[PDF] POLICY MANUAL ? 18 janv. 2017 They develop

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18 janv. 2017 They develop skills of communication (e.g. reading

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o m n t


Contained herein are the policy statements formulated by the Board of Education of the

Cheektowaga Central School District.

Policy is defined as a basic plan of action. It establishes limits within which freedom of

judgment can be exercised.

Policy is a governing principle of management. It is a statement that has an effect on the

interests of those who come under its jurisdiction. A policy may originate from the constitution, from

statute, from local determinations and/or from customary patterns of formal behavior.

Policy should accomplish the following:

a) State a position taken by the District; b) Grant the authority to act; c) Be sufficiently detailed to give adequate direction; d) Be achievable within the real environment of the school and community; e) Provide for impartial procedures. In addition to the adopted policies, the operation of the School District is governed by and

subject to all applicable Laws, Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, Civil Service

requirements, Board of Education Resolutions, School Administrative Regulations and Contracts of


If any part of this manual is made invalid by judicial decision or legislative or administrative

enactment, all other parts shall remain in full effect unless and until they are amended or repealed by

the Board of Education. The official record of the adoption, amendment, or repeal of the by-laws and

policies of the Cheektowaga Central School District shall be the minutes of the meetings of the Board

of Education.


In preparing individuals to develop their fullest potential for living in the society of today and tomorrow, the Board of Education and the staff of the School District commit to the following:



a) All children can learn. b) Success builds self-esteem and self-esteem leads to success. c) Prevention/Early intervention reduces the need for remediation. d) A non-coercive environment fosters individual responsibility. e) Student performance improves when the school community uses current data and research to meet evolving needs.


a) Positive Personal Attributes

1. Physical Well-Being

2. Emotional Well-Being

3. Social Interactions

b) Life-Long Learning Skills

1. Academic

2. Fine Arts

3. Daily Living

4. Career

c) Global Citizenship

1. Environmentally Conscious

2. Governmental Participation

3. Cultural Understanding and Respect

d) Process Skills

1. Critical Thinking

2. Creative Thinking

3. Group Processing

GOALS The aim of the Board of Education, Administration and Staff of the Cheektowaga Central

School District is to develop students who:

I. Maintain a Desire for Continued Lifetime Learning: Lifetime learning enables them to adapt to the new demands, opportunities and values of a changing world. They develop learning, social and personal planning skills. They learn techniques for problem identification, definition and solution. They are aware of the resources for continuous learning. They study contemporary society and life. They see the need for self- renewal. They are ready and able to consider alternative futures and prepare for them.

II. Possess a Realistic and Positive Self-Image:

They develop genuine self-respect built on a knowledge of their own skills, abilities and

successes. They have a realistic view of their capabilities along with the demands placed on capable of b III. Recognize the Need for Behavior based on the Central Values of Society: It is essential for an individual to be concerned about individual dignity and human welfare. In keeping with their spiritual and moral background, the values of their complex society serve as a basis for their behavior. Each member of society has a responsibility to identify, contribute to and perpetuate the best in his behavioral environment. He has to recognize and accept the diversity of values. He seeks to develop skill in making value-based choices.

IV. Live in a Positive Manner with Others:

They must learn to live in an open, accepting and optimistic manner and in mutual respect among all people with whom they are to come in contact. They understand and respect other social, cultural and ethnic groups, the people of their community, the nation and the world including those of different sex, origins, cultures, and aspirations. They contribute to their fullest within the home, family, community and society in general. They seek to understand and to improve life about them. V. Understand the Processes, Feel the Responsibility and Learn the Skills for Active Citizenship: They have knowledge of comparative political, economic and legal systems with emphasis on democratic institutions and world relationships. They have been introduced to the American political processes at national, state and local levels including matters of social, economic and taxation and fiscal policy. They have begun to acquire citizenship skills of decision-making, VI. Possess the Basic Skills Essential to a Full and Productive Life: They develop skills of communication (e.g., reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing) and computation (e.g., mathematical conceptualization, problem solving, data collection). They learn and apply the processes of thinking logically, creatively, critically and constructively to problem solving, planning, evaluation, analysis, research, etc. They possess the basic skills necessary for every phase of their future lives as students, citizens, producers and consumers.

