[PDF] Approximate-Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions and Interval Valued

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A Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Example Its only for very simple problems

A Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Example. It's only for very simple problems that we can use the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions to solve a nonlinear programming problem 

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions

KKT Conditions. 7/40. Page 8. Equality Constrained Optimization. Consider the following example(jg. Example minimize 2x2. 1+ x2. 2 subject to: x1 + x2. = 1. Let 

chapter 7 constrained optimization 1: the karush-kuhn-tucker

7.2.4 Examples of the KKT Conditions. Example 1: An Equality Constrained Problem. Using the KKT equations find the optimum to the problem

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions

• KKT conditions. • Examples. • Constrained and Lagrange forms. • Uniqueness with 1-norm penalties. 6. Page 7. Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions. Given general 

2.854(F16) Introduction To Manufacturing Systems: KKT Examples

The KKT conditions are usually not solved directly in the analysis of practical large nonlinear programming problems by software packages. Iterative successive 

Lagrange Multipliers and the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions

٢٠‏/٠٣‏/٢٠١٢ This Tutorial Example has an inactive constraint. Problem: Our constrained optimization problem min x∈R2 f(x) subject to g(x) ≤ 0 where f(x) ...

Kuhn Tucker Conditions

(Analogous to critical points.) Josef Leydold – Foundations of Mathematics – WS 2023/24. 16 – Kuhn Tucker Conditions – 13 / 22. Example – Kuhn-Tucker Conditions.

Chapter 21 Problems with Inequality Constraints

This is reflected exactly in the equation above where the coefficients are the KKT multipliers. Page 7. Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Condition. 7. ▻ We 

NMSA403 Optimization Theory – Exercises Contents

(*) Consider the nonlinear programming problems from Example. 6.9. Compute the Lagrange multipliers at given points. Example 6.13. Using the KKT conditions find 

A Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Example Its only for very simple problems

A Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Example. It's only for very simple problems that we can use the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions to solve a nonlinear programming problem.

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions

Unconstrained Optimization. Equality Constrained Optimization. Equality/Inequality Constrained Optimization. R Lusby (42111). KKT Conditions. 2/40 

chapter 7 constrained optimization 1: the karush-kuhn-tucker

7.2.4 Examples of the KKT Conditions. Example 1: An Equality Constrained Problem. Using the KKT equations find the optimum to the problem

Lagrange Multipliers and the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions

20 mars 2012 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions ... Necessary and sufficient conditions for a local minimum: ... Tutorial example - Feasible region.

Ch. 11 - Optimization with Equality Constraints

11.4 Necessary KKT Conditions - Example. Example: Let's minimize f(x) = 4(x – 1)2 + (y – 2)2 with constraints: x+y ? 2; x ? -1& y ? - 1.

Approximate-Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions and Interval Valued

4 juin 2020 The sequential optimality conditions for example

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions

Today: • KKT conditions. • Examples. • Constrained and Lagrange forms The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions or KKT conditions are: • 0 ? ?f(x) +.

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions

Today: • KKT conditions. • Examples. • Constrained and Lagrange forms The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions or KKT conditions are: • 0 ? ?f(x) +.

Chapter 21 Problems with Inequality Constraints

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Condition Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) condition (or Kuhn-Tucker condition). ? Theorem 21.1. ... In this two-dimensional example we have.

The Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions for multiple objective fractional

For the solution concept LU-Pareto optimality and LS-Pareto






CHINA mskklai@outlook.com






INDIA sanjeevk.singh1@bhu.ac.in






INDIA shashikant.mishra@bhu.ac.in


whichisconvergingtosomexwiththecondition thatxkisaKarush-Kuhn-Tucker(KKT)pointfor xkconvergestozero.




affinityassumptions. valvaluedobjectivefunction. functions.


associatedwiththevectorvariationalinequalityprob-WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS DOI: 10.37394/23206.2020.19.28Kin Keung Lai, Sanjeev Kumar Singh,

Shashi Kant Mishra

E-ISSN: 2224-2880


Volume 19, 2020

lem. In addition to that, we establish relationship be- tween vector variational inequality problems and mul- tiobjective interval valued Optimization problems un- der the assumption ofLUconvex smooth and nons- mooth objective functions.

Motivated by the work of Wu [3], Andreaniet al.

[16], Haeser and Schuverdt [10], Mastroeni [11] and

Giorgiet al.[9], we introduce Approximate-Karush-

Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions for interval val- ued objective function and discuss the sufficiency of

AKKTconditions for the interval valued problems

and generalize its definition to the structure of vector variational inequality problems.

The organization of this paper is as follows: In

Section 2, we collected some basic definitions and re- sults. In Section 3, we develop sequential optimality conditions asAKKTconditions for interval valued vector variational inequality problem and proved suf- ficiency withLUconvex and affine conditions.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Interval Analysis

We collect some basic concepts and essential defini- tions related to interval valued functions.

