[PDF] word-2010-keyboard-shortcuts.pdf

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México; Datos mundiales de educación 2010/11; 2010

A partir de las reformas a los currículos de educación preescolar y secundaria el tramo de la educación primaria fue perdiendo vigencia de manera paulatina

Microsoft Word 2010 Product Guide

Now you can apply the same types of formatting that you use for those graphics and images directly to document text. Unlike WordArt from earlier versions of 

User guide on how to generate PDF versions of the product

28 mar 2022 EMA/793983/2010 v.3.0. Veterinary Medicines Division ... in the Word source document prior to conversion to PDF (method 2 pages 4-8).

Patch Management - Supported Product Versions

23 sept 2022 Supported Product Versions ... This document provides a list of products and versions that Qualys Patch Management ... Word Server 2010.

Commission Decision of 5 February 2010 on standard contractual

5 feb 2010 Pursuant to Directive 95/46/EC Member States are required to provide that a transfer of personal data to a third country may only take place ...

Good Practice Guidance - Version Control

Version control is the process by which different drafts and versions of a document or 18/10/2006 ... Microsoft Word also offers a versioning tool.


Word 2010 Shortcuts. Platform: Windows/English. Manage Word Documents. Ctrl+n. Create new document. Ctrl+o. Open document. Ctrl+w. Close document.


If the instructions above for WORD 2003 2007 or 2010 do not work

Checklist for accessible Word files

In Word 2010 and 2013 the header row is selected on the table properties. From 2016

Module 2 – Improve your skills in MS Office 2010 (Word Excel

Office who had been familiar with older versions. The latest version of MS Office 2010 user interface look has changed. Therefore

How do I use versioning in word?

To use versioning in Word, you need to store your documents in either OneDrive or in a SharePoint Library. When documents are stored online, you can turn on AutoSave to automatically save as your work. You can also share documents by inviting someone to the library, or providing a link rather than sending a discrete copy of the document.

How to view previous versions of Microsoft Word?

The first step is to view previous versions of Word documents. The fastest way to do this is by clicking the file name in the top bar in Microsoft Word. Here, you’ll need to select “VVersion History.” Alternatively, you can click the “File” button from the top menu bar. Now, select “Info.” Click the “Version History” button.

Is the Microsoft Word 2010 manual available in English?

Yes, the manual of the Microsoft Word 2010 is available in English . Is your question not listed? Ask your question here

How do I know if a Word document has been updated?

Now, select “Info.” Click the “VVersion History” button. This will open up the Version History pane on the right. The most recent version of your document will be listed at the top. Word also helpfully sorts your changes by date, which makes it a lot easier to track older versions of large documents.


Word 2010 Shortcuts

Platform: Windows/English

Manage Word Documents

Ctrl+nCreate new document

Ctrl+oOpen document

Ctrl+wClose document

Ctrl+sSave document

F12Save document as

Ctrl+pPrint document/ print preview

Ctrl+F6Switch between multiple Word documents

Alt, then f, rOpen Recent (file, recent)

Navigate within Documents

Arrow Left/Arrow

RightJump one character to the left / to the right

Ctrl+Arrow Left/Ctr

l+Arrow RightJump one word to the left / to the right End/HomeJump to the end of a line / beginning of a line

Arrow Down/Arro

w UpJump one line down / one line down

Ctrl+Arrow Down/

Ctrl+Arrow UpJump one paragraph down / one paragraph up

Page Down/Page

UpJump one screen down/ one screen up


Down/ Alt+Ctrl+Page UpJump to top / to bottom of visible window


eJump to end / to beginning of document Ctrl+g or f5Go to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, comment, graphic, or other location Alt+Ctrl+zGo back to previously edited location in document (up to 4 places) Shift+F5Go to a the last change or revision. Also works after opening document.

Ctrl+Shift+F5Set, go to and edit bookmarks

Alt+Ctrl+HomeSet Browse Options. Press the arrow keys to select an option, and then press enter to browse through a document by using the selected option

Ctrl+Page Down/Ct

rl+Page UpMove to next / move to previous browser object as set in Browse Options

Select Text

Shift+Arrow Right/

Shift+Arrow LeftExtend selection one character to the right / to the left




LeftExtend selection one word to the right / to the left


meExtend selection to the end / to beginning of a line

Shift+Arrow Down/

Shift+Arrow UpExtend selection one line down / one line up

Shift+Page Down/

Shift+Page UpExtend selection one screen down / one screen up


Ctrl+Shift+HomeExtend selection to end / to beginning of document




UpExtend selection to end / to beginning of visible window

Ctrl+aExtend selection to entire document

Arrow KeysCancel selection and return to beginning / to end of selection

F8Turn Extend Mode on: Extend selection without

pressing shift

Arrow keys , Page

up/Page downExtend selection in Extended Mode:F8Extend selection further by word, paragraph, document in Extended Mode Shift+F8Reduce the size of a selection in Extended Mode

