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What Is Studygram and Studyblr?

Lets start at the basics, what is the history of studygram. #studygram can really only go as far back as the start of Instagram and Twitter. But if you look back since the inception sharing study notes? I remember BAAAAAAAACK in the day, I used to share my study notes with my friends because they were always fun and colorful and fill my textbooks a...

Using Bullet Journaling For Your Studies

Bullet journaling is a versatile and personalized approach to studying that helps students organize their academic lives effectively. Start by creating a designated study section in your bullet journal. Develop study spreads that suit your learning style, incorporating elements like study schedules, subject-specific trackers, and goal-setting pages...

Designing Your Ultimate Studygram

Studygrams, study-themed Instagram accounts, have gained immense popularity among students seeking inspiration and motivation. Designing your studygram requires thoughtfulness and creativity. Showcase your study aesthetics while also keeping your academic journey authentic. 1. Study Notes: Create visually appealing and organized notes that capture ...

Balancing Studygram Aesthetics and Realistic Study Habits

While aesthetics are appealing on social media, it’s crucial to maintain a balance between creativity and productivity. Avoid sacrificing study time for the sake of perfect aesthetics. Instead, focus on creating meaningful content that reflects your academic growth. 1. Authenticity: Embrace your unique learning journey and academic challenges. Shar...

Studygram Inspiration

Use studygram content as a source of motivation and inspiration. Instead of comparing yourself, draw motivation from the success stories and learning strategies shared by others. Tips for Harnessing Social Media Positively: Social media can be a valuable tool for learning and motivation when used mindfully. Make the most of studygrams and social me...

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How do you design a studygram?

Designing your studygram requires thoughtfulness and creativity. Showcase your study aesthetics while also keeping your academic journey authentic. Study Notes: Create visually appealing and organized notes that capture key concepts.

What do you have in common with studygram?

Something we have in common is our love for stationery! We motivate each other by sharing a sea of beautiful notes. In short, Studygram is a world where students raise each other up in different ways. The studygram is also a way for us to help people improve their grades at school because we share study techniques.

What is the difference between studygram & studyblr?

So simply, #studygram is a hashtag used to share study notes, and “studygram” or “studyblr” is a blog dedicated to the notes you are taking in your studies. Bullet journaling is a versatile and personalized approach to studying that helps students organize their academic lives effectively.

Why is studygram so popular?

with over 2.1 million post on instagram, studygram has become a popular topic and hashtag to use. Studygram accounts grow quickly and many of them are absolutely gorgeous.

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Studygrams e a formação profissional em Nutrição: relato de uma

22/02/2022 Palavras-chave: Instagram; Studygram; Marketing digital; Redes sociais; Educação alimentar e nutricional; Projeto de extensão. Abstract. Social ...

Studygram: Interação e compartilhamento de processos de ensino

de pesquisa de imersão em torno do fenômeno do Studygram a fim de compreendê-lo correlacioná-lo com a Neurociência e Psicologia Cognitiva.

Padrão (template) para submissão de trabalhos ao

Studygrams: comunicação consumo e os novos modos de estudar do estudante PALAVRAS-CHAVE: comunicação e consumo; Instagram; studygram; redes sociais.


Autorizo a reprodução total ou parcial da minha dissertação #Studygram: O 7 Studygrams: Como usar os perfis do Instagram para estudar para o Enem 2019.

Studygrams: promovendo o consumo de modos de ser e estudar em

studygram que usa como plataforma o aplicativo para smartphones Instagram


23/03/2022 Studygrams – Percepções Sobre Divulgação Do Conhecimento Na Rede Social. Instagram. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado à.

What is #studygram?

It's the way to make learning fun! Hand- written notes are right on trend with. #studygram: they give you space to think.

press release - interview with #studygram-star luana carolina

For Luana Carolina #studygram is much more than just creating beautiful book entries. She is interested in the community behind the trend. Young people who.