[PDF] b cell development steps

B cell development takes place in a series of six main stages. First, they start as common lymphoid progenitor cells, which become early pro-B cells, then late pro-B cells, next large pre-B cells, then small pre-B cells, and finally, immature B cells.
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  • What is the developmental process of the B cell?

    To complete development, immature B cells migrate from the bone marrow into the spleen as transitional B cells, passing through two transitional stages: T1 and T2. Throughout their migration to the spleen and after spleen entry, they are considered T1 B cells. Within the spleen, T1 B cells transition to T2 B cells.
  • What steps are involved in generating activated B cells?


    antigen recognition-B cell exposed to antigen and binds with matching complementary.antigen presentation-B cell displays epitope, Helper T cell binds secretes interleukin.clonal selection= interleukin stimulates B cell to divide.differentiation=become memory or plasma cells.attack- plasma cells secrete antibody.
  • What two steps are required for B cell activation?

    B-cell activation by many antigens, especially monomeric proteins, requires both binding of the antigen by the B-cell surface immunoglobulin—the B-cell receptor—and interaction of the B cell with antigen-specific helper T cells.
  • The ontogeny of the ability of B lymphocytes to produce an antihapten response which is heterogeneous with respect to affinity for the antigenic determinant was studied in a cell transfer system.
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B-Cell Development Activation


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