[PDF] Draft Outline Resilience to Support a Green

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The Government of Indonesia has pursued a prudent fiscal policy while still promoting economic growth (Hendar 2012)


bank with a tangible contribution to the national economy 1. Sp 01 “Strengthening Monetary policy and policy Mix ... Aceh Province. Lhokseumawe.

29 — Small Islands

29.3.1. Observed Impacts on Island Coasts and Marine Biophysical Systems . of climate change policy notably in relation to critical present-day ...


and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies or carry the private sector including the oil and gas industry.1 ... relations back home.

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1 This is a white paper which provides a more detailed set of policies and funds back into the economy and the maritime security sector;49 (2) with ...

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Ash Center

leaders take the proactive policy path outlined in this study prospects for more institutions attempt to manage the economy as if one-size-fits-all.


Dan Kalb - Council District 1 City-Wide Historic Preservation Policies and Programs . ... Proposed Mixed-Use Development at BART Station .

Draft Outline

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FY2020 Annual Report

October 1, 2019ʹSeptember 30, 2020

Contract No. AID-OAA-1-13-00019

Task Order AID-497-TO-15-00002

Submission Date: September 18, 2020

Revision: November 9, 2020


Contract No.: AID-OAA-I-13-00019

Task Order: AID-497-TO-15-00002

Activity Start and End Dates: May 2015 to September 2020 epresentative: Rosana Pribadi

Submitted by:

Tetra Tech ES, Inc.

USAID Indonesia Clean Energy Development Project II Menara Jamsostek, North Tower, 14th Floor, Jl. Gatot Subroto No.38,

Jakarta Selatan 12710 Indonesia

Tel. +62-21-5296-2325 | Fax +62-21-5296-2326



This document is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Tetra Tech ES Inc. and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States



OCTOBER 1, 2019SEPTEMBER 30, 2020



Revision: November 9, 2020 (REDACTED)

Prepared for:

Office of Environment


Prepared by:

ICED II Office

Menara Jamsostek, North Tower, 14th Floor

Jalan Gatot Subroto No. 38

Jakarta Selatan 12710 Indonesia

Tel. +62-21-5296-2325

Fax +62-21-5296-2326


Tetra Tech ES, Inc.

1320 N. Courthouse Road #600

Arlington, VA 22201 USA

Tel. +1 703-387-2100



This document is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United

States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Tetra Tech

ES Inc. and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.




AC Air conditioning

ADB Asian Development Bank

ADS Automatic dispatching system

AKSARA Aplikasi Perencanaan dan Pemantauan Rendah Karbon Indonesia/ Application for

Indonesia Low Carbon Planning and Monitoring

Bappeda Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah/Local Development Planning Agency (at provincial and district levels). Bappenas Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/National Development Planning


BAST Berita Acara Serah Terima/Hand-over certificate

BAU Business as usual

BCA Bank Central Asia

BCSF Bali Center for Sustainable Finance

Birocan Planning Bureau (under MEMR)/Biro Perencanaan (di bawah Kementerian ESDM). Biro KLIK Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation Bureau (under MEMR)/ Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik, dan Kerja Sama (di bawah

Kementerian ESDM)

CAISO California Independent System Operator

CDCS Country Development Cooperation Strategy

CETIF Clean Energy Technical and Innovation Fund

COD Commercial Operations Date

DEN Dewan Energi Nasional/National Energy Council DEK Direktorat Konservasi Energi/Directorate of Energy Conservation (under MEMR) Dirtekling Direktorat Teknik dan Lingkungan / Directorate of Engineering and Environment (under MEMR DJK) DJK Direktorat Jenderal Kelistrikan (di bawah Kementerian ESDM)/Directorate

General of Electricity


DO Development Objective

DPRD Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah/Regional Assembly DSDEMP Direktorat Sumber Daya Energi, Mineral dan Pertambangan (direktorat di bawah Deputi Bidang Kemaritiman dan Sumber Daya Alam dari Bappenas /Directorate for Energy, Mineral, and Mining Resources (a directorate under Deputy for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources of National Development Planning


