[PDF] GARCH(11) models - University of California Berkeley

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Modèles GARCH et à volatilité stochastique - Université de Montréal

12 mars 2007 Bruit blanc orthogonal à toute fonction linéaire du passé. E(?tZt?1)=0 ?Zt?1 ? HX(t ? 1). Laboratoire de statistique du CRM. Modèles GARCH ...

Économétrie non-linéaire - Chapitre 4: Modèles GARCH

?0. 1 ? ?1. Gilles de Truchis Elena Dumitrescu. Économétrie non-linéaire. 36/91. Page 37. Faits Stylises. ARCH. GARCH. Tests. Conclusions. Références. Modèles 

GARCH(11) models

1 Introduction. 2. 2 Stationarity. 4. 3 A central limit theorem. 9. 4 Parameter estimation. 18. 5 Tests. 22. 6 Variants of the GARCH(11) model.

Modèle GARCH Application à la prévision de la volatilité

Décembre 2007. 1. Modèle GARCH. Application à la prévision de la volatilité. Olivier Roustant. Ecole des Mines de St-Etienne. 3A - Finance Quantitative 


à confirmer est de vérifier si la prévision de la volatilité à l'aide d'un modèle GARCH. (11) fournit les plus petites erreurs statistiques de prévisions 

Properties and Estimation of GARCH(11) Model

We investigate the sampling behavior of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator of the Gaussian GARCH(11) model. A bounded conditional fourth moment of the.

Forecasting accuracy for ARCH models and GARCH (11) family

Forecasting accuracy for ARCH models and GARCH (11) family. –. Which model does best capture the volatility of the Swedish stock market? Åsa Grek. 890727. Page 

A forecast comparison of volatility models: does anything beat a

30 mars 2005 by White (2000) to benchmark the 330 volatility models to the GARCH(11) of Bollerslev (1986). These tests have the advantage that they ...

The log-periodic-AR(1)-GARCH(11) model for financial crashes

GARCH(11) model has residuals with better statistical properties and (ii) the estimation of the parameter concerning the time of the financial crash has 

Bayesian Estimation of the GARCH(11) Model with Student-t

Abstract. This note presents the R package. bayesGARCH which provides functions for the. Bayesian estimation of the parsimonious and ef- fective GARCH(11) 

GARCH(11) models - University of California Berkeley

In this thesis GARCH(11)-models for the analysis of nancial time series are investigated Firstsu cient and necessary conditions will be given for the process to have a stationary solution Then asymptotic results for relevant estimators will be derived and used to develop parametrictests

GARCH 101: An Introduction to the Use of ARCH/GARCH - NYU

The ARCH and GARCH models which stand for autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity and generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity are designed to deal with just this set of issues They have become widespread tools for dealing with time series heteroskedastic models

Why does the Standard GARCH(11) model work well? - arXivorg

idea that GARCH(11) model works well PACS numbers: 05 45 Tp 89 90 n+ 02 50 Ga Keywords: Time series analysis GARCH processes Markov process INTRODUCTION The ARCH model [1] and standard GARCH model [2] are now not only widely used in the Foreign Exchange (FX) liter-ature [3] but also as the basic framework for empirical stud-

Properties and Estimation of GARCH(11) Model - uni-ljsi

GARCH(11) process exist and conclude that GARCH processes are heavy-tailed We investigate the sampling behavior of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator of the Gaussian GARCH(11) model A bounded conditional fourth moment of the rescaled variable (the ratio of the disturbance to the conditional standard deviation) is suf?cient for the result

Lecture 5a: ARCH Models - Miami University

GARCH(11) Process • It is not uncommon that p needs to be very big in order to capture all the serial correlation in r2 t • The generalized ARCH or GARCH model is a parsimonious alternative to an ARCH(p) model It is given by ?2 t = ? + ?r2 t 1 + ?? 2 t 1 (14) where the ARCH term is r2 t 1 and the GARCH term is ? 2 t 1

