[PDF] Machine (Assembly) Language Typical machine language commands (3

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Typed Machine Language and its Semantics

We present TML a new low level typed intermediate language for the proof-carrying code framework. The type system of TML is expressive enough to compile high 

A Semantic Model of Types and Machine Instructions for Proof

16 Jul 1999 safety of machine-language programs with a machine- checkable proof. Such proofs have previously defined type-checking rules as part of the ...

Machine Language

Both binary and assembly code are forms of machine language. This article will provide an overview of a typical assembly language as well as a description 

A semantic model of types and machine instructions for proof

Proof-carrying code is a framework for proving the safety of machine-language programs with a machine- checkable proof. Previous PCC frameworks have de-.

The universal code of science and machine languages

According to the various types of utilization of linguistic informa- tion in machines various machine languages are being developed.

A Semantic Model of Types and Machine Instructions for Proof

Proof-carrying code is a framework for proving the safety of machine-language programs with a machine- checkable proof. Previous PCC frameworks have de-.

Safety Checking of Machine Code

machine-language programs and applied the safety checker to several examples. of not just the types of the operation's operands

Today (10/6/2008) Assembly vs. machine language R-type format

Machine language the binary representation for instructions. Register-to-register arithmetic instructions use the R-type format.

8086(Machine Language Instruction Formats)

•A machine language instruction format has one or more number of fields associated with it. type of operation to be performed by the CPU.

Machine (Assembly) Language

Typical machine language commands (3 types). ? ALU operations. ? Memory access operations. (addressing mode: how to specify operands).

Machine Language

ZZZQDQGWHWULVRUJBuilding a Modern Computer From First Principles

Machine (Assembly) Language

Machine Language








Machine Language


Abstraction - implementation duality:Machine language ( = instruction set) can be viewed as a programmer-

oriented abstraction of the hardware platform The hardware platform can be viewed as a physical means for realizing the machine language abstraction

Machine Language


Abstraction - implementation duality:Machine language ( = instruction set) can be viewed as a programmer-

oriented abstraction of the hardware platform The hardware platform can be viewed as a physical means for realizing the machine language abstraction Another duality:Binary version:0001 0001 0010 0011 (machine code)

Symbolic versionADD R1, R2, R3 (assembly)

Machine Language


Abstraction - implementation duality:Machine language ( = instruction set) can be viewed as a programmer-

oriented abstraction of the hardware platform The hardware platform can be viewed as a physical means for realizing the machine language abstraction

Another duality:Binary version

Symbolic version

Loose definition:

Machine language = an agreed-upon formalism for manipulating a memoryusing a processorand a set of registers Same spirit but different syntax across different hardware platforms. ALU combinational



Machine Language


Machine languages at a glance

The Hack machine language:

Symbolic version

Binary version


(The assembler will be covered in chapter 6).

Machine Language


ALU operations

Memory access operations

(addressing mode: how to specify operands)

Immediate addressing, LDA R1, 67// R1=67

Direct addressing, LD R1, 67// R1=M[67]

Indirect addressing, LDI R1, R2// R1=M[R2]

Flow control operations

Machine Language



// In what follows R1,R2,R3 are registers, PC is program counter, // and addr is some value.

ADD R1,R2,R3 // R1 R2 + R3

ADDI R1,R2,addr // R1 R2 + addr

AND R1,R1,R2 // R1 R1 and R2 (bit-wise)

JMP addr // PC addr

JEQ R1,R2,addr // IF R1 == R2 THEN PC addr ELSE PC++

LOAD R1, addr // R1 RAM[addr]

STORE R1, addr // RAM[addr] R1

NOP // Do nothing

// Etc. - some 50-300 command variants

Machine Language


A 16-bit machine consisting of the following elements: .H\ERDUG


Machine Language


The ROM is loaded with a Hack program

The reset button is pushed

The program starts running

Machine Language


A 16-bit machine consisting of the following elements: Both memory chips are 16-bit wide and have 15-bit address space. ,QVWUXFWLRQ





Machine Language


A 16-bit machine consisting of the following elements: 0X[ 0X[ UHVHW LQ0


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Machine Language


A 16-bit machine consisting of the following elements:

Data memory:RAM- an addressable sequence of registersInstruction memory:ROM- an addressable sequence of registersRegisters:D, A, M, where M stands forRAM[A] Processing:ALU, capable of computing various functionsProgram counter:PC, holding an addressControl: The ROMis loaded with a sequence of 16-bit instructions, one per memory

location, beginning at address 0. Fetch-execute cycle: later Instruction set: Two instructions: A-instruction, C-instruction.

Machine Language


@value // A value Where valueis either a number or a symbol referring to some number.

Why A-instruction?




Sets the A register to 21

RAM[21] becomes the selected RAM register M In TOY, we store address in the instruction (fmt #2). But, it is impossible

to pack a 15-bit address into a 16-bit instruction. So, we have the A- instruction for setting addresses if needed.

Machine Language


@value // A value

Used for:Entering a constant value

( A value) @17 // A = 17

D = A // D = 17

Coding example:

@17 // A = 17

D = M // D = RAM[17]

M = -1 // RAM[17]=-1

Selecting a

RAM location ( register RAM[A]) @17 // A = 17

JMP // fetch the instruction

// stored in ROM[17]

Selecting a

ROM location ( PC= A )

Machine Language


dest= comp ; jump

Both dest and jump are optional.

First, we compute something.

Next, optionally, we can store the result, or use it to jump to somewhere to continue the program execution.

0, 1, -1, D, A, !D, !A, -D, -A, D+1, A+1, D-1, A-1, D+A, D-A, A-D, D&A, D|A

M, !M, -M, M+1, M-1, D+M, D-M, M-D, D&M, D|Mcomp:dest: null, A, D, M, MD, AM, AD, AMD jump: null, JGT, JEQ, JLT, JGE, JNE, JLE, JMP

Compare to zero. If the

condition holds, jump to


Machine Language


dest= comp ; jump

Computes the value of comp

Stores the result in dest

If (the condition jump compares to zero is true), goto the instruction at


Machine Language


dest= comp ; jump

Example: set the D register to -1

D = -1

Example: set RAM[300] to the value of the D register minus 1 @300

M = D-1

Example: if ((D-1) == 0) goto ROM[56]


D-1; JEQ

comp: dest:quotesdbs_dbs3.pdfusesText_6
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