[PDF] A new error bound for Reduced Basis approximation of parabolic

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Méthode des éléments finis

méthode d'éléments finis. Cette méthode est basée sur une formulation variationnelle de ces problèmes et apparaît alors comme une méthode de Galerkin 

Notes de cours sur la méthode des éléments finis

Chapitre 2. Introduction `a la méthode des éléments finis. 2.1 Formulation variationnelle. 2.1.1 Exemple 1-D. Soit `a résoudre le probl`eme.

Introduction à la méthode des éléments finis

q dx ?v ? X. Le problème variationnel associé est naturellement. (2.10). Trouver u ? X vérifiant (2.9). La formulation variationnelle ( 

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Cette formulation variationnelle dite méthode du domaine régulier

Introduction à la méthode des éléments finis

La méthode des éléments finis se base sur la formulation variationnelle. Elle permet d'évaluer des intégrales plutôt que des dérivées en tout point.

Méthode des éléments finis

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A new error bound for Reduced Basis approximation of parabolic

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etudie Ia convergence des methodes elements finis dans le cas de maillages Classiquement la formulation variationnelle associee au.

A new error bound for Reduced Basis approximation of parabolic partial dierential equations

Karsten Urban

University of Ulm, Institute for Numerical Mathematics, Helmholtzstr. 18,

89081 Ulm (Germany), karsten.urban@uni-ulm.de

Anthony T. Patera

Mechanical Engineering Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 (USA), patera@mit.eduAbstract

We consider a space-time variational formulation for linear parabolic partial dierential equations. We introduce an associated Petrov-Galerkin truth nite element discretization with favorable discrete inf-sup constant: is bounded from below by unity for the heat equation;grows only linearly in time for non-coercive (asymptotically stable) convection operators. The latter in turn permits eective long-timea posteriorierror bounds for reduced basis approximations, in sharp contrast to classical exponentially growing energy estimates.


Nous considerons une formulation variationnelle espace-temps pour les equa- tions dierentielles paraboliques lineaires. Nous y associons une discretisation par elements nis de Petrov-Galerkin pour laquelle la constante de stabilite inf-suppossede des proprietes agreables :est bornee inferieurement par la constante unite pour l'equation de la chaleur;a une croissance seulement lineaire en temps pour des operateurs de convection non-coercifs (asympto- tiquement stables). Dans le cadre des approximations par bases reduites, cette derniere propriete permet d'obtenir des bornes ecaces pour l'erreur a posteriorien temps long, en net contraste avec les estimateurs d'erreur en energie classiques qui presentent une croissance exponentielle. Keywords:parabolic equations, space-time formulation, inf-sup stability, reduced basis, a posteriori estimation Preprint submitted to C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I October 31, 2011

2000 MSC:35K15, 65M15, 65M60Version francaise abregee

Soit l'equation aux derivees partielles parabolique (1) et sa formulation variationnelle espace-temps :u2 X:=L2(I;V)\H1(I;V0) verie (2) pour l'espace des fonctions testY:=L2(I;V); icib(w;v) :=R


a(w(t);v(t))]dtetf(v) :=R

Ihg(t);v(t)iHdt. Les normes surXetYsont

denies parkwk2X:=kwk2L


2(I;V0)etkvkY:=kvkL2(I;V). On

considereV=H10( ) (operateurs spatiaux de 2e ordre), ou est le domaine spatial. On montre (Proposition 1.1 basee sur [4]) que pour des problemes coercifs, la constante inf-supdebest positive et bornee inferieurement. Nous introduisons ensuite une discretisation par elements nis de Petrov- Galerkin : soitu2 Xveriantb(u;v) =f(v);8v2 Y; avecX:= S t


Vh,= (t;h), ouSt;VhetQtsont respectivement

des elements nis lineaire par morceaux en temps (de pas t) et en espace (de diametreh), et constants en temps. Cette methode concide avec une discretisation de Crank-Nicolson en temps, ainsi nos resultats s'appliquent directement a ce schema standard. Nous denissons une norme modiee (equivalente) surX;jjj jjjXou la partieR

