[PDF] The 2017-19 activity at Mount Agung in Bali (Indonesia) : intense

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Changes in Vegetation on Mount Agung Volcano Bali Indonesia

One of the volcano in Indonesia which recently being on the center of attention is the. Agung volcano in the Island of Bali. In September. 29th 2017 the 

Changes in Vegetation on Mount Agung Volcano Bali Indonesia

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The 2017-19 activity at Mount Agung in Bali (Indonesia) : intense

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Volcanic ash clouds from explosive eruptions pose a serious hazard to aviation safety and on the ground can cause respiratory skin and eye irritation With significant ashfall buildings can

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The 2 tallest volcanoes on Bali island are Mount Agung and Bratan Volcano. Both active volcanoes, Mount Agung has been bubbling under the surface since its latest eruption in 2019 that famously brought the island to a halt. Bratan Volcano, however, has not erupted in thousands of years – that’s not to say it won’t happen.

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(Bali, Indonesia): implications for eruption frequency and volcanic hazards. Bull. Volcanol. 77:59. (2018). Multi-level magma plumbing at Agung and Batur volcanoes increases

What is the Agung-Batur volcanic complex?

The Agung-Batur Volcanic Complex (ABVC), part of the Sunda volcanic arc, is the source of some of the most hazardous volcanic activity in Indonesia.

The 2017-19 activity at Mount Agung in Bali (Indonesia) : intense www.nature.com/scientificreports D. K. s L. s ;withaVolcanicExplosivity th



center for Volcanology and Geological Hazards Mitigation, Geological Agency, Ministry of energy and Mineral

R esources, Bandung, i nd onesia. U.S. Geological Survey, Volcano Disaster Assistance Program, Vancouver, WA,

USA. ͹

institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (iPGP), Paris, france. institut des Sciences de la terre (iSterre/iRD),


f ran ce. and requests for materials should be addressed to D.K.S. (email: devy.syahbana@gmail.com)Received: 11 January 2019 A ccepted: 29 May 2019 P ublished: xx xx xxxx sionsaround19February 1 k mdownthenorth?ank.Pyroclastic 1,2 .On17March1963,amonth ple 1,2 (Fig. 1A).OtherdeadlyparoxysmsoccurredagaininMay,ejectingballisticsto8km 3 andproducingaddi k m 3 2 ma?cmagma 4 lavaissuedfromaconeinthenearbyBaturCaldera(Fig. 1),only18 k mNWofMountAgung'ssummit 5 .Batur 6 2-3 7 .Satelliteinterferometry 8 ,whichcatalyzedourinstallation eruptions. the CVGHMnetworkatMountAgung,andseismicenergywasdominatedbyculturalnoisefromthesouth thesouth andsouthwest?anksofMountAgung~4and5 k theBaturCaldera(Fig. 1A).?roughoutthecrisis,theprimarydatastreamsusedtomonitorunrestwerereal- seismicityfromalldatasources. ofearthquakesperday(Fig. 2).Feltreportsandseismic-wave-arrivaltimesonlocalstationssuggestedthatthe closertoMountAgung(Fig. 3).Seismicitypeakedon22Septemberwith800earthquakesofmagnitude1 recordedbytheCVGHMseismicnetwork(Fig. 2B).Earthquakemagnitudesalsoincreased,withaM4.2(BMKG) VTeventratesdecreasedsigni?cantlyon20October(Fig. 2B)andcontinuedtodecreasethroughearly andlocationsacrossthenetwork(Fig. 1A). daywithlargeM3 eruptionsinlateNovember(Fig. 3).On8November,2017~22:00UTC,BMKGrecordedaM4.9andaseries ofa?ershockslocated~10 k mNEofMountAgung(Fig. 3).Shortlya?erwards,small,low-frequency(LF)and s econd duration;broadband1-10 H 5 k seismically. episodeslasting30-90 m

Figure 1

features(redtriangles),locationsoftheobservatories(pos,greensquares),andrelevanttowns(blue crosses) mD


current,andlahardepositsaremodi?edfrom 2 B) 39
are exclusionzones(inblue)arethesame.

Figure 2

A )Alertlevelchanges;( B


C )GNSSdisplacementsandbaselinelength betweenYHKRandREND (alsoknownasRNDG)stations;( D )SO 2 emissionratesfromground-basedmobile


2 andSO 2 F CO 2 /SO 2 ratios(molar)fromMulti-GAS;( G )BrO/SO 2 ratiofrommobileDOAS;( H )AdvancedSpaceborne unrestmaximumradiance(8.7 W/m 2 m/sr)plottedasdashedline(seealsoSupplementalFiguresFig. S1);and I k msummit).Runningacrosstheentiregraphare andintermittentashpu?ng(purple). explosiveactivitycontinuedthroughthepresent(June 2019). (Fig. 1A)thatwasinstalledin2012.By2014,allofthesiteshadceasedtransmittingdata,buttheywererevived

