[PDF] DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms

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Abréviations = chat sms = langage texto (envoyer / recevoir un sms

(envoyer / recevoir un sms ou un texto) De cette abréviation a été formé le verbe « plussoyer » (et ses ... http://www.vlrom.be/pdf/014cyber.pdf.

9. Abbreviations and Letter Symbols Abbreviations and letter

(MSG). First. Sergeant. (1SG). Senior Chief Petty. Officer. (SCPO). Master. Sergeant. (MSgt). First. Sergeant. Senior. Master. Sergeant. (SMSgt).

Acronyms Abbreviations &Terms

Adjudicator's Field Manual Disaster Operations Manual ... SMS. 1) Short Message Service. 2) Software Management System.

DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms

Air Force Office of Special Investigations manual. AFPAM. Air Force pamphlet MSG. Marine security guard; message. MSGID message identification. MSHARPP.

Texting Abbreviations

PDF by LET22.org. Page 1 of 11 MSG. Message. MTF. More to follow. MTFBWU. May the force be with you. MUSM. Miss you so much.


Dec 9 2021 together with Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 33-326

DLA Acronyms.pdf

Jun 14 2007 Air Force Manual ... Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual ... SMS. Strategic Management System (DLA Business Plan + DLA Strategic ...

Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Administrative Manual. (IAEA). Am americium. A + M atomic and molecular. AMA. Acoustic and Mechanical Analyses Department.


SMS. Safety and Mission Success. SOC. Security Operations Center. SOC. Solar Orbiter Collaboration. SOFIA. Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy.

Text Message Abbreviations - Bloomsbury International

Top 40 text and chat abbreviations As you can see some meanings are quite obvious but others are impossible to work out unless you’ve learnt them! Good luck! Text Message Abbreviations – Exercise Can you work out the meaning of this text message conversation between 2 friends? Sam: Jen RU coming to the party tmrw? Jen: Yeah Y? Sam: GR8

1697 Common Text Abbreviations & Acronyms Webopedia

Texting Abbreviations The following list is by no means complete New abbreviations are created on an almost continual basis; and some become changed or modified over time The best way to stay up-to-date is to check the web frequently by searching the web for the terms ‘texting abbreviations’ or ‘texting shortcuts’

  • 134 Text Abbreviations and Acronyms to Remember

    Here’s a cheat sheet of SMS and text message abbreviations to make sure you’re never stumped the next time someone uses text shorthand in a message.

  • How to Use Text Abbreviations

    Sometimes, text abbreviations just make sense. They’re especially helpful when you’re trying to keep your texts within a certain character limit, or when you’re using very common abbreviations that don’t need to be written out. Using a text message abbreviation in the right way can also help you break through to consumers and speak to them in a nat...

  • Best Practices For Sending Mass Texts with Abbreviations

    These are merely a few examples of how you can use a text abbreviation to establish a rapport with your customers when sending automated text messages. No matter how you decide to use text shorthand, try to keep these guidelines in mind.

  • Avoid abbreviation Mistakes

    Even though text abbreviations can be useful, it’s also quite easy to go wrong when trying to use them. Part of the reason for this is that slang changes rapidly, and using a text message abbreviation that’s no longer in vogue can make you stand out—in the wrong way. Avoid these mistakes in order to come across in your best light when texting.

How many SMS abbreviations are there?

From A3 to ZZZ we list 1,697 SMS, online chat, and text abbreviations to help you translate and understand today’s texting lingo, including the top 10 most frequently used.

What are text abbreviations?

Text abbreviations are shortened forms of words or phrases that help save time and characters. They’re often used for things like social media posts and text messages to limit the number of characters used.

What does PDF mean?

PDF is an abbreviation that stands for Portable Document Format. It's a versatile file format created by Adobe that gives people an easy, reliable way to present and exchange documents - regardless of the software, hardware, or operating systems being used by anyone who views the document.