EBT Energi Baru Terbarukan/New and Renewable Energy (a division within PLN) EBTKE/NREEC Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi (direktorat jenderal di bawah Kementerian ESDM)/New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (a directorate general under MEMR) EMR Energy and Mineral Resources (office in provincial government) ESDM Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral/Energy and Mineral Resources (also MEMR)

ESRA Environmental and Social Risk Analysis

FDCO Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office of the UK (formerly Foreign &

Commonwealth Office)

FGD Focus group discussion

FS Feasibility study



GGGI Global Green Growth Institute

GHG Greenhouse gas

GIS Geographic information system

GIZ Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit/German Corporation for

International Cooperation)

GoI Government of Indonesia


IFC International Finance Corporation

IIF Indonesia Infrastructure Finance

IPP Independent power project/producer/Penyedia Listrik Swasta (PLS)

IR Intermediate result

IRP Integrated Resource Planning

KMAD Komite Manajemen Aturan Distribusi/Distribution Code Management Committee

LCDI Low Carbon Development Indonesia

LCOE Levelized Cost of Energy

LEAP Long-Range Energy Alternatives Planning System model

LoA Letter of Acknowledgement

LoI Letter of intent

LPEM FEB UI Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia/Institute for Economic and Social Research Faculty of

Economics and Business University of Indonesia

MASKEII Indonesia Energy Conservation and Efficiency Society

M&E Monitoring and evaluation

M&V Measurement and verification

MELISA Monitoring dan Evaluasi Listrik Desa (Monitoring and Evaluation of Village


MEMR Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources/Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya

Mineral (also ESDM)

MEPS Minimum Energy Performance Standard

MER Monitoring, evaluation, and reporting

MHP Mini-hydro power

MHPP Mini-hydro power project

MoEF Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan/ Ministry of Environment and


MoF Ministry of FInance

MoHA Kementerial Dalam Negeri/Ministry of Home Affairs

MoU Memorandum of Understanding

MoV Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Areas/Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, dan Transmigrasi MPHL-BJS Memo Pencatatan Hibah Langsung Bentuk Barang/Jasa Surat Berharga/ Grant

Journal Posting Certificate

MTRE3 Market Transformation Toward Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (a UNDP project)

MW Megawatt

MWp Megawatt peak

NDA Non-disclosure agreement

NREL U.S, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

NTT Nusa Tenggara Timor/East Nusa Tenggara



iii PCJI Prakarsa Jaringan Cerdas Indonesia/Indonesia Smart Grid Initiative PLN Perusahaan Listrik Negara/State electricity company PLTMH Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mini Hidro/Mini-hydro power plant PLTS Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya/Solar PV power plant PODES Potensi desa/A statistics on village potential statistics that is published by Statistics


PPA Power purchase agreement/Perjanjian jual beli listrik (PJBL) PPRK Perencanaan Pembangunan Rendah Karbon/Low Carbon Development Planning (a

Bappenas approach)

PPRKD Perencanaan Pembangunan Rendah Karbon Daerah/Provincial Low Carbon

Development Planning (a Bappenas approach)

PPSDM Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia/Center for Human Resource Capacity


PROPER Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan/Corporate environmental performance rating program of Forestry P2B Java-Bali Distribution and Load Dispatch Center P2RUED Tim Pembinaan Penyusunan Rencana Umum Energi Daerah/Supervisory Team for

Regional Energy Plan Development

PT SMI PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur, a state-owned infrastructure financing company. Pusdatin Pusat Data dan Informasi / Data and Technology Information Center

PV Photovoltaic

RAD GRK Local Action Plan for Low Emissions Development/Rencana Aksi Daerah Gas

Rumah Kaca

RAN GRK National Action Plan for Low Emissions Development/Rencana Aksi Nasional Gas

Rumah Kaca

REGP Renewable energy generation plants

Re-Pro List of renewable energy projects

RFP Request for proposal

RPJMD Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah/Provincial Medium-Term

Development Plans

RPJMN Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional/National Medium-Term

