[PDF] Lagrange Multipliers and the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions

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A Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Example Its only for very simple problems

A Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Example. It's only for very simple problems that we can use the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions to solve a nonlinear programming problem 

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions

KKT Conditions. 7/40. Page 8. Equality Constrained Optimization. Consider the following example(jg. Example minimize 2x2. 1+ x2. 2 subject to: x1 + x2. = 1. Let 

chapter 7 constrained optimization 1: the karush-kuhn-tucker

7.2.4 Examples of the KKT Conditions. Example 1: An Equality Constrained Problem. Using the KKT equations find the optimum to the problem

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions

• KKT conditions. • Examples. • Constrained and Lagrange forms. • Uniqueness with 1-norm penalties. 6. Page 7. Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions. Given general 

2.854(F16) Introduction To Manufacturing Systems: KKT Examples

The KKT conditions are usually not solved directly in the analysis of practical large nonlinear programming problems by software packages. Iterative successive 

Kuhn Tucker Conditions

(Analogous to critical points.) Josef Leydold – Foundations of Mathematics – WS 2023/24. 16 – Kuhn Tucker Conditions – 13 / 22. Example – Kuhn-Tucker Conditions.

Chapter 21 Problems with Inequality Constraints

This is reflected exactly in the equation above where the coefficients are the KKT multipliers. Page 7. Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Condition. 7. ▻ We 

NMSA403 Optimization Theory – Exercises Contents

(*) Consider the nonlinear programming problems from Example. 6.9. Compute the Lagrange multipliers at given points. Example 6.13. Using the KKT conditions find 

A Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Example Its only for very simple problems

A Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Example. It's only for very simple problems that we can use the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions to solve a nonlinear programming problem.

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions

Unconstrained Optimization. Equality Constrained Optimization. Equality/Inequality Constrained Optimization. R Lusby (42111). KKT Conditions. 2/40 

chapter 7 constrained optimization 1: the karush-kuhn-tucker

7.2.4 Examples of the KKT Conditions. Example 1: An Equality Constrained Problem. Using the KKT equations find the optimum to the problem

Lagrange Multipliers and the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions

20 mars 2012 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions ... Necessary and sufficient conditions for a local minimum: ... Tutorial example - Feasible region.

Ch. 11 - Optimization with Equality Constraints

11.4 Necessary KKT Conditions - Example. Example: Let's minimize f(x) = 4(x – 1)2 + (y – 2)2 with constraints: x+y ? 2; x ? -1& y ? - 1.

Approximate-Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions and Interval Valued

4 juin 2020 The sequential optimality conditions for example

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions

Today: • KKT conditions. • Examples. • Constrained and Lagrange forms The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions or KKT conditions are: • 0 ? ?f(x) +.

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions

Today: • KKT conditions. • Examples. • Constrained and Lagrange forms The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions or KKT conditions are: • 0 ? ?f(x) +.

Chapter 21 Problems with Inequality Constraints

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Condition Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) condition (or Kuhn-Tucker condition). ? Theorem 21.1. ... In this two-dimensional example we have.

The Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions for multiple objective fractional

For the solution concept LU-Pareto optimality and LS-Pareto

Lagrange Multipliers and the

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions

March 20, 2012


Goal: Want to nd the maximum or minimum of a function subject to some constraints.

Formal Statement of Problem:

Given functionsf,g1;:::;gmandh1;:::;hldened on some domain

Rnthe optimization problem has the formmin

x2 f(x)subject togi(x)08iandhj(x) = 08j

In these notes..

We will derive/state sucient and necessary for (local) optimality when there are1no constraints,

2only equality constraints,

3only inequality constraints,

4equality and inequality constraints.

