[PDF] Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions Today: • KKT conditions. • Examples. • Constrained

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A Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Example Its only for very simple problems

A Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Example. It's only for very simple problems that we can use the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions to solve a nonlinear programming problem 

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions

KKT Conditions. 7/40. Page 8. Equality Constrained Optimization. Consider the following example(jg. Example minimize 2x2. 1+ x2. 2 subject to: x1 + x2. = 1. Let 

chapter 7 constrained optimization 1: the karush-kuhn-tucker

7.2.4 Examples of the KKT Conditions. Example 1: An Equality Constrained Problem. Using the KKT equations find the optimum to the problem

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions

• KKT conditions. • Examples. • Constrained and Lagrange forms. • Uniqueness with 1-norm penalties. 6. Page 7. Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions. Given general 

2.854(F16) Introduction To Manufacturing Systems: KKT Examples

The KKT conditions are usually not solved directly in the analysis of practical large nonlinear programming problems by software packages. Iterative successive 

Lagrange Multipliers and the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions

٢٠‏/٠٣‏/٢٠١٢ This Tutorial Example has an inactive constraint. Problem: Our constrained optimization problem min x∈R2 f(x) subject to g(x) ≤ 0 where f(x) ...

Kuhn Tucker Conditions

(Analogous to critical points.) Josef Leydold – Foundations of Mathematics – WS 2023/24. 16 – Kuhn Tucker Conditions – 13 / 22. Example – Kuhn-Tucker Conditions.

Chapter 21 Problems with Inequality Constraints

This is reflected exactly in the equation above where the coefficients are the KKT multipliers. Page 7. Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Condition. 7. ▻ We 

NMSA403 Optimization Theory – Exercises Contents

(*) Consider the nonlinear programming problems from Example. 6.9. Compute the Lagrange multipliers at given points. Example 6.13. Using the KKT conditions find 

A Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Example Its only for very simple problems

A Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Example. It's only for very simple problems that we can use the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions to solve a nonlinear programming problem.

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions

Unconstrained Optimization. Equality Constrained Optimization. Equality/Inequality Constrained Optimization. R Lusby (42111). KKT Conditions. 2/40 

chapter 7 constrained optimization 1: the karush-kuhn-tucker

7.2.4 Examples of the KKT Conditions. Example 1: An Equality Constrained Problem. Using the KKT equations find the optimum to the problem

Lagrange Multipliers and the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions

20 mars 2012 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions ... Necessary and sufficient conditions for a local minimum: ... Tutorial example - Feasible region.

Ch. 11 - Optimization with Equality Constraints

11.4 Necessary KKT Conditions - Example. Example: Let's minimize f(x) = 4(x – 1)2 + (y – 2)2 with constraints: x+y ? 2; x ? -1& y ? - 1.

Approximate-Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions and Interval Valued

4 juin 2020 The sequential optimality conditions for example

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions

Today: • KKT conditions. • Examples. • Constrained and Lagrange forms The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions or KKT conditions are: • 0 ? ?f(x) +.

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions

Today: • KKT conditions. • Examples. • Constrained and Lagrange forms The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions or KKT conditions are: • 0 ? ?f(x) +.

Chapter 21 Problems with Inequality Constraints

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Condition Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) condition (or Kuhn-Tucker condition). ? Theorem 21.1. ... In this two-dimensional example we have.

The Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions for multiple objective fractional

For the solution concept LU-Pareto optimality and LS-Pareto

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions

Ryan Tibshirani

Convex Optimization 10-725/36-725


Last time: duality

Given a minimization problem

minf(x) subject tohi(x)0; i= 1;:::m j(x) = 0; j= 1;:::r we dened the


L(x;u;v) =f(x) +mX

i=1u ihi(x) +rX j=1v j`j(x) and

Lagrange dual function

g(u;v) = minxL(x;u;v) 2

The subsequentdual p roblemis:

max u;vg(u;v) subject tou0

Important properties:

Dual problem is always convex, i.e.,gis always concave (even if primal problem is not convex) The primal and dual optimal values,f?andg?, always satisfy weak duality:f?g? Slater's condition: for convex primal, if there is anxsuch that h

1(x)<0;:::hm(x)<0and`1(x) = 0;:::`r(x) = 0

then strong duali ty holds: f?=g?. (Can be further rened to strict inequalities over the nonanehi,i= 1;:::m) 3



KKT conditions


Constrained and Lagrange forms

Uniqueness with`1penalties


Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions

Given general problem

minf(x) subject tohi(x)0; i= 1;:::m j(x) = 0; j= 1;:::r The

Ka rush-Kuhn-Tuckerconditions

o r

KKT conditions

a re:

02@f(x) +mX

i=1u i@hi(x) +rX j=1v j@`j(x)(stationarity) uihi(x) = 0for alli(complementary slackness) hi(x)0; `j(x) = 0for alli;j(primal feasibility) ui0for alli(dual feasibility) 5