Stationarity and Persistence in the GARCH(11) Model - JSTOR

GARCH(1 1) MODEL DANIEL B NELSON University of Chicago This paper establishes necessary and sufficient conditions for the stationarity and ergodicity of the GARCH(11) process As a special case it is shown that the IGARCH(1 1) process with no drift converges almost surely to zero while

ARMA(11)-GARCH(11) Estimation and forecast using rugarch 12-2

Introduction First we specify a model ARMA(11)-GARCH(11) that we want to estimate Secondly we touch upon the matter of ?xing certain parameters of the model Thirdly we get som data to estimate the model on and estimate the model onthe data After having estimated the model we inspect the created R-objectfrom the ?tting of the model

A comparison of volatility models: Does anything beat a GARCH

An ARCH(1) model and a GARCH(11) model The tests for data snooping clearly point to better models in the ?rst case but the GARCH(11) is not signi?cantly outperformed in the data sets we consider Although the analysis in one of the data sets does point to the existence of a better model than the GARCH(11) when using the

Is the Arch(1) model better than the GARCH(1,1) model?

  • Interestingly, the best models do not provide a signi?cantly better forecast than the GARCH(1,1) model. This result is estab- lished by the tests for superior predictive ability of White (2000) and Hansen (2001). If an ARCH(1) model is selected as the benchmark, it is clearly outperformed.

What is the difference between GARCH(1, 1) and IGARCH(1,1)?

  • GARCH(1, 1) model is covariance stationary, strictly stationary, and ergodic, in the IGARCH(1, 1) model it is not covariance stationary, but is still strictly stationary and ergodic, distinguishing it from the random walk with drift case. Hong (1987) provides intuition that some of the maximum likelihood estimators

What is the general form of the earch(1) model?

  • The general form of the EARCH(1) model is It can also be shown that the conditions for stationarity, unlike the GARCH(1,1) model, are thesame for both wide-sense (almost sure) and covariance stationarity. A necessary and sucientcondition for this is <1.

Which model replaces GARCH specication?

  • The most general model replaces the GARCH specication with matrix-valuedcoecients as well as a log-returns vector Xt and a vectorized volatility matrixt (that is, suchthat 2 is the conditional covariance of Xt). This is known as the Vec model. However, this canbe very dicult to work with, as necessary and sucient conditions to ensure that 2

Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg

Fakultat fur Mathematik und Informatik


zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades

Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)

GARCH(1,1) models

vorgelegt von

Brandon Williams

15. Juli 2011

Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Rainer Dahlhaus


In dieser Bachelorarbeit werden GARCH(1,1)-Modelle zur Analyse nanzieller Zeitreihen unter- sucht. Dabei werden zuerst hinreichende und notwendige Bedingungen dafur gegeben, dass solche Prozesse uberhaupt stationar werden konnen. Danach werden asymptotische Ergebnisse uber rel- evante Schatzer hergeleitet und parametrische Tests entwickelt. Die Methoden werden am Ende durch ein Datenbeispiel illustriert.


In this thesis, GARCH(1,1)-models for the analysis of nancial time series are investigated. First, sucient and necessary conditions will be given for the process to have a stationary solution. Then, asymptotic results for relevant estimators will be derived and used to develop parametric tests. Finally, the methods will be illustrated with an empirical example.


1 Introduction2

2 Stationarity4

3 A central limit theorem 9

4 Parameter estimation 18

5 Tests22

6 Variants of the GARCH(1,1) model 26

7 GARCH(1,1) in continuous time 27

8 Example with MATLAB 34

9 Discussion39


1 Introduction

Modelling nancial time series is a major application and area of research in probability theory and statistics. One of the challenges particular to this eld is the presence of heteroskedastic eects, meaning that the volatility of the considered process is generally not constant. Here the volatility is the square root of the conditional variance of the log return process given its previous values. That is, ifPtis the time series evaluated at timet, one denes the log returns X t= logPt+1logPt and the volatilityt, where

