[PDF] Fluorescence Quenching The emission of light from

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Le principe de la fluorescence est le suivant : d'excitation de fluorescence est plus loin dans le spectre (dans l'infrarouge) que la longueur d'onde.

Principles of Fluorescence and Fluorescence Microscopy

Fluorescence is the property of atoms and molecules so called fluorophores

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Cell components are fluorescently labelled and then excited by the laser to emit light at varying wavelengths. The fluorescence can then be measured to 

Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy

tion and fluorescence-correlation spectroscopy are becom- ing almost routine. the Franck-Condon principle absorption occurs so fast that.

1 Basic Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy

Franck–Condon Principle. For relatively large fluorophores containing more than 30 atoms such as the organic dye molecules generally used in fluorescence 

Fluorescence Quenching

The emission of light from the excited state of a molecule (fluorescence or phospho- rescence) can be quenched by interaction with another molecule.

Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy - An Introduction to its

Fluctuations in the fluorescence signal are quantified by temporally autocorrelating the recorded intensity signal. In principle this autocorrelation routine 

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Fluorescence Excitation and Emission Fundamentals Fluorescence

This concept is referred to as the Franck-Condon. Principle. The wavelength of maximum absorption (red line in the center) represents the most probable 

1 Basic Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy - Wiley-VCH

Basic Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy 1 1 Absorption and Emission of Light As ?uorophores play the central role in ?uorescence spectroscopy and imaging we willstartwithaninvestigationoftheirmanifoldinteractionswithlight A?uorophore isacomponentthatcausesamoleculetoabsorbenergyofaspeci?cwavelengthand

An Introduction to Fluorescence Spectroscopy

An Introduction to Fluorescence Spectroscopy 7 Fluorescence At room temperature most molecules occupy the lowest vibrational level of the ground electronic state and on absorption of light they are elevated to produce excited states The simplified diagram below shows absorption by molecules to

Chapter 12 Fluorescence Microscopy - UNC School of Medicine

fluorescence is at a maximum when the excitation light is at the absorption maximum’s wavelength Two Types of Fluorescence Microscopes Diascopic Fluorescence K Reichert and O Heimstadt demonstrated a fluorescence microscope using autofluorescent specimens in 1911 This first type of fluorescence microscopy used

Fluorescence spectroscopy and its applications: A Review

Principle of fluorescence spectroscopy[12] energy subatomic motions or stress on a crystal There are Absorption of UV or visible radiation causes two pre-requisites for luminescence: transition of electrons from singlet ground state to the The luminescent material must have a semiconductor singlet excited state

What are the basic principles of fluorescence spectroscopy?

Basic Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy 1.1 Absorption and Emission of Light As ?uorophores play the central role in ?uorescence spectroscopy and imaging we willstartwithaninvestigationoftheirmanifoldinteractionswithlight.A?uorophore isacomponentthatcausesamoleculetoabsorbenergyofaspeci?cwavelengthand

How does a fluorescence microscope work?

In this short communication we seek to explain in simple terms the basic principles of how a fluorescence microscope works. The principles of excitation and emission focuses on the ability of fluorophores to absorb energy from photons and to emit such absorbed energy.

What is the relationship between light absorption and fluorescence emission?

The proportional relationship between light absorption and fluorescence emission is only valid for cases where the absorption is small. As the concentration of fluorophore increases, deviations occur and the plot of emission against concentration becomes non-linear.

How is fluorescence measured?

This is the usual measuring condition in analytical procedures. Although fluorescence takes place from every point along the light path, only a small fraction of this emission is actually collected by the instrument and transmitted to the detector.

Physikalisch-chemisches Praktikum I Fluorescence Quenching { 2016

Fluorescence Quenching

SummaryThe emission of light from the excited state of a molecule ( uorescence or phospho- rescence) can be quenched by interaction with another molecule. The stationary and time-dependent observation of such processes reveals insight into the deactiva- tion mechanisms of the excited molecule and can be used for monitoring distance and orientation changes between dierent parts of biomolecules. In this experiment you will record uorescence spectra of dierent dyes and measure the uorescence intensity after adding quencher molecules at dierent concentrations. Fluorescence lifetimes are derived from a Stern-Volmer analysis of this data.Contents

