), or any regulations made in

terms of that Act; or (c) any provincial legislation providing for procurement procedures in that provincial government; [Definition of "irregular expenditure" amended by s. 1 (d) of Act No. 29 of 1999.] "main division within a vote" means one of the main segments into which a vote is divided and which- (a) specifies the total amount which is appropriated for the items under that segment; and (b) is approved by Parliament or a provincial legislature, as may be appropriate, as part of the vote; [Definition of "main division within a vote" amended by s. 1 (e) of Act No. 29 of 1999.] "MEC for finance" means the member of an Executive Council of a province responsible for finance in the province; [Definition of "MEC for finance" inserted by s. 1 ( f ) of Act No. 29 of 1999.] "Minister" means the Minister of Finance; "national department" means a department listed in

Schedule 1 to the Public Service Act, 1994

Proclamation No. 103 of 1994), but excluding the Office of a Premier; "national government business enterprise" means an entity which- (a) is a juristic person under the ownership control of the national executive; (b) has been assigned financial and operational authority to carry on a business activity; (c) as its principal business, provides goods or services in accordance with ordinary business principles; and (d) is financed fully or substantially from sources other than- (i) the National Revenue Fund; or (ii) by way of a tax, levy or other statutory money; "national government component" means a national government component listed in Part A of

Schedule 3 to the Public Service Act, 1994;

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