2t= Var[X2tj Ft1]

andFt1is the-algebra generated byX0;:::;Xt1. Heuristically, it makes sense that the volatility of such processes should change over time, due to any number of economic and political factors, and this is one of the well known \stylized facts" of mathematical nance. The presence of heteroskedasticity is ignored in some nancial models such as the Black-Scholes

model, which is widely used to determine the fair pricing of European-style options. While this leads

to an elegent closed-form formula, it makes assumptions about the distribution and stationarity of the underlying process which are unrealistic in general. Another commonly used homoskedas- tic model is the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, which is used in nance to model interest rates and credit markets. This application is known as the Vasicek model and suers from the homoskedastic assumption as well. ARCH (autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity) models were introduced by Robert Engle in a 1982 paper to account for this behavior. Here the conditional variance process is given an au-

toregressive structure and the log returns are modelled as a white noise multiplied by the volatility:

X t=ett


whereet(the 'innovations') are i.i.d. with expectation 0 and variance 1 and are assumed indepen- dent fromkfor allkt. The lag lengthp0 is part of the model specication and may be determined using the Box-Pierce or similar tests for autocorrelation signicance, where the case p= 0 corresponds to a white noise process. To ensure that2tremains positive,!;i08iis required. Tim Bollerslev (1986) extended the ARCH model to allow2tto have an additional autoregres- sive structure within itself. The GARCH(p,q) (generalized ARCH) model is given by X t=ett


This model, in particular the simpler GARCH(1,1) model, has become widely used in nancial time series modelling and is implemented in most statistics and econometric software packages. GARCH(1,1) models are favored over other stochastic volatility models by many economists due 2 to their relatively simple implementation: since they are given by stochastic dierence equations in discrete time, the likelihood function is easier to handle than continuous-time models, and since nancial data is generally gathered at discrete intervals. However, there are also improvements to be made on the standard GARCH model. A notable problem is the inability to react dierently to positive and negative innovations, where in reality, volatility tends to increase more after a large negative shock than an equally large positive shock. This is known as the leverage eect and possible solutions to this problem are discussed further in section 6. Without loss of generality, the timetwill be assumed in the following sections to take values in eitherN0or inZ. 3

2 Stationarity

The rst task is to determine suitable parameter sets for the model. In the introduction, we considered that!;;0 is necessary to ensure that the conditional variance2tremains non- negative at all timest. It is also important to nd parameters!;;which ensure that2thas nite expected value or higher moments. Another consideration which will be important when studying the asymptotic properties of GARCH models is whether2tconverges to a stationary distribution.

Unfortunately, we will see that these conditions translate to rather severe restrictions on the choice

of parameters. Denition 1.: A processXtis called stationary (strictly stationary), if for all timest1;:::;tn;h2Z: F

X(xt1+h;:::;xtn+h) =FX(xt1;:::xtn)

whereFX(xt1;:::;xtn) is the joint cumulative distribution function ofXt1;:::;Xtn. Theorem 2.Let! >0and;0. Then the GARCH(1,1) equations have a stationary solution if and only ifE[log(e2t+)]<0. In this case the solution is uniquely given by 2t=! 1 +1X j=1j Y i=1(e2ti+) Proof.With the equation2t=!+(e2t1+)2t1, by repeated use ont1, etc. we arrive at the equation

2t=!(1 +kX

j=1j Y i=1(e2ti+)) + (k+1Y i=1(e2ti+))2tk1; which is valid for allk2N. In particular,

2t!(1 +kX

j=1j Y i=1(e2ti+)); since;0. Assume that2tis a stationary solution and thatE[log(e2t+)]0. We have logE[jY i=1(e2ti+)]E[logjY i=1(e2ti+)] =jX i=1E[log(e2ti+)] and therefore, ifE[log(e2t+)]>0, then the productQj i=1(e2ti+) diverges a.s. by the strong law of large numbers. In the case thatE[log(e2t+)] = 0, thenPj i=1log(e2ti+) is a random walk process so that limsup j!1j X i=1log(e2ti+) =1a:s: so that in both cases we have limsup j!1j Y i=1(e2ti+) =1a:s: 4