1 Introduction


1.1 Fluorescence


1.2 Singlet and Triplet States


1.3 Deactivation Processes


1.4 Fluorescence Decay


1.5 Energy transfer and assisted relaxation


1.6 Stern-Volmer Method


1.7 Estimating the quenching rate


2 Experiment


2.1 Fluorescence Spectrometers


2.2 Dye Molecules


2.3 Experimental Tasks


3 Data Analysis


4 Appendix

11 A Lifetime determination via phase shift measurements 11

B Sample Preparation


B.1 For Stern-Volmer plot

(25 ml asks, all values in ml): 12

B.2 For viscosity dependent measurements

(25 ml asks, all values in ml): 12

C The FL Winlab Software

13 D Viscosity of Water Glycerol Mixtures and other useful values

13 Page 1 of14

Physikalisch-chemisches Praktikum I Fluorescence Quenching { 2016

1 Introduction

1.1 Fluorescence

When a molecule absorbs light in the visible or ultraviolet range of the spectrum, it is excited from the electronic ground state to an excited state. From there it can return to the ground state by releasing the absorbed energy in the form of heat and by radiation in the visible or near-infrared spectral range. The emitted light is called uorescence (or phosphorescence if the excited state is a triplet state, see below). Fluorescence can be detected with very high sensitivity even from single molecules and it is used in a large number of chemical and biochemical applications. Sensitive uorescence detection relies on the fact that the emitted light usually has a longer wavelength than the intense light used for excitation, which can therefore be suppressed by lters or monochromators. This dierence between absorption and uorescence wavelength (maxima) is also known as Stokes shift and can be understood in the following way: in addition to the change of electronic structure absorption can also lead to the excitation of vibrational levels, which requires more energy or light of shorter wavelength. In some molecules like benzene, this leads to a distinct pattern (vibrational progression) in the absorption spectrum, as shown on the left hand side of Figure 1 . In solution, the vibrational energy is very quickly dissipated by collisions with the solvent and the molecule adopts a new equilibrium conguration from where emission takes place. Emission can again populate excited vibrational states, this time however, in the electronic ground state (right hand side of


1 ). In contrast to the excitation process, the energy gaps are now smaller, leading to a shift of the uorescence to longer wavelength. FFFigure 1: Absorption and emission of light in the case of benzene (left) and schematically for two shifted potential energy surfaces (right). The excitation of vibrational levels leads to a blue shift in absorption and a red shift in emission.

1.2 Singlet and Triplet States

If we describe the electronic states of a molecule using simple molecular orbital theory, absorption of light at longest wavelength corresponds to a transition of an electron from the highest occupied orbital to the lowest unoccupied orbital (HOMO!LUMO transi- tion). There are two dierent possibilities for this excitation: The two electrons, whichPage 2 of14 Physikalisch-chemisches Praktikum I Fluorescence Quenching { 2016 had oposite spin in the HOMO can also have oposite spin when in two dierent orbitals. The corresponding excited state is then called a singlet stateS1. If the spin of the two electrons points in the same direction in LUMO and HOMO, the molecule is in a triplet stateT1. Because electrons with opposite spin can stay further apart (Hund's rule) the triplet state is usually lower in energy than the corresponding singlet state. This situation is depicted at the left hand side of Figure 2 .0v0o .o l o u m e f rFigure 2: Ground stateS0and rst excited singlet and triplet statesS1andT1of a molecule. The corresponding spin congurations in the HOMO and LUMO are shown schematically on the left. Arrows illustrate radiative, non-radiative and reactive deactivation processes as explained in the text.

1.3 Deactivation Processes

Because of the large excess energy (more than 100 times the typical thermal energykT), many things can happen with a molecule after electronic excitation. The most important processes of deactivation for a polyatomic molecule are illustrated in Figure 2 1. Radia tivedeca yS1!S0(Fluorescence): Usually after very fast vibrational relax- ation in S

1. Rate constantkf109s1.

2. Non-ra diativedeactiv ationS1!S0: After a fast vibrational relaxation inS1energy is transferred to highly excited vibrational states of the electronic ground state S

0. Via collisions with solvent molecules as well as through emission of infrared

radiation, the molecule nally reaches its vibrational ground state inS0.

Rate constantknf.