Development Plan

RPRK Rencana Pembangunan Rendah Karbon/Low Carbon Development Plan (the document guiding the PPRK) RPRKD Rencana Pembangunan Rendah Karbon Daerah/Provincial Low Carbon Development Plan (the document guiding the PPRKD at the provincial level) RUED Rencana Umum Energy Daerah/Regional Energy Plan RUED-P Provincial Energy Plans (P2RUED uses this term to refer to RUED. This term is used interchangeably throughout the document). RUEN Rencana Umum Energi Nasional /National Energy Plan RUKD Rencana Umum Kelistrikan Daerah/Regional Electricity Plan RUKN Rencana Umum Kelistrikan Nasional/National Electricity Plan

RUPTL Rencana Umum Penyediaan Tenaga Listri

SDGs Sustainable development goals

SekRAN Sekretariat Rencana Aksi Nasional Gas Rumah Kaca (di bawah Bappenas)/Secretariat of the National Action Plan for Low Emission Development (under Bappenas)


iv SKKNI Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia/Indonesia National Competency


SNI Standar Nasional Indonesia/Indonesian National Standard SP3HL-BJS Surat Perintah Pengesahan Pendapatan Hibah Langsung Bentuk Barang/Jasa/Surat

Berharga/ Grant Validation Certificate

SPEND System Perencanaan Dan Pemantauan Energi Nasional Dan Daerah / Monitoring and Evaluation Provincial Energy Planning Platforms STPMHL Surat Pernyataan Telah Menerima Hibah Langsung/Statement Letter for Receiving


Sulselrabar South, Southeast, West Sulawesi. The regional office of PLN Tim Teknis Technical Team of USAIDGoI Clean Energy Working Group

ToT Training of trainers

TNA Training needs assessment

TWG Technical Working Group

UAV Unmanned aerial vehicle (drone)

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change USAID United States Agency for International Development

USG United States Government

VRE Variable renewable energy




Acronyms ....................................................................................................................................... i

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1

The ICED II Project in Brief ................................................................................................................................................ 1

Geographic Coverage ........................................................................................................................................................... 3

Framework for USAID ICED II Assistance to the Government of Indonesia ........................................................ 4

Organization of this Report ................................................................................................................................................ 5

2. SUMMARY OF KEY ACTIVITIES AND ACHIEVEMENTS .......................................... 6

ICED II Support to Clean Energy and Related Programs ............................................................................................ 6

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction in the Energy Sector .................................................................................. 8

Energy Planning ................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Electricity Resource Planning, Procurement and Operations ............................................................................... 15

Rural Electrification ......................................................................................................................................................... 19

Grid-Connected Renewable Energy Program ........................................................................................................... 23

Sustainable Finance .......................................................................................................................................................... 25

ICED II Support to Clean Energy Projects .................................................................................................................... 28

Clean Energy Technology and Innovation Fund (CETIF) ........................................................................................... 30

3. ICED II PROGRESS TOWARD ACHIEVING RESULTS ........................................... 32

Indicator 1: Greenhouse gas (GHG) Emissions, Estimated in Metric Tons of CO2 Equivalent, Reduced,

Sequestered, or Avoided through Clean Energy Activities Supported by USG Assistance ........................... 33

Indicator 2: Amount of Investment Mobilized (in USD) for Clean Energy as Supported by USG

Assistance .......................................................................................................................................................................... 34

Indicator 3: Number of Beneficiaries with Improved Energy Services due to USG Assistances .................. 35

Indicator 4: Number of Institutions with Improved Capacity to Address Clean Energy Issues as

Supported by USG Assistance ...................................................................................................................................... 36

Indicator 5: Number of Laws, Policies, Regulations or Standards Addressing Clean Energy Formally

Proposed, Adopted, or Implemented as Supported by USG Assistance ........................................................... 37

Indicator 6: Clean Energy Generation Capacity Installed or Rehabilitated as a Result of USG Assistance

.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 37

Indicator 7: Proportion of Females Who Report Increased Self-Efficacy at the Conclusion of USG-

Supported training/Programming ................................................................................................................................. 38

Indicator 8: Clean Energy Generation Capacity Supported by USG Assistance that has Achieved

Financial Closure .............................................................................................................................................................. 38

Indicator 9: Projected GHG Emissions Reduced or Avoided through 2030 from Adopted Laws, Policies,

Regulations, or Technologies Related to Clean Energy as Supported by USG Assistance ............................ 39

