[PDF] 9. Abbreviations and Letter Symbols Abbreviations and letter

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Abréviations = chat sms = langage texto (envoyer / recevoir un sms

(envoyer / recevoir un sms ou un texto) De cette abréviation a été formé le verbe « plussoyer » (et ses ... http://www.vlrom.be/pdf/014cyber.pdf.

9. Abbreviations and Letter Symbols Abbreviations and letter

(MSG). First. Sergeant. (1SG). Senior Chief Petty. Officer. (SCPO). Master. Sergeant. (MSgt). First. Sergeant. Senior. Master. Sergeant. (SMSgt).

Acronyms Abbreviations &Terms

Adjudicator's Field Manual Disaster Operations Manual ... SMS. 1) Short Message Service. 2) Software Management System.

DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms

Air Force Office of Special Investigations manual. AFPAM. Air Force pamphlet MSG. Marine security guard; message. MSGID message identification. MSHARPP.

Texting Abbreviations

PDF by LET22.org. Page 1 of 11 MSG. Message. MTF. More to follow. MTFBWU. May the force be with you. MUSM. Miss you so much.


Dec 9 2021 together with Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 33-326

DLA Acronyms.pdf

Jun 14 2007 Air Force Manual ... Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual ... SMS. Strategic Management System (DLA Business Plan + DLA Strategic ...

Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Administrative Manual. (IAEA). Am americium. A + M atomic and molecular. AMA. Acoustic and Mechanical Analyses Department.


SMS. Safety and Mission Success. SOC. Security Operations Center. SOC. Solar Orbiter Collaboration. SOFIA. Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy.

Text Message Abbreviations - Bloomsbury International

Top 40 text and chat abbreviations As you can see some meanings are quite obvious but others are impossible to work out unless you’ve learnt them! Good luck! Text Message Abbreviations – Exercise Can you work out the meaning of this text message conversation between 2 friends? Sam: Jen RU coming to the party tmrw? Jen: Yeah Y? Sam: GR8

1697 Common Text Abbreviations & Acronyms Webopedia

Texting Abbreviations The following list is by no means complete New abbreviations are created on an almost continual basis; and some become changed or modified over time The best way to stay up-to-date is to check the web frequently by searching the web for the terms ‘texting abbreviations’ or ‘texting shortcuts’

  • 134 Text Abbreviations and Acronyms to Remember

    Here’s a cheat sheet of SMS and text message abbreviations to make sure you’re never stumped the next time someone uses text shorthand in a message.

  • How to Use Text Abbreviations

    Sometimes, text abbreviations just make sense. They’re especially helpful when you’re trying to keep your texts within a certain character limit, or when you’re using very common abbreviations that don’t need to be written out. Using a text message abbreviation in the right way can also help you break through to consumers and speak to them in a nat...

  • Best Practices For Sending Mass Texts with Abbreviations

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  • Avoid abbreviation Mistakes

    Even though text abbreviations can be useful, it’s also quite easy to go wrong when trying to use them. Part of the reason for this is that slang changes rapidly, and using a text message abbreviation that’s no longer in vogue can make you stand out—in the wrong way. Avoid these mistakes in order to come across in your best light when texting.

How many SMS abbreviations are there?

From A3 to ZZZ we list 1,697 SMS, online chat, and text abbreviations to help you translate and understand today’s texting lingo, including the top 10 most frequently used.

What are text abbreviations?

Text abbreviations are shortened forms of words or phrases that help save time and characters. They’re often used for things like social media posts and text messages to limit the number of characters used.

What does PDF mean?

PDF is an abbreviation that stands for Portable Document Format. It's a versatile file format created by Adobe that gives people an easy, reliable way to present and exchange documents - regardless of the software, hardware, or operating systems being used by anyone who views the document.


9. Abbreviations and Letter Symbols

9.1. Abbreviations and letter symbols are used to save space and to avoid

distracting the reader by use of repetitious words or phrases.

9.2. e nature of the publication governs the extent to which abbrevia-

tions are used. In the text of technical and legal publications, and in parentheses, brackets, footnotes, sidenotes, tables, leaderwork, and bibliographies, many words are frequently abbreviated. Heads, leg- ends, tables of contents, and indexes follow the style of the text.