Unconstrained Optimization

Unconstrained Minimization


Letf: !Rbe a continuously dierentiable function. Necessary and sucient conditions for a local minimum: x is a local minimum off(x)if and only if1fhas zero gradient atx:r xf(x) =02and the Hessian offatwis positive semi-denite:v t(r2f(x))v0;8v2Rnwhere r

2f(x) =0

B BB@@





n@x1@2f(x)@x 2n1 C CCA

Unconstrained Maximization


Letf: !Rbe a continuously dierentiable function. Necessary and sucient conditions for local maximum: x

is a local maximum off(x)if and only if1fhas zero gradient atx:rf(x) =02and the Hessian offatxis negative semi-denite:v

t(r2f(x))v0;8v2Rnwhere r

2f(x) =0

B BB@@





n@x1@2f(x)@x 2n1 C CCA

Constrained Optimization:

Equality Constraints

Tutorial Example


This is the constrained optimization problem we want to solvemin x2R2f(x)subject toh(x) = 0where f(x) =x1+x2andh(x) =x21+x222

Tutorial example - Cost function

x 1x 2x



1+x2= 0x

1+x2= 1x

1+x2= 2iso-contours off(x)f(x) =x1+x2

Tutorial example - Feasible region

x 1x 2x



1+x2= 0x

1+x2= 1x

1+x2= 2iso-contours off(x)feasible region:h(x) = 0h(x) =x21+x222

Given a pointxFon the constraint surfacex


2feasible pointxF

Given a pointxFon the constraint surfacex


2xFindxs.t.h(xF+x) = 0andf(xF+x)< f(xF)?

Condition to decrease the cost function

x 1x 2r xf(xF)At any point ~xthe direction of steepest descent of the cost functionf(x)is given byrxf(~x).

Condition to decrease the cost function

x 1x

2xHeref(xF+x)< f(xF)To movexfromxsuch thatf(x+x)< f(x)must havex(rxf(x))>0

Condition to remain on the constraint surface

x 1x 2r xh(xF)Normalsto the constraint surfa cea regiven b yrxh(x)

Condition to remain on the constraint surface

x 1x 2r xh(xF)Note the direction of the normal is arbitrary as the constraint be imposed as eitherh(x) = 0orh(x) = 0

Condition to remain on the constraint surface

x 1x

2Direction orthogonal torxh(xF)To move a smallxfromxand remain on the constraint surface

we have to move in a direction orthogonal torxh(x).

To summarize...

IfxFlies on the constraint surface:

settingxorthogonal torxh(xF)ensuresh(xF+x) = 0.

Andf(xF+x)< f(xF)only if


Condition for a local optimum

Consider the case when

r xf(xF) =rxh(xF) whereis a scalar.

When this occurs

Ifxis orthogonal torxh(xF)then

x(rxFf(x)) =xrxh(xF) = 0 Cannot move fromxFtoremain on the constraint surface and decrease (or increase) the cost function This case corresponds to a constrained local optimum!

Condition for a local optimum

Consider the case when

r xf(xF) =rxh(xF) whereis a scalar.

When this occurs

Ifxis orthogonal torxh(xF)then

x(rxFf(x)) =xrxh(xF) = 0 Cannot move fromxFtoremain on the constraint surface and decrease (or increase) the cost function .This case corresponds to a constrained local optimum!

Condition for a local optimum

x 1x

2critical pointcritical point

A constrained local optimum occurs atxwhenrxf(x)and r xh(x)are parallel that isrxf(x) =rxh(x)

From this fact Lagrange Multipliers make sense

Remember our constrained optimization problem ismin

x2R2f(x)subject toh(x) = 0Dene theLagrangianasL(x;) =f(x) +h(x)Thenxa local minimum()there exists a uniques.t.1r

xL(x;) =02r

L(x;) = 03y

t(r2xxL(x;))y08ys.t.rxh(x)ty= 0

From this fact Lagrange Multipliers make sense

Remember our constrained optimization problem ismin x2R2f(x)subject toh(x) = 0Dene theLagrangianasnoteL(x;) =f(x) #L(x;) =f(x) +h(x)Thenxa local minimum()there exists a uniques.t.1r xL(x;) =0 encodesrxf(x) =rxh(x)2r L(x;) = 0 encodes the equality constrainth(x) = 03y t(r2xxL(x;))y08ys.t.rxh(x)ty= 0 "Positive denite Hessian tells us we have a local minimum