Ikwk2Vdtdek kXest remplacee

par une somme des moyennes dewsur chaque element temporel. Nous montrons (Proposition 2.1) que pour l'equation de la chaleur, la constante inf-sup discreteest bornee inferieurement par la constante unite. Nous considerons maintenant une approximation par bases reduitesuN, comme dans [1]. Nous pouvons construire a la Proposition 3.1 des bornes sur l'erreura posterioripour le champ solutionuNet pour la sortie scalaire s N. L'utilite de ces bornes est tres liee a la dependance deaux parametres du probleme et au temps nalT. La procedure de calcul de ces bornes est similaire a la decomposition hors ligne-en ligne des bases reduites standard. Enn, nous presentons des resultats numeriques pour la constante inf-sup discrete. Pour des operateursnon-coercifsmais asymptotiquement stables (e.g. convection), on observe que le parametre inf-sup cro^t seulement en1T, ou1est la vitesse de deplacement etTle temps nal. L'exemple est un domaine spatial unidimensionnel (0;1) avec l'operateur1(x1=2)uxuxx pour1>22(1<22entra^ne un probleme coercif). Ces estimateurs sont beaucoup plus precis que ceux classiques en energie et predisant une croissance exponentielle ene1T, inutilisables en pratique. 2

1. Space-time formulation

We rst formulate a general linear parabolic equation. Consider Hilbert spacesV ,!H ,!V0and an operatorA2 L(V;V0),hAv;wiH=a(v;w) for v;w2V. SettingI:= [0;T],T >0 and giveng2L2(I;V0), we look foru such that _u(t) +Au(t) =g(t) inV0; t2I;u(0) = 0;(1) and an associated output of the forms:=R

I`(u(t))dtfor some`2V0. We

restrict ourselves to LTI systems even though some of our results can be extended to the more general situation. For the derivation of the space-time variational form of (1), we introduce the trial spaceX:=L2(I;V)\H1(I;V0) with normkwk2X:=kwk2L



2(I;V0)and the test spaceY:=L2(I;V) with normkvkY:=kvkL2(I;V).

Note thatX= (L2(I)


V0) andY=L2(I)


will allow for a tensor product discretization. Then denitionsb(w;v) :=R

I[h_w(t);v(t)iH+a(w(t);v(t))]dtandf(v) :=R

Ihg(t);v(t)iHdtyield the

space-time variational formulation u2 X:b(u;v) =f(v);8v2 Y:(2) The well-posedness of (2) has been shown (under suitable assumptions) in [4, Theorem 5.1]. The approach of [4] can also yield an estimate for the inf-sup constant := infw2Xsupv2Yb(w;v)kwkXkvkY. We dene%:= sup06=2VkkHkkVanda:= inf

2Vsup 2Va( ;)kkVk kV; we then claim

Proposition 1.1.Assume that there existMa<1, >0, and2Rsuch thatja( ;)j Mak kVkkV(continuity) anda(;) +kk2Hkk2V (Garding) for allv;w2V. Then,LB:=(%2)minf1;M2agmaxf1;(a)1gp2 Remark 1.2.Note thatLBdoes not depend on the nal time. However, the estimate is only meaningful if%2, i.e., if the system is coercive. In the non-coercive case,(1)is often transformed via^u(t) :=etu(t)to obtain a coercive problem; however, this yields an inf-sup bound that behaves aseT | clearly unsuitable for long-time integration. 3

2. Petrov-Galerkin Truth Approximation

LetX X,Y Ybe nite dimensional subspaces andu2 X

the discrete approximation of (2), i.e.,b(u;v) =f(v)8v2 Y,s=RT

0`(u(t))dt. Henceforth, we concentrate on the caseH=L2(

),V= H 10( ). LetX=St


Vh,= (t;h), whereSt,Vhare

piecewise linear andQtpiecewise constant nite elements with respect to triangulationsTspace hin space andTtimet fti1(i1)t < tit t i;1irgin time for t:=T=r. This coincides with the Crank{Nicolson (CN) scheme if a trapezoidal approximation of the right-hand side temporal integration is used; hence, we can derive error bounds for the CN scheme via our space-time formulation. Towards that end we introduce a dierent norm onX: Forw2 Xand I i:= (ti1;ti), set wi:= (t)1R I iw(t)dt2Vand w:=Pr i=1Ii wi2 L

2(I;V), whereIiis the characteristic function onIi; then, setjjjwjjj2X:=



2(I;V). It can be proven thatkkXandjjjjjjXare equivalent.