3. Non-ra diativedeactiv ationS1!T1(Intersystem Crossing): This is a radiationless process as above, which however includes a spin change and is therefore very slow in the absence of heavier elements. Rate constantkisc.Page 3 of14 Physikalisch-chemisches Praktikum I Fluorescence Quenching { 2016 4. Photo reac tivec hannelS1!photoproduct: This is usually a reaction of rst order with rate constantkr. Sometimes, however, this can be a second order (bimolecular) reaction. After an intersystem crossing process (ISC) the molecule reaches the triplet state T

1, with similar deactivation channels:

5. Radia tivedeactiv ationT1!S0(Phosphorescence): This transition is spin-forbidden, which results in small rate constants:kpis usually around 101100s1. 6. Non-ra diativedeactiv ationT1!S0(Intersystem Crossing): In contrast to the singlet state, radiationless deactivation ofT1can often compete with the radiative decay. Rate constantknrT. 7. Photo reactiv ec hannelT1!photoproduct: Bimolecular reactions are more likely than in the singlet state because of the much longer lifetime of the triplet states.

Reaction rate constantkrT.

1.4 Fluorescence Decay

The most direct way to observe the deactivation of the excited state of a molecule is to monitor the uorescence intensity as a function of time after the excitation light has been switched o. The uorescence will then decay exponentially with the excited state population at the rate: k f+knf+kisc+kr=kf+knf= 1=(1) where we have introducedknf=knf+kisc+kras the sum of all rates of rst order processes that do not lead to uorescence. The inverse of this rateis the time it takes until the detected intensity has reached 1=eof its original value (see Figure3 ). In order to0 10 20 30
01v1 time in ns

fluorescence intensityFigure 3: Fluorescence intensity as a function of time after the excitation light has been switched

o. The decay timeis the time at which only 1=eof the initial uorescence is seen. Blue: = 10 ns, Red= 5 ns. record a fast uorescence decay directly, however, we need very short light pulses (usually pulsed lasers), a fast detector and fast electronics. Whenknfis very large and uorescencePage 4 of14 Physikalisch-chemisches Praktikum I Fluorescence Quenching { 2016 lifetimes are on the sub-nanosecond timescale, even more involved experimental methods are needed. In this practical course you will use an indirect method for determining nanosecond lifetimes, which relies on a further deactivation process which is discussed in detail below:

1.5 Energy transfer and assisted relaxation

Excited state deactivation by energy transfer is illustrated in Figure 4 , depicting the HOMO and LUMO spin congurations. The photo excited molecule, calleddonor, starts in theS1conguration and has a larger gap between HOMO and LUMO than theaccep- tormolecule, which is initially in theS0ground state. As the donor returns to the ground state, the acceptor is promoted to the excited state. There are two dierent mechanisms by which thisenergy transfercan take place:0.1.2 34


.2 34




.2 34
2 °2 °2Figure 4: Changes in spin conguration of HOMO and LUMO during energy transfer.

Forster mechanism:Charge

uctuations in donor and acceptor can in uence each other over distances of the order of 10 nm if they occur near resonance of an electronic transition in both molecules (transition dipole interaction). The probability of energy transfer in this case is proportional to the overlap between the emission spectrum of the donor and the absorption spectrum of the acceptor and decreases with donor-acceptor distanceRlike 1=R6. This mechanism is responsible for the transfer of energy from the light-collecting antenna complexes to the reaction centre in natural photosynthesis. Dexter mechanism:When donor and acceptor come suciently close for their or- bitals to overlap, the excited electron of the donor can be transferred to an unoccupied orbital of the acceptor. At the same time, an electron of the acceptor moves to the HOMO of the donor. This process is only eective for donor-acceptor distances smaller than 15 A. A common variant of this process is triplet quenching, when the donor is initially in the T


The excited states of typical quenchers like I

are usually too high in energy for ecient resonant excitation transfer from dyes that emit in the visible, however, there can still be directedelectron transferfrom one molecule to another.[1]During reductive quenching the quencher transfers an electron to the excited molecule, which stops to uoresce. ThisPage 5 of14 Physikalisch-chemisches Praktikum I Fluorescence Quenching { 2016 is a very important step in many photocatalytic reactions, for example for solar fuel production. 2

Heavy elements can also quench

uorescence by strongly enhancing the rate of in- tersystem crossing (i.e. the change from triplet to singlet states or vice versa) and this relaxation mechanism is therefore known as theExternal heavy atom eect. The nearby heavy atom only favors the spin ip in the originally excited molecule but is not excited itself as in the Forster or Dexter mechanisms. Apart from the reactive channels, which may require a second molecule as a reac- tion partner, all the deactivation processes shown in Figure 2 are rst order pro cesses, meaning that they are independent of concentration. Transfer of excitation or electrons to another molecule or the external heavy atom eect, on the other hand, are strongly concentration-dependent second order processes. They are not only very important de- activation mechanisms in many biological systems, the quenching of the excited state by another molecule can also be used for the determination of short uorescence lifetimes by relatively simple means.