Indicator 10: Number of People Trained in Clean Energy Supported by USG Assistance .......................... 40

Indicator 11: Expected Lifetime Energy Savings from Energy Efficiency or Energy Conservation as a

Result of USG Assistance ............................................................................................................................................... 42


Annex A. Performance Indicator Results against Targets 44

Annex B. Reference Information for Performance Indicators and Results ........................................................... 47

Annex C. ICED II Project Deliverables ...................................................................................................................... 50

Annex D. ICED II External Events, FY 2020 ............................................................................................................. 51

Annex E. ICED II Detailed Training Activities, FY 2020 ........................................................................................ 52




The ICED II Project in Brief

The Indonesia Clean Energy Development II Project (ICED II) is a multi-year program (May 2015- September 2020)1 funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). ICED II is

designed to assist the Government of Indonesia (GoI) in establishing an effective policy, regulatory,

and incentive environment for low-emission growth in the energy sector, while simultaneously attracting public and private sector investment in clean energy development. In recognition of novation, ICED II also supports technological and human capacity advancements related to clean energy. -D, which ended on February 17, 2015. ICED II gives special attention to the status of ICED report), the changes that have occurred within both the GoI partners and the clean energy market, re-engaging with ICED public and private sector partners, and positioning ICED II to take advantage The overall goal of ICED II is to strengthen the foundation for a low-carbon energy system in Indonesia. Its components contribute to the Goenhancing access/security within the sector, while concurrently supporting national efforts to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. ICED II is implemented through three parallel and complementary components: Component 1: Improve the enabling environment for rapid co-investment in clean energy; Component 2: Accelerate the mobilization of private and public sector co-investment in clean energy; and Component 3: Conduct outreach on USAID and U.S. Government (USG) inter-agency y sector. ICED II also operates a Clean Energy Technology and Innovation Fund that is used to augment project interventions. The Innovation Fund is intended to be a flexible means, where necessary rticipation and/or collaboration of private At its completion, ICED II must achieve the following high-level results:

1. At least 4.5 million tons of GHG emissions, estimated in metric tons of CO2e, reduced,

sequestered, and/or avoided as a result of USG assistance;

2. At least $800 million of investment mobilized from private and public sources for climate

change mitigation as supported by USG assistance;

3. At least an additional 5 million people with access to clean energy;

1 ICED II was extended from May 2020 to September 2020.



4. At least 20 institutions with improved capacity to address climate change issues as a result of

USG assistance; and

5. At least 20 laws, policies, strategies, plans, or regulations addressing climate change

mitigation officially proposed, adopted, or implemented as a result of USG assistance. In addition, ICED II has five component- (or task-) level objectives and targeted results. These are listed below. These results are described in more detail in the ICED II Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Plan. ICED II reports on 11 key performance indicators taken from the high-level results and targeted results (see Section 3).

Table 1: ICED II Targeted Results

Tasks Targeted Results

Increase Capacity for

Low Emissions Energy

Sector Planning and


At least 20 institutions with improved capacity to address climate change issues as a result of USG assistance Within selected provinces, enhanced integration of RAD-GRK with RAN- GRK, RUEN/RUED, RUKD, RPJMD, Provincial/District/City Regional Spatial Management Plan (RTRWP/K), and associated strategic planning documents Within selected provinces, preliminary RUEDs and RUKDs are developed that reflect integrated resource planning, are responsive to modelled energy demands for the region, and are aligned with the respective RAD- GRK Improved capacity of institutions at the local level to operationalize and refine RAD-GRK plans based on sound quantitative data and analysis and synchronization of methodologies at the national and local levels; and to develop, operationalize and align RUEDs and RUKDs with local development priorities Enhanced participation of district and municipal institutions in the RAD- GRK, RUED and RUKD planning and implementation processes.

Policy and Regulatory

Reform Support for

Clean Energy Project


At least 20 laws, policies, strategies, plans, or regulations addressing climate change mitigation officially proposed, adopted, or implemented as a result of USG assistance Streamlined reform of existing policies and regulations relevant to clean energy growth Adoption of effective fiscal and non-fiscal incentives for increased investment in different types of small- to medium-scale renewable energy technologies Establishment of a regulatory framework and standardized feed-in tariffs for the development of renewable energy projects with generating capacities larger than 10 MW Public outreach strategies developed at the national/subnational level to effectively communicate the impact of policy/regulatory reform.



