[PDF] CATALOGUE 2017-2018 HCT Catalogue 2017-2018 Academic

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Calendrier 2017-2018 Paces-étudiants

CALENDRIER PACES 2017/2018 Cours et Informations pédagogiquesCONGÉS/JOURS FÉRIÉS Findes cours et des ED Affichage des résultats Amphisd'affectation (dates disponibles ultérieurement) Inscriptions /réinscriptions (informations disponibles ultérieurement)

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Quels sont les cours de la PACES à Nancy ?

En plus de l’anatomie, le programme de la PACES à Nancy comporte des cours sur les tissus et la biologie de la reproduction pour comprendre le développement de l’embryon.

Quand consulter le calendrier universitaire de l'université de Nantes ?

Il est susceptible d'évoluer en fonction de la situation sanitaire. Pensez à le consulter de nouveau avant la rentrée." Le calendrier universitaire des STAPS de l'Université de Nantes pour l'année 2022-2023 est en ligne. Préparez dès maintenant votre année et notez dès aujourd'hui les grandes dates dans vos agendas.

Qui sont les étudiants de la PACES?

Qui sont les étudiants de la PACES de l'Université catholique de Lille ? - Effectif total d'étudiants en PACES (2015-2016) : 447. - Part des primants : 69 % ; des doublants : 31 %. • 1 % de bacs ES, ST2S, STL et STAV.

Qui sont les étudiants de la PACES de l'université de la réunion?

Qui sont les étudiants de la PACES de l'université de La Réunion ? - Effectif total d'étudiants en PACES (2015-2016) : 960. - Part des primants : 74 % ; des doublants : 25 % ; des triplants : 1 %. • 3 % d'autres bacs. • 36 % de sans mention. 72 % de La Réunion ; 14 % de la France métropolitaine (4 % d'Île-de-France).

CATALOGUE 2017-2018



2017 - 2018


2017 - 2018




The Higher Colleges of Technology is the

leading applied higher education institution in empowering generations to contribute to shaping the future of the UAE


Provide applied higher education to equip

generations with knowledge, skills, and competencies that meet international standards and the future needs of the UAE industry and society


Creativity & Innovation | Accountability | Integrity | Excellence | Respect | Community Spirit | Service to Society

Mohammad Omran Al Shamsi



2017 - 2018


2017 - 2018




The Higher Colleges of Technology is the

leading applied higher education institution in empowering generations to contribute to shaping the future of the UAE


Provide applied higher education to equip

generations with knowledge, skills, and competencies that meet international standards and the future needs of the UAE industry and society


Creativity & Innovation | Accountability | Integrity | Excellence | Respect | Community Spirit | Service to Society

Mohammad Omran Al Shamsi


Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication at the time of going to press; however, HCT reserves the right to alter any programme or course. Students should check for any amendments prior to enrolment. All amendments or updates will be published in the official online version at www.hct.ac.ae Compiled by Central Academic and Student Services. Copyright@2016 Higher

Colleges of Technology

HCT Catalogue 2017-2018


HCT Catalogue | 2017-20184

HCT Catalogue 2017-2018


HCT Catalogue | 2017-20185As the Higher Colleges of Technology continues on its ground-breaking, transformative HCT 2.0 journey

the focus throughout the 2017-18 academic year will undoubtedly be a dedicated commitment to

providing our students with the highest quality, job-relevant, applied and technical education. This will

enable us to nurture and mould the next generation of work-ready graduates and allow us to maintain our

mission to be the UAE's, and the region's, top-ranked applied higher education institution. The HCT is grateful to have the committed and continuous support and pat ronage of our nation's leaders, and we greatly appreciate their guidance and leadership which have helped the HCT to become a model

of educational effectiveness and achievement; renowned for providing highly skilled and well-prepared

graduates. This catalogue reflects the directives and initiatives of our nation's leadership, such as being

aligned to the UAE Vision 2021, which seeks to expand and enrich the UAE's reputation as a knowledge society. This catalogue provides an extensive list of programmes, majors and courses offered by the HCT's

core academic Faculties, covering a broad range of industry-relevant fields of study, which will appeal

to many young Emiratis eager to pursue post-secondary studies. This publ ication also contains details of the newly created General Academic Requirements Division (GARD) encompassing the Foundations, General Studies, Emirati and Arabic Studies, and Academic Success programs which will greatly assist the new students as they pursue the next phase of their education.

This comprehensive guide is designed to assist every HCT student, and those considering HCT for their

post-secondary studies, to gain the maximum benefit from their time at our campuses, experiencing a complete, holistic and job-focused education. This information will enab le the students to reach their full potential and ultimately make worthwhile contributions to the UAE, as we ll as their respective workplaces and communities.

To all students undertaking studies at our campuses across the nation, I extend my best wishes throughout

the forthcoming year of learning and growth, knowledge acquisition, experiences and achievements.