A&Panalysis and production

A-1director of manpower, personnel, and services

(Air Force)

A2 antiaccess

A-2 intelligence staff officer (Air Force)

A-3operations directorate (COMAFFOR staff);

operations staff officer (Air Force)

A-4director of logistics (Air Force)

A-5plans directorate (COMAFFOR staff)

A-6 communications staff officer (Air Force)

A-7director of installations and mission support (Air Force)

AA assessment agent; avenue of approach

AA&E arms, ammunition, and explosives

AAAantiaircraft artillery; arrival and assembly area

AABBAmerican Association of Blood Banks

AACactivity address code

AACGarrival airfield control group

AADCarea air defense commander

AADParea air defense plan

AAFESArmy and Air Force Exchange Service

AAFSamphibious assault fuel system

AAGaeronautical assignment group

AAGSArmy air-ground system

AAMDCUnited States Army Air and Missile Defense Command

AAOGarrival and assembly operations group

AAP Allied administrative publication

AARafter action report; after action review; air-to-air refueling area

AATCCamphibious air traffic control center

AAVamphibious assault vehicle

AB air base

ABCAAmerican, British, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand

ABCSArmy Battle Command System

ABCTarmored brigade combat team

ABFCadvanced base functional component

ABFDS aerial bulk fuel delivery system

ABGDair base ground defense

ABISAutomated Biometric Identification System

ABL airborne laser

ABLTSamphibious bulk liquid transfer system

ABPair battle plan

A/C aircraft

AC Active Component

AC2airspace command and control

Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms

ACA airlift clearance authority; airspace control authority; airspace coordination area

ACBamphibious construction battalion

ACCAir Combat Command; area coordination center

ACCEair component coordination element

ACDautomated cargo documentation

ACE Allied Command Europe; aviation combat

element (USMC) ACEOI automated communications-electronics operating instructions

ACINT acoustic intelligence

ACLallowable cabin load

ACMairspace coordinating measure

ACOadministrative contracting officer; airspace control order

ACOSassistant chief of staff

ACPairspace control plan; Allied communications publication

ACSair-capable ship; airspace control system

ACSAacquisition and cross-servicing agreement

ACTadvance civilian team; Allied Command Transformation

ACUassault craft unit

ADair defense; area denial; automatic distribution

ADAair defense artillery; Antideficiency Act

A/DACGarrival/departure airfield control group

ADAFCOair defense artillery fire control officer

ADAMair defense airspace management

ADAM/BAEair defense airspace management/brigade aviation element

ADAMS Allied Deployment and Movement System

ADCair defense commander; area damage control

ADCON administrative control

ADEairdrop damage estimate

ADIZair defense identification zone

ADM air defense measure

ADOS active duty for operational support

ADPArmy doctrine publication; automated data processing

ADRairfield damage repair

ADRPArmy doctrine reference publication

ADSair defense section; air defense sector;

amphibian discharge site; authoritative data source

ADTactive duty for training

ADUSD(TP)Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense,

Transportation Policy

ADVON advanced echelon

ADWCair defense warning condition

ADZ amphibious defense zone

A/E ammunition/explosives

AEaeromedical evacuation; assault echelon

Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms


AECA Arms Export Control Act

AECT aeromedical evacuation control team

AEF air expeditionary force

AEG air expeditionary group

AEHF advanced extremely high frequency

AELT aeromedical evacuation liaison team

AEODP allied explosive ordnance disposal publication AEODPSAutomated Explosive Ordnance Disposal Publication


AEOTaeromedical evacuation operations team

AESC aeromedical evacuation support cell

AETCAir Education and Training Command

AETFair expeditionary task force

AEW airborne early warning

AFAir Force; Air Force (form); amphibious force

AF/A2Air Force Director of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance

