[PDF] ANNUAL REPORT bank with a tangible contribution

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The Government of Indonesia has pursued a prudent fiscal policy while still promoting economic growth (Hendar 2012)


bank with a tangible contribution to the national economy 1. Sp 01 “Strengthening Monetary policy and policy Mix ... Aceh Province. Lhokseumawe.

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1 This is a white paper which provides a more detailed set of policies and funds back into the economy and the maritime security sector;49 (2) with ...

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Ash Center

leaders take the proactive policy path outlined in this study prospects for more institutions attempt to manage the economy as if one-size-fits-all.


Dan Kalb - Council District 1 City-Wide Historic Preservation Policies and Programs . ... Proposed Mixed-Use Development at BART Station .

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: Jalan M.H. Thamrin No. 2

Jakarta 10350 Indonesia

Phone : 131 / +62 21 1500 131

Facsimile : +62 21 386 4884

e-mail : bicara@bi.go.id 2 About Bank IndonesiaGlobal and Domestic Economic Performance Bank Indonesia Task Implementation in 2020 The front cover of the Bank Indonesia Annual Report depicts Bank Indonesia on 24 th st th

Siriah Basusun

Annual Report

Institutional Management

in 2020Bank Indonesia Policy Mix and Institutional Policy for 2021Appendix



4 About Bank IndonesiaGlobal and Domestic Economic Performance Bank Indonesia Task Implementation in 2020 4

Banten Province



Institutional Management

in 2020Bank Indonesia Policy Mix and Institutional Policy for 2021Appendix




Bank Indonesia

1.1Status, Objectives, and Tasks

1.2Vision and Mission

1.3Bank Indonesia Strategic Programs

1.4Board of Governors

1.5The Course of Laws Shaping Bank Indonesia"s

Task and Authority

1.6Organisational Structure of Bank Indonesia

1.7Distribution of Bank Indonesia Ć

1.8Bank Indonesia Supervisory Board

2.1Global Economic Performance

2.2Domestic Economic Performance

Bank Indonesia Task


3.1Monetary Policy

3.2Exchange Rate Stabilisation

3.3Macroprudential Policy

3.4Implementation of Act No. 2 of 2020

3.5Payment System Digitalisation

3.6Money Market Deepening

3.7MSME Development and the Sharia

Boarding School Economy

3.8Development of Sharia Economy and Finance

3.9Strengthening International Policy and

Investor Relations

3.10Reserve Asset Management

3.11Payment System and Financial Market Infrastructures

3.12Rupiah Currency Management

3.13Bank Indonesia Services for Government

3.14Surveillance and Supervision


3.16Consumer Protection

3.17Statistics Management

3.18Public Information Services

3.19Policy Communication

3.20Coordination with the Government, Authorities and Relevant Organisations


in 2020

4.1Bank Indonesia Transformation

4.2Bank Indonesia Strategic Planning and Achievements in 2020

4.3Adoption of Best Practices and Good

Governance Maturity at Bank Indonesia

4.4Accountable Financial Management

4.5Organisational and Human Resource


4.6Information Systems Management

4.7Planning, Procurement and Asset Management

4.8Risk Management and Internal Control

4.9Strengthening the Legal Framework

4.10 Bank Indonesia Social Program for

The Nation

Annual ReportBank Indonesia 2020

Mix and Institutional

5.1Economic Recovery Outlook for 2021

5.2Bank Indonesia Policy Mix in 2021

5.3Direction of Institutional Policy in 2021


List of Bank Indonesia Policies and Regulations in 2020


List of Abbreviations

3.1QRIS Merchant Growth

3.2Total Transaction Value of Bank Indonesia Payment System

3.3Transaction Frequency of Bank Indonesia Payment System

4.1Bank Indonesia Weekly Balance Sheet as of 31


December 2020

5.1Key Performance Indicators 2021

2.1Covid-19 Cases in Indonesia

2.2Public Mobility in Indonesia

2.3Indonesia"s Balance of Payments (BoP)

2.4Rupiah vs Other Exchange Rates (31


December 2019 - 23


March 2020)

2.5Current Account


3.1MIR Disincentive Parameters

3.2Average Down Payment on Green Automotive Loans and LTV/FTV on Property Loans

3.3QRIS Performance

3.4e-Commerce Transaction Value

3.5e-Commerce Payment Methods

3.6Position of Reserve Assets

3.7Consumer Complaint Data

3.8Consumer Complaint Trends by Category

3.1End-to-End Data Management

4.1Organisational Transformation to Build Excellence Performance

4.2Transformation of Professional and Competent Human Resources with Integrity

4.3Digital Transformation towards the Foremost Digital Central Bank

4.4Challenges Facing Bank Indonesia in Next

Five Years

4.5Baldridge Excellence Framework

5.1Direction of Bank Indonesia Policy Mix in


5.2Planning and Control Framework for Work

Programs, Resources, Risks and Audits

Annual Report


“The central bank is not only the birthplace

policy, payment system policy and Rupiah currency management, yet also ensuring such banking principles and good governance." gOvERNOR'S FORE WORD

Annual Report

About Bank IndonesiaGlobal and Domestic Economic Performance Bank Indonesia Task Implementation in 2020

11Annual Report

Institutional Management

in 2020Bank Indonesia Policy Mix and Institutional Policy for 2021Appendix

Perencanaan, Pemenuhan, Pengembangan


BI Prestasi, BI Innovasi, BI Digital

BI Religi

a Act

Annual Report

About Bank IndonesiaGlobal and Domestic Economic Performance Bank Indonesia Task Implementation in 2020