We may now demonstrate

Proposition 2.1.SetAu:=u; then we have the inf-sup lower bound := infw2Xsupv2Yb(w;v)jjjwjjjXkvkY1. Proof.(Sketch) Note that= 0,= 1, andMa= 1 for our choicekwkV krwkL2( ). Let 06=w2 X. Setz:=A1 h_w(i.e.,a(z;h) =h_w;hiH,

8h2Vh) andv:=z+ w. Then,b(w;v) jjjwjjj2X+kw(T)k2H

jjjwjjjXkvkYsince (z;w)Y=12 kw(T)k2Handkvk2Y=R IkA1 h_wk2Vdt+ tPr i=1kwik2V+kw(T)k2H=jjjwjjj2X+kw(T)k2H.3. The Reduced Basis Method (RBM) Now, let= (1;2)2 D:=R2be a parameter vector andA=A() := u+1(x)ru+2u, i.e., a diusion-convection-reaction operator with convection eld. We then introduce a standard Reduced Basis (RB) ap- proximation for the Crank{Nicolson interpretation of our discrete problem, u

N()2 Xt;N=St

VN; hereVNis an RB space provided for exam-

ple by the POD-Greedy procedure of [1]. The RB output is then given by s N=RT

0`(uN(t))dt. (It is possible, alternatively, to consider a space{time

RB approximation as well [5].) It is then simple [3] to demonstrate 4 Proposition 3.1.The RB error satisesjjjuuNjjjX krNkY0=LB, where r N(v) :=f(v)b(uN;v);8v2 Y, andLBis a lower bound fordened in Proposition 2.1. Furthermore,jssNj k`kV0pTkrNkY0=LB. The utility of thesea posteriorierror bounds is critically dependent on the dependence ofas a function of the parameterand nal timeT,(;T).

We brie

y comment on the computational implications of this space-time error bound. As always, our model problem (as is the case here) must honor the \ane-in-functions-of-parameter" condition to permit eective oine{ online computation of the reduced basis approximation anda posteriorier- ror bounds. The current formulation introduces the further complication of the space{time norms. In fact, calculation of the dual normk kY0(through the corresponding Riesz representation [3]) does not couple dierent time steps/elements, and hence the additional online diculty is relatively minor. (The oine stage for computation of the inf-sup lower bound by the Succes- sive Constraint Method [3, 6] does require special treatment, in particular due to the normjjj jjjX.)

4. Numerical Results

We report numerical results for the Crank{Nicolson scheme for various choices of the parameters1,2as well as for dierent time steps tand uniform mesh sizesh. For simplicity, we consider the univariate case (in space) = (0;1) and choose(x) =x12 . Let us denote by(;T) the numerical value for the truth inf-sup corresponding to parameterand nal timeT. We start by conrming the quality of the estimate in Proposition

2.1. Thus, we choose1=2= 0; for several values ofT,hand twe

invariantly obtain 1:000, indicating that our estimate is in fact sharp. Next, we investigate the case of convection,2= 0, in which caseais coercive only for1<22. We get((50;0);1:0) = 0:052,((50;0);2:0) =

0:028 and((100;0);1:0) = 0:020,((100;0);2:0) = 0:010. These numbers

are mostly invariant for suciently smallhand t. The overall behavior is((1;0);T)(1T)1. NoteT=O(1) is eectively a \long time" in convective units, 1=1. We emphasize that although the problem is non- coercive, the problem is asymptotically stable in the sense that all eigenvalues ofa( ;) =h ;iHlie in the left-hand plane; this stability is re ected in the inf-sup behavior. In contrast, a standard energy approach [2] gives eective inf-sup constants on the order ofe1T(here about 1010). Hence, 5 the traditional method fails whereas our new bound re ects the truetime- coupledproperties of the system. Finally, we consider the case1= 0 which gives rise to an asymptotically unstable (and non-coercive) system for2<2. This means that any error estimatemustgrow exponentially with the nal timeT. We observe this for our estimator as well, e.g.((0;20);1:0) = 5:62105(order ofe2T). Acknowledgements.A.T.P. was supported by OSD/AFOSR/MURI Grant FA9550-09-1-0613 and ONR Grant N00014-11-1-0713; K.U. by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under Ur-63/9 and GrK1100. The authors are grateful to Sylvain Vallaghe for helpful comments. This paper was written while K.U. was Visiting Professor at MIT.


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