Letx?andu?;v?be primal and dual solutions with zero duality gap (strong duality holds, e.g., under Slater's condition). Then f(x?) =g(u?;v?) = min xf(x) +mX i=1u ?ihi(x) +rX j=1v ?j`j(x) f(x?) +mX i=1u ?ihi(x?) +rX j=1v ?j`j(x?) f(x?) In other words, all these inequalities are actually equalities 6

Two things to learn from this:

The pointx?minimizesL(x;u?;v?)overx2Rn. Hence the

subdierential ofL(x;u?;v?)must contain0atx=x?|this is exactly the stationa rity condition

We must havePm

i=1u?ihi(x?) = 0, and since each term here is0, this impliesu?ihi(x?) = 0for everyi|this is exactly complementary slackness Primal and dual feasibility hold by virtue of optimality. Therefore: Ifx?andu?;v?are primal and dual solutions, with zero duality

gap, thenx?;u?;v?satisfy the KKT conditions(Note that this statement assumes nothing a priori about convexity

of our problem, i.e., off;hi;`j) 7


If there existsx?;u?;v?that satisfy the KKT conditions, then g(u?;v?) =f(x?) +mX i=1u ?ihi(x?) +rX j=1v ?j`j(x?) =f(x?) where the rst equality holds from stationarity, and the second holds from complementary slackness Therefore the duality gap is zero (andx?andu?;v?are primal and dual feasible) sox?andu?;v?are primal and dual optimal. Hence, we've shown: Ifx?andu?;v?satisfy the KKT conditions, thenx?andu?;v? are primal and dual solutions 8

Putting it together

In summary, KKT conditions:

always sucient necessary under strong duality

Putting it together:

For a problem with strong duality (e.g., assume Slater's condi- tion: convex problem and there existsxstrictly satisfying non- ane inequality contraints), x ?andu?;v?are primal and dual solutions

()x?andu?;v?satisfy the KKT conditions(Warning, concerning the stationarity condition: for a dierentiable

functionf, we cannot use@f(x) =frf(x)gunlessfis convex) 9

What's in a name?

Older folks will know these as the KT (Kuhn-Tucker) conditions: First appeared in publication by Kuhn and Tucker in 1951 Later people found out that Karush had the conditions in his unpublished master's thesis of 1939 For unconstrained problems, the KKT conditions are nothing more than the subgradient optimality condition For general problems, the KKT conditions could have been derived entirely from studying optimality via subgradients

02@f(x?) +mX

i=1N fhi0g(x?) +rX j=1N f`j=0g(x?) where recallNC(x)is the normal cone ofCatx 10

Example: quadratic with equality constraints

Consider forQ0,

min x2Rn12 xTQx+cTx subject toAx= 0 E.g., as we will see, this corresponds to Newton step for equality- constrained problemminf(x) subject toAx=b Convex problem, no inequality constraints, so by KKT conditions: xis a solution if and only if Q AT A0 x u =c 0 for someu. Linear system combines stationarity, primal feasibility (complementary slackness and dual feasibility are vacuous) 11

Example: water-lling

Example from B & V page 245: consider problem

min x2RnnX i=1log(i+xi) subject tox0;1Tx= 1 Information theory: think oflog(i+xi)as communication rate of ith channel. KKT conditions:

1=(i+xi)ui+v= 0; i= 1;:::n

u ixi= 0; i= 1;:::n; x0;1Tx= 1; u0


1=(i+xi)v; i= 1;:::n

x i(v1=(i+xi)) = 0; i= 1;:::n; x0;1Tx= 1 12 Can argue directly stationarity and complementary slackness imply x i=(

1=viifv <1=i

0ifv1=i= maxf0;1=vig; i= 1;:::n

Still needxto be feasible, i.e.,1Tx= 1, and this gives n X i=1maxf0;1=vig= 1 Univariate equation, piecewise linear in1=vand not hard to solve

This reduced problem is

called w ater-lling (From B & V page 246)2465Dua lity i 1/! x i i Figure5.7Illustrationofwater-fillingalgorithm .The heightofeachpatchis givenby!i.Theregionisfloodedtoalevel1/" whichusesatotal quantity ofwate requaltoone.The heightofthe water( shownshaded) aboveeach patchistheopt imalvalue ofx i x 1 x 2 l ww Figure5.8Twoblocks connectedbyspri ngstoeachother,andthelefta nd rightwalls.Theb lockshavewidthw>0,andcannot pene trateeac hother orthew all s.

5.5.4Mech anicsinterpretationofKKTcondition s

TheKKT conditionsc anbegivenaniceinterpretati oninmech anics(whichind eed, wasone ofLagrang e"spri marymotivations).Weillustrate theideaw ithasim ple example.Thesystemshown infigure5.8 consistso ftwoblocksattachedtoeach other,andtowallsatt heleft andrigh t,bythreespr ings .Thepositionofthe blocksaregiven byx!R 2 ,wherex 1 isthe displacemen tofthe(middleofthe)left block,andx 2 isthedis placement oftherightblock.The leftwallis atp osition0, andthe rightwallis atpositionl. Thepoten tialenergyinthesprings, asafunctionofthebl ockpositions,isgiven by f 0 (x 1 ,xquotesdbs_dbs21.pdfusesText_27
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