Mohammad Omran Al Shamsi


Higher Colleges of Technology


HCT Catalogue 2017-2018


HCT Catalogue | 2017-20186

HCT Catalogue 2017-2018


HCT Catalogue | 2017-20187I am pleased to introduce the Higher Colleges of Technology's catalogue for the 2017-2018 academic

year, which will be a comprehensive guide for new and current students and their families, as well as for

faculty and staff, our industry partners and the broader community.

This detailed document fully details the programmes and courses in each of the academic and supporting

Faculties offered this year by our 16 campuses across the UAE. It also provides our students with valuable

information and data about the HCT's operational structures, policies, rules and regulations, the HCT

learning model and the services and resources HCT provides throughout the campuses.

The diverse range of programmes offered in this catalogue reaffirms that the HCT is keeping pace with the

needs of the United Arab Emirates' economy, providing highly qualified and work-ready graduates. We

will continue with these endeavours to meet the requirements of UAE society, and particularly employers,

by offering the best quality, career-oriented academic, technical and training programmes. To achieve this we are ensuring that all HCT courses are linked to industry needs and standards, no

matter what the field, thus ensuring our students receive the appropriate experience in their field of

choice so that they can enter the UAE workforce as valuable contributors. This important goal is firmly

embedded in the five-year HCT 2.0 initiative, which strives to empower s tudents with the 21st century skills needed to succeed in today's globalized workplaces.

As part of these processes HCT is progressing with the accreditation of all core academic disciplines,

starting with CAA, ABET and ACBSP accreditation of Computer Information Science, Engineering

Technology and Business programmes respectively, and continuing with the remaining courses this year.

As an integral part of the HCT 2.0 Strategic Plan, we are well advanced with our plans to provide students

with a Hybrid Education Model, giving them the choice of academic or app lied streams of study. This model will allow us to provide our students with in-demand courses that will meet the needs of in dustry and employers. We are pleased to provide details of the many varied and exciting educational opportunities found in this

catalogue, to enable our students to fully plan and prepare for their future careers. I wish all HCT students

great success, discovery and enjoyment in their studies throughout the year, as they strive for excellence

in all that they undertake.

Dr Abdullatif Al Shamsi

Vice Chancellor

Higher Colleges of Technology


HCT Catalogue 2017-2018


HCT Catalogue | 2017-20188This catalogue is divided into three sections.

In the first section, an overview of the HCT is provided, including its history and status in the current

educational climate of the United Arab Emirates. Information is also provided about HCT's governance

and organisational structures (including a high-level organisational chart), national accreditation, HCT's

academic framework and the learning resources and services that support HCT students. The second section provides more detailed information about admission to the HCT, its regulations,

academic policies and procedures. It also includes key information about academic progression at HCT,

grading, graduation and student conduct. A more complete statement of HCT Academic regulations and

policies is published online at http://www.hct.ac.ae. The online catalogue may also contain any addenda

for updated policies. The third section provides information about each programme offered by HCT this academic year including academic staff, recommended sequence of study and course descriptions. This section also

provides a detailed overview of individual programmes including programme learning outcomes or goals,

programme length, completion requirements, required core courses, electives and General Studies courses, along with the credit units for each course.


HCT Catalogue 2017-2018


HCT Catalogue | 2017-20189

Academic Calendar10

Religious and Public Holidays11


Governance and Organisation16

HCT High Level Organization Structure19


Academic Framework22

Academic Learning Resources24

HCT Services and Resources for Students25


Key Terminology28

Academic Programme29

Admission and Enrolment30


Student Support Services35


Applied Media43


Computer Information Science85


Engineering Technology and Science111

Health Sciences177

Military and Security205

General Academic Requirements Division



Course Descriptions238


HCT Catalogue 2017-2018


HCT Catalogue | 2017-201810

Academic Calendar 2017-2018

Sunday 13 August 2017 - Thursday 9 August 2018*

Fall Semester 2017

Faculty returnSun 13 Aug, 2017

New students" orientation and placement examsMon 14 Aug - Wed 16 Aug 2017

Classes b

e ginSun 20 Aug, 2017

Last day of classesThu 7 Dec, 2017

Final Exams - Semester 1Sat 9 Dec to Sat 16 Dec, 2017 Winter break for studentsSun 17 Dec, 2017 to Thu 11 Jan, 2018 Winter break for facultyWed 20 Dec, 2017 to Tues 9 Jan, 2018

Spring Semester 2018

Faculty returnWed 10 Jan, 2018

New students" orientation and placement examsThu 11 Jan, 2018

Classes beginSun 14 Jan, 2018

Spring break for studentsSun 25 Mar to Thu 5 Apr, 2018 Spring break for facultySun 25 Mar to Thu 29 Mar, 2018

