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CECrL F. CLEMENT JR. (Lee Clarke

Mathieu Loiseau

31-May-2018 http://wiki.lezinter.net/index.php/Projets:Game_of_Words ... CECRL. 2000. Cadre Européen Commun de Référence Pour Les Langues:.

BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Masalah Dari waktu ke

Menurut situs http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet secara harfiah

Relier les examens de langues au Cadre européen commun de

01-Jan-2009 Echelles du CECRL pour les aspects de la compétence langagière ... qui affirment que leurs examens sont reliés aux niveaux du CECRL ...


Sandra Garland Cecrl. Meredith Ellis Woodworth. Virginia Wood Dieffenbach. H. lea Baukn1ght. Merllyn Sondles Spencer tt1ary Hyland Vanarsdale.

La perspective actionnelle

Le CECR aborde une nouvelle approche de la l'apprentissage de la langue : la Freinet (? http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%C3%A9dagogie_Freinet) qui ...

Annali di Ca Foscari

30-Jun-2020 Sulaym?n even quotes Fara?'s play as a historical reference (Wiki- ... 'Le CECRL et la didactique de l'arabe: bilan et horizons' (Montréal ...


wiki culture of collaboration and positioning herself as a co-learner adjustment strategies and resource expansion strategies (CECRL

Meet Me in Istanbul - Richard Chisholm

I can't come to the airport to meet you but you can take a taxi from the. Air Terminal to Taksim Square. That's in the centre of the new part of the city.

Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues - Wikipédia

Le CECR permet ainsi de déterminer la situation des compétences langagières d'un apprenant (son profil) spécifiant forces et lacunes les aspects à améliorer ( 

Liste des examens basés sur le CECR - Wikipédia

La liste ci-dessous présente les tests de langues basés sur le CECR et une liste complémentaire de tests proposant une équivalence


www coe int/lang-CECR de vos objectifs et de la définition de votre pratique 1 pour la définition du contenu des tests et examens

Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL)

Télécharger le CECRL au format pdf Des niveaux communs de référence (de A1 à C2) L'échelle de compétence langagière globale fait apparaître 

[PDF] Cadre Européen Commun de Référence et enseignement - Gerflint

Cadre Européen Commun de Référence (CECR) constitue un point de référence incontestable dans l'enseignement des langues étrangères

Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues

De nombreux articles ont été écrits ou tirés de Wikipédia format Texte intégral PDF; Anglais niveaux du CECRL (CECRL) - Test d'anglais TrackTest 

[PDF] quelle place le cadre européen commun de référence pour les

L'objectif de cet article est d'étudier la place et l'importance que le CECRL ainsi que différents ouvrages ou outils pédagogiques calibrés sur le CECRL 

[PDF] La perspective actionnelle

Le CECR aborde une nouvelle approche de la l'apprentissage de la langue : la perspective actionnelle L'enseignement des langues et notamment du FLE évolue 

[PDF] tâche » dans lenseignement des langues étrangères en France - HAL

À partir d'une revue des définitions de ce terme dans le CECRL les articles et ouvrages portant sur la perspective actionnelle en France et les manuels de 

  • Quelles sont les 5 activités langagières identifiées dans le CECRL ?

    Le CECR analyse la compétence à communiquer langagièrement9 en trois composantes dites compétence linguistique, compétence sociolinguistique et compétence pragmatique10 ; celles-ci sont mises en jeu dans la réalisation d'activités langagières dites de réception, de production, d'interaction et de médiation.
  • Quelles sont les composantes de la compétence communicative selon CECRL ?

    les 4 domaines langagiers : personnel, public, professionnel, éducatif ; les 3 paramètres de l'utilisation langagière : situation ; texte ; contraintes.

People Power-Speak Up!

The power of communication can be Kappa's greatest asset in the coming years. C of the most recent forms of rapid communication has been the creation of the Und graduate Council. In the past two years, the Undergraduate Council has attempted serve as a "hot-line" for the chapters all across the nation. The Undergraduate Cou thrives on ideas from every chapter and has become a resource center for their use. operates as an exchange of ideas, solutions to problems, and new programs and ever.

These ideas

are compiled in a newsletter called SPEAK-UP, which is sent out as rapit as ideas are sent in. The purpose? To draw the chapters within every province, as well as the sixteen pr< inces, closer together in a more united fashion. It is also a way for the actives or und graduates in each chapter to feel closer to the Fraternity officers on the Council. The UC is currently helping survey the needs of THE KEY and looks forward to serving unci. Helen Snyder Andres as the Housing Policies Study Committee. The key to the workin of this undergraduate council is the communication between chapters and members of tl council. Without this communication, the Undergraduate Council would not function. Ea

chapter is unique and can contribute their ideas to SPEAK-UP so that other chapters m share in their success.

