[PDF] 1 Basic Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy

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Le principe de la fluorescence est le suivant : d'excitation de fluorescence est plus loin dans le spectre (dans l'infrarouge) que la longueur d'onde.

Principles of Fluorescence and Fluorescence Microscopy

Fluorescence is the property of atoms and molecules so called fluorophores

Principle of Flow Cytometry

Cell components are fluorescently labelled and then excited by the laser to emit light at varying wavelengths. The fluorescence can then be measured to 

Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy

tion and fluorescence-correlation spectroscopy are becom- ing almost routine. the Franck-Condon principle absorption occurs so fast that.

1 Basic Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy

Franck–Condon Principle. For relatively large fluorophores containing more than 30 atoms such as the organic dye molecules generally used in fluorescence 

Fluorescence Quenching

The emission of light from the excited state of a molecule (fluorescence or phospho- rescence) can be quenched by interaction with another molecule.

Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy - An Introduction to its

Fluctuations in the fluorescence signal are quantified by temporally autocorrelating the recorded intensity signal. In principle this autocorrelation routine 

Standard Operating Procedure for Measurement of SO2 by

The measurement of ambient SO2 levels by the UV fluorescence SO2 analyzer is based on the principle that SO2 molecules absorb UV light at the wavelength of 

Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) in Confocal Microscopy

The fluorescence lifetime information is used e.g.

Fluorescence Excitation and Emission Fundamentals Fluorescence

This concept is referred to as the Franck-Condon. Principle. The wavelength of maximum absorption (red line in the center) represents the most probable 

1 Basic Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy - Wiley-VCH

Basic Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy 1 1 Absorption and Emission of Light As ?uorophores play the central role in ?uorescence spectroscopy and imaging we willstartwithaninvestigationoftheirmanifoldinteractionswithlight A?uorophore isacomponentthatcausesamoleculetoabsorbenergyofaspeci?cwavelengthand

An Introduction to Fluorescence Spectroscopy

An Introduction to Fluorescence Spectroscopy 7 Fluorescence At room temperature most molecules occupy the lowest vibrational level of the ground electronic state and on absorption of light they are elevated to produce excited states The simplified diagram below shows absorption by molecules to

Chapter 12 Fluorescence Microscopy - UNC School of Medicine

fluorescence is at a maximum when the excitation light is at the absorption maximum’s wavelength Two Types of Fluorescence Microscopes Diascopic Fluorescence K Reichert and O Heimstadt demonstrated a fluorescence microscope using autofluorescent specimens in 1911 This first type of fluorescence microscopy used

Fluorescence spectroscopy and its applications: A Review

Principle of fluorescence spectroscopy[12] energy subatomic motions or stress on a crystal There are Absorption of UV or visible radiation causes two pre-requisites for luminescence: transition of electrons from singlet ground state to the The luminescent material must have a semiconductor singlet excited state

What are the basic principles of fluorescence spectroscopy?

Basic Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy 1.1 Absorption and Emission of Light As ?uorophores play the central role in ?uorescence spectroscopy and imaging we willstartwithaninvestigationoftheirmanifoldinteractionswithlight.A?uorophore isacomponentthatcausesamoleculetoabsorbenergyofaspeci?cwavelengthand

How does a fluorescence microscope work?

In this short communication we seek to explain in simple terms the basic principles of how a fluorescence microscope works. The principles of excitation and emission focuses on the ability of fluorophores to absorb energy from photons and to emit such absorbed energy.

What is the relationship between light absorption and fluorescence emission?

The proportional relationship between light absorption and fluorescence emission is only valid for cases where the absorption is small. As the concentration of fluorophore increases, deviations occur and the plot of emission against concentration becomes non-linear.

How is fluorescence measured?

This is the usual measuring condition in analytical procedures. Although fluorescence takes place from every point along the light path, only a small fraction of this emission is actually collected by the instrument and transmitted to the detector.