9.3. Internal and terminal punctuation in symbols represening units

of measure are to be omitted to conform with practice adopted by scienti c, technical, and industrial groups. Where the omission of terminal punctuation causes confusion; e.g., the symbol in (inch) mistaken for the preposition in, the symbol should be spelled out.

9.4. Standard and easily understood forms are preferable, and they

should be uniform throughout a job. Abbreviations not generally known should be followed in the text by the spelled-out forms in parentheses the rst time they occur; in tables and leaderwork such explanatory matter should be supplied in a footnote. As the printer cannot rewrite the copy, the author should supply these explanatory forms.

9.5. In technical matter, symbols for units of measure should be used

only with gures; similarly, many other abbreviations and symbols should not appear in isolation. For example, energy is measured in foot-pounds, NOT energy is measured in €lbs.

Capitals, hyphens, periods (points), and spacing

9.6. In general, an abbreviation follows the capitalization and hyphen-

ation of the word or words abbreviated. It is followed by a period unless otherwise indicated. c.o.d. St. but Älb

222 Chapter 9

9.7. Abbreviations and initials of a personal name with points are set

without spaces. Abbreviations composed of contractions and ini- tials or numbers, will retain space.

H.S.T. B.S., LL.D., Ph.D., B.Sc.

J.F.K. H.R. 116 (but S. 116, S. Con.

L.B.J. Res. 116)

U.S. C.A.D.C. (but App. D.C.)

U.N. A.B. Secrest, D.D.S.

U.S.C. (but Rev. Stat.)

A.F. of L.-CIO (AFL...CIO

preferred) but

A.D., B.C. AT&T

e.s.t. Texas A&M i.e., e.g. (but op. cit.) R&D 9.8. Except as otherwise designated, points and spaces are omitted a er initials used as shortened names of governmental agencies and of other organized bodies. Other organized bodiesŽ shall be interpreted to mean organized bodies that have become popularly identi ed with a symbol, such as MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), GM (General Motors), GMAC (General Motors Acceptance Corp.), etc. (See List of Abbreviations.Ž) Symbols, when they appear in copy, may be used for acts of Congress. Example:

ARA (Area Redevelopment Act).



Geographic terms

9.9. United States must be spelled out when appearing in a sentence

containing the name of another country. e abbreviation U.S. will be used when preceding the word Government or the name of a Government organization, except in formal writing (treaties, Executive orders, proclamations, etc.); congressional bills; legal cita- tions and courtwork; and covers and title pages.

U.S. Government

U.S. Congress

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

U.S. district court

U.S. Supreme Court (but Supreme Court of the United States)

U.S. Army (but Army of the United States)

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Abbreviations and Letter Symbols 223

U.S. monitor Nantucket

U.S.-NATO assistance

U.S. Government efforts to control inflation must be successful if the

United States is to have a stable economy.

but British, French, and United States Governments; United States-British talks 9.10. With the exceptions in the preceding rule, the abbreviation U.S. is used in the adjective position, but is spelled out when used as a noun.

U.S. foreign policy United States Steel Corp.

U.S. farm-support program (legal title)

U.S. attorney Foreign policy of the

U.S. citizen United States

United States Code (o? cial title) not Temperatures vary in the U.S. 9.11. ? e names of foreign countries are not abbreviated, with the excep- tion of the former U.S.S.R., which is abbreviated due to its length.

9.12. In other than formal usage as de? ned in rule 9.9, all States of the

United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands are abbreviated immediately following any capitalized geographic term, includ- ing armory, arsenal, airbase, airport, barracks, depot, fort, Indian agency, military camp, national cemetery (also forest, historic site, memorial, seashore, monument, park), naval shipyard, proving ground, reservation (forest, Indian, or military), and reserve or sta- tion (military or naval). Prince George"s County, MD Arlington National Cemetery, VA Mount Rainier National Forest, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD

WA Baltimore-Washington

Stone Mountain, GA International Airport, MD National Naval Medical Center, Redstone Arsenal, AL

Bethesda, MD

Mark Twain National Wildlife but

Refuge, IL-IA-MO (note use of Leavenworth freight yards, hyphens here) Kansas

Richmond, VA Altoona sidetrack, Wisconsin

9.13. ? e Postal Service style of two-letter State, Province, and freely associated State abbreviations is to be used.