The hopes of the Undergraduate Council lie in the hands of all-chapter officers a1 each and every Kappa. The challenge to chapter officers is to relay ideas that give vitali to the UGC. The privilege of each Kappa is to offer ideas and suggestions to their o cers. The dream is for each chapter to benefit from the ideas found in SPEAK-UP. If tl Undergraduate Council is as successful as we would like it to be, it should become an i tegral part of every chapter's lifestyle-an exciting and productive tool strengthening tJ communication so essential between chapters.

Robin Gerner,

BE, University of Texas

Chairman of

Undergraduate Council



The first college women's magazine. Published continuously since 1882 Fraternity Headquarters, 530 East Town Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 2079, Columbus, Ohio 43216


ilend all material and •to the:


vln. David B. Selby

3750 Merwin Place

Northington, Ohio 43085



2 4 5

Are Values Out of Style?

Campus Highlights

"A Run For THEIR Lives"

7 Actives Earn Honors

14 · Kappas At Disney World

16 The Now Undergraduate Council

24 From Apollo to Mars, A Kappa


Maps The Way

Future Forecast of NPC

Active Participation In Philanthropy


We Serve You? (A Picture Story


Fraternity Headquarters

42 New Fraternity Chairmen

44 Advisers Share Ideas With


The Whoozit

Fraternity Research

Seeks Answers

Alumnae News

Spotlight on A Kappa In Sports-


Career Corner

Kappas Abroad

Letters To The Editor

In Memoriam

Fraternity Directory

g: This is Fraternity Headquarters, Columbus, Ohio. In our ever widening circle of friendship there is a constant-A

-a central office through which flows the business of Kappa Kappa Gamma. A gracious reminder of a heritage, 530

· Town Street, is also an efficient and busy nerve-center for the day-to-day operations of Kappa. Once the Governor of

home, the building can be seen in a picture story page 31-41 as it is currently being used. From 1852 to 1973

buildine; has stood the test of time.

Are Values Ou .

Of Style?

Are values out of style? I'm really not su

-I do know that the value of the dollar "down", the value of antiques is "up", a1 the nutritional value of a Coke is "zero", b. are real values "out" ... I wonder?

To me, values are guidelines for living a1

decision making. There are many ways looking at values. Perhaps first is to exami1 one's own values, how they were acquire which ones are most important, and whi< are passed on to others. Arlother way to o· serve values is to look at those common held in our society -how they are derivt< and transmitted. A third notion is to look : values as "people helpers" in developing basis for decision making with effective an appropriate behavior. "In a recent stud working with delinquent youngsters as we as nondelinquent ones of high school ag and up, it was discoyered that there was n necessary connection between knowing wh; is right in any given: situation and doing i

This was as true of '

the delinquent studem as of the nondelinquents." 1

People may kno

what is right-have values about it-but n< behave accordingly. For often, values (guid< lines for life-style) are developed as a resu. of experiences rather than before the eJ periences. Many values emerge as decisio are made, not beforehand. As we grow from day to day in experiences certain value dilemmas face us all. There is tt dilemma between the "oughts"-things we think we should do, and the "wants",-the things ' would like to do. (i.e. the dessert looks so good-I know I "ought" not to eat it to stay on a di but I "want" to eat some. I must decide-a dilemma-internal conflicting forces!) There are also outside forces that present a value dilemma. A friend says, "It doesn't rna if we're late", but a voice inside me says it does matter. What do I do? Am I late? Do I ta· the opportunity to tell her about my values? Do I decide to let her be late and be on time m self? What to do! Should I cut class because my friend wants to, or "be square" and go? Wh do I do with the whole question of experimentation with drugs? J know, inside of me, that tl may be a very unhealthy thing to do-but it is pretty groovy because everyone else is trying

Do I do it?

Or not? A real dilemma!


Then there is the area of self-control: de

ayed reward versus immediate satisfaction. )hall I put my money in the bank or buy

·hat neat bikini?

The value dilemma of

my responsibility for nyself is another one: taking care of my

·oom and my belongings versus not caring

tbout it and letting it "go to pot" until some

Jody else from

the outside says, "It's time to nake a decision to clean your room and take of yourself." Since

Kappa Kappa Gamma has always

the highest standards of its mem

Jers and pledges it assumes the role of a

value educator. Kappa life-style offers a mique opportunity to experience living, working, and sharing together of collegiate life with congenial friends and affords mean

JJ.gful situations in which young women can

develop their own values. "Chapter members .earn the basics of cooperative effort, con ;ideration beyond self, and collective as well iS individual accountability." 2 "Kappa does not wish that group living .vill be limiting, but rather that every Kappa ' undergraduate, by living with a group of t good friends, will learn better the essentials f understanding and cooperation among all ;>eople." 3 Each and every one of us is really a value educator-as Kappa is the sum total of all its mem-

1 There are traps for us to be wary of-the inconsistency of what I believe and what I say I

elieve, and then what I do. I must watch that I do not depend on just one source for all my that I realize values come from a variety of sources. I should try to be aware of temative stances and not believe in absolute values for values are constantly changing. I cannot :ly solely on past experiences for no two situations are ever entirely identical. I should not tell · :hers what their values should be (better that I be a living example of what I believe) -nor 1 !ould I wish to blindly accept what others value without questioning.