Since all terms are negative we then have


j!1!jY i=1(e2ti+) =1a:s: which is impossible; therefore,E[log(e2t+)]<0 is necessary for the existence of a stationary solution. On the other hand, letE[e2t+]<0. Then there exists a >1 with log+E[log(e2t+ )]<0. For thiswe have by the strong law of large numbers: log+1n n X i=1log(e2ti+)a:s:!log+E[log(e2t+)]<0; so log(nnY i=1(e2ti+)) =n(log+1n n X i=1log(e2ti+))a:s:! 1; and nnY i=1(e2ti+)a:s:!0:

Therefore, the series

1 +1X j=1j Y i=1(e2ti+) converges a.s. To show uniqueness, assume thattand ^tare stationary: then jt^tj= (e2t1+)j2t1^2t1j= (nnY i=1(e2ti+))nj2tn^2tnjP!0:

This means thatP(jt^tj> ) = 08 >0, sot= ^ta.s.Corollary 3.The GARCH(1,1) equations with! >0and;0,have a stationary solution with

nite expected value if and only if+ <1, and in this case:E[2t] =!1. Proof.: SinceE[log(e2t+)]log(E[e2t+]) = log(+)<0, the conditions of Theorem 1 are fullled. We have

E[2t] =E[!

1 +1X j=1j Y i=1(e2ti+) =!(1 +1X j=1E[jY i=1(e2ti+)]) =!(1 +1X j=1(+)j) !(1) if this series converges, that is, if+ <1, and1otherwise.5 Remark 4.This theorem shows that strictly stationary IGARCH(1,1) processes (those where += 1) exist. For example, ifetis normally distributed, and= 1;= 0, then

E[log(e2t+b)] =E[loge2t] =(

+ log2)<0; where

0:577 is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. Therefore, the equationsXt=ett;2t=X2t1,

or equivalentlyXt=etXt1dene a stationary process which has innite variance at everyt. On the other hand,2t=2t1has no stationary solution. In some applications, we may require that the GARCH process have nite higher-order moments;

for example, when studying its tail behavior it is useful to study its excess kurtosis, which requires

the fourth moment to exist and be nite. This leads to further restrictions on the coecients and.

For a stationary GARCH process,

E[X4t] =E[e4t]E[4t]

=E[e4t]E[!2 1 +1X j=1j Y i=1(e2ti+) 2] =!2E[e4t]E[1 + 21X j=1j Y i=1(e2ti+)2+1X k=11 X l=1k Y i=1l Y j=1(e2ti+)(e2tj+)] =!2E[e4t]

1 + 21X

j=1(+)j+1X k=11 X l=1E[(e2t+)2]k^l(+)k_lk^l which is nite if and only if2:=E[(e2t+)2]<1. In this case, using the recursion2t= !+2t1(e2t1+),

E[4t] =!2+ 2!E[e2t1+]E[2t1] +E[(e2t1+)2]E[4t1]

=!2+ 2!2+1+2E[4t]; so

E[X4t] =E[4t]E[e4t] =!2E[e4t]1 ++(12)(1):

In the case of normally distributed innovations (et), the condition2<1 means E[(e2t+)2] =2E[e4t] + 2E[e2t] +2= 32+ 2+2= (+)2+ 22<1: The excess kurtosis ofXtwith normally distributed innovations is then

E[X4t]Var[Xt]23 =3(1 ++)!2(1)(122(+)2)(!1)23

= 3



6 which means thatXtis leptokurtic, or heavy-tailed. This implies that outliers in the GARCH model should occur more frequently than they would with a process of i.i.d. normally distributed variables, which is consistent with empirical studies of nancial processes. More generally, forXtto have a nite 2n-th moment (n2N) a necessary and sucient condition is thatE[(e2t+)n]<1. Another interesting feature of GARCH processes is the extent to which innovationsetat time tpersist in the conditional variance at a later time2t+h. To consider this mathematically we will use the following denition. For the GARCH(1,1)-processX= (Xt), dene

X(t;n) =20t+nY

i=1(e2t+ni+) +!(t+n1X k=nk Y j=1(e2t+nj+)): Denition 5.The innovationetdoesnotpersist in X inL1i

E[X(t;n)]!0 (n! 1);

and almost surely (a.s.) i

X(t;n)a:s:!0 (n! 1):

If every innovationetpersists inX, then we callXpersistent.

