[PDF] Untitled Sandra Garland Cecrl. Meredith Ellis

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CECrL F. CLEMENT JR. (Lee Clarke

Mathieu Loiseau

31-May-2018 http://wiki.lezinter.net/index.php/Projets:Game_of_Words ... CECRL. 2000. Cadre Européen Commun de Référence Pour Les Langues:.

BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Masalah Dari waktu ke

Menurut situs http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet secara harfiah

Relier les examens de langues au Cadre européen commun de

01-Jan-2009 Echelles du CECRL pour les aspects de la compétence langagière ... qui affirment que leurs examens sont reliés aux niveaux du CECRL ...


Sandra Garland Cecrl. Meredith Ellis Woodworth. Virginia Wood Dieffenbach. H. lea Baukn1ght. Merllyn Sondles Spencer tt1ary Hyland Vanarsdale.

La perspective actionnelle

Le CECR aborde une nouvelle approche de la l'apprentissage de la langue : la Freinet (? http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%C3%A9dagogie_Freinet) qui ...

Annali di Ca Foscari

30-Jun-2020 Sulaym?n even quotes Fara?'s play as a historical reference (Wiki- ... 'Le CECRL et la didactique de l'arabe: bilan et horizons' (Montréal ...


wiki culture of collaboration and positioning herself as a co-learner adjustment strategies and resource expansion strategies (CECRL

Meet Me in Istanbul - Richard Chisholm

I can't come to the airport to meet you but you can take a taxi from the. Air Terminal to Taksim Square. That's in the centre of the new part of the city.

Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues - Wikipédia

Le CECR permet ainsi de déterminer la situation des compétences langagières d'un apprenant (son profil) spécifiant forces et lacunes les aspects à améliorer ( 

Liste des examens basés sur le CECR - Wikipédia

La liste ci-dessous présente les tests de langues basés sur le CECR et une liste complémentaire de tests proposant une équivalence


www coe int/lang-CECR de vos objectifs et de la définition de votre pratique 1 pour la définition du contenu des tests et examens

Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL)

Télécharger le CECRL au format pdf Des niveaux communs de référence (de A1 à C2) L'échelle de compétence langagière globale fait apparaître 

[PDF] Cadre Européen Commun de Référence et enseignement - Gerflint

Cadre Européen Commun de Référence (CECR) constitue un point de référence incontestable dans l'enseignement des langues étrangères

Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues

De nombreux articles ont été écrits ou tirés de Wikipédia format Texte intégral PDF; Anglais niveaux du CECRL (CECRL) - Test d'anglais TrackTest 

[PDF] quelle place le cadre européen commun de référence pour les

L'objectif de cet article est d'étudier la place et l'importance que le CECRL ainsi que différents ouvrages ou outils pédagogiques calibrés sur le CECRL 

[PDF] La perspective actionnelle

Le CECR aborde une nouvelle approche de la l'apprentissage de la langue : la perspective actionnelle L'enseignement des langues et notamment du FLE évolue 

[PDF] tâche » dans lenseignement des langues étrangères en France - HAL

À partir d'une revue des définitions de ce terme dans le CECRL les articles et ouvrages portant sur la perspective actionnelle en France et les manuels de 

  • Quelles sont les 5 activités langagières identifiées dans le CECRL ?

    Le CECR analyse la compétence à communiquer langagièrement9 en trois composantes dites compétence linguistique, compétence sociolinguistique et compétence pragmatique10 ; celles-ci sont mises en jeu dans la réalisation d'activités langagières dites de réception, de production, d'interaction et de médiation.
  • Quelles sont les composantes de la compétence communicative selon CECRL ?

    les 4 domaines langagiers : personnel, public, professionnel, éducatif ; les 3 paramètres de l'utilisation langagière : situation ; texte ; contraintes.

Volume 105, Number 1 Spring 1987

The first

college women's magazine published continuously since 1882. Send all notices of address changes and member deaths to KKG Headquarters, PO Box 2079 (530

E. Town St.), Columbus, OH 43216.


layout, design and cover printing by

Glover Printing, Inc., Raleigh, NC.

Interior pages printed by Henry Wurst, Inc.,

Apex, NC.

In Focus

We've just been through one of

the happiest, warmest and most gratifying times of the year -the holiday season. Trad itionally, this is a time where the spirit of giving is most apparent, when people reach out a little more often to help others. As we embark on this new year, let's not forget this spirit of thankfulness and giving. In this issue of The Key, we examine the many ways that Kappas have been contributing to their communities and to the Fraternity. This is not only through the contribution of dollars but even more importantly, through the contribution of time thoughtfully donated.