Faculty returnSun 1 Apr, 2018

Students return from Spring breakSun 8 Apr, 2018

Last day of classesSun 13 May, 2018

Final Exams - Semester 2Mon 14 May to Mon 21 May, 2018

Summer Semester I 2018**

Classes beginSun 27 May, 2018

Last day of classesMon 2 July, 2018

Final exams - Summer ITues 3 July & Wed 4 July, 2018 Summer break for facultySun 8 July to Thu 23 Aug, 2018

HCT Catalogue 2017-2018


HCT Catalogue | 2017-201811

Summer Semester II 2018**

Classes beginSun 8 July 2018

Last day of classesThu 9 Aug 2018

Final exams - Summer IISun 12 Aug & Mon. 13 Aug, 2018

Fall 2018

New Faculty Joining Date & Academic Administrators

Report to WorkSun 12 Aug, 2018

Faculty returnSun 26 Aug, 2018

Classes beginSun 27 Aug, 2018

*The date for the end of the Academic Year is subject to Summer Semester II **All Faculty and Staff are on Duty for either Summer Semester 1 or Summer Semester II

Open Calendar in ICS/iCal format

Religious and Public Holidays**

Arafat DayThu 31 Aug, 2017

Eid Al-AdhaFri 1 Sep - Sun 3 Sep, 2017

Islamic New YearFri 22 Sep, 2017

Commemoration DayThu 30 Nov, 2017

Prophet"s BirthdayThu 30 Nov, 2017

National DaySat 2 Dec & Sun 3 Dec, 2017

Isra Wal MirajFri 13 Apr, 2018

**Religious holidays are subject to confirmation

HCT Catalogue 2017-2018


HCT Catalogue | 2017-201812


HCT Catalogue 2017-2018


HCT Catalogue | 2017-201814

HCT Catalogue 2017-2018


HCT Catalogue | 2017-201815In 1985, HE Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, Chancellor of the United Arab Emirates University, made a commitment to establish a new system of post-secondary education for UAE nationals that would stress the ideals of productivity, self- determination and excellence. His Excellency envisioned a system of the highest quality that would be used to educate Nationals for the professional and technical careers necessary in a rapidly developing society. In fulfillment of that vision, the Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) was established in 1988 by Federal Law No 2 issued by the Late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may his soul rest in peace. Today, the system of the HCT is the largest higher educational institution in the United Arab Emirates with the current enrolment exceeding 22,000 students. The sixteen HCT men's and women's campuses offer an impressive range of instructional programmes in the fields of Applied Media, Business, Computer Information Science, Engineering Technology and Science, Education, General Studies, Health Sciences and Military and Security with all HCT programmes being delivered in English, excepting courses in Arabic and Emirati Studies. Graduates of the HCT make immediate contributions to government, business and industrial sectors, and develop into leaders in their fields. The HCT is dedicated to student- oriented learning, which places the responsibility for education upon the students themselves and promotes lifelong learning



22,287 students



Academic & Supporting Departments






Our Vision

The Higher Colleges of Technology is the leading applied higher education institution in empowering generations to contribute to shaping the future of the UAE.

Our Mission

Provide applied higher education to equip generations with knowledge, skills, and competencies that meet international standards and the future needs of the UAE industry and society.


Creativity & Innovation, Accountability, Integrity,

Excellence, Respect, Community Spirit, Service to


HCT Institutional Strengths

HCT"s institutional strengths that differentiate it from other higher educational institutions in the UAE are:

commitment to educational access - HCT is an access institution for the UAE built upon twenty-five years of producing high quality Emirati graduates who are prepared to enter the workforce and contribute to economic development and UAE society;

practical application of knowledge - HCT is a national resource for connecting the practical application of knowledge to workforce needs and applications. This is the cornerstone of the HCT learning model and its educational philosophy;

the quality of our faculty and learning environment - HCT faculty possess both academic qualifications and professional experience which combined with the HCT's state of the art teaching and learning resources, technologies and facilities provide students with a high class educational experience. The quality and high employment rate of its graduates are reflective of the quality of the faculty and the learning environment;

programme accreditation - HCT programmes are internationally accredited by professional accrediting agencies;

linkages with business and the community - HCT programmes are continually aligned with the changing and emerging needs of business and industry; and are supported by state-of-the-art technologies. HCT campuses are also cultural and community centres that contribute to local culture, history and Emirati heritage;

graduate employment - HCT's most consistent effectiveness measure is the high employment rate of its graduates who are in strong demand by employers across the UAE.

Overview of the HCT

HCT Catalogue 2017-2018


HCT Catalogue | 2017-201816


The Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) constitute a federal independent academic corporate body for higher education established under Federal law no. 2 of 1988 and later reorganised under Federal law no. 17 of 1998. HCT confers degrees at the Bachelor, Higher Diploma and Diploma levels. The HCT operates as a system of 16 campuses for male andquotesdbs_dbs31.pdfusesText_37
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