115.3 115.4 115.5 115.6 115.7

a) 2017/01/15≥ 2017/09/21 TMKS PSAG

115.3 115.4 115.5 115.6 115.7

b) 2017/09/21≥2017/11/21

115.3 115.4 115.5 115.6 115.7

c) 2017/11/21≥2018/07/01


Displacement (mm)

Jan Ma

rMay Jul Sep NovJan MarMay d)REND



Jan Ma

rMay Jul Sep NovJan MarMay





25RSep 02ROct 09ROct 16ROct 23ROct 30ROct 06RNov 13RNov 20RNov 27RNov




20 cm20 cm





Figure 3

.Reg ionalBMKGEarthquakelocationsfor(A) 2017/01/15-2017/09/21,(B) 2017/09/21-


C ) 2017/11/21-2018/07/01.Earthquakecirclesizeisscaledbymagnitude(rangeM2.2 appearance.M4 A B


C D )DetailedGPStime-seriesand( E )RSAMdata(1 h our)for F )Frequency?lteredRSAM(12 h our)ratiosbetweenseismic k m,respectively)totheAgungsummit,which H z(black)and6-24 H z(gray)areshownin H E F )representtimes ofM4 earthquakesshownin( B ).Redlinesin( D F F )showsthetimingofalarge changesinanalogtelemetry.SeetextandFig. 1forotherdetails. stationREND(Figs 2Cand3Dlocated~12kmsouth-southwestofthevolcano'ssummit.Priortotheonsetof Agung(Fig. 3A),withthelaterin?ationaryepochbeingthelargerofthetwo(forinstance,southwardmotionof


mm inFebruary-Marchand~20 mm 9 at10-20 k 10 sites(Fig. 3B).StationREND,forexample,beganmovingnorthtowardsthevolcano'ssummit.InSARresults k mdepthbetweenAgungandBatur 10 whileGNSSstations - particularlyREND - areconsistentwithacombinationofdikeintrusiontothenorth frequencyinlate-JunetoJuly2018. butaredominatedbyremobilizededi?celithicmaterial(Fig. 4D,E).Collectedbulkashsampleswereanalyzed increasefrom55to59wt.%SiO 2

Figure 4

.Im agesfromtheNovembervolcaniceruptions.(A)LookingnortheastfromBesakihTempleduringeruptionon26November2017.PhotobyJohannesP.Christo.(B)VieweasttowardMt.Agungon27November 2017fromCulikmarketplace.Darkash-richandwhitesteam-richplumesemergesimultaneously.PhotobyFirdiaLisnawati.(C)Juvenilescoriafragmenteruptedon21November 2017.(D,E)Lithicfragmentseruptedon21Novemberand25November,respectively.(F)Laharon28November2017atTukadYehSah river.PhotobyJohannesP.Christo.

observedwithinthiscrateron25Novemberandby27Novemberhadcoveredthecrater?oor(Fig. 5).Whenlava amaximumthicknessofabout121 m andavolumeofabout24millionm 3 .Atthispoint,thelavahadreached additional~10 mt oitsthickness. uresulfurdioxide(SO 2 11 campaigns 2 withaminiaturizedmulti-GAS 12 ,13 in situmeasurementsof plumeH 2


2 ,SO 2 ,andH 2 ofthesummitandclimbedto~3,300 mf orsampling(Fig. 6).?e?rstsuccessfulmeasurementswereobtained 2 anomaly(CO 2 36
2 wasbelow thesensordetectionlimit(~0.05ppmv;Fig. 2E).Whilenopriorbaselinegasmeasurementswereavailablefor 2 anomaliesofthismagnitudeareuncommon


and h ourslater,the?rstphreatomag SO 2 emissionrateof660t/d(Fig. 2D).?reedi?erentdrone?ightson23and24NovemberfoundlargeCO 2 anomalies( CO 2

49-98pp mv),verylowSO

2 mixingratios(SO 2,MAX

0.55pp mvon23November;0.05ppmv

on24November),andtraceH 2 S(

Figure 5

.Im agescapturedbydrone?ightsoverMt.Agungcrateron20October2017and16December2017.(A)Recti?edphotomontageofpre-eruptionconditionswithsteamingintheeasternwall.(B)Hillshadedigitalelevationmodelwithfalsecolorsshowingrelativeelevation(yellowtored).(C)Post-eruptionphotomontagethatshowsthelava?ow.(D)Hillshadedigitalelevationmodelasin(B),wherethelava?owcontainsconcentricpressureridgescreatedduringoutward?owfromthecentralvent.Cracksarevisiblepropagatingfromthecenterventregion.

veryCO 2 -richandS-poor,andaveragemolarCO 2 /SO 2 Novemberpriortothestartofthemainmagmaticexplosivephaseat9:20UTCon25November(Fig. 2F). ?ehighestSO 2 2




,n 14)a withclearH 2 O,CO 2 ,andSO 2 peaks(H 2 O/CO 2 21,CO
2 /SO 2



26.1pp mv).?eDOASmeas-



datashowedanincreasingtrenduptoBrO/SO 2

1.8an d1.9E-4detectedon17and18December,respectively

(Fig. 2G).?eincreasingBrO/SO 2 toBrO 18 2 emissionsweredecreasing (medianJanuarySO 2

230t/d ,n12;February220t/d,n4).SO

2 emissionsbrie?yjumpedtomorethan

200t/d)bythebeginningofAugust 2018.