Basic Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy


Absorption and Emission of Light

Asfluorophores play the central role influorescence spectroscopy and imaging we is a component that causes a molecule to absorb energy of a specific wavelength and then re-remit energy at a different but equally specific wavelength. The amount and wavelength of the emitted energy depend on both thefluorophore and the chemical environment of thefluorophore. Fluorophores are also denoted as chromophores, historically speaking the part or moiety of a molecule responsible for its color. In addition, the denotation chromophore implies that the molecule absorbs light while fluorophore means that the molecule, likewise,emits light. The umbrella term used withalifetime inthenanosecondrange fromhighertolower excitedsingletstatesof molecules. In the following we will try to understand why some compounds are colored and others are not. Therefore, wewill take acloser look at the relationship ofconjugation to color withfluorescence emission, and investigate the absorption of light at different wavelengths in and near the visible part of the spectrum of various compounds. For example, organic compounds (i.e., hydrocarbons and derivatives) without double or triple bonds absorb light at wavelengths below 160nm, corre- sponding to a photon energy of>180kcalmol ?1 (1cal¼4.184J), or>7.8eV (Figure 1.1), that is, significantly higher than the dissociation energy of common carbon-to-carbon single bonds. Below a wavelength of 200nm the energy of a single photon is sufficient to ionize molecules. Therefore, photochemical decomposition is most likely to occur when unsaturated compounds, where all bonds are formed bys-electrons, are irradiated with photon energies>6.2eV. Double and triple bonds also use p-electrons in addition to as-bond for bonding. In contrast tos-electrons, which are characterized by the rotational symmetry of their wavefunction with respect to the bond direction,p-electrons are characterized by a wavefunction having a node at the nucleus and rotational symmetry along a line through the nucleus.p-bonds Handbook of Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Imaging.M. Sauer, J. Hofkens, and J. Enderlein Copyright?2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

ISBN: 978-3-527-31669-4

j1 are usually weaker thans-bonds because their (negatively charged) electron density is further from the positive charge of the nucleus, which requires more energy. From the perspective of quantum mechanics, this bond weakness is explained by significantly less overlap between the componentp-orbitals due to their parallel orientation. These less strongly bound electrons can be excited by photons with lower energy. If two double bonds are separated by a single bond, the double bonds are termed conjugated. Conjugation of double bonds further induces a red-shift in the absorption (a so-called bathochromic shift). Allfluor- ophores that have a high absorption in the visible part of the spectrum possess several conjugated double bonds. andp!p are achieved as a result of the energy available from the photons. When sample molecules are exposed to light having an energy that matches a possible electronic transition within the molecule, some of the light energy will be absorbed as the electron promotion will be from the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), usually the singlet ground state,S 0 , to the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO), and the resulting species is called the singlet excited stateS 1 . Absorption ?1 abovethegroundstate. As mentioned previously, in saturated hydrocarbons in particular, the lowest elec- tronic states are more than 80kcalmol ?1 above the ground state, and therefore they color) generally have some weakly bound or delocalized electrons. In these systems, the energy difference between the lowest LUMO and the HOMO corresponds to the energies of quanta in the visible region.

Wavelength (m)

Wavenumber (cm


Frequency (Hz)

Energy (kcal)

-13 10 11 10 21
10 8 10 -11 10 9 10 19 10 6 10 -9 10 7 10 17 10 4 10 -7 10 5 10 15 10 2 10 -5 10 3 10 13 10 0 10 -3 10 10 11 10 -2 10 -1 10 -1 10 9 10 -4 10 10 -3 10 7 10 -6 10 Gamma raysX- rays




Figure 1.1The electromagnetic spectrum.