We denote byIthe class of all closed intervals in

R :LetU= [uL;uU];whereuLanduUdenotes the lower and upper bounds ofU;respectively. Let

U= [uL;uU]andV= [vL;vU]be inI;then, we

have (i)U+V=fu+v:u2U; v2Vg= [uL+ v


(ii)U=fu:u2Ug= [uU;uL]; (iii)UV=U+ (V) = [uLvU;uUvL]; (iv)tU=ftu:u2Ug=[tuL;tuU]ift0 tu

U;tuL]fort <0

wheretis a real number. we refer to Moore [5], for further details on interval analysis .

Suppose thatURnandVRn;then the Haus-

dorff metric betweenUandVis denoted and defined by d

H(U;V) = maxn

sup u 2


v2Vinfu2Ukuvko wherek:kis an Euclidean norm.

LetU= [uL;uU]andB= [vL;vU]be two closed

intervals, then it is easy to prove that d H(U;V) = maxfjuLvLj;juUvUjg:LetfUn= [uLn;uUn]gandUbe closed intervals inR; then the sequence of closed intervalfUngconverges toU;if for every >0;there existsN >0such that, forn > N;we havedH(Un;U)< :Wu [2] proved that lim n !1Un=Uif and only iflimn!1uLn=uLand lim n !1uUn=uU:

The function:Rn! Iis called interval val-

ued function, this means(x) =(x1;;xn)is a closed interval inRfor eachx2Rn: can be written as(x) = [L(x);U(x)];whereLandU are two real valued functions defined onRnsuch that


Wu [2] discussed limit and continuity of interval val- ued functions. Letbe an interval valued function defined onRnandU= [uL;uU]be an interval inR; we say lim x a(x) =U;if and only iflimx!aL(x) =uLand lim x aU(x) =uU:

The interval valued functionfdefined onRnis said

to be continuous ata2Rnif lim x a(x) =(a):

Proposition 2.1[3] Supposeis an interval valued

function dened onRn;thenis continuous ata2 R nif and only ifLandUare continuous ata:

Denition 2.1[3] SupposeKis an open set inRThe

interval valued function:K! Iwith(x) =

L(x);U(x)]is called weakly differentiable atx0if

the real valued functionsLandUare differentiable atx0(in the ordinary sense).

ForU;V2 I;if there exists aW2 Isuch thatU=

V+W;thenWis called the Hukuhara difference of

UandV. Also,Wcan be written asW=UV;

considering the Hukuhara differenceWexists, which means thatuLvLuUvUandW= [uL v


Proposition 2.2[3] SupposeU= [uL;uU]andV=


L;vU]are two closed intervals inR:IfuLvL


UvU;then the Hukuhara differenceWexists and

W= [uLvL;uUvU]:

Denition 2.2[3] SupposeKis an open set inR:

The interval valued function:K! Iis calledWSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS DOI: 10.37394/23206.2020.19.28Kin Keung Lai, Sanjeev Kumar Singh, Shashi Kant MishraE-ISSN: 2224-2880281Volume 19, 2020 Hdifferentiable atx0if there exists a closed interval

U(x0)2 Isuch that the limits

lim h 0 +(x


and lim h 0 +(x


both exist and equal toU(x0);which is called theH derivative ofatx0:

2.2 Solution Concepts

SupposeU= [uL;uU]andV= [vL;vU]are two

closed intervals inR:We writeULUVif and only ifuLvLanduUvU:

Consider multiobjective programming problem with

multiple interval valued objective functions

MIV P) min(x) = (1(x);;p(x))

subject tox= (x1;;xn)2KRn; where each k(x) = [Lk(x);Uk(x)]is an interval valued func- tion fork= 1;;p:

We writeULUVif and only ifULUVand

U6=V:We sayU= (U1;;Up)is an inter-

val valued vector if each componentUk= [uLk;uUk] is closed interval fork= 1;;p:SupposeU= U

1;;Up)andV= (V1;;Vp)be two interval

valued vectors. We writeULUVif and only if U kLUVk8k= 1;;p;andULUVif and only ifUkLUVk;8k= 1;;pandUqLUVqfor at least oneq:Supposexis a feasible solution of(MIV P);then(x)is an interval valued vector. The concepts of Pareto optimal (efficient) solution is given below.

Denition 2.3[2] Supposex0is a feasible solution

to the problem(MIV P): (i)x0is said to be an efcient solution to the prob- lem(MIV P)if there exists noxsuch that (x)LU(x0). (ii)x0is said to be a strong efcient solution to the problem(MIV P)if there exists noxsuch that (x)LU(x0). (iii)x0is said to be a weak efcient solution to the problem(MIV P)if there exists noxsuch that k(x)LUk(x0)8k= 1;;p:

Denition 2.4[2] Supposex0is feasible solution of

the problem(MIV P): x0is said to be local weak ef- cient solution of the problem(MIV P);if there existsa neighborhoodNofx0such that for allx2K\N; then the following cannot satisfy for anyk= 1;;p k(x)LUk(x0): Zhanget al.[19] defined the concepts of local quasi efficient and local weak quasi efficient solutions for the problem(MIV P):

Denition 2.5Supposex0is feasible solution of the

problem(MIV P): x0is said to be local quasi ef- cient solution of the problem(MIV P);if there exist


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