14 September 2017-- Upgrade to Level 2:

Baturseismicnetworkinmid-May2017.Figure 2presentsatimelineofobservationalandgeophysicalmeas- urementsfromJuly2017toAugust2018.Bymid-July2017 - aroundthetimethatasmallthermalanomalywas detected(Fig. 2H,SupplementalFiguresFig. S1) - RSAMvaluesatAgunghaddeviatedfrombaselinelevels (Fig. 2B),andbymid-August,VTearthquakeswereoccurringdaily,increasingsigni?cantlyinSeptember.In wellasbyInSAR 10 seismicity,promptedanalertlevelchangetoWaspada(Level2)on14September(Table 1,Figs. 1Band2A).

18 September 2017-- Upgrade to Level 3


22 September 2017-- Upgrade to Level 4

on22September(Figs 2Band3),promptinganotheralertlevelchange.Inretrospect,weknowtherewasalsoa changeintherelativemotionofGNSS-stations(Figs 2Cand3).GNSSstationssouthofthevolcanoregistered (1) launch @ 530 m elevation (3) transit ~11 km @ 3300 m altitude (2) climb (5) return


Mount Agung

(3031 m) (4) plume measurement



8:50 :158:50:25 8:50:35


SO 2 ppmv H 2


2 ppmv H 2



.Per spectivedigitalelevationmodel(fromGoogleEarth)thatdisplaysdrone?ightpathon19 2


2 signalsonthe le?ordinate,andSO 2


plumerosefromthenortheastcrater?oor~1500 ma detectedseismically(Fig. 3F).?iswasthetallestplumeobservedbeforetheeruption.Unauthorizedclimbers 2 k mdistance(Fig. 2E).

29 October 2017-- Downgrade to Level 3:

November,RSAMvaluesbegantoincreaseslowly(Figs 2Band3).On8November,anM4.9earthquakewas k mfromthevolcano.?is wasthelargestrecordedVTeventduringthecrisisperiod(Figs 2Band3).

26 November 2017-- Upgrade to Level 4:

detectedaCO 2 -richplumeearlyon21November(Fig. 2E,F).?e2017Agungeruptionbeganwithasmall ma bovethesummit(Figs. 2I and4).AmoderateamountofSO 2 magmadegassing(Fig. 2D).Multi-GASdroneflightsdetectedelevatedlevelsofCO 2 on23-24November (Fig. 2F).Larger,continuousexplosionsbeganon25Novemberat9:20UTCandsatelliteobservationsdetected k mabovethesummit(~9 k masl)by26 November(Fig. 2I)andtraveledESEresultinginclosureofthePrayaairportinLombok(~95 k mSEofAgung crater)on26-27,30Novemberand1December.On26November23:00 UTC,thealertlevelwasraisedtoAwas k mSWofAgungcrater)during26-29November.


2 Lightning,loudrumblings,andlaharswereproduced(Fig. 4F)asaresultofrainfallmobilizingashdeposits fromlateNovember.Twoplumeswereemittedon26-27November(Fig. 4B),withadark,ash-richpartema- November,lavacoveredthecrater?oor(Fig. 5C,D)andbegantorapidly?llthesummitcrater,untilslowingon DateAlert LevelObservations leading to alert level changeObservations leading to retaining alert levelExclusion zone



thermalanomalies fumarolicactivity increaseinVTseismicity3km


increaseinfumarolicactivity increaseinfeltearthquakefreq.andM increaseinVTseismicity6/7.5km


increaseinfumarolicactivity increaseinthermalanomalysz. peakinseismicity increaseinfeltseismicity eventtreeon9/20/2017 modelingshowedthatlargePDCscould travel*10 kmin3 min utes;andthata


mo fash within15 km highdisasterpotential;manylocalpeople hadnomemoryof1963eruption


appearanceofLFs increasingfeltseismicity (M4.3on9/27/2017) eventtreeson9/23,10/02and


~140kpeopleevacuated(inc.~70k self-evacuatedfromoutsidethe exclusionzone) protectiveeyewearandmasks recommended communicationnetwork establishedthroughWhatsApp groupsandradio fundingmadeavailablefor evacuationexpenses


decrease,followedbywaxingandwaning seismicity lackoffurtherlg.changesindeformationquotesdbs_dbs30.pdfusesText_36
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