2j1 Basic Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy

On the other side of the electromagnetic spectrum, there is a natural limit to long- wavelength absorption and emission offluorophores, which is in the region of

1mm [1]. A dye absorbing in the near-infrared (>700nm) has a low-lying excited

with two unpaired electrons that exhibits biradical character. Even though no generally valid rule can be formulated predicting the thermal and photochemical stability offluorophores, the occupation of low-lying excited singlet and triplet states potentially increases the reactivity offluorophores. Therefore, it is likely that fluorophores with long-wavelength absorption and emission will show less thermal and photochemical stability, due to reactions with solvent molecules such as dis- solved oxygen, impurities, and otherfluorophores. In addition, with increasing absorption, that is, with a decreasing energy difference betweenS 1 andS 0 , the fluorescence intensity offluorophores decreases owing to increased internal con- version.Thatis,withadecreasingenergydifferencebetween theexcitedandground state, the number of options to get rid of the excited-state energy by radiationless deactivation increases. Hence, most known stable and brightfluorophores absorb and emit in the wavelength range between 300 and 700nm. Fluorophores with conjugated doubled bonds (polymethine dyes) are essentially planar, with all atoms of the conjugated chain lying in a common plane linked by form a charge cloud above and below this plane along the conjugated chain involving thep-electrons along the polymethine chain. The wavelength of these bands depends on the spacing of the electronic levels. The absorption of light by fluorophores such as polymethine dyes can be understood semiquantitatively by applying the free-electron model proposed by Kuhn [2, 3]. The arrangement of alternating single-double bonds in an organic molecule usually implies that the p-electrons are delocalized over the framework of the “conjugated" system. As these p-electrons are mobile throughout the carbon atom skeleton containing the alter-


CH 3 CH 3 H 3 C H 3 C N H 3 C H 3 C


CH 3 CH 3


0L X

π elctron cloud

π elctron cloud

V (a) (b) trough of lengthL.

1.1 Absorption and Emission of Lightj3

seemingly drastic assumption that the severalp-electrons that comprise the system are non-interacting (presumably, if thep-electrons are delocalized over the ?C¼C?C¼C?C¼C?framework, they spread out, minimizing repulsion between them), then one can view the energetics of this system as arising from the simple quantum mechanical assembly of one-electron energy levels appropriate to the particle in the box model. In this case, one considers the potential energy of the to infinity at each end of the conjugated portion of the molecule. As an example, considerapositivelycharged simplecyanine dye. Thecation can resonatebetween has equal contributions from both states. Thus, all the bonds along this chain can be considered equivalent, with a bond order of 1.5, similar to the C?C bonds in benzene. left and right beyond the terminal nitrogen atoms, application of the Schroedinger and energies, namely: y n 2 L sin npx L r and E n n 2 h 2 8mL 2 where nis the quantum number (n¼1, 2, 3,...) giving the number of antinodes of the eigenfunction along the chain Lis the “length" of the (one dimensional) molecular box mis the mass of the particle (electron) his Planck"s constant xis the spatial variable, which is the displacement along the molecular backbone. Each wavefunction can be referred to as a molecular orbital, and its respective energy is the orbital energy. If the spin properties of the electron are taken into account along with thead hocinvocation of Pauli"s exclusion principle, the model is then refined to include spin quantum numbers for the electron (½) along with the restrictionthat nomore than twoelectronscan occupyagiven wavefunction or level, and the spin quantum numbers of the two electrons occupying a given energy level are opposite (spin up and spin down). Thus, if we haveNelectrons, the lower states arefilled withtwo electrons each, while all higher states are empty provided thatNis anevennumber(whichisusuallythecaseinstablemolecules asonlyhighlyreactive radicals posses an unpaired electron). This allows the electronic structure for thep-electrons in a conjugated dye molecule to be constructed. For example, for the conjugated molecule CH 2



6p-electrons have to be

considered. The lowest energy configuration, termed the electronic ground state,

4j1 Basic Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy

corresponds to the six electrons being in the lowest three orbitals. Higher energy configurations are constructed by promoting an electron from the HOMO withquotesdbs_dbs44.pdfusesText_44
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