[PDF] Safety Checking of Machine Code

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Typed Machine Language and its Semantics

We present TML a new low level typed intermediate language for the proof-carrying code framework. The type system of TML is expressive enough to compile high 

A Semantic Model of Types and Machine Instructions for Proof

16 Jul 1999 safety of machine-language programs with a machine- checkable proof. Such proofs have previously defined type-checking rules as part of the ...

Machine Language

Both binary and assembly code are forms of machine language. This article will provide an overview of a typical assembly language as well as a description 

A semantic model of types and machine instructions for proof

Proof-carrying code is a framework for proving the safety of machine-language programs with a machine- checkable proof. Previous PCC frameworks have de-.

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A Semantic Model of Types and Machine Instructions for Proof

Proof-carrying code is a framework for proving the safety of machine-language programs with a machine- checkable proof. Previous PCC frameworks have de-.

Safety Checking of Machine Code

machine-language programs and applied the safety checker to several examples. of not just the types of the operation's operands

Today (10/6/2008) Assembly vs. machine language R-type format

Machine language the binary representation for instructions. Register-to-register arithmetic instructions use the R-type format.

8086(Machine Language Instruction Formats)

•A machine language instruction format has one or more number of fields associated with it. type of operation to be performed by the CPU.

Machine (Assembly) Language

Typical machine language commands (3 types). ? ALU operations. ? Memory access operations. (addressing mode: how to specify operands).

Safety Checking of Machine Code


untrusted machine code to be loaded into a trusted host system. specified on the host side.

UltraSPARC machine.

1 Introduction

essential. properties that are specified on the host side. host. states.Forexample,itissafetowritetoalocationthatstoresanZhichen XuBarton P. MillerThomas Reps

Computer Sciences Department

University of Wisconsin

Madison, WI 53706-1685


ThisworkissupportedinpartbyDepartmentofEnergyGrantDE-FG02-93ER25176,NSFgrantsCDA-9623632,EIA-9870684,CCR-9625667,CCR-9619219,U.S.-IsraelBinationalScienceFoundationgrant96-0037,aVilasAssociateAwardformtheUniversityofWisconsin,andDARPAcontractN66001-97-C-8532.TheU.S.Governmentisauthorizedtoreproduceanddis-tributereprintsforGovernmentalpurposesnotwithstandinganycopyright notation thereon.

assessing whether a security violation might be possible. invariants. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: typestate information and linear constraints. typestates to track pointers. ness. ally make the task of safety checking easier. discusses the limitations of our technique.

2 Safety Properties and Policies

violations. code are provided by the host. by the host. functions (methods) that can be called. in terms of the types of the memory locations and their contents.

1.Instructions such asadd andld are overloaded; for exam-

ple,add can be adding two integers or adding the base address of an array and an array index. byx andf. address space in a linked list defined by the structurethread struct thread { int tid; int lwpid; struct thread * next; threads is stored): [H :thread.tid,thread.lwpid :ro] [H :thread.next :rfo] does not make any changes to the untrusted code.

structure, by allowing the untrusted code to modify pointers.Whatwehavepresentedhereisasimplifiedviewofasafety

is returned to the host.

3 Overview of Safety-Checking Analysis

abstract location. safety policy, and the invocation specification. and%g3. the typestates of the inputs. Untrusted CodeHost TypestateSafety PolicyInvocation

1:mov %o0,%o2!move%o0 into%o2

2:clr %o0!set%o0 to zero

3:cmp %o0,%o1!compare%o0 and%o1

4:bge 12!branch to 12 if%o0³%o1

5:clr %g3!set%g3 to zero

6:sll %g3, 2,%g2!%g2 = 4x%g3

7:ld [%o2+%g2],%g2!load from address%o2+%g2

8:inc %g3!%g3=%g3 + 1

9:cmp %g3,%o1!compare%g3 and%o1

10:bl 6!branch to 6 if%g3 <%o1

11:add %o0,%g2,%o0!%o0 =%o0 +%g2



arr: {n³1}V = {e,arr} [V : int : ro] [V : int [n] : rfo]%o0¬ arr %o1¬ n arrisanintegerarrayquotesdbs_dbs3.pdfusesText_6
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