[PDF] tebis KNX domovea - Intelligent visualisation - intuitive control

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02 Remote access EN V1.3.2


02 Acces distant FR V1 3 2

tebis domovea accès distant. Page 2. Date : 07/02/2013. 6T 8203-00d. ACCES DISTANT ACTIVATION DU SERVEUR DOMOVEA TJA450 SUR LE PORTAIL. DOMOVEA.COM .


domovea tebis. Accès distant. Création de compte. Recette Le serveur domovea TJA450 est installé sous tension et connecté à Internet ( et OK ).

tebis KNX domovea - Intelligent visualisation - intuitive control

tebis KNX domovea offers you the unique opportunity to tebis KNX domovea shows automation technology in a new ... Remote access to the domovea.

tebis KNX domovea - Intelligent visualisation - intuitive control

tebis KNX domovea offers you the unique opportunity to tebis KNX domovea shows automation technology in a new ... Remote access to the domovea.

tebis KNX domovea

domovea software server with. USB/KNX interface domovea remote access. Remote access to the domovea server via the secure Hager In- ternet portal.

manuel de linstallateur

Aux commandes habituelles de tebis domovea ajoute de nouveaux éléments de confort et L'accès distant domovea se fait par le portail : www.domovea.com.

tebis KNX domovea - Intelligent visualisation - intuitive control

tebis KNX domovea offers you the unique opportunity to tebis KNX domovea shows automation technology in a new ... Remote access to the domovea.


domovea. Comment accèder à son domovea depuis un. iPhone/iPad ou. Android ? tebis mode distant ou « Ailleurs » ... méthode consiste à créer un accès.

domovea server TJA450

The goal of domovea is to enlarge the possibilities of Tebis by bringing control and The remote domovea access is given over a portal: www.domovea.com.

tebis - Hager

Insérer la clé USB d’accès à distance (TJ550) dans un port USB du PC de configuration Cliquer sur le bouton Parcourir Sélectionner le fichier domovea lic présent sur la clé TJ550 puis cliquer sur Ouvrir Le champ code d’activation est désormais renseigné

serveur domovea TJA450

Before being able to remotely control a domovea installation through the domovea com portal it is imperative to verify the following: - The domovea TJA450 server is installed and powered - The domovea TJA450 server is connected to a network allowing internet access - The domovea configuration is completed and functional

domovea - Hager

domovea is the control and visualization software for Tebis installations It provides access to all features for home automation from computer terminals (PC touch screens) in the house Under the normal Tebis commands domovea adds new comfort and safety elements: triggering

serveur domovea TJA450

domovea est le logiciel de commande et de visualisation pour les installations tebis Il permet d’accéder à l’ensemble des fonctionnalités domotiques depuis les terminaux informatiques (pc dalles tactiles) de la maison Aux commandes habituelles de tebis domovea ajoute de nouveaux éléments de confort et de

02 Acces distant FR V1 3 2

(voir la documentation de configuration domovea) : - Accès local et distant : Permet d’avoir accès à l’appareil ou à l'automatisme avec le client domovea et via le portail domovea com - Accès local : Permet d’avoir accès à l’appareil ou à l'automatisme uniquement avec le client domovea

tebis KNX domovea - Intelligent visualisation - intuitive control tebisKNX domovea 2 %0-9-91/0;.964 ;0-:;)9;

WithoutKNX therecan beno automatedhouse! Thebus

standardis thebasic prerequisitefor theuse oftebis KNX domovea.Ifthe KNXbus systemis alreadyinstalled, refittingwithtebis KNXdom oveais veryeasy: The compactdomovea server,requiring justsix unit places,is installedin thedistribu tionboard andwired using8<1+2connect. Oncecomplete, your customersare freeto enjoythe automatedcomfort witha newdimen sionandvision. tebisKNX domoveaoffers youthe uniqueopport unity,to thinkahead withKNX, andto expandyour business.


KNXis theworldwid estandard inhomeandbuildi ngautoma tion.Established in1990 byEuropean manufacturers,includingHager, ithas sincepro veditself worldwide amillion timesover.NowHager is linkingthis stateof theart technologywith abra ndnew look.tebis KNXdomovea isrevealing theface offuture buildingcontrol andis makingautomated housingeven moreattractive, intuitiveand versatile foryour customers.Open upnew businessopportuniti esby linking togetherthe worldsofKNX andIP. tebisKNX domoveamakes itpossible andeasy!


tebisKNX domoveashows automationtechnology ina new light;to beprec ise:on thescreenofany Windows operated computeror mobiledevic e.All theavailablebuilding functionscan becontrolled usingthe intuitiveuser interface:Lighting,h eating,ventilation ,airconditioning , blindsand muchmore. Oneclick andthe current energyconsump tionisdisplayed. Asecond clickand theuser seestheir IP-camera pictures onthescreen, athome oron theiriPhone usinga specialapp lication.One pushof a buttonandthe wholeh ousesw itchesover toapre-pro grammed status.One e-mailand, eventhough notpresent, theuser knowswhat ishappening inthe house.Over thedomovea Internetportal usingthe iPhoneapp, youcan quicklyand safelyintervene; aroundthe clock,from aroundthe world. 3

Simpleto configure4

Intuitivecontr ol8

Mobileuse 12

Easyinstallation 16

Partsand technology 20

4 simple toconfigure 5 6

Simpleto install.Hard tobeat.