Ctrl+Shift+f8, and

arrow keysSelect a vertical block of text in Extended Mode

EscTurn extend mode off

F8Extend a selection to a specific location in a


Undo, Copy and Paste

Ctrl+zUndo the last action

Ctrl+yRedo the last action

Ctrl+cCopy selected text or object

Ctrl+xCut selected text or object

Ctrl+vPaste selected text or object

Ctrl+Shift+cCopy text format

Ctrl+Shift+vPaste text format

Ctrl+Alt+vPaste special

Ctrl+v, then Ctrl,

then kPaste and keep Source Formatting

Ctrl+v, then Ctrl,

then tPaste and keep Text only

Ctrl+F3Cut to the Spike (separate clipboard)

Ctrl+Shift+F3Paste from the Spike

Alt+Shift+rCopy the header or footer from previous section of the document

Edit Documents

Insert Special Characters

Alt+Ctrl+cInsert copyright symbol

Alt+Ctrl+rInsert registered trademark symbol

Alt+Ctrl+tInsert trademark symbol

Alt+Ctrl+. (Period)Insert horizontal ellipsis (?)

Alt+Ctrl+-Insert em dash

Alt+Ctrl+[[]+[[]Insert en dash

Alt, then n,uInsert Symbol (insert menu)

' or Ctrl+2x`Insert single opening quotation mark

Ctrl+2x 'Insert single closing quotation mark

Type character

code and press Alt+ xInsert Unicode character, e.g. 20ac

Select character

and press alt+xTransform character to Unicode

Alt+character code

on numeric keyboardInsert ANSI character

Insert Breaks

EnterInsert paragraph break

Shift+EnterInsert line break without breaking paragraph

Ctrl+EnterInsert page break

Ctrl+Shift+EnterInsert column break (break table)

Ctrl+Shift+SpaceInsert nonbreaking space


(Hyphen)Insert nonbreaking hyphen

Ctrl+-Insert optional hyphen

Word 2010 Shortcuts

Platform: Windows/English

Insert Text Elements

Alt+Ctrl+fInsert a footnote

Alt+Ctrl+dInsert an endnote

Ctrl+kInsert a hyperlink

Alt+Shift+iInsert Citation Mark

Alt+Shift+xInsert Index Mark

Move and Delete Text

F2, then move to

position and press

EnterMove selected text to different position

Shift+F2, then

move to position and press EnterCopy selected text to different position Delete/BackspaceDelete one character to the right / to the left (or delete selection)


ckspaceDelete one word to the right / to the left DeleteDelete one character to the right or delete selection


+Shift+>Decrease / Increase font size one value


Format Text

Ctrl+d or Ctrl+Shift

+kOpen the Font dialog box


+Shift+>Decrease / Increase font size one value Ctrl+[[]/Ctrl+[[]Decrease / Increase font size one point

Ctrl+bApply/remove bold

Ctrl+iApply/remove italic

Ctrl+uApply/remove underline

Ctrl+=Apply/remove subscript

Ctrl+Shift+[[]+[[]Apply/remove superscript

Ctrl+Shift+dApply/remove double-underline

Ctrl+Shift+wApply/remove words underline (only words, no spaces)

Ctrl+Shift+hApply/remove hidden formatting

Ctrl+Shift+aApply/remove all capitals

Ctrl+Shift+kApply/remove small capitals

Shift+F3Change between all upper-, first letter upper- and all lower-case [Ctrl]+[d], then [Alt]+k] and enterApply strike-through formatting (font dialog) Ctrl+Shift+qChange the selection to the Symbol font Shift+F1Reveal Formatting (show all formats of selection)

Format Paragraphs

Ctrl+rRight-align paragraph

Ctrl+lLeft-align paragraph

Ctrl+eCenter-align paragraph

Ctrl+jJustify-align paragraph


mIndent paragraph from the left and increase / decrease indent

Ctrl+1Set line-spacing to single-space

Ctrl+2Set line-spacing to double-space

Ctrl+5Set line-spacing to 1.5

Ctrl+0 (zero)Add or remove one line space preceding a paragraphStyles

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+sOpen or close Styles task pane

Alt+Ctrl+1Apply Heading 1 style

Alt+Ctrl+2Apply Heading 2 style

Alt+Ctrl+3Apply Heading 3 style




LeftPromote / demote Headings

Ctrl+SpaceRemove all manual styles

Ctrl+Shift+nApply Normal style

Ctrl+Shift+sOpen Apply Styles task pane (will not close with pressing it a second time)

Alt+Ctrl+kStart Auto Format

Search and Replace

Ctrl+hOpen traditional find and replace window

Ctrl+h, then Alt+dOpen traditional find window

Alt+Ctrl+y, or Shift

+F4Repeat last find after closing find window

Ctrl+TabJump between find menu and document

Alt+Space, Arrow

keys and EnterMove find menu window

EscClose traditional search window if active

Ctrl+fOpen (new) search menu in navigation task pane alt, then w,kOpen and close Navigation pane (View, Navigation)

Manage Word View

Switch Views

Alt+Ctrl+pSwitch to Print Layout view

Alt+Ctrl+oSwitch to Outline view

Alt+Ctrl+nSwitch to Draft view (used to be normal view)

Ctrl+scroll mouseZoom in and zoom out

alt then w, qOpen Zoom Menu (no native shortcut exists for zoom in/ zoom out)