Let's each make an effort to carry the warmth

and generosity of the holidays throughout

1987 as we look for ways to give of ourselves. Whether

it be through chapter or alumnae group projects, through time spent at local hospitals, museums, theatres, Girls' Clubs or Special Olympics, we can surely find our niche.

It's this

spirit of giving that has made our organization so outstanding and so well-respected. /look forward to seeing the many ways that our members will again give of themselves to the benefit of others.


Marian K. Williams

_______________ Fraternity President Send all material for publication to the appropriate editor: EDITOR: Dorothea L. Bitler (Glenn F., Jr.), 805 Yarmouth Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 ACTIVE CHAPTER EDITOR: Sarah L. Avril, 8200 Southwestern Blvd., #1315, Dallas, TX 75206 ALUMNAE EDITOR: CiCi Williamson, P. 0. Box 11557, Alexandria, VA 22312 ART EDITOR: Florence H. Lonsford (Graydon L.), 311 E. 72nd St., New York, NY 10021 BOOK EDITOR: Mary L. "Larry" Hines (Thomas B.), 1547 Carr Street, Raleigh, NC 27608

Interested in submitting feature articles to The Key? Please contact the EDITOR, listed above. Have an

editorial question for a Council member? Send letters c/o EDITOR. ALUMNAE: Send in news tidbits-promotions, awards, etc. for The Hoot Line c/o ALUMNAE EDITOR.

Copyright, Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity 1987

Inside Cove

2 32
4 4

On Our Cover

Kappa Kappa Gamma's Headquarters


530 E. Town St., Columbus, Ohio,

houses our Heritage Museum. Read more about museum developments on

Page 52.

In Focus

An editorial perspective regarding an

issue of importance to today's Kappas.


What means so much to each of us can

be expressed in many ways. Take a look at Kappa's numerous avenues of giving.

The Alumnae News

A review of alumnae activities world

wide with special highlights on

Philanthropy. Also introducing The

Hoot Line, a recognition forum for

alumnae achievements.

The Chapter Chronicles

A glance at what some of our chapters

are doing to volunteer in their communiti es and how they address the needs of residents within our housed chapters.

Panhellenically Speaking

Reviewing topics of interest among our

Greek gr

oups today.

Fraternity History Features

Some thoughts on our members' early

years. A look at philanthropy and housmg.

Volume 105 Number 1 Spring 1987


A Matter of Life . . . and


An inside look at a serious problem

among today's youth -suicide.

On the House

Look at the work of Kappa House

Boards and some of the situati

ons they are facing during this decade.

Our Heritage Museum

A reminder that this home, our

Headquarters, belongs to each of us. A

report on how some Kappas have helped perpetuate its renovation.

A Salute to the Arts

Works from some of our very talented

Kappa authors and artists are reviewed.

Making the Right CHOICES

Kappa graduates are seeking employ

ment throughout the country. A Di rectory is published within to match graduates with pro spective employers.

Fraternity Directory

Information on all Kappa offices from

Fraternity Council to chapter and

alumnae presidents. Also includes

Kappa committee members and

appointed chairmen. philanthropy . · • •i.'--.... ,

Philanthropy Is . . .

The Heart of Kappa Kappa Gamma

by Wilma Winberg Johnson, L1N-Massachusetts

With our g1vmg, caring, sharing and loving Kappa

sisterhood, our

HEART always beats steadily and strongly,

helping Kappa help others. Our HEART is "giving" and to continue those enduring beats, it needs

YOUR philanthropy

efforts so Kappa can continue to aid Kappas.

There are many chambers in our

HEART ... many

philanthropic areas . . . our scholarship programs for undergraduates and graduates, Kappas and nonKappas, the new Student Loan program, support for Rose McGill members who need special monetary assistance, and Circle Key grants for alumnae needing further educational assistance ... so many, and so worthwhile. We are social in nature, but we are more. As a KAPPA

GROUP we can:

1. Promote SISTERHOOD by remembering deceased

members with memorial contributions; honor out standing members in a similar manner; help members in time of need and make new members welcome.

2. Work together on service or fund-raising projects -all

of which promote group COHESION.


local or area members have benefitted in the past or might in the future.

Contribute dollars qr service hours

to a community group which has special RELEVANCE to your group and to the Fraternity.

4. Let

your community know of the Fraternity's philanthropy program and encourage qualified members within the community to apply for Kappa's various scholarships. Thus we give a positive PUBLIC

RELATIONS image to our local community.

5. Provide many hours of philanthropic services often

through alumnae groups and nearby chapters working together. AND

6. Maintain the excellent Fraternity scholarship program

with your continued interest in giving from your local fund·raising event and subscriptions through the



magazine subscriptions.