•Simple andquick creationof theuser interface:ready foroperation withinaround 10minutes •Rapid projectimporting fromETS orthe TX100Bcoupling device •Drag &Drop operations:simple relocationof thegroup addresses •Simple creationof sequences,logic, timefunctions andscenes •Integration upto tenIP cameras •Inclusion ofpersonal imagesand symbols(up to20 MBimage memory) &5*-);)*3@.):; Previouslyit tookman yhours, ifnotdays,to construct individualvisualisations forbuilding controlsystems.

Withtebis KNXdomovea youare switchingon the

"electrotechnicalturbo"!To beprecise: theconfigur ator.It allowsrap idinstallationofthe complete displayusing KNX data.All thedata areimported, asusual, fromETS orfrom thecoup lingdeviceTX100Band linkedwith thestruc ture

created.&5*-);)*3@*-)<;1.<3 Inco nventionaldisplayprogram s,eachapplicat ionmustbeindividuallyinstalled.Th istakestimeandcauses stress.T heautomationsoftwarete bisKNXdomoveatak esthiswork away

fromyou. Thedispl ayinte rfaceisautomat icallygeneratedfro m thegro uplevelscr eatedandthed evicesarestruc turedw ithin these.Hence, wehaveleftno thin gtochanc e:Thedes ignof theuse rinterfa cemeetsthelatester gonomic,vi sualan d intuitiverequireme ntsandwillbecontinuallye valuat edand optimisedthroughte stswithinstall ersanduser s. Intelligenceis thequick couplingof thoughts.Thus onelogic isbuil ton another.tebis KNXdomovea leadsthe way.So thatyou havelittle needto thinkabout it,and yourcustomer evenless. 7

Startingconditions: AKNX Systemmust

beavailable forconfiguration oftebis KNX domovea.

Firstspecify thebuilding orgroup structure.

Next,define thedevices tobe usedand assignthem

tothe correspondingroom sor groups.

Nowcre atetheIPcam eras,if available,and specify

whichbus eventswill causethe camera imagesto be

displayed,for example. Nowthe ETSor TX100Bdata isimported andthe groupaddresses areassigned bydragging anddroppingtheobject s.

Finally,save allthe data.The usercan nowopen the

clientand usethe intuitiveuser interface. 8 9 intuitive control 10

Theautomated housepresented ona "Tablet"

Yourcust omerisnowincontr ol!A llthea vail abletebisKNXfunc tionsc anbeob tainedusingtheattr active userinterface withits contemporary look,whether usingafingertipon atablet computeror touchpanel orusing amouse ona conventionalhome computer. Theeye-catching iconscan beunderstood immediatelyandintuiti velyoperate d.ThustebisKNX domoveanotonly extendsthe possibilities for yourcustomers but,above all,it simplifiesthem. Putanother way,tebis KNXdomovea cando more, andyour customerscan doless.

964:+-5)916 ;6:-8< -5+-

Withtebis KNXdomovea, youcan callup complexscenar ios veryeasily. Here,one commandentered bythe user simultaneouslytriggers severalother commands. Forexamp le,the"Leavinghome" sceneswitche sall thelights off,closes theroller shutters anddrop sthetemperatu reto an energy-saving18 degrees. However,tebisKNXdomovea goesfurther: Usinglogic sequences,chronological processes canbe configured. Byeditingtheseprocesse s,the usercan atany timestop, alteror delete asequence. 964,-=1+-;6 06<:- Inaddition, yourcustomer notonly hasthe individual functionsat theirfingertips but,if desired, theentire house. Byactivat ingthe"Housestatus" theentire property is transformedintothe desiredtarget state.Alongside the classic"At home"status, youcan configureup toseven furthermodes, asrequired :e.g. "shortabsence","long absence","monitoring mode","nightmode","guest mode",

"donot disturbmode" andfinally "manual shutdown".=-9@;015/);) /3)5+-Inthe houseoverview, theindividualfloors androom sappearasvirtual function

rooms.Central applications suchas lightingand roller shutterand blindcontrols canbea ppli edandcontrolle d atthis levelusing simple icons.The centralfunctions arecreated automatically. 11

3>)@:256> >0);:/615/ 65

tebisKNX domoveamakes energyconsumptio nvisible: The Hagerenergy visualisation displaystheconsumption values measuredonthe internal energycounter sinanoverview graphic,showing instantaneousvalues orvalues overa long timeperiod suchas days,weeks, months oryears. The referenceperiods canbe comparedwith valuesfrom the recordfile. Thisshar pensenergy awarenessandfacilitates energy-saving.=-9@;015/); )+31+2 Goone leveldeeper andthe usercomes tothe individual rooms.Therehe cancall upand alterall ofthe applied functions,individually. Thecurrentstatusof theoutputs is displayed.All theroom scan bepersonalisedbyincluding yourown images. %-5-@-: :--469- ;0)5;>6 Withtebis KNXdomovea theuser hasthe possibility,at home,to installlow-cost camerasurveillan ce:Up to10 IP camerascanbe includedon thedisplay. Thecameras can alsobe integratedinto sequences,to sendan imageor an e-mail,for example.This wayyou canaddress thekey requirementofyour customers, time! 12 mobile use 13 14 Intelligenceis versatile!The intuitiveuser interface fromtebis