1.6 Stern-Volmer Method

We can gain information about the

uorescence lifetime and excited state deactivation by introducing quenchers (heavy ions or acceptor molecules) and observing the uorescence intensity as a function of their concentration. To see how this is possible we build a rate model for the concentration of molecules in the uorescing excited stateS1and use the following notations: [M] Concentration of the uorescing molecule in the ground state [M] Concentration of the molecule (donor) in the uorescingS1state [Q] Concentration of the quenching molecule (acceptor in the ground state) Neglecting the possibility photo chemical reactions, the following processes contribute to a change of [M] (compare Figure2 ):

Photo excitationM!Mkabs[M]

FluorescenceM!M kf[M]

Non- uorescent relaxation (intramolecular)M!M(or other excited state)knf[M]

Quenching (intermolecular)M+Q!M+Q(orQ)kq[M][Q]

The fraction of excited molecules at any time is usually very small (unless intense pulsed light sources are used), so [M]const. DeningIabs=kabs[M] we obtain the following dierential equation for the excited state population: @[M]@t =Iabs(kf+knf+kq[Q])[M](2) Without quencher molecules ([Q] = 0) the equation becomes even simpler: @[M]@t =Iabs(kf+knf)[M](3) Page 6 of14 Physikalisch-chemisches Praktikum I Fluorescence Quenching { 2016 Under continuous irradiation a stationary state is quickly established and the excited state population [M] is constant (@[M]=@t= 0). An important quantity for the determination of dierent reaction rate constants is the uorescence quantum yield: number emitted photonsnumber absorbed photons =rate of emissionrate of absorption (4) In our notation, the rate of absorption isIabs=kabs[M] and the rate of emission iskf[M].

With the help of equations

2 and 3 under stationar yconditions ( @[M]=@t= 0), we obtain for the quantum eciencies with and without quencher molecules: Q=k fk f+knf+kq[Q](5) and 0=k fk f+knf(6) The ratio of the quantum yields is equal to the ratio of the observed emission intensities without and with the quencher molecules: I 0I Q=0 Q=k f+knf+kq[Q]k f+knf= 1 +1k f+knfk q[Q](7)

Inserting the

uorescence lifetime in the absence of the quencher molecules (equation 1 we obtain the nal result (also known as Stern-Volmer equation): I 0I

Q= 1 +fkq[Q](8)

1.7 Estimating the quenching rate

The Stern-Volmer equation allows us to determine the productfkqfrom the slope of a plot ofI0=IQ1 against the quencher concentration [Q]. In order to extract the uorescence lifetime of the excited molecules we thus need to know the quenching ratekq. To estimate it, we assume that the quenching process isdiusion-limited. This means that it is much less likely that molecule and quencher come close to each other than that they interact (or exchange electrons as a donor/acceptor pair) once they actually meet. In other words, quenching (by deactivation or electron transfer) would take place much more often, if quencher and molecule were to meet more frequently.kqis then the given by the rate at which M and Q meet. For two (equal) solid spheres in a solution of viscositythis second order diusion rate is given by (see e.g. 3 k di=8RT3(9) where R=8.314 JK

1mol1is the gas constant, T is the temperature in Kelvin andis

the viscosity in kg m

1s1. If quenching is diusion-limited,kqkdishould be inversely

proportional to the viscosity of the solution. Note that usually only the heavy atom eect or excitation transfer of the Dexter type (electron exchange) are diusion limited because Forster energy transfer can take place over a much longer distance.Page 7 of14 Physikalisch-chemisches Praktikum I Fluorescence Quenching { 2016

2 Experiment

2.1 Fluorescence Spectrometers

For uorescence measurements we need to selectively excite molecules to the desired ex- cited state, requiring light at a certain wavelength or in a limited wavelength range. For this purpose, commercial uorescence spectrometers often use the same kind of monochro- mator arrangement that is found in absorption spectrometers (see the UV-vis experi- ment in this course). Emitted uorescence is then again frequency selected (by a second monochromator) and can be recorded as a function of emission wavelength. In this way, emission from dierent excited states can be separated and, most importantly, the excita- tion light can be suppressed. You will have the opportunity to measure emission spectra of your dye solutions in this way.0.12345678°C

2636 C3C°368



66°286368C3C°3.666°286368.35 C°.3

.35 C3

0.121 3424521678°.2C



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