To see how this denition re

ects the heuristic meaning of a shock innovation persisting in the conditional variance, consider that for a GARCH time series with nite variance,

E[X(t;n)] =E[(E[2t+n]E[2t+njet])1!(+)n1n1Y

i=1(e2t+ni+)] = (E[2t+n]E[2t+njet])1! which tends to zero if and only ifE[2t+n]E[2t+njet] tends to zero as well. Theorem 6.(i) Ifetpersists inXinL1for anyt, thenetpersists inXinL1for allt. This is the case if and only if+1. (ii) Ifetpersists inXa.s. for anyt, thenetpersists inXa.s. for allt. This is the case if and only ifE[log(e2t+)]0.

Proof.(i) First,

E[X(t;n)] =20t+nY

i=1E[e2t+ni+] +!t+n1X k=nk Y j=1E[e2t+nj+]: For this value to be converge to zero (that is, foretto not persist), we needE[20] to be nite, which means+ <1. On the other hand, let+ <1. Then we have

E[X(t;n)] =!1(+)t+n+!t+n1X

k=n(+)k !(+)n1!0 (n! 1); 7 soetdoes not persist. (ii) LetE[log(e2t+)]<0. By the strong law of large numbers, 1n n X i=1log(e2ti+)a:s:!E[log(e2t+)]<0; so lognY i=1(e2ti+) =n1n n X i=1log(e2ti+)a:s:! 1 and therefore nY i=1(e2ti+)a:s:!0:

This means that we have

X(t;n) =20t+nY

i=1(e2t+ni+) |{z} !0+!(t+n1X k=nk Y j=1(e2t+nj+) |{z} !0) a:s:!0: On the other hand, letE[log(e2t+)]0. Then by the argument in the proof of Theorem 1, we have limsup j!1j Y i=1(e2ti+) =1a:s:

so thatX(t;n) cannot converge to zero.It is a peculiar property of GARCH(1,1) models that the concept of persistence depends strongly

on the type of convergence used in the denition. Persistence inL1is the more intuitive sense, since it excludes pathological volatility processes such as2t= 32t1, which is strongly stationary sinceE[log(3e2t+ 0)] =( + log2) + log3<0. Denition 7.We call:=+the persistence of a GARCH(1,1) model with parameters!;;. As we have seen earlier, the persistence of the model limits the kurtosis the process can take. Since the estimated best-t GARCH process to a time series often has persistence close to 1, this severely limits the value ofto ensure the existence of the fourth moment. From the representation of2tin theorem 2.1, we immediately have Theorem 8.The autocorrelation function (ACF) offX2ngdecays exponentially to zero with rate if <1. 8

3 A central limit theorem

Having derived the admissible parameter space, we consider the task of estimating the parameters and predicting the values ofXtat future timest. SinceXtis centered at everyt, a natural estimator for its variance is the average of the squares 1n P n t=1X2t. The following theorem will show that, under a stationarity and moment assumption, this is a consistent and asymptotically normal estimator. Theorem 9.For a wide-sense stationary GARCH(1,1)-processXtwithV ar[X2t]<1,E[e4t]<1 and parameters!;;, the following theorem holds: 1pn n X t=1(X2tE[X2t])D! N(0;!21 ++(1)2

E[e4t](1 +) + 21211

where2:=E[(e2t+)2]as in section 2. Proof.By Corollary 2.2 the conditionE[X2t]<1implies that+ <1 and we have

E[X2t] =E[2t] =!1:

Similarly, we have seen thatE[X4t] is nite if and only if2<1 and in this case one has

E[X4t] =E[4t]E[e4t] =!2E[e4t]1 ++(12)(1):

DeneYt:=X2tE[X2t]. Then the variablesfY1;Y2;:::gare weakly dependent in the following sense: Lemma 10.Lets1< s2< ::: < su< su+r=tand letf:Ru!Rbe quadratically integrable and measurable. Then jCov[f(Ys1;:::;Ysu);Yt]j CpE[f2(Ys1;:::;Ysu)]r for a constantCwhich is independent ofs1;:::;su;r.