224 Chapter 9

United States

[Including freely associated States] Alabama ........................................AL Alaska ...........................................AK

American Samoa ........................AS

Arizona .........................................AZ Arkansas .......................................AR California .....................................CA

Colorado .....................................CO

Connecticut .................................CT

Delaware .......................................DE

District of Columbia .................DC

Federated States of

Micronesia ..............................FM

Florida ...........................................FL Georgia .........................................GA Guam ............................................GU Hawaii ............................................HI Idaho ...............................................ID Illinois .............................................IL Indiana ...........................................IN Iowa .................................................IA

Kansas ........................................... KSKentucky .......................................KY

Louisiana ......................................LA

Marshall Islands .......................MH

Maryland ....................................MD

Massachusetts ...........................MA

Michigan .......................................MI

Minnesota ..................................MN

Mississippi ....................................MS

Missouri ......................................MO

Montana .......................................MT

Nebraska .......................................NE Nevada .........................................NV

New Hampshire .........................NH

New Jersey .....................................NJ

New Mexico ...............................NM

New York .....................................NY

North Carolina ...........................NC

North Dakota .............................ND

Northern Mariana

Islands ......................................MPOhio ..............................................OH

Oklahoma ....................................OK

Oregon ..........................................OR Palau .............................................PW

Pennsylvania ................................PA

Puerto Rico ..................................PR

Rhode Island .................................RI

South Carolina .............................SC

South Dakota ...............................SD

Tennessee .....................................TN

Texas ..............................................TX Utah ...............................................UT Vermont ........................................VT

Virgin Islands ...............................VI

Virginia .........................................VA

Washington .................................WA

West Virginia.............................WV

Wisconsin .....................................WI

Wyoming ....................................WY


Alberta ..........................................AB

British Columbia ........................BC

Manitoba .....................................MB

New Brunswick ...........................NB

Newfoundland and Labrador ...NLNorthwest Territories ...............NTNova Scotia ..................................NSNunavut .......................................NUOntario .........................................ON

Prince Edward Island .................PE

Quebec .........................................QC

Saskatchewan ...............................SK

Yukon ............................................YT

9.14. e names of other insular possessions, trust territories, and Long

Island, Staten Island, etc., are not abbreviated.

9.15. e names of Canadian Provinces and other foreign political subdi-

visions are not abbreviated except as noted in rule 9.13.


9.16. Words such as Street, Avenue, Place, Road, Square, Boulevard,

Terrace, Drive, Court, and Building, following a name or number, are abbreviated in footnotes, sidenotes, tables, leaderwork, and lists.

9.17. In addresses, a single period is used with the abbreviations NW.,

SW., NE., SE. (indicating sectional divisions of cities) following name or number. North, South, East, and West are spelled out at all times. chapter9.indd 224chapter9.indd 2242/4/09 3:48:36 PM2/4/09 3:48:36 PM

Abbreviations and Letter Symbols 225

9.18. e word Street or Avenue as part of a name is not abbreviated even

in parentheses, footnotes, sidenotes, tables, lists, or leaderwork.

14th Street Bridge Ninth Avenue Bldg.

9.19. e words County, Fort, Mount, Point, and Port are not abbreviated. Saint (St.) and Sainte (Ste.) should be abbreviated.

Descriptions of tracts of land

9.20. If fractions are spelled out in land descriptions, half and quarter are

used (not one-half or one-quarter). south half of T. 47 N., R. 64 E. 9.21. In the description of tracts of public land the following abbreviations are used (periods are omitted a er abbreviated compass directions that immediately precede and close up on gures): SE¼ NW¼ sec. 4, T. 12 S., R. 15 E., of the Boise Meridian lot 6, NE¼ sec. 4, T. 6 N., R. 1 W. N½ sec. 20, T. 7 N., R. 2 W., sixth principal meridian

Tps. 9, 10, 11, and 12 S., Rs. 12 and 13 W.