Alt+Ctrl+sSplit the document window


Ctrl+F1Show or hide the ribbon

f10 or altSelect item in Ribbon

EscLeave Ribbon or Submenu

Arrow Left/Arrow

RightMove left or right between main Ribbon Menus if active Arrow KeysMove left/right/up/down between Ribbon Menus and


space or enterWhen in ribbon Open or activate selected item

Navigation Pane

Alt, then w,kOpen and close Navigation pane (View, Navigation) F6/Shift+F6With Navigation Pane open: Switch forward / backwards between (1) Navigation Pane, (2) Bottom

Taskbar, (3) Ribbon, and (4) Document

Tab/Shift+TabIn Navigation Pane: Move through Navigation Pane options

Word 2010 Shortcuts

Platform: Windows/English


Navigate in Tables

Arrow Down/Arro

w UpJump one row down / one row up Tab/Shift+TabJump to (and select) next / previous table cell Alt+Home/Alt+EndJump to first column/ jump to last column

Alt+Page Up/Alt+Pa

ge DownJump to first row / jump to last row

Ctrl+Arrow Left/Ctr

l+Arrow RightOne cell to the left / to the right

Select Table Contents

Shift+EndSelect current table cell

end, then shift+Ho meSelect content of current table cell

Press and hold

shift and press arrow keys repeatedlyExtend selection to adjacent cells

Ctrl+Shift+f8, then

pressExtend selection or block

Alt+5 on numeric

keypad (with numLock off)Select an entire table

Edit Tables



w DownMove current row up or down

In first column,

press shift+end repeatedlySelect row*

In first row press


DownSelect column

Shift+F10, then dDelete rows* with rows selected

Shift+F10, then d,

then r and enterDelete row

Shift+F10, then d,

then c and enterDelete column

Shift+F10, then i,

then aInsert row above

Shift+F10, then i,

then bInsert row below

Ctrl+TabInsert tab character

tab in last table cellAdd row at the end *Make sure selection extends past the last column which is number of columns +1. Word shows the selection extended next to the last column.

Outline View

Ctrl+Shift+oSwitch to Outline View

Tab/Shift+TabPromote / Demote a paragraph (or Alt+Shift+Arrow

Left/Arrow Right)




DownMove selected paragraphs up / down

Ctrl+Shift+nDemote to body text (set style to normal)

Alt+Shift++ / Alt+Sh

ift+-Expand / Collapse text under a heading Alt+Shift+aExpand or collapse all text or headings / key on the numeric keypadHide or display character formatting Alt+Shift+lShow the first line of body text or all body text Alt+Shift+1Show all headings with the Heading 1 styleAlt+Shift+nShow all headings up to Heading n

Ctrl+TabInsert a tab character

Review Documents

F7Choose the Spelling command (Review tab).

Alt+Ctrl+mInsert a comment

Ctrl+Shift+eTurn change tracking on or off

Alt+Shift+cClose the Reviewing Pane if it is open.

Ctrl+Shift+*Display nonprinting characters.

Alt+F10Display the Selection and Visibility task pane.

Ctrl+Shift+gOpen the Word Count dialog box.

Print Documents

Ctrl+pPrint a document (print preview)

EscClose print preview

Arrow keys, Page

up /Page DownMove around the preview pages (with focus on preview page*)


dMove to first page / last page (with focus on preview page) *Except tabbing, there seems to be no shortcut to jump to preview page.

Clicking on it with the mouse is an option


Alt+Shift+dInsert current date (insert DATE field)

Alt+Shift+pInsert page number (insert PAGE field)

Alt+Shift+tInsert time (insert TIME field)

Alt+Ctrl+lInsert LISTNUM field

Ctrl+F9Insert an empty field

Ctrl+Shift+lInsert a LISTNUM field

Shift+F9Show or hide field code/result of selected field Alt+F9Show or hide field codes/results of all fields in document

F9Update selected fields*

Alt+Shift+F9Run GOTOBUTTON or MACROBUTTON from the field that displays the field results

F11/Shift+F11Go to the next field/ previous field

Ctrl+Shift+F7Update linked information in a Microsoft Word source document

Ctrl+Shift+F9Unlink a field


+F11Lock a field / Unlock a field *to update all fields, select the complete document with ctrl+a, then update fields by pressing f9)

Mail Merge

Alt+Shift+kPreview a mail merge

Alt+Shift+nMerge a document

Alt+Shift+mPrint the merged document

Alt+Shift+eEdit a mail-merge data document

Alt+Shift+fInsert a merge field

Alt+Shift+kPreview a mail merge

Alt+Shift+nMerge a document

Alt+Shift+mPrint the merged document

Alt+Shift+eEdit a mail-merge data document

Alt+Shift+fInsert a merge field

Word 2010 Shortcuts

Platform: Windows/English

The Rest

F1Get Help or visit Microsoft Office.com

Alt+F4Exit Word

Shift+F10Display a shortcut menu (Simulate right mouse button) Alt+F3Create new Building block with selected textsquotesdbs_dbs31.pdfusesText_37
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