[PDF] How Do I Show Geographical Data Using the SGMAP Procedure?®

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Creating Great Maps in ODS Graphics Using the SGMAP Procedure

PROC SGMAP is available in Base SAS® and has similar functionality of the GMAP procedure in addition to annotating items on your map. Here is what can be 


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Basic Syntax

proc sgmap mapdata=maps.world SGMAP is the latest addition to the SG procedures in ... The SGMAP procedure allows you to easily plot data onto a map.

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How Do I Show Geographical Data Using the SGMAP Procedure?®

proc sgmap mapdata=neighborhoods maprespdata=voting_categories; openstreetmap; choromap category / mapid=_id_ id=_id_ name='voting';.

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Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

How Do I Show Geographical Data

Using the SGMAP Procedure?®

Dan Heath, Principal Software Developer, SAS

Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

Dan Heath

Principal Software Developer, SAS

Dan has been a SAS user for more than 27 years. He specializes in SAS/GRAPH®software, ODS Graphics and related graphing technologies. Dan has been a speaker at many regional and local users group meetings, including SAS Global Forum, PharmaSUG and WUSS. He received a BS degree in computer science from

North Carolina State University.

Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

What is the SGMAP Procedure?

Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

SGMAP Layers

Background map

Choropleth map

Plots overlays

Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

SGMapData Sets




Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

Background Map Behavior

proc sgmapplotdata=US_GT_200MW; openstreetmap; bubble x=long_numy=lat_numsize=MW_total; run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

Background Map Behavior

proc sgmapplotdata=New_England_All; openstreetmap; bubble x=long_numy=lat_numsize=MW_total; run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

Background Map Behavior

title 'Durham Neighborhood 2014 General Election'; title2 'Default Style: HTMLBlue'; proc sgmapmapdata=neighborhoods maprespdata=voting_categories; openstreetmap; choromapcategory/ mapid=_id_ id=_id_ name='voting'; keylegend'voting' / title='Participation'; run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

Background Map Behavior

Where did these earthquakes happen?

proc sgmapplotdata=quake_datanoautolegend; openstreetmap; scatter x=longitudey=latitude/ markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilledsize=6pt color='red'); scatter x=longitudey=latitude/ transparency=.5 markerattrs=(symbol=circlesize=25pt color='red'); run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

Background Map Behavior

Where did these earthquakes happen?

data state_outline; set mapsgfk.us_states(where=(statecode='CA')); run; proc sgmapplotdata=quake_datanoautolegend mapdata=state_outline; openstreetmap; choromap/ mapid=statecode; scatter x=longitude y=latitude / markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilledsize=6pt color='red'); scatter x=longitude y=latitude / transparency=.5 markerattrs=(symbol=circle size=25pt color='red'); run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

ESRI Background Maps

odshtml style=raven; proc sgmapplotdata=my_data; esrimap


styleattrsdatacontrastcolors=(cxFFFCCFcxff0000 cxBF5FFF cxFFCC11 cx00FFFF); scatter x=long y=lat/ group=bulb_type keylegend/ autoitemsize; run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

Choropleth Maps

title "2010 Population in the U.S."; proc sgmapmapdata=mapsgfk.us maprespdata=sashelp.us_data; choromappopulation_2010 / mapid=statecode id=statecode; run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

Choropleth Maps

title "2010 Population in the U.S."; title2 "Discrete Option"; proc sgmapmapdata=mapsgfk.us maprespdata=sashelp.us_data; choromappopulation_2010 / mapid=statecode id=statecodediscrete; run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

Choropleth Overlay

title "2010 Population in the U.S."; proc sgmapmapdata=mapsgfk.us_states maprespdata=sashelp.us_data (where=(statecodenot in ('AK' 'HI'))); openstreetmap; choromappopulation_2010 / mapid=statecode id=statecode; run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

Choropleth Overlay

title "2010 Population in the U.S."; proc sgmapmapdata=mapsgfk.us_states maprespdata=sashelp.us_data (where=(statecodenot in ('AK' 'HI'))); openstreetmap; choromappopulation_2010 / mapid=statecode id=statecodetransparency=0.3; run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.


title "2010 Population in the U.S."; title2 "LevelType=None"; proc sgmapmapdata=mapsgfk.us maprespdata=sashelp.us_data; choromappopulation_2010 / mapid=statecode id=statecodeleveltype=none; run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.