AFAPDAir Force Applications Program Development

AFARNAir Force air request net

AFATDSAdvanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System

AFBAir Force base

AFCAPAir Force contract augmentation program

AFCBArmed Forces Chaplains Board

AFCCAir Force Component Commander

AFCECAir Force Civil Engineer Center

AFCEEAir Force Center for Engineering and the Environment

AFCESAAir Force Civil Engineering Support Agency

AFDAAir Force doctrine annex

AFDDAir Force doctrine document

AFEArmed Forces Entertainment

AFFORAir Force forces

AFHAir Force handbook

AFHSCArmed Forces Health Surveillance Center

AFIAir Force instruction

AFIAAAir Force Intelligence Analysis Agency

AFICAAir Force Installation Contracting Agency

AFIPArmed Forces Institute of Pathology

AFIS American Forces Information Service

AFISRAAir Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and

Reconnaissance Agency

AFJIAir Force joint instruction

AFLEAir Force liaison element

AFMANAir Force manual

AFMCAir Force Materiel Command

AFMEArmed Forces Medical Examiner

AFMESArmed Forces Medical Examiner System

Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms


AFMS Air Force Medical Service

AFNORTH Air Force North

AFO advance force operations

AFOE assault follow-on echelon

AFOSI Air Force Office of Special Investigations

AFOSIMANAir Force Office of Special Investigations manual

AFPAMAir Force pamphlet

AFPCAir Force Personnel Center

AFPDAir Force policy directive

AFR Air Force Reserve

AFRATAir Force Radiation Assessment Team

AFRCAir Force Reserve Command

AFRCCAir Force Rescue Coordination Center

AFRLAir Force Research Laboratory

AFRRIArmed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute

AFRTSAmerican Forces Radio and Television Service

AFSBafloat forward staging base; Army field support brigade

AFSCArmy Field Support Center

AFSCNAir Force Satellite Control Network

AFSMO Air Force Spectrum Management Office

AFSOACAir Force special operations air component

AFSOADAir Force special operations air detachment

AFSOAEAir Force special operations air element

AFSOCAir Force Special Operations Command

AFSOFAir Force special operations forces

AFSPCAir Force Space Command

AFSTRAT Air Forces Strategic

AFTACAir Force Technical Applications Center

AFTRANSAir Force Transportation Component

AFTTPAir Force tactics, techniques, and procedures AFTTP(I)Air Force tactics, techniques, and procedures (instruction)

AFW Air Force Weather

AFWAAir Force Weather Agency

AGLabove ground level

AGSaviation ground support

AH attack helicopter

AHA alert holding area

AHD antihandling device

AI acquisition instruction; air interdiction

AIDSacquired immunodeficiency syndrome

AIMD aircraft intermediate maintenance department

AIMT air interdiction of maritime targets

AIP aeronautical information publication

AIRCOR air corridor

AIRSUPREQair support request

AISautomated information system

Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms


AIT automated information technology;

automatic identification technology

AJ anti-jam

AJBPO area joint blood program office

AJD allied joint doctrine

AJODWG allied joint operations doctrine working group

AJP allied joint publication

ALARA as low as reasonably achievable

ALCF airlift control flight

ALCM air-launched cruise missile

ALCOM United States Alaskan Command

ALCT airlift control team

ALD available-to-load date

ALEPamphibious lift enhancement program

ALERTORDalert order

ALLOREQ allocation request

ALN ammunition lot number

ALOair liaison officer

ALOCair line of communications

ALPallied logistic publication

ALSAAir Land Sea Application (Center)

ALSEaviation life support equipment

ALSS advanced logistic support site

ALTacquisition, logistics, and technology

ALTRV altitude reservation

AMamplitude modulation

AMC airborne mission coordinator; Air Mobility Command

AMCCallied movement coordination center

AMCMairborne mine countermeasures

AMC/SGXM Air Mobility Command/Command Surgeon's Office

AMCTair mobility control team

AMDair and missile defense; air mobility division

AMDCair and missile defense commander

AMedP allied medical publication

AMEMB American Embassy

AMETL agency mission-essential task list

AMHS automated message handling system

AMLOair mobility liaison officer

AMOCAir and Marine Operations Center (DHS)

AMOGair mobility operations group

AMOSair mobility operations squadron

AMOW air mobility operations wing

AMP analysis of mobility platform

AMP-PAT analysis of mobility platform suite of port analysis tools AMSAerial Measuring System (DOE); air mobility squadron;

Asset Management System

Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms


AMS-TAC Automated Manifesting System-Tactical

AMT aerial mail terminal

amu atomic mass unit

AMX air mobility express

ANG Air National Guard

ANGLICO air-naval gunfire liaison company

ANR Alaskan North American Aerospace Defense Command


ANSI American National Standards Institute

ANZUS Australia-New Zealand-United States Treaty

AO action officer; air officer; area of operations

AOA amphibious objective area

AOC air operations center

AOD air operations directive

AODB air operations database

AOF azimuth of fire

AOG Army Operations Group

AOI area of interest

AOR area of responsibility

AOS aircraft on station

AOTR Aviation Operational Threat Response

AP allied publication; antipersonnel

APAN All Partners Access Network

APE airfield pavement evaluation

APEXAdaptive Planning and Execution

APFafloat pre-positioning force

APHISAnimal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA)

