[PDF] Keep it Simple Make it Fast! An approach to underground music

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LArt de la Bande Dessinée

Chaque auteur de BD a sa propre manière de travailler ses propres trucs. En fin de dossier

La bande dessinée lart et la vie

La bande dessinée l'art et la vie


entre l'art et la vie. La vibration positive du végétal plaisante allégorie de la fraîcheur


Elle est le résultat d'une complicité toujours plus forte entre le désir de raconter et l'art de dessiner. Elle est le plus littéraire des arts plastiques. Au 

Les étapes sommaires de réalisation dune B.D.

La maîtrise du montage permet d'é- quilibrer l'alternance des temps faibles et des temps forts afin de briser toute monotonie narrative. Voici le « modèle » 

Une nouvelle nuit roubaisienne pour mettre lart en lumière

Apr 21 2022 Dans sa version de printemps


As bolsas de doutoramento (BD) destinam-se a quem satisfaça as condições As BD podem ser no país mistas ou no estrangeiro


THE STATES Parties to this Constitution declare in conformity with the. Charter of the United Nations

État des lieux : La place de la Bande dessinée dans lenseignement

Le peu de moyen alloués en classe élémentaire à l'achat de livres ainsi que le manque de formation à la BD des personnes chargées des acquisitions en font un 

Keep it Simple Make it Fast! An approach to underground music

Punk comix: a journey through the “flirting” of BD and punk in Portugal ______ 79 l'art pour la révolution ... in manual and craft activities.

Art de la BD - CBBD

Art de la BD - CBBD

L’Art de la Guerre - Free

lecture de l’Art de la Guerre qu’il y a derri`ere cet ouvrage une grande exp´erience et une solide connaissance dans le domaine militaire Il ne s’agit pas simplement d’une s´erie d’astuces mais bien plutˆot d’une philoso-phie bas´ee sur la surprise et la tromperie L’Art de la Guerre est consid´er´e comme l’un

Keep it Simple Make it Fast! An approach to underground music

Keep it Simple, Make it Fast! An approach

to underground music scenes

Volume 1

Paula Guerra and Tânia Moreira


First Published May 2015

by Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Letras [University of Porto. Faculty of Arts and Humanities]

Porto, Portugal

Cover image: Júlio Dolbeth

Design: Rita Araújo and Tânia Moreira

Credits Photos (Part 1-7): Ana da Silva, Hugo Ramone, Bárbara Cabral, Cristina Sousa, Frágil, Nito Gonçalves, Nito Gonçalves e Víctor Torpedo

ISBN 978-989-8648-49-5

All the content presented in texts are solely the responsibility of the authors. The ideas presented do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editors.


INTRODUCTION _______________________________________________________________ 9 Underground music scenes and DIY cultures ______________________________________ 11

Paula Guerra

Tânia Moreira

PART 1 | MUSIC AND DIY CULTURES: DIY OR DIE! _________________________________ 15

1.1. Circuit-bending and DIY culture _____________________________________________ 17

Alexandre Marino Fernandez

Fernando Iazzetta

1.2. DIY culture and youth struggles for autonomy in Switzerland: distortion of the punk scene

________________________________________________________________________ 29

Pierre Raboud

1.3. The street as canvas: street art and the construction of artistic careers _____________ 37

Ágata Dourado Sequeira

1.4. ͆Do it yourself͇: Daniel Johnston̓s demon _________________________________ 49

Fabrício Silveira

Marcelo Bergamin Conter

1.5. Empowerment through design-doing experiences: workshops on nurturing creative

makers for sustainability ___________________________________________________ 59

Nicholas Torretta

Hessam Pakbeen

PART 2 | PORTO CALLING: MEANINGS, DYNAMICS, ARTIFACTS AND IDENTITIES IN TODAY'S PUNK SCENES ________________________________________________________________ 77

2.1. Punk comix: a journey through the ͆flirting͇ of BD and punk in Portugal _________ 79

Marcos Farrajota

2.2. What does the Balaclava stand for? Pussy Riot: just some stupid girls or punk with

substance?_______________________________________________________________ 91

Alexandre M. da Fonseca

2.3. Aesthetics, anti-aesthetics and ͆bad taste͇: a brief journey through Portuguese punk

record covers (1977-1998) ________________________________________________ 103 Afonso Cortez Pinto _______________________________________________________________ 103

2.4. I̓ve got straight edge: discussions on aging and gender in an underground musical

scene __________________________________________________________________ 125

Jhessica Reia

2.5. Between drums and drones: the urban experience in São Paulo's punk music ______ 135

Débora Gomes dos Santos

2.6. What is punk rock? What is DIY? Masculinities and politics between l'art pour l'art and

l'art pour la révolution ____________________________________________________ 147

Martin Winter

2.7. ͆Fallen fallen is Babylon͇. Polish punk rock scene in the 1980s ________________ 159

Piotr Zanko


3.1. Independence or death: alternative music in the Brazilian 80's ___________________ 169

Tereza Virginia de Almeida

3.2. Underground politics: ͆I am sure they know we are not the devil̓s son and that metal

is against corruption͇ ̽ heavy metal as (sub-) cultural expressions in authoritarian regimes ________________________________________________________________ 177

André Epp

3.3. Before the DIY: Jovem Guarda and youth culture in Brazil (65-68) ________________ 187

Marcelo Garson

3.4. Rock in Portugal: effects of the rock music in the Portuguese youth (1960 vs. 2014) 201

Ana Martins


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