T. 2 S., Rs. 8, 9, and 10 E., sec. 26

T. 3 S., R. 1 E., sec. 34, W½ E½ , W½ , and W½ SE¼ SE¼ sec. 32 (with or without a township number) 9.22. In case of an unavoidable break in a land-description symbol group at end of a line, use no hyphen and break a er fraction.

Names and titles

9.23. e following forms are not always abbreviations, and copy should

be followed as to periods:

Al Ben Fred Walt

Alex Ed Sam Will

9.24. In signatures, an e ort should be made to retain the exact form used by the signer.

George Wythe Geo. Taylor

9.25. In company and other formal names, if it is not necessary to preserve the full legal title, such forms as Bro., Bros., Co., Corp., Inc., Ltd., and & are used. Association and Manufacturing are not abbreviated.

226 Chapter 9

9.26. Company and Corporation are not abbreviated in names of Federal

Government units.

Commodity Credit Corporation

Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation

Pension Bene t Guaranty Corporation

9.27. In parentheses, footnotes, sidenotes, tables, and leaderwork, abbreviate the words railroad and railway (RR. and Ry.), except in such names as Washington Railway & Electric Co.Ž and Florida Railroad & Navigation Corp.Ž SS for steamship, MS for mo- torship, etc., preceding name are used at all times.

9.28. In the names of informal companionships the word and is spelled


Gilbert and Sullivan Currier and Ives

9.29. In other than formal usage, a civil, military, or naval title preceding a name is abbreviated if followed by rst or given name or initial; but Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., M., MM., Messrs., Mlle., Mme., and Dr. are abbreviated with or without rst or given name or initial.

United States military titles and abbreviations

OfÞ cer rank

O cer ranks in the United States military consist of commissioned o - cers and warrant o cers. e commissioned ranks are the highest in the military. ese o cers hold presidential commissions and are con rmed at their ranks by the Senate. Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps o cers are called company grade o cers in the pay grades of O...1 to O...3, eld grade

Radio Corp. of America

Aluminum Co. of America

Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey

H.J. Baker & Bro.

Jones Bros. & Co.

American Telephone &

Telegraph Co.

Norton Enterprises, Inc.

Maryland Steamship Co., Ltd.

Chesapeake & Delaware Canal

Fairmount Building & Loan

AssociationElectronics Manufacturing Co.

Texas College of Arts & Industries

Robert Wilson & Associates, Inc.

U.S. News & World Report

Baltimore & Ohio Railroad

Mine, Mill & Smelter Workers


Little eater Company

Senate Banking, Housing and

Urban A airs Committee

chapter9.indd 226chapter9.indd 2262/4/09 3:48:37 PM2/4/09 3:48:37 PM

Abbreviations and Letter Symbols 227

o? cers in pay grades O-4 to O-6, and general o? cers in pay grades O-7 and higher. ? e equivalent o? cer groupings in the Navy are called junior grade, mid-grade, and ? ag. Warrant o? cers hold warrants from their service secretary and are special- ists and experts in certain military technologies or capabilities. ? e lowest ranking warrant o? cers serve under a warrant, but they receive commis- sions from the President upon promotion to chief warrant o? cer 2. ? ese commissioned warrant o? cers are direct representatives of the President of the United States. ? ey derive their authority from the same source as commissioned o? cers but remain specialists, in contrast to commissioned o? cers, who are generalists. ? ere are no warrant o? cers in the Air Force. O10 O9 O8 O7 O6 O5 O4



Coast GuardMarines Air Force

General of the Army

(Reserved for wartime only)Fleet Admiral (Reserved for wartime only)General of the Air Force (Reserved for wartime only)



Army Chief of Sta? Admiral


Chief of Naval Operations


Commandant of the

Coast GuardGeneral


Commandant of the

Marine CorpsGeneral


Air Force Chief of Sta?