APL antipersonnel land mine

APOArmy post office

APOD aerial port of debarkation

APOEaerial port of embarkation

APP allied procedural publication

APS Army pre-positioned stocks

APS-3 Army pre-positioned stocks-3

APTDaircraft position target designation

APUauxiliary power unit

ARair refueling; Army regulation

ARCair Reserve Components; American Red Cross

ARCENTUnited States Army Central Command

ARCTair refueling control team

ARDECUnited States Army Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center

ARFOR Army forces

ARGAccident Response Group (DOE); amphibious ready group

ARMair reference measure; antiradiation missile

Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms


ARNG Army National Guard

ARSacute radiation syndrome

ARSOFArmy special operations forces

ARTYMET artillery meteorological

A/S anti-spoofing

ASA(ALT)Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition,

Logistics, and Technology

ASAPas soon as possible

ASATantisatellite weapon

ASBPArmed Services Blood Program

ASBPOArmed Services Blood Program Office

ASCArmy Sustainment Command

ASCCArmy Service component command;

Army Service component commander

ASCOPEareas, structures, capabilities, organizations, people, and events ASCSair support control section; air support coordination section ASD(GSA)Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic


ASD(HA)Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) ASD(HD&ASA)Assistant Secretary of Defense (Homeland Defense and

Americas' Security Affairs)

ASD(HD&GS)Assistant Secretary of Defense (Homeland Defense and

Global Security)

ASD(L&MR)Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel


ASD(NII)Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information


ASD(OEPP)Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy

Plans and Programs

ASD(PA)Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) ASD(RA)Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs) ASD(S&R)Assistant Secretary of Defense (Strategy and Requirements) ASD(SO/LIC)Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and

Low-Intensity Conflict

ASD(SO/LIC&IC)Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict and Interdependent


ASGAllied System for Geospatial Intelligence

ASICAir and Space Interoperability Council

ASLTair support liaison team; assault support landing table

ASMair-to-surface missile; Army Spectrum Manager

ASMOArmy Spectrum Management Office

ASN(RD&A)Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research,

Development and Acquisition

Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms


ASOC air support operations center

ASOG air support operations group

ASOS air support operations squadron

ASP ammunition supply point

A-Space Analytic Space

ASPROffice of Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and

Response (DHHS)

ASRair support request

ASWantisubmarine warfare

ASWCantisubmarine warfare commander

AT antiterrorism

ATA antiterrorism assistance

ATACMSArmy Tactical Missile System

ATC air traffic control

ATCMair traffic control measure

ATCSair traffic control section

ATEP Antiterrorism Enterprise Portal

ATFamphibious task force; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,

Firearms, and Explosives (DOJ)

ATIasset target interaction

AtN attack the network

ATOair tasking order; antiterrorism officer

ATOCair terminal operations center

ATPadvanced targeting pod; allied tactical publication; Army tactical publication; Army technical publication;

Army techniques publication

ATSDRAgency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (DHHS)

ATTPArmy tactics, techniques, and procedures

AU African Union

AUFairborne use of force

AUSCANNZUKUSAustralian, Canadian, New Zealand, United Kingdom,

United States

AV asset visibility

AVCBureau of Arms Control, Verification, and

Compliance (DOS)

AVCALaviation consolidated allowance list

AVGAS aviation gasoline

AVL anti-vehicle land mine

AVS asset validation system

AWACSAirborne Warning and Control System

AWGAsymmetric Warfare Group (Army)

AWNIS Allied Worldwide Navigational Information System

AWOLabsent without leave

AXOabandoned explosive ordnance


BAEbrigade aviation element

BAH basic allowance for housing

BALObattalion air liaison officer

BALS berthing and loading schedule

BASbasic allowance for subsistence

bblbarrel (42 US gallons)

BCAborder crossing authority

BCCbattle control center

BCD battlefield coordination detachment (Army)

BCG beach control group

BCLbattlefield coordination line

BCOCbase cluster operations center

BCTbrigade combat team

BD barge derrick

BDAbattle damage assessment

BDAREPbattle damage assessment report

BDCblood donor center

BDE brigade

BDOCbase defense operations center

BDRbattle damage repair

BDZbase defense zone

BE basic encyclopedia

BEARbase expeditionary airfield resources

BEBbrigade engineer battalion

BEI biometrics-enabled intelligence

BI battle injury

BIAbehavioral influences analysis

BIARbiometric intelligence analysis report

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