title "2010 Population in the U.S."; title2 "LevelType=Interval"; proc sgmapmapdata=mapsgfk.us maprespdata=sashelp.us_data; choromappopulation_2010 / mapid=statecode id=statecodeleveltype=interval; run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.


title "2010 Population in the U.S."; title2 "LevelType=Quantile"; proc sgmapmapdata=mapsgfk.us maprespdata=sashelp.us_data; choromappopulation_2010 / mapid=statecode id=statecodeleveltype=quantile; run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.


title "2010 Population in the U.S."; title2 "LevelType=Quantile"; proc sgmapmapdata=mapsgfk.us maprespdata=sashelp.us_data; choromappopulation_2010 / mapid=statecode id=statecodeleveltype=quantile name= "map"; run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.


title "2010 Population in the U.S."; title2 "LevelType=Quantile NumLevels=4"; proc sgmapmapdata=mapsgfk.us maprespdata=sashelp.us_data; choromappopulation_2010 / mapid=statecode id=statecodeleveltype=quantile numlevels=4; run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

ChoromapColor Control

title "2010 Population in the U.S."; title2 "Using the ColormodelOption"; proc sgmapmapdata=mapsgfk.us maprespdata=sashelp.us_data; choromappopulation_2010 / id=statecodemapid=statecode colormodel=(green yellow orange red); run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

ChoromapColor Control

data rattrmap; retain id "myid"; length colormodel1 $ 15; length min max $ 8; input min $ max $ colormodel1 $ colormodel2 $; cards; _min_ 10000000 verylightgreengreen

10000000 20000000 verylightblueblue

20000000 30000000 verylightpurplepurple

30000000 _max_ verylightredred

run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

ChoromapColor Control

title "2010 Population in the U.S."; title2 "Using a Range Attribute Map"; proc sgmapmaprespdata=sashelp.us_data mapdata=mapsgfk.us rattrmap=rattrmap; choromappopulation_2010 / mapid=statecode id=statecoderattrid=myid; run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

ChoromapColor Control

title "Divisions in the U.S.";

Title2 "Using StyleattrsDatacolors";

proc sgmapmapdata=mapsgfk.us maprespdata=sashelp.us_data; styleattrsdatacolors=(red yellow orange blue cyan green magenta gold silver); choromapdivision / id=statecodemapid=statecode; run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

ChoromapColor Control

data attrmap; retain id "myid"; input value $ 1-18 fillcolor$; cards;

East South Centralorange

West South Central red

East North Central cyan

West North Central gold

New England silver

Pacific blue

Mountain green

South Atlantic magenta

Middle Atlantic yellow

run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

ChoromapColor Control

title "2010 Population in the U.S."; proc sgmapmaprespdata=sashelp.us_data mapdata=mapsgfk.us dattrmap=attrmap; choromapdivision / attrid=myid id=statecodemapid=statecode; run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

ChoromapData Detail

Map data automatically reduced based on size

ʹSupported by the MAPSGFK data sets

ʹUses the RESOLUTION column to determine data to reduce You can control data reduction using the DENSITY option

ʹOverrides automatic reduction

ʹUses the DENSITY column to determine the data to reduce Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

ChoromapData Detail

Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

ChoromapTip Control

title "2020 Population in the U.S."; odsgraphics / imagemap; proc sgmapmaprespdata=sashelp.us_data mapdata=mapsgfk.us; choromappopulation_2020 / mapid=statecodeid=statecode tip=(population_2000 population_2010 population_2020) tiplabel=("2000 census" "2010 census" "2020 census"); run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

Plot Overlays

Currently, four plot overlay types are supported

ʹSCATTER ʹplot markers at data points

ʹSERIES ʹplot lines connecting data points

ʹBUBBLE ʹplot bubbles at data points, sized according to data values

ʹTEXT ʹplot text strings at data points

Statements are structured like the ones in SGPLOT and SGPANEL

Data for all plots comes from the PLOTDATA option

Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

Scatter Plot

proc sgmapplotdata=my_datanoautolegend; esrimap es/Canvas/World_Dark_Gray_Base"; scatter x=lon2 y=lat2 / transparency=.50 tip=none markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilledsize=3pt color="cxFFE303"); scatter x=fatality_lony=fatality_lat/ markerattrs=(symbol=X size=11pt color="red") run; Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

Series Plot

proc sgmapplotdata=pipelines noautolegend; openstreetmap; series x=x y=y / group=segment_id lineattrs=(color=cx00CDCDquotesdbs_dbs16.pdfusesText_22
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