Proof.Letw=!E[X2t]. Then we have

Y t=we2t(1 +1X j=1j Y i=1(e2ti+)):

We dene the helper variable

Yt=we2t(1 +r1X

j=1j Y i=1(e2ti+)): Then ~Ytis independent of (Ys1;:::;Ysu) and by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: pE[f2(Ys1;:::;Ysu)]qE[(Yt~Yt)2]: 9

However, we have

E[(Yt~Yt)2] =E[w2e4t(1X

j=1j Y i=1(e2ti+)r1X j=1j Y i=1(e2ti+))2] =w2E[e4t]E[(1X j=rj Y i=1(e2ti+))2] =w2E[e4t]E[(rY k=1(e2tk+))2]E[(1 +1X j=r+1j Y i=r+1(e2ti+))2] =2rw2!


=2rE[Y2t]; and therefore jCov[f(Ys1;:::;Ysu);Yt]j qE[Y2t]|{z} CpE[f2(Ys1;:::;Ysu)]r:Similarly, we will need an additional inequality: Lemma 11.Lets1< s2< ::: < su< su+r=tand letf:Ru!Rbe bounded, measurable and integrable. Then jCov[f(Ys1;:::;Ysu);YtYt+h]j Ckfk1r for anyh >0. Proof.Dene~Ytas earlier. Then by Holder's inequality,


Using the triangle and Cauchy-Schwarz inequalities, we have E[jYtYt+h~Yt~Yt+hj]E[jYt~YtjYt+h] +erwjYt+h~Yt+hj~Yt qE[(Yt~Yt)]qE[Y2t+h] +qE[(Yt+h~Yt+h)2]qE[~Y2t] rqE[Y2t]qE[Y2t+h] +rqE[Y2t+h]qE[~Y2t]; so that jCov[f(Ys1;:::;Ysu);YtYt+h]j 2(E[Y2t] +qE[Y2t]qE[~Y2t])|{z}


The theorem to be proved is now

1pn n X t=1Y tD! N(0;!21 ++(1)2(E[e4t](1 +) + 21211)): Dene 2:=1X k=1E[Y0Yk] =E[Y20] + 21X k=1E[Y0Yk] and

2n:= Var[1pn

n X t=1Y t]:

Then we have

2=E[X40]E[X20]2+ 21X



E[X20X2k] =E[202k]

=E[20(a0k1X j=1j Y i=1(e2ki+) +20k Y i=1(e2ki+))] = (+)kE[40] +!1(+)k1E[20] =!2((1 ++)(+)k(12)(1)+1(+)k(1)2); so

2=!2E[e4t]1 ++(12)(1)!21(1)2+

+ 2 1X k=1!

2((1 ++)(+)k(12)(1)(+)k(1)2)

!21(E[e4t]1 ++1211+ 2(1 ++1211)1X k=1(+)k) !2(1)2(E[e4t]1(+)2121 +2 + 2+ 21221) =!21 ++(1)2(E[e4t](1 +) + 21211): 11

SinceYtis centered for everyt, we have

j~2n2j=j(1n n X s;t=1E[YsYt])2j =jE[Y20] + 2n1X k=1(1kn )E[Y0Yk]2j 21X
k=njE[Y0Yk]j+ 2n1X k=1kn jE[Y0Yk]j


k=n k |{z} !0+2CqE[Y20]n1X k=1k kn |{z} !0!0 (n! 1); using the weak independence of the variablesfYkg, where the limit of the second sum is due to

Kronecker's lemma sinceP1

k=1k<1. This means that ~2n!2forn! 1.quotesdbs_dbs21.pdfusesText_27
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