VII. Understand and Value the Environment:

Environment is man-made and natural. Environment affects man....his activities, values, life styles, technology, energy utilization, etc. They realize that conservation, development and wise use of environment are crucial. They see that each individual has the responsibility, both on his own and through his government, to preserve and develop the quality of environment. VIII. Nurture and Care for Their Physical, Mental and Emotional Health: They develop good health and safety habits. They understand body processes, functions and the conditions necessary for physical, mental and emotional well being. They are aware of the nature and extent of hazards to health and safety and ways to avoid or overcome these. They have knowledge of available community health services and know the importance of using, supporting and maintaining them. IX. Possess Skills and Attitudes for Successful Pursuit of Career and Vocational Goals: They know their own abilities, interests and career goals and how best to fulfill them. For some, this involves having job-entry skills, attitudes and habits fundamental to career and vocational success. For others, there will be an awareness of the direction in which they wish

to further their career/vocational interests and aspirations, such as junior college, training

institutes, apprenticeship programs, college, etc. X. Appreciate Their Cultural Heritage, Enjoy the Arts and Seek to Live and Express Themselves


They have begun to explore major art, musical, literary and drama forms with an awareness of the rich diversity of (e.g., museums, galleries, symphonies, and centers, etc.). They have explored and tested their individual creativity and have begun to use their talents and leisure time wisely. The attainment of these goals can only be achieved through a close working relationship with the HOME, SCHOOL and COMMUNITY.

2005 1000


Cheektowaga Central School District


(Section 1000) NUMBER


1.1 School District and Board of Education Legal Status ............................................ 1110

1.2 Board of Education Authority................................................................................. 1120

1.3 Number of Members and Terms of Office ............................................................. 1130

1.4 Students Serving as Ex Officio Members of the School Board .............................. 1140


2.1 Board of Education Members: Qualifications ....................................................... 1210

2.2 Board of Education Members: Nomination and Election ...................................... 1220

2.3 Reporting of Expenditures and Contributions ........................................................ 1230

2.4 Resignation and Dismissal ...................................................................................... 1240

2.5 Legal Qualifications of Voters at School District Meetings ................................... 1250

2.6 Submission of Questions and Propositions at Annual Elections and

Special District Meetings ........................................................................................ 1260

2.7 Absentee Ballots ..................................................................................................... 1270


3.1 Powers and Duties of the Board ............................................................................. 1310

3.2 Nomination and Election of Board Officers ........................................................... 1320

3.2.1 Duties of the President of the Board of Education ..................................... 1321

3.2.2 Duties of the Vice President of the Board of Education ............................. 1322

2003 1000


BY- (Section 1000) NUMBER

3.3 Appointments and Designations by the Board of Education .................................. 1330

3.3.1 Duties of the District Clerk ......................................................................... 1331

3.3.2 Duties of the School District Treasurer ...................................................... 1332

3.3.3 Duties of the Independent Auditor.............................................................. 1333

3.3.4 Appointment and Duties of the Internal Claims Auditor ............................ 1334

3.3.5 Duties of the Extraclassroom Activities Funds Treasurer(s) ...................... 1335

3.3.6 Duties of the School Attorney .................................................................... 1336

3.3.7 Duties of the School Physician ................................................................... 1337


4.1 Policy .................................................................................................................... 1410

4.2 Execution of Policy: Administrative Regulations ................................................. 1420


5.1 Regular Board Meetings ......................................................................................... 1510

5.1.1 Agenda Format ........................................................................................... 1511

5.2 Special Meetings of the Board of Education .......................................................... 1520

2003 1000


BY- (Section 1000) NUMBER


6.1 Annual District Meeting and Election/Budget Vote ............................................... 1610

6.1.1 Business of the Annual District Election .................................................... 1611

6.2 Annual Organizational Meeting.............................................................................. 1620

6.2.1 Annual Organizational Meeting - Order of Business ................................. 1621


7.1 Quorum ................................................................................................................... 1710