KNXdomovea canbe installedwithout problems onany


compatiblePC, beit aTouch Panel,notebook or

conventionalPC. Eachclient PChas accessto thedomovea serverover thelocal areanetwork, providingall thenecessary

data.This givesthe useraccess totheir buildingfunctions fromever yroom.

Alwaysin thepicture. Availableeverywhere.


Thedom oveasoftwarecanbe used

onany standard Windows


TheTouch Panelsare evenmore

intuitiveand ergonomic, itcanbe flushlyembedded inthe walland blendsperfectly intoany modern homedecor. 15 Theuser stillfeels likehe isat homeeven whenhe"s not there! Thisis because tebisKNXdomoveais linkedto theInternet .

Theuser-friend lydomoveaInternet portalmakes itpossib leforthe userto checkhis dataand toalter anyof thebuild ings

functions.Whenirr egularitiesoccur orinthecase ofan alarm, tebisKNX domoveasends oute-mails, andthe usercan take actiononline. ,646=-)5;-95-; 769;)3 >>>,646=-)+64

Atany time,the usercan access the

buildingcontrol overa safeconnec - tion,to switchthe lightson andoff, raiseor lowerblinds, viewcam era imagesor alterthe statusof the house.%)*3-;" Naturally,tebisKNX domoveacan alsobe operated usingportableTa- bletPCs (withWindows operating systems),at homeover theWLAN oraway fromhome viathe domovea


Alldomovea functionscan alsobe

comfortablymonitored andcontrol - ledusing amobile orSmartphone, whetherathome oraway, againvia www.domovea.com.

77;6 ,);- >1;0;0- 1"065-

)5,1"), )77

Thenew domovea, iPhoneandiPad

Appcan bedownloaded fromthe

AppleApp Store.It allowsboth

localoperation viathe houseWLAN network,as wellas externalcontrol viathe Internet.

Thedom oveaapplicationisalso

availablefor Androidphones onAn- droidMarket.

5-9/@:)=15 /:

Withtebis KNXdomovea andthe

Hagerenergy display.

16 Easy installation 17 18


Thesize oftebis KNXdomovea isespecially evidentwhen yousee thesmall devices.For instance,the compactdomovea server requiredjustsixmodular unitson theDIN rail! Thismakes itperfec tfor retrofittingintoexistingKNX installations. Once theserver isclipped in,the appropriatecablessimplyneed tobe connected- andthe KNXand IPworlds areconnected witheach other.Acce ssisthenachieved eitherin-house viathe variousclients orexternal lyvia thesecure domoveaIntern etportal.

Easyto install.

19 1 1 ,,15/5-> .<5+;165: Theautomated housegrows withits tasks!Using therelevant tebisKNX products, additionalfunctionscan beintegrated intothe buildingcontrol -e.g. aweath erstation, individual roomtemperature controllersor dimmers.

WithKNX domovea, yourcustomerswillhave allthe

additionalfunctionality immediatelyon thescreen orin their hand.

964+)*15-; ;6:>1;+0

Alltebis KNXfunctions canbe calledup viadomovea aswell asin thetrad itionalway viaswitchesandKNX touchsensors onthe wall;making theautomated houseeven more comfortable. ,646=-)<:-9 ::--469- Withtebis KNXdomovea, upto tenIP cameras canbe simply integratedinto thebuilding visualisationsystem. Thesesend liveimages toany domovea terminal. Hence,atanytime, movementsinthe gardenor atthe doorof thehouse -e.g. wantedorunwa nted guests-canberegi steredandcon tr olled.

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Softwareupdates fortebis KNXdomovea canbe downloaded atany timefrom theHager homepageand runon your customer"sdomovea server.Inthisway, yourcustomer is alwaysup-to-date. Updatesfor theiPhone andiPad areavailable asusual inthe


tebisKNXdomovea offers youthe perfectopportunityto look upyour existingKNX customers againand familiarisethem withthe expanded andimprovedoffer. Hencenew business opportunitiesopenupfor youwith everyfree fieldon the distributionboard ! 20 domoveaallowsy ourtocontrol yourhome auto mation Thankstoitsi ntui tivein terface,youcancont roldevicessuchasligh ting,s hutter sandheating...as well asmo nitoryourenerg yusage. domoveaisalsoa cces siblerem otelyovertheinternet throughasecurepo rtal,oni Phonea ndiPad thoughanapp, andf urthermo reyouc anreceivenotifications viae-m ail.











TouchPanelPC domovea

portal iPad/TabletPCLAN




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