Now, to answer

the question: Are values going out of style? No, values are not out of style, ut the way they have been transmitted from oldest to youngest is out of style! One-way value mmunication-transmission is not very useful. Whether you are 19, 39, 70, or 99 years old you

' ·e still developing values and being a value educator to others-you are part of all you have met!

, alues are in style if developed, tested, and supported as decisions that are made and behavior tat is tried on the basis of those decisions. Values are tools and guidelines for living. How ')uld they go out of style? 1[ 1 Journal of NAWDC, Fall 1970, Dr. Eva Schindler-Rainrnan ( pg. 18) 2 Kappa Kappa Gamma Notebook, Chapter Section, ( Pg. 8) t a ibid

Woman by Birth

A Lady by Choice!"


There's no question

about the letters fonned by Delta Eta at the

University of Utah during a break in their rush


What better way to spell Kappa than

with an active chapter. Anyway you write it,

Kappa is made up of actives-and active is the

basis of the word activities-the activities that tie Kappas together and that reach out to help others.



B M-Colorado

Active Chapter Editor


When Delta Rho's president was presented with a request for supplies and repairs for the University Mississippi's Communicative Disorders Clinic, she took the idea to Panhellenic. Panhellenic, in tum, cided to contribute $200 to the Clinic. And the spokesman for the Clinic was so well received that

of the 11 sororities on campus was challenged to raise $100 to add to Panhellenic's $200. The .. ra,,.

ing drive that followed brought in almost $1300 for the Clinic, which is located in the center of

Left to right: Linda Kolwyck,

Ll P-Mississippi, Dr. Wentland, chairman of the University of MississipJ D epartment of Speech Therapy, and Ellen Ireland, Ll P-Mississippi. 4

Some Run to the Aid of those who need help

L1 "A Run for



Beta Xi Kappas ad

dressing and stuf fing 15,000 letters for alumnae and friends.

The Send-Off in Austin: Gov

ernor Preston Smith gives send off speech to crowds holding such signs as "We're Runnin'

200 miles for one of Their


Help KKG and DU

Beat MD and OU." University

President Stephen

Spurr breaks

through the send- off sign to be gin the marathon. (see next page) 5

Runners are Julie Hathorn,

B 8, and, left,

Senator James Wallace and discjockey help by running along busy free way.

Caught up in the excitement of an age-old

football rivalry, the University of Oklahoma chapters of Kappa and Delta Upsilon chal lenged their counterparts at the University of Texas to a fund-raising football marathon run last fall.

The Kappa-DU team from Oklahoma was

to run from Norman (Oklahoma) to the Cot ton Bowl in Dallas (Texas) at the same time the Kappa-DU team from the Texas campus was running the same distance of

200 miles

from Austin to the Cotton Bowl. Each team would carry a football on which were the signatures of the respective state's governor, the football team and the head coach. With the acceptance of the challenge came the first steps in a run that would lead these rivals to a joint venture that ultimately raised over $12,000 for research and patient care in

Muscular Dystrophy.

Above: Oklahoma Governor David Hall (left), Oklahoma Athletic Director Wade Walker, and Claudia Higgins,

B 8-0klahoma, chairman, in

the Cotton Bowl. 6

Several weeks before the mid-October

the Kappa and Delta Upsilon chapters to promote the project. They gained wide attention from television, radio, papers and political dignitaries, the agreeing to participate in the Marathon runners. A resolution concerning the was passed by the House and the Senate received endorsement by President Nixon.

To publicize the project further, the

Kappas wore T-shirts bearing the

"Beat Oklahoma for Muscular and the Oklahoma Kappas and DU's "Beat

Texas Twice" T-shirts. They also

charity shows, collected money at games, solicited at shopping centers and pealed to other Greek chapters for help, well as to their own alumnae and friends.

Television cameras

film Kappas singing "Texas Fight" before marathon begins.

The respective send-offs were highlighted

with speeches from the governor and coaches, with bands playing and yells and cheers fill ing the air.quotesdbs_dbs29.pdfusesText_35
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