Tasks Targeted Results

Advanced Project

Development and

Investment Promotion

Facilitated installation of at least 400 MW of clean energy generation capacity Adoption of standard business practices for clean energy development, integration and related procedures with PLN Established funding and implementation frameworks for mitigation actions in the clean energy sector at the subnational level Improved business practices of project design and feasibility assessment in the clean energy market to reduce risk and increase the likelihood of attracting investment.

Increased Local

Capacity of Science,


Innovation and Human

Resources for Clean

Energy Growth

Documented assessment of human resources needs of relevant stakeholders and action plan for designing and delivering associated technical assistance to enhance the capacity of local organizations in providing relevant services and trainings on clean energy aspects. Pilot modules for study and practical training in at least five institutions for at least five different technologies (hydro, biomass, biogas, municipal waste, solar PV and wind power). Piloting of at least five renewable energy/energy conservation innovations with a roadmap for scaling-up and/or rapid replication.

Outreach on USAID

and USG Inter-Agency

Activities in

Energy Sector

interested stakeholders/media highlighting their integration with GoI initiatives and other donor/lender activities Annual workshops, forums, and other public outreach campaigns to inform local stakeholders about GoI and U.S. Government collaborative efforts. ICED II provides a combination of short- and long-term technical assistance to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR), the State Electricity Company (PLN), the National Planning Agency (Bappenas), the Financial Services Authority (OJK), selected provincial and regency (kabupaten) governments, other sectoral ministries and authorities, and the private sector including banks and project developers.

Geographic Coverage

In its Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) 2014-2018, USAID/Indonesia identified

14 focus provinces where it will provide cross-sectoral development support that will be

complemented with institutional, planning, and coordination assistance delivered at the central level

to GoI stakeholders in Jakarta. The 14 focus provinces are Aceh, North Sumatra, West Java, Central Java, East Java, West Nusa Tenggara, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, North Maluku, Maluku, West Papua, and Papua. ICED II selected five priority areas (provinces) from USAIit will concentrate its regional energy planning support: Aceh, East Java, North Sumatra, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) and South Sulawesi. Aceh, North Sumatra, and South Sulawesi were identified in the ICED II contract scope of work, while East Java and NTB were selected based on the following criteria: ͻ Indicative clean energy project development (investment and installed capacity) opportunities;


4 ͻ GHG emission reduction potentials in the energy sector over the projected baselines in the local action plans for low-emissions development (RAD-GRKs); ͻ Number of households and persons without access to electricity; ͻ Indicative progressive commitment from subnational (provincial, municipal/regency); governments to take steps in implementing GHG mitigation action plans and accelerating the development of clean energy; and Relative ease (e.g., logistics) in supporting field work from the ICED II Jakarta office. ICED II geographic coverage strategy (Figure 1) combines ongoing support to national-level partners within the ICED II priority provinces, USAID focus provinces, and other locations across Indonesia. First, the project concentrates support in the five ICED II priority provinces, where it engages in subnational energy and GHG mitigation planning and policies and helps initiate new clean energy projects and programs. Second, ICED II responds to opportunities to support public and private sector partners based in the 14 USAID focus provinces, where there is a potential to contribut-level results. Third, ICED II takes a portfolio approach to support PLN,

MEMR, national banks and financial institutions, and national developers with their portfolios, even if

they are outside the USAID focus provinces. Fourth, ICED II continues to support projects throughout Indonesia from the ICED 02015) clean energy project pipeline that have

significant potential to contribute to the ICED II high-level results (e.g., installed generating capacity,

reduced GHGs, leveraged investment, persons with access to clean energy).

Figure 1: ICED II Geographic Coverage Strategy

Framework for USAID ICED II Assistance to the Government of


USAID and the GoI finalized a five-year Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) that presents the development priorities of both parties from 2014 through 2018. It serves

as a guide for the design of interventions and allocation of resources across critical technical sectors.


Other Provinces with ICED Project or

Project from National Partners

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