13Annual Report

Institutional Management

in 2020Bank Indonesia Policy Mix and Institutional Policy for 2021Appendix

Destry Damayanti

Senior Deputy Governor“The burden sharing mechanism

Indonesia as the monetary authority

authority in terms of funding the

National Economic Recovery program

to maintain economic sustainability BANK


16Annual Report

About Bank Indonesia




17Annual Report

Institutional Management

in 2020Bank Indonesia Policy Mix and Institutional Policy for 2021Appendix

Bank Indonesia"s Vision for 2025 contains four

key elements: implies to becoming an excellent central bank in terms of adopting digital technology to enable digitalisation of the economy and of policy and institutional management at

Bank Indonesia.

implies that Bank Indonesia orients exchange rates. This is more effectively achieved with balanced and sustainable economic growth, a manageable current account deficit as well as maintained macroeconomic and financial system stability. Bank Indonesia pursues this objective through strong synergy with the

Government, Financial System Stability

Committee, other relevant authorities,

banking industry, business community and other strategic partners. implies that Bank Indonesia is determined to increase policy capability and quality to become the best central bank and respected within its peer group, while contributing internationally. implies that everything Bank Indonesia does is towards advancing the shared goal of achieving middle-income status with solid

Strategising implies that

Bank Indonesia will optimise its policy mix to achieve the predetermined hand, synergising implies that to achieve its Vision, Bank Indonesia will strengthen synergy and coordination with the Government, Financial System Stability Committee, banking industry, business community and other domestic and international strategic partners. Furthermore, Bank Indonesia will remain independent in the execution of duties pursuant to its current mandate in accordance with prevailing laws and regulations. Nevertheless, independence also entails interdependence with the policies instituted by the Government, Financial System Stability Committee and other strategic partners, while respecting the jurisdiction of each authority. Synergy and coordination based on independence and interdependence produce optimal outcomes and achievements rather than working individually.

Bank Indonesia"s Missions are as follows:

1. To achieve and maintain Rupiah stability through effective monetary policy and the Bank Indonesia policy mix. 2. macroprudential policy in synergy with microprudential policy by the Financial Services Authority (OJK). 3. strengthening Bank Indonesia payment system policy in synergy with the Government and other strategic policy partners. 4. To support macroeconomic stability and sustainable economic growth by achieving synergy between the Bank Indonesia policy other strategic policy partners. 5. strengthen the effectiveness of Bank Indonesia policy and support 6. national level to the regional level. 7. To build a digital central bank in terms of the policies and institutional arrangements by strengthening the organisation, human resources, governance and reliable information systems as well as a proactive international role. v


18Annual Report

About Bank Indonesia

Programs out of the 12 programs deal with Bank Indonesia policy implementation, supported by policy synergy and coordination with the Government, Financial System Stability Committee, banking industry, business community and other strategic partners. The three remaining strategic programs concern institutional management at Bank Indonesia to support policy implementation. implementation that directly correlates with Bank Indonesia"s mandate as a central bank, namely to create and maintain Rupiah stability. Through this strategic program, Bank Indonesia consistently strengthens monetary policy and policy mix effectiveness to achieve Rupiah stability by stability in line with the currency"s fundamental value. The Bank Indonesia policy mix not only contains internal policies yet is also instituted through synergy and coordination with strategic partners. The main strategic partners (TPIP) and Regional Administrations through Regional Policy synergy to maintain Rupiah stability correlates closely with successful coordination between Bank Indonesia and the Government in terms of managing the current account addition, successful implementation depends on Bank Indonesia"s efforts in conjunction with strategic partners through Strategic Program 07 and Strategic Program 08. economic growth. The success of achieving Rupiah stability through Strategic


g I c


the 2.5%±1% (yoy) range; (ii) exchange rate volatility in line with economic fundamentals; and (iii) optimal reserve assets to support Rupiah stability and external resilience. Based on the Bank Indonesia Medium-Term Plan for 2020-

2025 and the conditions to be achieved through Strategic

Program 01 by 2025, Bank Indonesia is:

a. Strengthening the Bank Indonesia policy mix as a fully- policy framework, supported by policy mix modelling to maintain stability and stimulate economic growth. b. Strengthening the advisory role to support regional economic growth and optimising spatial coordination and distribution. c.

Transforming monetary operations management to

optimise accommodative monetary policy, together with the development of instruments, monetary operations strategies, market conduct and money market infrastructure. d. Transforming foreign exchange management to meet adequate reserve assets through yield optimisation, while prioritising security and liquidity as well as governance and risk management. e. Digitising the Bank Indonesia policy mix formulation and implementation process. The second strategic program is part of the policy synergy between Bank Indonesia and the Government (relevant ministries and agencies) as well as other strategic partners to achieve the vision of “providing a tangible contribution to the national economy". Bank Indonesia synergy is realised through efforts to strengthen external resilience and support inclusive and sustainable economic growth. This is achieved through support for the inception and implementation of programs for successful economic transformation across various sectors, including manufacturing and tourism.

19Annual Report

Institutional Management

in 2020Bank Indonesia Policy Mix and Institutional Policy for 2021Appendix

Annual Report

About Bank Indonesia

Annual Report

Institutional Management

in 2020Bank Indonesia Policy Mix and Institutional Policy for 2021Appendix

Annual Report

About Bank Indonesia

Annual Report

Institutional Management

in 2020Bank Indonesia Policy Mix and Institutional Policy for 2021Appendix

Annual Report

About Bank Indonesia

Annual Report

Institutional Management

in 2020Bank Indonesia Policy Mix and Institutional Policy for 2021Appendix


KelembagaanPelaksanaan TugasBank IndonesiaTentang Bank IndonesiaArah Strategis

Bank Indonesia

Rangkuman Kebijakan dan Kilas Balik Laporan


Badan Supervisi Bank IndonesiaLampiran

Annual Report

About Bank Indonesia



Annual Report

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