The above

is the Fraternity's 6 POINT PHILANTHROPY program in which every group, large or small, can participate to some degree providing the continued funds for scholarship and awards which allow KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA to remain in the forefront of Pan hellenic philanthropic giving. Along with the Fraternity philanthropies and within the broad scope of rehabilitation, there is the local or community focus of financial assistance or service to benefit programs important to the individual members.

Kappa groups should

research available rehabilitation projects and base decisions on their importance to women, need, members desires and the public relations aspects of the individual group contributions. Three programs of particular concern to women which also offer special opportunities to benefit Kappas and all women are: ANAD -Association for Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders and other groups focusing on eating disorders: Many of our younger members suffer from devastating, life threatening, eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia. Financial support of research and educational programs is sorely needed. Province meetings and alumnae groups have given ANAD money for radio educational Public Service

Announcements which not

only helped support ANAD's programs, but also brought excellent publicity for the Fraternity. Contributions to Kappa for research helped finance the chapter bulimia survey which was conducted in 1985.

OSTEOPOROSIS -a serious health problem primarily

facing the older woman, is in the forefront of health news today. Money is needed for research, treatment and education.

Institutions such as the Medical College of


Center for the Mature Woman in Philadelphia

are worthy of your financial assistance. Education about this disease was highlighted at the 1986 General Convention. The

Philadephia Alumnae Association awarded a $3,000

graduate study grant for a person preparing for a career in health care for mature women.


CHILDREN: is a clearing house of expertise in areas of child protection legislation, criminal investigation, prevention programs and treatment of the serious problems of sexual exploitation and missing children since mid-1984.

To date

the center has given assistance to the recovery of over 4000 missing children. These services have been possible through "start up" funding from the Department of Justice and from very generous contributions from the private sector, including Kappa Kappa Gamma. Find out what your community is doing in this area and consider lending your group's support. What could concern women more than the safety of their children?



This fund dates back to 1902 when the first scholarship grant was given to the Woods Hole Scholarship Fund. Kappa has continued to assist students and for the 1986-1987 academic year awarded 25 Graduate

Fellowships, 42

Undergraduate Scholarships, and a

total of 34 Rehabilitation

Scholarships (11 Undergraduate

and 23 Graduate). In 1985-1986 Kappa received contributions from Kappa groups totaling almost $65,000 for the Rose McGill Fund; over $69,000 for Student Aid and over $400 for the Educational

Endowment Fund.

Over and above this, many of our individual

alumnae have remembered Kappa philanthropies by giving over $5,000 to Rose McGill, $57,000 for Students Aid and $1,000 for the Education Endowment Fund. All of this adds up to over $189,000 contributed to the philanthropic funds during 1985-1986.

The Key/Spring 1987


each of whom has a special part in the whole area of





Gay Barry

GAY CHUBA BARRY: State, is an elected member

of Council as Director of Field Representatives. She trains and directs the program ofthe Chapter and Traveling Consultants for the Fraternity. (See Gay's profile in Fall 1986 Key) Gay says, "Kappas can be proud of the Chapter Consultant

Scholarship Program;

a Kappa 'first,' adopted in 1928 as the

Program. This is a full tuition scholarship which

mcludes room and board for one year; certainly one of the most generous scholarships of which I am aware. In turn, the chapter consultant assists a chapter in all areas of the chapter organization and programming techniques. The challenges and rewards gleaned from this position are immeasurable. It has my distinct privilege to supervise the work of these outstanding and dedicated young women for the past three years.

Truly, philanthropy at its best."


Beta Province Meeting Award Chapter Consultant to:

Carol Bender

Delta Alpha-Penn State

Gamma Rho-Allegheny ............... Psi Deuteron, Cornell


TX Award

Em1ly Cox

Epsilon Rho-Texas A&M .......... Zeta Lambda, Washington

Rochester, NY·Marjorie Matson

Converse Award



& Jefferson Zeta Kappa-Bowling Green .......... Beta Omega, U. Oregon

Philadelphia, PA Award

Bonme Gnswold

Delta Gamma-Mich1gan State

......... Zeta Mu, Virginia Tech

Dallas. TX Award

Susan Mclendon

lota·DePauw .................... Delta Omega, CSU-Fresno

Helen C.

Drais Memorial Award

Sheryl Purv1s

Delta P1-Tulsa .............................. Zeta X1, Yale


OH Award

Jenmfer Rob•nson

Gamma Delta-Purdue ............. Gamma Omega, Den1son

Elizabeth Bernice Greenwood Memorial Award

Susan Rue man

Eps1lon u Clemson .............•. Zeta u, UC, San·D1ego

The ey/Spnns 1987





Cynthia Harbold

The Graduate Scholarship Committee began in 1934 and as the current chairman of this committee, CYNTHIA


HARBOLD, M-Butler, is Chairman of the

GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP COMMITIEE. In her professional life she is Assistant Executive Director of St. Joseph Medical


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