LTGVice Admiral



Lt. Gen.Lieutenant


Lt. Gen.

Major General

MGRear Admiral

Upper Half

RADMMajor General

Maj. Gen.Major General

Maj. Gen.

Brigadier General

BGRear Admiral

Lower Half

RDMLBrigadier General

Brig. Gen.Brigadier General

Brig. Gen.






Lieutenant Colonel


CDRLieutenant Colonel

Lt. Col.Lieutenant Colonel

Lt. Col.











Capt. chapter9.indd 227chapter9.indd 2272/4/09 3:48:37 PM2/4/09 3:48:37 PM

228 Chapter 9

O2 O1 W5 W4 W3 W2 W1

Second Lieutenant


ENSSecond Lieutenant

2nd Lt.Second Lieutenant

2nd Lt.First Lieutenant

1LTLieutenant Junior Grade

LTJGFirst Lieutenant

1st Lt.First Lieutenant

1st Lt.

Chief Warrant O? cer

CW5Chief Warrant O? cer

CWO5Chief Warrant O? cer 5


Chief Warrant O? cer 4

CW4Chief Warrant O? cer 4

CWO4Chief Warrant O? cer 4


Chief Warrant O? cer 3

CW3Chief Warrant O? cer 3

CWO3Chief Warrant O? cer 3


Chief Warrant O? cer 2

CW2Chief Warrant O? cer 2

CWO2Chief Warrant O? cer 2


Warrant O? cer 1

WO1Warrant O? cer 1

WO1Warrant O? cer 1



Coast GuardMarines Air Force

Source: http://www.defenselink.mil/specials/insignias/o? cers.html.

Enlisted rank

Service members in pay grades E-1 through E-3 are usually either in some kind of training status or on their initial assignment. ? e training includes the basic training phase where recruits are immersed in military culture and values and are taught the core skills required by their service component. Basic training is followed by a specialized or advanced training phase that provides recruits with a speci? c area of expertise or concentration. In the Army and Marines, this area is called a military occupational specialty; in the Navy it is known as a rate; and in the Air Force it is simply called an Air

Force specialty.

Leadership responsibility signi? cantly increases in the mid-level enlisted ranks. ? is responsibility is given formal recognition by use of the terms noncommissioned o? cer and petty o? cer. An Army sergeant, an Air Force sta? sergeant, and a Marine corporal are considered NCO ranks. ? e Navy NCO equivalent, petty o? cer, is achieved at the rank of petty o? cer third class. chapter9.indd 228chapter9.indd 2282/4/09 3:48:37 PM2/4/09 3:48:37 PM

Abbreviations and Letter Symbols 229

At the E-8 level, the Army, Marines, and Air Force have two positions at the same pay grade. Whether one is, for example, a senior master sergeant or a ? rst sergeant in the Air Force depends on the person"s job. ? e same is true for the positions at the E-9 level. Marine Corps master gunnery sergeants and sergeants major receive the same pay but have di? erent responsibilities. E-8s and E-9s have 15 to 30 years on the job, and are commanders" senior advisers for enlisted matters. A third E-9 element is the senior enlisted person of each service. ? e sergeant major of the Army, the sergeant major of the Marine Corps, the master chief petty o? cer of the Navy, and the chief master sergeant of the Air Force are the spokespersons of the enlisted force at the highest levels of their services. E9 E9 E8 E7 E6 E5

E4Technical Sergeant

(TSgt)Sta? Sergeant (SSG)Petty O? cer

First Class

(PO1)Sta? Sergeant (SSgt)

Sta? Sergeant

(SSgt)Sergeant (SGT)Petty O? cer

Second Class

(PO2)Sergeant (Sgt)Army Navy

Coast GuardMarinesAir Force

Sergeant Major

of the Army (SMA)Master Chief Petty

O? cer

of the Navy (MCPON) and

Coast Guard

(MCPOCG)Sergeant Major of the

Marine Corps

(SgtMajMC)Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force (CMSAF) First


Major (SGM)Command


Major (CSM)Master Chief Petty

O? cer




Chief Petty

O? cerSergeant

Major (SgtMaj)Master






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