7.2 Minutes ................................................................................................................... 1720

7.3 Executive Sessions .................................................................................................. 1730

7.4 Voting ..................................................................................................................... 1740

1999 1110


SUBJECT: SCHOOL DISTRICT AND BOARD OF EDUCATION LEGAL STATUS The Constitution of New York State, as amended in 1894, instructs the Legislature to provide for a system of free common schools wherein all children of the State may be educated. The Legislature of the State has implemented this constitutional mandate through the creation of

school districts of various types. The Cheektowaga Central School District is governed by the laws set

forth for Central School Districts in Article 37 of the Education Law, and by-laws relating to, or affecting, Union Free School Districts as set forth in Article 35 of the Education Law.

The School District constitutes a corporate entity that possesses all the usual powers of a

corporation for public purposes, and in that name may sue and be sued, purchase, hold and sell

personal property and real estate, and enter into such obligations as are authorized by law. The Constitution of the State of New York places the responsibility for public education on the

State Legislature, and directs the establishment of a State Department of Education for general

supervision over the schools and headed by a Commissioner of Education. The New York State

Constitution further provides that local public schools under the general supervision of the State

Education Department shall be maintained, developed and operated by locally elected boards.

Legally, local boards are instruments of the New York State Constitution, the New York Statutes and the regulations of the State Education Department and its Commissioner.

New York State Constitution

Education Law Articles 35 and 37

Adopted: 5/24/99

1999 1120



As a body created under the Education Law of New York State, the Board of Education of the

Cheektowaga Central School District has full authority, within the limitations of federal and state laws

and the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education and interpretations of them, to carry out the will of the people of its District in matters of education. In all cases where laws or regulations of the State Commissioner of Education do not provide,

permit, or prohibit, the Board shall consider itself the agent responsible for establishing and appraising

educational matters and activities. Board members have no authority over school affairs as individuals. They have authority only when acting as a body duly called in session.

Education Law Sections 1604, 1701,1709,

1804, and 1805

Adopted: 5/24/99

1999 1130



The Board of Education of the Cheektowaga Central School District shall consist of seven (7)

members elected by the qualified voters of the School District at the annual election as prescribed by

law. Members of the Board of Education shall serve for five (5) years beginning the first day of July following their election and each term shall expire on the thirtieth day of June of the fifth year.

Education Law Sections 1804 and 2105

Adopted: 5/24/99

2003 1140


SUBJECT: STUDENTS SERVING AS EX OFFICIO MEMBERS OF THE SCHOOL BOARD The School District may offer to the voters once every two years, on the same date as the annual

School District budget vote, a separate referendum to decide whether the School District shall allow a

student, as established pursuant to law, to serve on the School Board as an ex officio, non-voting member. Provided that District voters have voted in favor of having a student serve as a member of the

School Board, the School District will allow a District high school student (to be selected in

accordance with the provisions enumerated below) to serve as an ex officio member of its Board of

Education. This ex officio student member of the Board shall be entitled to sit with Board members at

all public meetings of the Board and participate in all Board hearings and meetings. This ex officio student member of the Board would not have a vote, would not be allowed to

attend executive sessions, and would not be entitled to receive compensation of any form for

participating at Board meetings. The ex officio student member of the Board shall be the student that has been duly elected as student president of the high school. In the event that the high school does not have an elected student president, then the high school

student government shall select their choice for an ex officio student member representative in a

public ballot. In the event the high school does not have an elected student president or a student government,

then the high school principal shall select a student to serve as the ex officio student representative on

the School Board. Under this provision, the student selected would have to be at least 18 years old, a

senior at the high school, and attend the high school for at least two years prior to their selection.