The case of multiple equality constraints

The constrained optimization problem ismin

x2R2f(x)subject tohi(x) = 0fori= 1;:::;lConstruct theLagrangian(introduce a multiplier for each constraint)L(x;) =f(x) +Pl

i=1ihi(x) =f(x) +th(x)Thenxa local minimum()there exists a uniques.t.1r xL(x;) =02r

L(x;) =03y

t(r2xxL(x;))y08ys.t.rxh(x)ty= 0

Constrained Optimization:

Inequality Constraints

Tutorial Example - Case 1


Consider this constrained optimization problemmin

x2R2f(x)subject tog(x)0where f(x) =x21+x22andg(x) =x21+x221

Tutorial example - Cost function

x 1x

2iso-contours off(x)minimum off(x)f(x) =x21+x22

Tutorial example - Feasible region

x 1x

2feasible region:g(x)0iso-contours off(x)g(x) =x21+x221

How do we recognize ifxFis at a local optimum?x


2How can we recognizexF

is at a local minimum?RememberxFdenotes a feasible point.

Easy in this case

x 1x

2How can we recognizexF

is at a local minimum?Unconstrained minimum off(x)lies within the feasible region.)Necessary and sucient conditions for a constrained local minimum are the same as for an unconstrained local minimum.r xf(xF) =0andrxxf(xF)is positive denite

This Tutorial Example has an inactive constraint


Our constrained optimization problemmin

x2R2f(x)subject tog(x)0where f(x) =x21+x22andg(x) =x21+x221Constraint is not active at the local minimum (g(x)<0): Therefore the local minimum is identied by the same conditions as in the unconstrained case.

Tutorial Example - Case 2


This is the constrained optimization problem we want to solvemin x2R2f(x)subject tog(x)0where f(x) = (x11:1)2+ (x21:1)2andg(x) =x21+x221

Tutorial example - Cost function

x 1x

2iso-contours off(x)minimum off(x)f(x) = (x11:1)2+ (x21:1)2

Tutorial example - Feasible region

x 1x

2iso-contours off(x)feasible region:g(x)0g(x) =x21+x221

How do we recognize ifxFis at a local optimum?x


2IsxFat a local minimum?RememberxFdenotes a feasible point.

How do we recognize ifxFis at a local optimum?x


2How can we tell ifxF

is at a local minimum?Unconstrained local minimum off(x) lies outside of the feasible region.)the constrained local minimum occurs on the surface of the constraint surface.

How do we recognize ifxFis at a local optimum?x


2How can we tell ifxF

is at a local minimum?Unconstrained local minimum off(x) lies outside of the feasible region.)Eectively have an optimization problem with anequality constraint:g(x) = 0.

Given an equality constraint

x 1x

2A local optimum occurs whenrxf(x)andrxg(x)are parallel:-rxf(x) =rxg(x)

Want a constrained local minimum...

x 1x

27Nota constrained

local minimum as r xf(xF)points in towards the feasible region)Constrained local minimum occurs whenrxf(x)andrxg(x) point in the same direction:r xf(x) =rxg(x)and >0

Want a constrained local minimum...

x 1x

2XIsa constrained

local minimum as r xf(xF)points away from the feasible region)Constrained local minimum occurs whenrxf(x)andrxg(x) point in the same direction:r xf(x) =rxg(x)and >0 Summary of optimization with one inequality constraint


x2R2f(x)subject tog(x)0Ifxcorresponds to a constrained local minimum thenCase 1:

Unconstrained local minimum

occursinthe feasible region.1g(x)<02r xf(x) =03r xxf(x)is a positive semi-denite matrix.Case 2:

Unconstrained local minimum

liesoutsidethe feasible region.1g(x) = 02r xf(x) =rxg(x) with >03y trxxL(x)y0for all yorthogonal torxg(x). Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions encode these conditions

Given the optimization problemmin

x2R2f(x)subject tog(x)0Dene theLagrangianasL(x;) =f(x) +g(x)Thenxa local minimum()there exists a uniques.t.1r

xL(x;) =02 03quotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23
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