Education Law Sections 1702(3) and (3-a),

1804(12) and (12-a), and 2502(10) and (10-a)

Adopted: 11/10/03

1999 1210


SUBJECT: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS: QUALIFICATIONS A Board of Education member of the Cheektowaga Central School District must meet the following qualifications: a) A citizen of the United States; b) Eighteen (18) years of age or older; c) Able to read and write; d) A legal resident one (1) year prior to the election; e) Cannot be an employee of the Cheektowaga Central School District; f) The only member of his/her family (that is, cannot be a member of the same household) on the Cheektowaga Central School District Board; g) May not simultaneously hold another, incompatible public office including, but not limited to, district superintendent or supervisor, district clerk, tax collector, or district treasurer except as otherwise provided by law; h) Must not have been removed from a school district office, including School Board member or trustee, within one year preceding the date of election to the Board.

Education Law Sections 2102, 2103(2) and 2103-a

Public Officers Law Section 3

Adopted: 5/24/99

1999 1220

1 of 2


SUBJECT: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS: NOMINATION AND ELECTION a) Candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education shall be nominated by petition. Such petition shall be directed to the Clerk of the School District, shall be signed by at least twenty-five qualified voters of the District, or by two (2) percent of the number of voters who voted in the previous annual election of Board members, whichever is greater, shall state the residence of each signer, shall state the name and residence of each candidate, and shall describe the specific vacancy on the Board of Education for which the candidate is nominated. This

description shall include at least the length of the term of office and the name of the last

incumbent, if any. In the alternative, at any school election in the District, the electors may adopt a proposition providing that, in all subsequent elections, vacancies upon the Board of Education shall not be considered separate specific offices and that the nominating petitions shall not describe any specific vacancy upon the Board of Education for which the candidate is nominated. Such procedure shall be followed with respect to all nominations and elections in subsequent years until and unless such proposition is repealed by the electors of the District at a regular election by the adoption of a proposition to repeal the original proposition. b) The notice of the annual District meeting must state that petitions nominating candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education must be filed with the Clerk of the District not later than the thirtieth calendar day preceding the election at which time the candidates so nominated are to be elected. If the thirtieth day preceding the election falls on a weekend or holiday, the petitions must be filed not later than the next business day. c) Voting -in- any candidate not previously nominated. The position of candidates on ballots shall be determined by lot at a drawing conducted on the day after the last filing by the District Clerk or,

if the District Clerk is unavailable, the individual authorized by the Board of Education..

Candidates or their proxies may be present for the drawing. d) The hours of voting shall be as indicated by Board resolution.

e) The candidates receiving the largest number of votes or, in the alternative, the largest number of

votes for each specific vacancy, shall be declared elected in accordance with Education Law.

f) At least ten days prior to the election, the Board shall appoint at least two inspectors of election

for each voting machine, and set their salary. g) The District Clerk or his/her designee shall attend the election and record the name and legal

residence of each voter. The Clerk shall give notice immediately to each person declared elected to the Board, informing him/her of the election and his/her term of office.


1999 1220

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SUBJECT: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS: NOMINATION AND ELECTION h) Only qualified voters as determined by Education Law (Section 2012) may vote at any District meeting or election. i) No electioneering will be allowed within one hundred (100) feet of the polling place. The one hundred (100) foot distance shall be a one hundred (100) foot radial measured from the entrances to the building by the inspectors of election. j) When a term of office expires at the end of a school year and the office has become vacant at the time of election, the person elected to fill the new full term vacancy also fills the remaining days of the previous term, beginning his/her term of office immediately upon election.

Education Law Sections 2004, 2013,

2018, 2025, 2029, 2031-a, 2032, 2034(7)(d),

2105(14), and 2121

Adopted: 5/24/99

2005 1230

1 of 2


SUBJECT: REPORTING OF EXPENDITURES AND CONTRIBUTIONS Each candidate for the position of member of the Board of Education whose expenses and/or

contributions received exceed five hundred dollars ($500) must file a statement accounting for his/her

campaign expenditures and contributions with the District Clerk and an additional statement with the Commissioner of Education. In the event the expenses do not exceed five hundred dollars ($500) and the aggregate amount of all contributions made to the candidate do not exceed $500, then a sworn statement to that effect must only be filed with the District Clerk.

Required contribution statements shall include:

a) The dollar amount and/or fair market value of any receipt, contribution or transfer which is other than money; b) The name and address of the transferor, contributor or person from whom received; c) If that transferor, contributor or person is a political committee as defined in Section 14-

100 of the Election Law;

d) The name and political unit represented by the committee; e) The date of receipt; f) The dollar amount of every expenditure; g) The name and address of the person to whom the expenditure was made, or the name of and political unit represented by the committee to which it was made; and h) The date of the expenditure. The times for filing the statements are as follows: a) The first statement on or before the thirtieth day preceding the election to which it relates; b) A second statement on or before the fifth day before the election; c) A third statement within twenty days after the election.

Any contribution or loan in excess of $1000 received after the close of the period covered in the last statement filed before the election (b above) but before the election itself shall be reported within

24 hours after receipt.


2005 1230

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SUBJECT: REPORTING OF EXPENDITURES AND CONTRIBUTIONS (Cont'd.) All statements must be sworn before a notary public, a commissioner of deeds, a lawyer or a public official authorized by New York State law to administer oaths.

Education Law Sections 1528 and 1529

Election Law Section 14-100(1)

Orig. Adopted: 5/24/99

Amended: 3/08/05

1999 1240



Board members may resign at an annual District meeting, at which time the resignation shall be automatically accepted. In districts not under the jurisdiction of a District Superintendent, a Board member may also resign by filing a written resignation with the District Clerk. The resignation shall take effect upon the date specified in the letter of resignation; however, if

no effective date is specified, it shall take effect on the date of delivery to or filing with the District

Clerk. If an effective date is specified in the letter of resignation, such date shall not be more than

thirty (30) days subsequent to the date of its delivery or filing. It shall be the duty of each member of the Board of Education to attend all meetings of the Board and, if any member shall refuse to attend three consecutive meetings of the Board after having

been regularly notified and a satisfactory cause for each non-attendance is not shown, the Board will

proceed to declare that office vacant. A Board member may be removed from office by the Commissioner of Education for willful violation of any provision of law, neglect of duty, or willfully disobeying any decision, order or regulation of the Commissioner. In the event of death, resignation, refusal to serve, or any disqualification of a Board member, the Board may appoint a new member to fill such a vacancy. If the Board chooses to fill the vacancy,

it shall be only for a term ending with the next annual election of the School District at which time

such vacancy shall be filled in a regular manner for the balance of the unexpired term. The Board, at

its own option, may also elect to call a special election within ninety days to fill the unexpired term. If

not so filled, the District Superintendent of the Supervisory District may appoint a competent person to

fill the vacancy until the next annual election of the District. The Commissioner of Education may

order a special election for filling a vacancy. When such special election is ordered the vacancy shall

not be filled otherwise. A Board member who has been removed from office shall be ineligible to appointment or election to any office in the District for a period of one year from the date of such removal. Education Law Sections 306, 1706, 1709(17)(18), 2103(2), 2109, 2111, 2112, and 2113

Public Officers Law Sections 30, 31 and 35

Adopted: 5/24/99

1999 1250




A person shall be entitled to register and vote at any school meeting for election of members of the Board of Education, and upon all matters which may be brought before such meeting, who is: a) A citizen of the United States; b) Eighteen (18) years of age or older; c) A resident within the District for a period of thirty (30) days next preceding the meeting at which he/she offers to vote. Any person who would not be qualified to register or vote under the provisions of Sections 5-

100 and 5-106 of the Election Law shall not have the right to register for or vote in an election.

Education Law Section 2012

Election Law Article 5

Adopted: 5/24/99

1999 1260




Questions and Propositions at Annual District Elections The following rules and regulations shall apply to the submission of the questions or propositions at the annual elections or special district elections of this School District. a) Questions or propositions shall be submitted by petition directed to the Clerk of the School District and shall be signed by twenty-five (25) qualified voters, or five percent (5%) of the voters of the District who voted in the previous annual election of Board members, whichever is greater. b) A separate petition shall be required for each question or proposition. c) Each petition shall be filed with the Clerk of the School District. Petitions relating to an Annual Election must be filed not later than sixty (60) days preceding the election at which the question or proposition is to be voted upon. If the sixtieth day preceding the electionquotesdbs_dbs29.pdfusesText_35
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